diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ar.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ar.xlf
index 369235dea..c3bf2bdc1 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ar.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ar.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- خصوصي
+ Transaction:
+ حوالة
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ حوالة
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ هذه الحوالة تم استبدالها بـ:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ تأكيد
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ تأكيد
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ غير مؤكده
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ المدخلات والمخرجات
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ التفاصيل
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ التفاصيل
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ حجم
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ الحجم الافتراضي
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ وزن
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ الوقت و التاريخ
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ الرسوم
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ سات
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ الرسوم لكل ف بايت
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ سات\فـ ب
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ مدرجة في الكتلة
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ تم تأكيد
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ بعد
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ الخصائص
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ الوقت المقدر للوصول
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ اول رؤية
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ في الساعات القادمه (أو أكثر)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ الحوالة غير موجودة.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ في انتظار ظهورها على الميم بوول
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ في ~ دقيقه
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ في ~ دقيقه
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ الكتلة
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ كتل
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -177,72 +624,6 @@
- sat/vB
- سات\فـ ب
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -253,63 +634,26 @@
- confirmation
- تأكيد
+ Confidential
+ خصوصي
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- تأكيد
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- غير مؤكده
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -665,11 +1009,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -724,7 +1068,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -744,350 +1088,6 @@
- Transaction:
- حوالة
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- حوالة
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- هذه الحوالة تم استبدالها بـ:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- المدخلات والمخرجات
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- التفاصيل
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- التفاصيل
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- حجم
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- الحجم الافتراضي
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- وزن
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- الوقت و التاريخ
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- الرسوم
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- سات
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- الرسوم لكل ف بايت
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- مدرجة في الكتلة
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- تم تأكيد
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- بعد
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- الخصائص
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- الوقت المقدر للوصول
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- اول رؤية
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- في الساعات القادمه (أو أكثر)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- الحوالة غير موجودة.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- في انتظار ظهورها على الميم بوول
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- في ~ دقيقه
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- في ~ دقيقه
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- الكتلة
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- كتل
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
متعدد التوقيع من
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@
غير متصل
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
إعاده الاتصال...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@
شبكات الطبقة ٢
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@
لوحة التحكم
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
الرسوم البيانية
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
وضع التلفزيون
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2416,6 +2416,124 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ هذه التحويلة وفرة ٪ من الرسوم لاستخدام النيتف سيقويت Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ سيقويت
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ هذه التحويله وفرة ٪ من رسوم التحويل عن طريق استخدام السيقويت و ممكن ان توفر ٪ اكثر عن طريق التطور الى النيتف سيقويت Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ يمكن أن توفر هذه التحويله ٪ من الرسوم عن طريق الترقية إلى SegWit-Bech32 أو ٪ عن طريق الترقية إلى SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ تدعم هذه التحويله الاستبدال بالرسوم (RBF) مما يسمح بإرتفاع الرسوم
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ الأمثل
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ المتبقي فقط ~ سات/ في بي للدخول في هذه الكتله
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ دفع اكثر مما يستحق
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ دفع اكثر مما يستحق
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2774,124 +2892,6 @@
- Optimal
- الأمثل
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- المتبقي فقط ~ سات/ في بي للدخول في هذه الكتله
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- دفع اكثر مما يستحق
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- دفع اكثر مما يستحق
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- هذه التحويلة وفرة ٪ من الرسوم لاستخدام النيتف سيقويت Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- سيقويت
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- هذه التحويله وفرة ٪ من رسوم التحويل عن طريق استخدام السيقويت و ممكن ان توفر ٪ اكثر عن طريق التطور الى النيتف سيقويت Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- يمكن أن توفر هذه التحويله ٪ من الرسوم عن طريق الترقية إلى SegWit-Bech32 أو ٪ عن طريق الترقية إلى SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- تدعم هذه التحويله الاستبدال بالرسوم (RBF) مما يسمح بإرتفاع الرسوم
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.cs.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.cs.xlf
index 2e0e8e02c..07a7381d6 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.cs.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.cs.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Důvěrné
+ Transaction:
+ Transakce:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transakce
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Tato transakce byla nahrazena:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ potvrzení
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ potvrzení
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Nepotvrzeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Vstupy a Výstupy
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detaily
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detaily
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Velikost
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuální velikost
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Váha
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Časové razítko
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Poplatek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Poplatek za vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Zahrnuto v bloku
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Potvrzeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Po
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Funkce
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Poprvé viděna
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Za několik hodin (nebo více)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transakce nebyla nalezena.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Čekání na to, až se objeví v mempoolu...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Za ~ minut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Za ~ minuta
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ bloků
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- potvrzení
+ Confidential
+ Důvěrné
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- potvrzení
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Nepotvrzeno
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transakce:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transakce
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Tato transakce byla nahrazena:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Vstupy a Výstupy
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detaily
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detaily
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Velikost
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuální velikost
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Váha
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Časové razítko
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Poplatek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Poplatek za vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Zahrnuto v bloku
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Potvrzeno
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Po
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Funkce
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Poprvé viděna
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Za několik hodin (nebo více)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transakce nebyla nalezena.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Čekání na to, až se objeví v mempoolu...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Za ~ minut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Za ~ minuta
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- bloků
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig z
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
O projektu
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Opětovné připojení...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Sítě 2. vrstvy
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV pohled
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
Memory usage
+ Využití paměti
@@ -1937,6 +1938,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ Minimální poplatek
@@ -1946,6 +1948,7 @@
+ Čištění
@@ -2465,6 +2468,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Tato transakce ušetřila % na poplatcích pomocí nativního SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Tato transakce ušetřila % na poplatcích pomocí SegWit a mohla by ušetřit o % více úplným upgradem na nativní SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Tato transakce by mohla ušetřit % na poplatcích upgradem na nativní SegWit-Bech32 nebo % upgradem na SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Tato transakce podporuje funkci Replace-By-Fee (RBF), která umožňuje navýšení poplatků
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimální
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Jen ~ sat/vB bylo potřeba pro dostání se do tohoto bloku
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Přeplaceno x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Přeplaceno x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Právě teď
@@ -2831,125 +2953,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimální
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Jen ~ sat/vB bylo potřeba pro dostání se do tohoto bloku
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Přeplaceno x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Přeplaceno x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Tato transakce ušetřila % na poplatcích pomocí nativního SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Tato transakce ušetřila % na poplatcích pomocí SegWit a mohla by ušetřit o % více úplným upgradem na nativní SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Tato transakce by mohla ušetřit % na poplatcích upgradem na nativní SegWit-Bech32 nebo % upgradem na SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Tato transakce podporuje funkci Replace-By-Fee (RBF), která umožňuje navýšení poplatků
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.de.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.de.xlf
index 35b4b5704..70e9d6cba 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.de.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.de.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Vertraulich
+ Transaction:
+ Transaktion:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transaktion
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Diese Transaktion wurde ersetzt durch:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ eine Bestätigung
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ Bestätigungen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Unbestätigt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Inputs und Outputs
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Größe
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuelle Größe
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Gewicht
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Zeitstempel
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Gebühr
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Gebühr pro vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Im Block aufgenommen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Bestätigt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Nach
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ ca. Zeit bis geschürft ist
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Zuerst gesehen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ In mehreren Stunden (oder mehr)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transaktion nicht gefunden.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Warten bis sie im Mempool erscheint...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ In ~ Minuten
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ In ~ einer Minute
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ Block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ Blöcke
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- eine Bestätigung
+ Confidential
+ Vertraulich
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- Bestätigungen
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Unbestätigt
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -508,7 +852,7 @@
- Transaktionen
+ Transaktionen
@@ -615,7 +959,7 @@
of transactions
- von Transaktionen
+ von Transaktionen
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transaktion:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transaktion
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Diese Transaktion wurde ersetzt durch:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Inputs und Outputs
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Größe
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuelle Größe
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Gewicht
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Zeitstempel
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Gebühr
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Gebühr pro vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Im Block aufgenommen
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Bestätigt
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Nach
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- ca. Zeit bis geschürft ist
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Zuerst gesehen
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- In mehreren Stunden (oder mehr)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transaktion nicht gefunden.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Warten bis sie im Mempool erscheint...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- In ~ Minuten
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- In ~ einer Minute
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- ein Block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- Blöcke
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
Multisig von
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Layer 2-Netzwerke
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
Memory usage
+ Speicherausnutzung
@@ -1937,6 +1938,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ Mindestgebühr
@@ -1946,6 +1948,7 @@
+ Streichung
@@ -2465,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Diese Transaktion konnte durch natives SegWit-Bech32 % an Gebühren einsparen
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Diese Transaktion könnte mit SegWit % an Gebühren einsparen, und könnte mit einem vollständiges Upgrade auf natives SegWit-Bech32 % zusätzlich einsparen
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Diese Transaktion könne durch ein Upgrade auf natives SegWit-Bech32 % an Gebühren eingesparen, durch ein Upgrade auf SegWit-P2SH %
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Diese Transaktion unterstützt Replace-By-Fee (RBF) und ermöglicht damit Gebührenerhöhungen
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Diese Transaktion unterstützt NICHT Replace-By-Fee (RBF) und es kann mit dieser Methode nicht die Gebühr erhöht werden
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Nur ~ sat/vB wurden benötigt, um in diesen Block zu gelangen
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Überbezahlt x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Überbezahlt x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Gerade eben
@@ -2831,125 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Nur ~ sat/vB wurden benötigt, um in diesen Block zu gelangen
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Überbezahlt x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Überbezahlt x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Diese Transaktion konnte durch natives SegWit-Bech32 % an Gebühren einsparen
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Diese Transaktion könnte mit SegWit % an Gebühren einsparen, und könnte mit einem vollständiges Upgrade auf natives SegWit-Bech32 % zusätzlich einsparen
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Diese Transaktion könne durch ein Upgrade auf natives SegWit-Bech32 % an Gebühren eingesparen, durch ein Upgrade auf SegWit-P2SH %
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Diese Transaktion unterstützt Replace-By-Fee (RBF) und ermöglicht damit Gebührenerhöhungen
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.en_US.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.en_US.xlf
index fdc87009b..6c34050de 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.en_US.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.en_US.xlf
@@ -1,25 +1,443 @@
- Confidential
+ Transaction:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -165,71 +583,6 @@
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -239,60 +592,25 @@
- confirmation
+ Confidential
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -621,11 +939,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -677,7 +995,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -697,324 +1015,6 @@
- Transaction:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@
Layer 2 Networks
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
TV view
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2252,6 +2252,115 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2580,115 +2689,6 @@
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.es.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.es.xlf
index 1b766ccd6..805564dfb 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.es.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.es.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Confidencial
+ Transaction:
+ Transacción:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transacción
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Esta transacción ha sido reemplazada por:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ confirmación
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ confirmaciones
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Sin confirmar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Entradas y salidas
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detalles
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detalles
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Tamaño
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Tamaño virtual
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Peso
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Sello de tiempo
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Tasa
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Tasa por vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Incluido en el bloque
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Confirmado
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Después
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Características
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Tiempo esparado de llegada
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Visto por primera vez
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ En unas cuantas horas (o más)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transacción no encontrada
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Esperando a que aparezca en la mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ En ~ minutos
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ En ~ minutos
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ bloque
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ bloques
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- confirmación
+ Confidential
+ Confidencial
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- confirmaciones
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Sin confirmar
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transacción:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transacción
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Esta transacción ha sido reemplazada por:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Entradas y salidas
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detalles
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detalles
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Tamaño
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Tamaño virtual
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Peso
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Sello de tiempo
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Tasa
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Tasa por vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Incluido en el bloque
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Confirmado
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Después
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Características
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Tiempo esparado de llegada
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Visto por primera vez
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- En unas cuantas horas (o más)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transacción no encontrada
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Esperando a que aparezca en la mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- En ~ minutos
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- En ~ minutos
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- bloque
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- bloques
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig de
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
Sobre nosotros
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
Sin conexión
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Redes de segunda capa
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
Vista de TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2465,6 +2465,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Esta transacción ahorró un % en tarifas al usar SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Esta transacción ahorró un % en tasas al usar SegWit y podría ahorrar un % más actualizando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Esta transacción podría ahorrar un % en tasas actualizando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo o un % actualizando a SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Esta transacción admite Replace-By-Fee (RBF) que permite el aumento de tarifas
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Óptima
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Solo se necesitaba ~ sat/vB para entrar en este bloque
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Pagado por demás x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Pagado de más x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Justo ahora
@@ -2831,125 +2950,6 @@
- Optimal
- Óptima
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Solo se necesitaba ~ sat/vB para entrar en este bloque
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Pagado por demás x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Pagado de más x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Esta transacción ahorró un % en tarifas al usar SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Esta transacción ahorró un % en tasas al usar SegWit y podría ahorrar un % más actualizando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Esta transacción podría ahorrar un % en tasas actualizando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo o un % actualizando a SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Esta transacción admite Replace-By-Fee (RBF) que permite el aumento de tarifas
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fa.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fa.xlf
index f7b707485..804644d22 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fa.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fa.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- محرمانه
+ Transaction:
+ تراکنش:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ تراکنش
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ این تراکنش جایگزین شده است:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ تأیید
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ تأیید
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ تأیید نشده
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ ورودیها و خروجیها
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ جزئیات
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ جزئیات
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ اندازه
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ اندازه مجازی
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ وزن
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ برچسبزمانی
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ کارمزد
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ ساتوشی
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ کارمزد بر vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat بر vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ قرارگرفته در بلاک
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ تأیید شده
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ بعد از
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ ویژگیها
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ تخمین
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ اولین زمان دیدهشدن
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ در چند (یا چندین) ساعت آینده
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ تراکنش پیدا نشد.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ منتظر دیدهشدن در mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ در ~ دقیقه
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ در ~ دقیقه
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ بلاک
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ بلاک
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat بر vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- تأیید
+ Confidential
+ محرمانه
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- تأیید
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- تأیید نشده
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- تراکنش:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- تراکنش
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- این تراکنش جایگزین شده است:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- ورودیها و خروجیها
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- جزئیات
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- جزئیات
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- اندازه
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- اندازه مجازی
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- وزن
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- برچسبزمانی
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- کارمزد
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- ساتوشی
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- کارمزد بر vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- قرارگرفته در بلاک
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- تأیید شده
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- بعد از
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- ویژگیها
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- تخمین
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- اولین زمان دیدهشدن
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- در چند (یا چندین) ساعت آینده
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- تراکنش پیدا نشد.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- منتظر دیدهشدن در mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- در ~ دقیقه
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- در ~ دقیقه
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- بلاک
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- بلاک
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
چندامضایی از
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
رابط برنامهنویسی نرمافزار (API)
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
در حال اتصال...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
شبکههای لایه 2
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
نمایش تلویزیونی
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
Memory usage
+ حافظه مصرفشده
@@ -1937,6 +1938,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ حداقل کارمزد
@@ -1946,6 +1948,7 @@
+ آستانه حذف
@@ -2469,6 +2472,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ این تراکنش با استفاده کردن از SegWit-Bech32 حدودا درصد در کارمزد صرفهجویی کرده است
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ این تراکنش با استفاده کردن از SegWit حدودا درصد در کارمزد صرفهجویی کردهاست. در صورت استفاده از SegWit-Bech32 این صرفهجویی تا درصد بیشتر افزایش پیدا میکرد!
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ این تراکنش در صورت استفاده کردن از SegWit-P2SH تا درصد یا SegWit-Bech32 تا درصد کارمزد کمتری پرداخت میکرد!
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ این تراکنش از امکان (جایگزینی با کارمزد بیشتر) پشتیبانی میکند.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ این تراکنش از قابلیت جایگزینی با کارمزد (RBF) پشتیبانی نمیکند و امکان افزایش کارمزد آن با این روش وجود ندارد
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ بهینه
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ تنها به حدود ساتوشی بر بایت مجازی نیاز بود تا در این بلاک قرار بگیرد
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ برابر اضافه پرداخت!
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ برابر اضافه پرداخت!
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
همین الان
@@ -2835,125 +2958,6 @@
- Optimal
- بهینه
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- تنها به حدود ساتوشی بر بایت مجازی نیاز بود تا در این بلاک قرار بگیرد
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- برابر اضافه پرداخت!
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- برابر اضافه پرداخت!
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- این تراکنش با استفاده کردن از SegWit-Bech32 حدودا درصد در کارمزد صرفهجویی کرده است
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- این تراکنش با استفاده کردن از SegWit حدودا درصد در کارمزد صرفهجویی کردهاست. در صورت استفاده از SegWit-Bech32 این صرفهجویی تا درصد بیشتر افزایش پیدا میکرد!
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- این تراکنش در صورت استفاده کردن از SegWit-P2SH تا درصد یا SegWit-Bech32 تا درصد کارمزد کمتری پرداخت میکرد!
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- این تراکنش از امکان (جایگزینی با کارمزد بیشتر) پشتیبانی میکند.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fi.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fi.xlf
index f413e33e2..da41f332c 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fi.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fi.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Luottamuksellinen
+ Transaction:
+ Siirtotapahtuma:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Siirtotapahtuma
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma on korvattu seuraavalla:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ vahvistus
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ vahvistukset
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Vahvistamatta
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Syötteet & Ulostulot
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Yksityiskohdat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Yksityiskohdat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Koko
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuaalikoko
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Paino
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Aikaleima
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Siirtokulu
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Siirtokulu per vBitti
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Sisältyy lohkoon
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Vahvistettu
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Jälkeen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Ominaisuudet
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Ensimmäiseksi nähty
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Muutamassa tunnissa (tai enemmän)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Siirtotapahtumaa ei löydy.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Odotetaan sen ilmestymistä mempooliin...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ ~ minuutissa
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ ~ minuutin kuluttua
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ lohko
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ lohkoa
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- vahvistus
+ Confidential
+ Luottamuksellinen
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- vahvistukset
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Vahvistamatta
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Siirtotapahtuma:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Siirtotapahtuma
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma on korvattu seuraavalla:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Syötteet & Ulostulot
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Yksityiskohdat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Yksityiskohdat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Koko
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuaalikoko
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Paino
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Aikaleima
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Siirtokulu
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Siirtokulu per vBitti
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Sisältyy lohkoon
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Vahvistettu
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Jälkeen
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Ominaisuudet
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Ensimmäiseksi nähty
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Muutamassa tunnissa (tai enemmän)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Siirtotapahtumaa ei löydy.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Odotetaan sen ilmestymistä mempooliin...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- ~ minuutissa
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- ~ minuutin kuluttua
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- lohko
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- lohkoa
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig /
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Yhdistetään uudelleen...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Toisen kerroksen verkot
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV näkymä
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma säästää % siirtokuluista käyttämällä natiivia SegWit-Bech32:ta
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma säästää % siirtokuluista SegWitin avulla ja voi säästää % enemmän päivittämällä täysin natiiviin SegWit-Bech32:een
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma voisi säästää % siirtokuluista päivittämällä natiiviin SegWit-Bech32:een tai % päivittämällä versioon SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma tukee Replace-By-Fee (RBF), joka sallii siirtokulujen nostamisen
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Tämä siirtotapahtuma EI tue Replace-By-Fee (RBF), eikä sen siirtokuluja voida nostaa tällä menetelmällä
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimaalinen
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Vain ~ sat/vB tarvittiin päästäkseen tähän lohkoon
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Maksettu liikaa x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Maksettu liikaax
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Juuri nyt
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimaalinen
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Vain ~ sat/vB tarvittiin päästäkseen tähän lohkoon
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Maksettu liikaa x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Maksettu liikaax
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma säästää % siirtokuluista käyttämällä natiivia SegWit-Bech32:ta
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma säästää % siirtokuluista SegWitin avulla ja voi säästää % enemmän päivittämällä täysin natiiviin SegWit-Bech32:een
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma voisi säästää % siirtokuluista päivittämällä natiiviin SegWit-Bech32:een tai % päivittämällä versioon SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma tukee Replace-By-Fee (RBF), joka sallii siirtokulujen nostamisen
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Tämä siirtotapahtuma EI tue Replace-By-Fee (RBF), eikä sen siirtokuluja voida nostaa tällä menetelmällä
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fr.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fr.xlf
index 4cd732b98..1db9cdb85 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.fr.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.fr.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Confidentiel
+ Transaction:
+ Transaction:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transaction
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Cette transaction a été remplacée par:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ confirmation
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ confirmations
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ non confirmée
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Entrées & Sorties
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Détails
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Détails
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Taille
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Taille virtuelle
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Poids
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Horodatage
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Frais
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Frais par vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Inclus dans le bloc
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Confirmé
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Après
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Fonctionnalités
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Vu pour la première fois
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Dans plusieurs heures (ou plus)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transaction introuvable.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Veuillez patienter pendant que nous attendons qu'elle apparaisse dans le mempool
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Dans ~ minutes
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Dans ~ minute
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ bloc
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blocs
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- confirmation
+ Confidential
+ Confidentiel
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- confirmations
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- non confirmée
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transaction:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transaction
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Cette transaction a été remplacée par:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Entrées & Sorties
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Détails
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Détails
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Taille
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Taille virtuelle
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Poids
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Horodatage
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Frais
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Frais par vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Inclus dans le bloc
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Confirmé
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Après
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Fonctionnalités
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Vu pour la première fois
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Dans plusieurs heures (ou plus)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transaction introuvable.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Veuillez patienter pendant que nous attendons qu'elle apparaisse dans le mempool
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Dans ~ minutes
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Dans ~ minute
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- bloc
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blocs
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig pour
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
A propos
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Réseaux de couche 2
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
Tableau de bord
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
Vue TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Cette transaction a économisé % de frais en utilisant SegWit-Bech32 natif
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Cette transaction a économisé % de frais en utilisant SegWit et pourrait économisé % de plus en passant entièrement à SegWit-Bech32 natif
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Cette transaction pourrait économiser % de frais en passant à SegWit-Bech32 natif ou % en passant à SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Cette transaction prend en charge le Replace-By-Fee/remplacement par frais (RBF), permettant une augmentation des frais
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Cette transaction ne prend pas en charge Replace-By-Fee (RBF) et les frais ne peuvent donc pas être augmentés en utilisant cette méthode.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Seulement ~ sat/vB était nécessaire pour entrer dans ce bloc
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Surpayer x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Surpayer 1x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
À l'instant même
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Seulement ~ sat/vB était nécessaire pour entrer dans ce bloc
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Surpayer x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Surpayer 1x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Cette transaction a économisé % de frais en utilisant SegWit-Bech32 natif
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Cette transaction a économisé % de frais en utilisant SegWit et pourrait économisé % de plus en passant entièrement à SegWit-Bech32 natif
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Cette transaction pourrait économiser % de frais en passant à SegWit-Bech32 natif ou % en passant à SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Cette transaction prend en charge le Replace-By-Fee/remplacement par frais (RBF), permettant une augmentation des frais
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Cette transaction ne prend pas en charge Replace-By-Fee (RBF) et les frais ne peuvent donc pas être augmentés en utilisant cette méthode.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.hr.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.hr.xlf
index dc0fc5028..03e43c938 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.hr.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.hr.xlf
@@ -1,25 +1,460 @@
- Confidential
+ Transaction:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transakcija
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Ova transakcija je zamijenja od:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Nepotvrđeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Ulazi & Izlazi
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detalji
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detalji
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Veličina
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtualna veličina
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Težina
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Vremenski otisak
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Naknada
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Naknada po vByte-u
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Uključen u bloku
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Potvrđena
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Prvo viđeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -165,72 +600,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -240,61 +609,25 @@
- confirmation
+ Confidential
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Nepotvrđeno
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -623,11 +956,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -679,7 +1012,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -699,339 +1032,6 @@
- Transaction:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transakcija
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Ova transakcija je zamijenja od:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Ulazi & Izlazi
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detalji
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detalji
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Veličina
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtualna veličina
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Težina
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Vremenski otisak
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Naknada
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Naknada po vByte-u
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Uključen u bloku
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Potvrđena
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Prvo viđeno
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@
Layer 2 Networks
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@
TV view
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2269,6 +2269,115 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2597,115 +2706,6 @@
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.hu.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.hu.xlf
index bc2763d6d..c25838c6a 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.hu.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.hu.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Bizalmas
+ Transaction:
+ Tranzakció:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Tranzakció
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Ezt a tranzakciót lecserélte egy másik:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ konfirmáció
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ konfirmáció
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Nem megerősített
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Bemenetek és Kimenetek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Részletek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Részletek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Méret
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuális méret
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Súly
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Időbélyeg
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Díj
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ vBájtonkénti díj
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Blokkban található
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Megerősítve
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ után
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Jellemzők
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Hátralévő idő
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Először látva
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Több órán belül (vagy később)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Nem található tranzakció.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Várakozás arra hogy a mempoolban feltünjön...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ ~ percen belül
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ ~ múlva
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blokk
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blokknyi
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- konfirmáció
+ Confidential
+ Bizalmas
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- konfirmáció
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Nem megerősített
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Tranzakció:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Tranzakció
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Ezt a tranzakciót lecserélte egy másik:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Bemenetek és Kimenetek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Részletek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Részletek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Méret
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuális méret
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Súly
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Időbélyeg
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Díj
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- vBájtonkénti díj
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Blokkban található
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Megerősítve
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- után
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Jellemzők
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Hátralévő idő
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Először látva
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Több órán belül (vagy később)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Nem található tranzakció.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Várakozás arra hogy a mempoolban feltünjön...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- ~ percen belül
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- ~ múlva
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blokk
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blokknyi
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
- multiszignatúra
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
Nem elérhető
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Újra kapcsolódás...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Második Réteg Hálózatok
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV nézet
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ez a tranzakció % -nyi tranzakciós díjjat spórolt a native SegWit-Bech32 címhasználat révén
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ez a tranzakció átlagosan % -nyi tranzakciós díjjat spórolt meg a SegWit miatt, de % -al többet spórolt volna, ha native SegWit-Bech32-őt használt volna
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Ez a tranzakció % -nyi djjat tudna meg spórolni ha átváltana native SegWit Bech32 címre, vagy % -ot ha SegWit-P2SH típusú címre váltana
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Ez a tranakció támogatja a tranzakciós díj cserét (RBF) és a díj növelést
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Ez a tranzakció NEM támogatja a tranzakciós díj cserét (RBF), és ezzel a módszerrel nem lehet díj növelést fizetni
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimális
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Csak ~ sat/vB volt szükséges a blokkba való bekerüléshez
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Túlfizetett x-el
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Túlfizetett x-el
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Épp most
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimális
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Csak ~ sat/vB volt szükséges a blokkba való bekerüléshez
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Túlfizetett x-el
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Túlfizetett x-el
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Ez a tranzakció % -nyi tranzakciós díjjat spórolt a native SegWit-Bech32 címhasználat révén
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Ez a tranzakció átlagosan % -nyi tranzakciós díjjat spórolt meg a SegWit miatt, de % -al többet spórolt volna, ha native SegWit-Bech32-őt használt volna
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Ez a tranzakció % -nyi djjat tudna meg spórolni ha átváltana native SegWit Bech32 címre, vagy % -ot ha SegWit-P2SH típusú címre váltana
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Ez a tranakció támogatja a tranzakciós díj cserét (RBF) és a díj növelést
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Ez a tranzakció NEM támogatja a tranzakciós díj cserét (RBF), és ezzel a módszerrel nem lehet díj növelést fizetni
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.it.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.it.xlf
index 8f0a554e9..843b034f5 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.it.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.it.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Confidenziale
+ Transaction:
+ Transazione:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transazione
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Questa transazione è stata sostituita da:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ conferma
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ conferme
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Non confermata
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Input & Output
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Dettagli
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Dettagli
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Dimensione
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Dimensione virtuale
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Peso
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Timestamp
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Commissione
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Commissione per vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Inclusa nel blocco
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Confermata
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Dopo
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Caratteristiche
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Vista per la prima volta
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Tra diverse ore (o più)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transazione non trovata.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Aspettando che appaia nella mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Tra ~ minuti
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Tra ~ minuto
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blocco
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blocchi
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -33,7 +480,7 @@
(Newly Generated Coins)
- (Bitcoins Appena Generati)
+ (Bitcoin Appena Generati)
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- conferma
+ Confidential
+ Confidenziale
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- conferme
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Non confermata
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -469,7 +813,7 @@
Subsidy + fees:
- Sussidio + commissioni:
+ Ricompensa + commissioni:
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transazione:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transazione
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Questa transazione è stata sostituita da:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Input & Output
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Dettagli
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Dettagli
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Dimensione
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Dimensione virtuale
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Peso
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Timestamp
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Commissione
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Commissione per vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Inclusa nel blocco
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Confermata
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Dopo
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Caratteristiche
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Vista per la prima volta
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Tra diverse ore (o più)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transazione non trovata.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Aspettando che appaia nella mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Tra ~ minuti
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Tra ~ minuto
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blocco
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blocchi
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig su
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
Su di noi
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Reti Layer 2
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
Vista TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
The mempool open-source project aims to implement a high quality explorer and visualization website for the entire Bitcoin ecosystem, without distractions like altcoins, advertising, or third-party trackers.
- Il progetto open-source mempool intende sviluppare un explorer di alta qualità per l'intero ecosistema del Bitcoin, senza distrazioni quali altcoins, pubblicità e trackers esterni.
+ Il progetto open-source mempool vuole sviluppare un explorer di alta qualità per l'intero ecosistema del Bitcoin, senza distrazioni come altcoins, pubblicità e tracker esterni.
@@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@
Transaction vBytes per second (vB/s)
- Transazione vByte al secondo (vB/s)
+ vByte transati al secondo (vB/s)
@@ -2071,6 +2071,7 @@
Default push: action: 'want', data: ['blocks', ...] to express what you want pushed. Available: blocks, mempool-block, live-2h-chart, and stats.Push transactions related to address: 'track-address': '3PbJ...bF9B' to receive all new transactions containing that address as input or output. Returns an array of transactions. address-transactions for new mempool transactions, and block-transactions for new block confirmed transactions.
+ Push predefinito: azione: 'want', data: ['blocks', ...] per esprimere ciò che vuoi spingere. Disponibile: blocks, mempool-block, live-2h-chart, estats. Invia transazioni correlate all'indirizzo: 'track-address': '3PbJ ... bF9B'per ricevere tutte le nuove transazioni contenenti quell'indirizzo come input o output. Restituisce un array di transazioni.address-transactionsper le nuove transazioni in mempool eblock-transactionsper le nuove transazioni confermate
@@ -2321,6 +2322,7 @@
Returns details about an address. Available fields: address, chain_stats, and mempool_stats. chain,mempool_stats each contain an object with tx_count, funded_txo_count, funded_txo_sum, spent_txo_count, and spent_txo_sum.
+ Restituisce i dettagli su un indirizzo. Campi disponibili: address, chain_stats e mempool_stats.chain,mempool_stats contengono ciascuno un oggetto contx_count, funded_txo_count, funded_txo_sum, spent_txo_countespent_txo_sum.
@@ -2328,6 +2330,7 @@
Get transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns up to 50 mempool transactions plus the first 25 confirmed transactions. You can request more confirmed transactions using :last_seen_txid (see below).
+ Ottieni la cronologia delle transazioni per l'indirizzo/scripthash specificato, ordinato dal più recente. Restituisce fino a 50 transazioni mempool più le prime 25 transazioni confermate. Puoi richiedere più transazioni confermate utilizzando :last_seen_txid (vedi sotto).
@@ -2335,7 +2338,7 @@
Get confirmed transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns 25 transactions per page. More can be requested by specifying the last txid seen by the previous query.
- Ottieni la lista delle transazioni confermate per un indirizzo/scripthash, ordinate dalla più recente. Ritorna 25 transazioni per pagina. Più transazioni possono essere richieste specificando l'ultima txid vista dalla richiesta precedente.
+ Ottieni la lista delle transazioni confermate per un indirizzo/scripthash, ordinate dalla più recente. Restituisce 25 transazioni per pagina. Più transazioni possono essere richieste specificando l'ultima txid vista dalla richiesta precedente.
@@ -2351,6 +2354,7 @@
Get the list of unspent transaction outputs associated with the address/scripthash. Available fields: txid, vout, value, and status (with the status of the funding tx).There is also a valuecommitment field that may appear in place of value, plus the following additional fields: asset/assetcommitment, nonce/noncecommitment, surjection_proof, and range_proof.
+ Ottieni l'elenco degli output di transazione non spesi associati all'indirizzo/scripthash. Campi disponibili: txid, vout, valueestatus(con lo stato della tx di finanziamento).C'è anche valuecommitment, campo che può apparire al posto divalue, più i seguenti campi aggiuntivi: asset/assetcommitment,nonce/noncecommitment, surjection_prooferange_proof.
@@ -2376,6 +2380,7 @@
Returns transactions associated with the specified Liquid asset. For the network's native asset, returns a list of peg in, peg out, and burn transactions. For user-issued assets, returns a list of issuance, reissuance, and burn transactions. Does not include regular transactions transferring this asset.
+ Restituisce le transazioni associate all'asset Liquid specificato. Per l'asset nativo della rete, restituisce un elenco di transazioni bruciate, di peg-in e peg-out. Per gli asset emessi dagli utenti, restituisce un elenco di transazioni bruciate, di emissione e di riemissione. Non include transazioni regolari che trasferiscono questo asset..
@@ -2383,6 +2388,8 @@
Get the current total supply of the specified asset. For the native asset (L-BTC), this is calculated as [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_in_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_out_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. For issued assets, this is calculated as [chain,mempool]_stats.issued_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. Not available for assets with blinded issuances. If /decimal is specified, returns the supply as a decimal according to the asset's divisibility. Otherwise, returned in base units.
+ Ottieni l'attuale fornitura totale dell'asset specificato. Per l'asset nativo (L-BTC), questo è calcolato come [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_in_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_out_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. Per gli asset emessi, viene calcolato come [chain,mempool]_stats.issued_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. Non disponibile per asset con emissioni in cieco. Se /decimal viene specificato, restituisce l'offerta come decimale in base alla divisibilità dell'asset. In caso contrario, restituisce in unità di base.
@@ -2462,6 +2469,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Questa transazione ha risparmiato % in commissioni utilizzando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Questa transazione ha risparmiato % in commissioni utilizzando SegWit e potrebbe risparmiare % in più passando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Questa transazione potrebbe risparmiare % in commissioni passando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo oppure % passando a SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Questa transazione supporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) il che permette di aumentare la commissione
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Questa transazione NON supporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) e quindi la sua commissione non può essere aumentata con questo metodo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Ottimale
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Solo ~ sat/vB erano necessari per essere inclusi in questo blocco
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Sovrapagato x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Sovrapagato x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Proprio ora
@@ -2828,126 +2955,6 @@
- Optimal
- Ottimale
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Solo ~ sat/vB erano necessari per essere inclusi in questo blocco
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Sovrapagato x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Sovrapagato x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Questa transazione ha risparmiato % in commissioni utilizzando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Questa transazione ha risparmiato % in commissioni utilizzando SegWit e potrebbe risparmiare % in più passando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Questa transazione potrebbe risparmiare % in commissioni passando a SegWit-Bech32 nativo oppure % passando a SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Questa transazione supporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) il che permette di aumentare la commissione
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Questa transazione NON supporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) e quindi la sua commissione non può essere aumentata con questo metodo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ja.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ja.xlf
index 678d7707d..d8afe7ccd 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ja.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ja.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- 機密
+ Transaction:
+ トランザクション:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ トランザクション
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ このトランザクションは以下のように置き換えられました。
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ 確認
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ 確認
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ 未確認
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ インプットとアウトプット
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ 詳細
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ 詳細
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ サイズ
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ vSize
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ 重み
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ タイムスタンプ
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ 手数料
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ サトシ
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ vByteあたりの手数料
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ サトシ/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ ブロックに含まれています
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ 確認済み
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ の後
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ 特徴
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ 最初に見た
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ 数時間(またはそれ以上)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ トランザクションが見つかりません。
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ mempoolに表示されるのを待っています...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ 〜分で
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ 〜分で
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ ブロック
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ ブロック
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- サトシ/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- 確認
+ Confidential
+ 機密
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- 確認
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- 未確認
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- トランザクション:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- トランザクション
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- このトランザクションは以下のように置き換えられました。
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- インプットとアウトプット
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- 詳細
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- 詳細
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- サイズ
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- vSize
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- 重み
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- タイムスタンプ
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- 手数料
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- サトシ
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- vByteあたりの手数料
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- ブロックに含まれています
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- 確認済み
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- の後
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- 特徴
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- 最初に見た
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- 数時間(またはそれ以上)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- トランザクションが見つかりません。
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- mempoolに表示されるのを待っています...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- 〜分で
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- 〜分で
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- ブロック
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- ブロック
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
/ マルチシグ
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ このトランザクションでは、ネイティブのSegWit-Bech32を使用することで、手数料を%節約できました。
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ このトランザクションでは、SegWitを使用することで料金を%節約し、ネイティブSegWit-Bech32に完全にアップグレードすることで%をさらに節約できました。
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ このトランザクションでは、ネイティブSegWit-Bech32にアップグレードすることで料金を%節約でき、SegWit-P2SHにアップグレードすることで%を節約できます。
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ このトランザクションは、手数料の引き上げを可能にする手数料による交換(RBF)をサポートします
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ このトランザクションは、Replace-By-Fee(RBF)をサポートしておらず、この方法を使用して料金を引き上げることはできません。
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ 最適
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ このブロックに入るのに必要なのは〜 sat / vBだけですした
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ 過払い倍
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ 過払い倍
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- 最適
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- このブロックに入るのに必要なのは〜 sat / vBだけですした
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- 過払い倍
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- 過払い倍
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- このトランザクションでは、ネイティブのSegWit-Bech32を使用することで、手数料を%節約できました。
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- このトランザクションでは、SegWitを使用することで料金を%節約し、ネイティブSegWit-Bech32に完全にアップグレードすることで%をさらに節約できました。
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- このトランザクションでは、ネイティブSegWit-Bech32にアップグレードすることで料金を%節約でき、SegWit-P2SHにアップグレードすることで%を節約できます。
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- このトランザクションは、手数料の引き上げを可能にする手数料による交換(RBF)をサポートします
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- このトランザクションは、Replace-By-Fee(RBF)をサポートしておらず、この方法を使用して料金を引き上げることはできません。
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ka.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ka.xlf
index 338838c65..538eea51b 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ka.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ka.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,472 @@
- Confidential
- კონფიდენციალური
+ Transaction:
+ ტრანსაქცია:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ ტრანზაქცია
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ ტრანსაქცია ჩანაცვლდა:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ დადასტურება
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ დადასტურება
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ დაუდასტურებული
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ შემავალი & გამომავალი
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ დეტალები
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ დეტალები
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ ზომა
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ ვირტუალური ზომა
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ წონა
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ დროის ნიშნული
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ საკომისიო
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ სატ
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ საკომისიო ყოველ vByte-ზე
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ სატ/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ შედის ამ ბლოკში
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ დადასტურებული
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ მეთოდი
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ სავარაუდო ლოდინის დრო
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ პირველი
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ რამდენიმე საათში (ან მეტი)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ ტრანსაქცია ვერ მოიძებნა.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ დაელოდეთ mempool-ში რომ გამოჩნდეს...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ ~ წუთში
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ ~ წუთში
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ ბლოკი
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ ბლოკი
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -172,72 +618,6 @@
- sat/vB
- სატ/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -248,63 +628,26 @@
- confirmation
- დადასტურება
+ Confidential
+ კონფიდენციალური
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- დადასტურება
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- დაუდასტურებული
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -660,11 +1003,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -719,7 +1062,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -739,349 +1082,6 @@
- Transaction:
- ტრანსაქცია:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- ტრანზაქცია
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- ტრანსაქცია ჩანაცვლდა:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- შემავალი & გამომავალი
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- დეტალები
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- დეტალები
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- ზომა
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- ვირტუალური ზომა
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- წონა
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- დროის ნიშნული
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- საკომისიო
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- სატ
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- საკომისიო ყოველ vByte-ზე
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- შედის ამ ბლოკში
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- დადასტურებული
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- მეთოდი
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- სავარაუდო ლოდინის დრო
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- პირველი
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- რამდენიმე საათში (ან მეტი)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- ტრანსაქცია ვერ მოიძებნა.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- დაელოდეთ mempool-ში რომ გამოჩნდეს...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- ~ წუთში
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- ~ წუთში
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- ბლოკი
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- ბლოკი
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
მულტისიგ ის
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@
ჩვენს შესახებ
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@
ქსელის 2-ე ფენა
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
სატელევიზიო ხედვა
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1915,6 +1915,7 @@
Memory usage
+ მეხსიერება
@@ -1924,6 +1925,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ მინ. საკომისიო
@@ -1933,6 +1935,7 @@
+ წაშლა
@@ -2416,6 +2419,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ ამ ტრანზაქციამ დაზოგა % საკომისიოებზე native SegWit-Bech32 გამოყენებით
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ ამ ტრანზაქციამ დაზოგა % საკომისიოებზე SegWit-ის გამოყენებით და შეიძლება კიდევ %-ით მეტის დაზოგვა მთლიანად native SegWit-Bech32-ის აფგრეიდით
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ ამ ტრანზაქციას შეეძლო დაეზოგა % საკომისიოებზე native SegWit-Bech32-ზე აფგრეიდით ან % SegWit-P2SH-ის აფგრეიდით
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ ამ ტრანზაქციით შესაძლებელია Replace-By-Fee (RBF) რაც შესაძლებელს საკომისიოს გაზრდას
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ ნებაყოფლობითი
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ მინიმუმ ~ sat/vB იყო საჭირო ამ ბლოკში მოსახვედრად
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ ზედმეტი საკომისიო x-ით
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ ზედმეტი საკომისიო x-ით
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
ზუსტად ახლა
@@ -2780,125 +2902,6 @@
- Optimal
- ნებაყოფლობითი
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- მინიმუმ ~ sat/vB იყო საჭირო ამ ბლოკში მოსახვედრად
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- ზედმეტი საკომისიო x-ით
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- ზედმეტი საკომისიო x-ით
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- ამ ტრანზაქციამ დაზოგა % საკომისიოებზე native SegWit-Bech32 გამოყენებით
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- ამ ტრანზაქციამ დაზოგა % საკომისიოებზე SegWit-ის გამოყენებით და შეიძლება კიდევ %-ით მეტის დაზოგვა მთლიანად native SegWit-Bech32-ის აფგრეიდით
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- ამ ტრანზაქციას შეეძლო დაეზოგა % საკომისიოებზე native SegWit-Bech32-ზე აფგრეიდით ან % SegWit-P2SH-ის აფგრეიდით
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- ამ ტრანზაქციით შესაძლებელია Replace-By-Fee (RBF) რაც შესაძლებელს საკომისიოს გაზრდას
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ko.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ko.xlf
index 4ccc4f844..3b8666e3e 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.ko.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.ko.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- 기밀
+ Transaction:
+ 트랜잭션:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ 트랜잭션
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ 이 트랜잭션은 다음 트랜잭션으로 대체되었습니다:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ 컨펌
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ 컨펌
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ 컨펌되지 않음
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ 인풋과 아웃풋
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ 자세히
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ 자세히
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ 크기
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ 가상 크기
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ 무게
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ 타임스탬프
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ 수수료
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ 사토시
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ vByte당 수수료
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ 포함된 블록
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ 컨펌됨
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ 이후
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ 기능
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ 컨펌까지 남은 예상시간
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ 처음으로 감지됨
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ 몇 시간 후 (또는 그 이상)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ 트랜잭션을 찾을 수 없음
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ 멤풀에 포함될때까지 대기하는 중...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ ~분 뒤
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ ~분 뒤
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ 블록
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ 블록
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- 컨펌
+ Confidential
+ 기밀
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- 컨펌
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- 컨펌되지 않음
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -667,11 +1011,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -726,7 +1070,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -746,350 +1090,6 @@
- Transaction:
- 트랜잭션:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- 트랜잭션
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- 이 트랜잭션은 다음 트랜잭션으로 대체되었습니다:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- 인풋과 아웃풋
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- 자세히
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- 자세히
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- 크기
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- 가상 크기
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- 무게
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- 타임스탬프
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- 수수료
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- 사토시
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- vByte당 수수료
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- 포함된 블록
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- 컨펌됨
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- 이후
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- 기능
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- 컨펌까지 남은 예상시간
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- 처음으로 감지됨
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- 몇 시간 후 (또는 그 이상)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- 트랜잭션을 찾을 수 없음
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- 멤풀에 포함될때까지 대기하는 중...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- ~분 뒤
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- ~분 뒤
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- 블록
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- 블록
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@
다시 연결중...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@
레이어 2 네트워크들
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@
TV 뷰
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1921,6 +1921,7 @@
Memory usage
+ 메모리 사용량
@@ -1930,6 +1931,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ 최소 수수료
@@ -1939,6 +1941,7 @@
+ 퍼징
@@ -2429,6 +2432,121 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ 세그윗
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ 최적
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ 블록에 포함되기 위해서 ~ sat/vB만큼만 필요했습니다
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ 초과 지불 x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ 초과 지불 x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2794,121 +2912,6 @@
- Optimal
- 최적
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- 블록에 포함되기 위해서 ~ sat/vB만큼만 필요했습니다
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- 초과 지불 x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- 초과 지불 x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- 세그윗
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.nb.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.nb.xlf
index f22261b20..3ee274ea5 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.nb.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.nb.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Konfidensielt
+ Transaction:
+ Transaksjon:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transaksjon
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Denne transaksjonen har blitt byttet ut med:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ bekreftelse
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ bekreftelser
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Ubekreftet
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Inndata og Utdata
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detaljer
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detaljer
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Størrelse
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuell størrelse
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Vekt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Tidspunkt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Avgift
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Avgift per vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Inkludert i blokk
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Bekreftet
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Etter
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Funksjoner
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Først sett
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Om flere timer(eller mer)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transaksjon ikke funnet
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Venter på at den kommer inn i mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Om ~ minutter
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Om ~ minutt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blokk
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blokker
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- bekreftelse
+ Confidential
+ Konfidensielt
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- bekreftelser
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Ubekreftet
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transaksjon:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transaksjon
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Denne transaksjonen har blitt byttet ut med:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Inndata og Utdata
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detaljer
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detaljer
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Størrelse
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuell størrelse
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Vekt
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Tidspunkt
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Avgift
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Avgift per vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Inkludert i blokk
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Bekreftet
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Etter
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Funksjoner
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Først sett
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Om flere timer(eller mer)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transaksjon ikke funnet
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Venter på at den kommer inn i mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Om ~ minutter
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Om ~ minutt
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blokk
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blokker
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig av
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Kobler til igjen...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Lag 2-nettverk
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Denne transaksjonen sparte % på avgifter ved å bruke native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Denne transaksjonen sparte % på avgifter ved å bruke SegWit, men kunne spart % mer ved å oppgradere til native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Denne transaksjonen kunne spart % på avgifter ved å oppgradere til native SegWit-Bech32 eller % ved å oppgradere til SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Denne transaksjonen støtter Replace-By-Fee (RBF) som gjør at du kan endre avgift
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Denne transaksjonen støtter IKKE Replace-By-Fee (RBF), avgiften kan derfor ikke endres.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Bare ~ sat / vB var nødvendig for å bli inkludert i denne blokken
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Overbetalte x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Overbetalte x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Akkurat nå
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Bare ~ sat / vB var nødvendig for å bli inkludert i denne blokken
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Overbetalte x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Overbetalte x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Denne transaksjonen sparte % på avgifter ved å bruke native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Denne transaksjonen sparte % på avgifter ved å bruke SegWit, men kunne spart % mer ved å oppgradere til native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Denne transaksjonen kunne spart % på avgifter ved å oppgradere til native SegWit-Bech32 eller % ved å oppgradere til SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Denne transaksjonen støtter Replace-By-Fee (RBF) som gjør at du kan endre avgift
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Denne transaksjonen støtter IKKE Replace-By-Fee (RBF), avgiften kan derfor ikke endres.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.nl.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.nl.xlf
index c85a2d366..e62cb6a21 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.nl.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.nl.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Vertrouwelijk
+ Transaction:
+ Transactie:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transactie
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Deze transactie is vervangen door:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ bevestiging
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ bevestigingen
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Onbevestigd
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Details
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Grootte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuele grootte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Gewicht
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Tijdstempel
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Vergoeding
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Vergoeding per vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Zit in blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Bevestigd
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Na
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Kenmerken
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Verwacht
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Eerst gezien
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Binnen een aantal uren (of meer)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transactie niet gevonden.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Wachten tot het in de mempool verschijnt...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Binnen ~ minuten
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Binnen ~ minuut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blokken
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- bevestiging
+ Confidential
+ Vertrouwelijk
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- bevestigingen
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Onbevestigd
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transactie:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transactie
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Deze transactie is vervangen door:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Inputs & Outputs
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Details
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Grootte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuele grootte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Gewicht
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Tijdstempel
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Vergoeding
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Vergoeding per vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Zit in blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Bevestigd
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Na
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Kenmerken
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Verwacht
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Eerst gezien
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Binnen een aantal uren (of meer)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transactie niet gevonden.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Wachten tot het in de mempool verschijnt...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Binnen ~ minuten
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Binnen ~ minuut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blokken
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig van
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Opnieuw verbinden...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
Memory usage
+ Geheugengebruik
@@ -1937,6 +1938,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ Minimumvergoeding
@@ -1946,6 +1948,7 @@
+ Weggooien
@@ -2465,6 +2468,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Deze transactie heeft % fees besparen door SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Deze transactie bespaarde % aan fees door SegWit te gebruiken en kan nog % besparen door native SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Deze transactie kon % op fees besparen door SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken, of % door SegWit-P2SH te gebruiken
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Deze transactie ondersteunt Vervang-met-Fee (RBF) fee-verhoging
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimaal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Er was maar ~ sat/vB nodig om in dit blok te komen
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Te veel betaald x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Te veel betaald x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2831,125 +2953,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimaal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Er was maar ~ sat/vB nodig om in dit blok te komen
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Te veel betaald x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Te veel betaald x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Deze transactie heeft % fees besparen door SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Deze transactie bespaarde % aan fees door SegWit te gebruiken en kan nog % besparen door native SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Deze transactie kon % op fees besparen door SegWit-Bech32 te gebruiken, of % door SegWit-P2SH te gebruiken
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Deze transactie ondersteunt Vervang-met-Fee (RBF) fee-verhoging
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.pl.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.pl.xlf
index 7d31cb1a5..fca63e2a9 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.pl.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.pl.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Poufne
+ Transaction:
+ Transakcja:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transakcja
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Ta transakcja została zastąpiona przez:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ potwierdzenie
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ potwierdzeń
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Niepotwierdzone
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Wejścia i Wyjścia
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Szczegóły
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Szczegóły
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Rozmiar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Rozmiar wirtualny
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Waga
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Data
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Opłata
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Opłata za vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Włączona w blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Potwierdzona
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Po
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Cechy
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Szacowany czas
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Najpierw widoczna
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ W ciągu kilku godzin (lub dłużej)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transakcja nie odnaleziona.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Oczekiwanie aż pojawi się w mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ W ~ minut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ W ~ minutę
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ bloków
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -179,72 +626,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -255,63 +636,26 @@
- confirmation
- potwierdzenie
+ Confidential
+ Poufne
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- potwierdzeń
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Niepotwierdzone
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -666,11 +1010,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -725,7 +1069,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -745,350 +1089,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transakcja:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transakcja
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Ta transakcja została zastąpiona przez:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Wejścia i Wyjścia
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Szczegóły
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Szczegóły
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Rozmiar
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Rozmiar wirtualny
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Waga
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Data
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Opłata
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Opłata za vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Włączona w blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Potwierdzona
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Po
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Cechy
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Szacowany czas
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Najpierw widoczna
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- W ciągu kilku godzin (lub dłużej)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transakcja nie odnaleziona.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Oczekiwanie aż pojawi się w mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- W ~ minut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- W ~ minutę
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- bloków
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig z
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
O stronie
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
Ponowne łączenie...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@
Sieci Warstwy 2
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
Widok TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2423,6 +2423,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ta transakcja pozwoliła zaoszczędzić % na opłatach, korzystając z natywnego segWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ta transakcja pozwoliła zaoszczędzić % na opłatach korzystając z SegWit i mogłaby zaoszczędzić % więcej poprzez pełne uaktualnienie do natywnego SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Ta transakcja pozwoliłaby zaoszczędzić % na opłatach, poprzez uaktualnienie do natywnego SegWit-Bech32 lub % dzięki SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Ta transakcja obsługuje Replace-By-Fee (RBF), umożliwiając podbijanie opłat
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Ta transakcja NIE obsługuje Replace-By-Fee (RBF) i opłata nie może zostać podbita używając tej metody
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optymalny
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Tylko ~ sat/vB był potrzebny aby dostać się do tego bloku
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Przepłacony razy
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Przepłacony razy
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2788,126 +2908,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optymalny
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Tylko ~ sat/vB był potrzebny aby dostać się do tego bloku
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Przepłacony razy
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Przepłacony razy
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Ta transakcja pozwoliła zaoszczędzić % na opłatach, korzystając z natywnego segWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Ta transakcja pozwoliła zaoszczędzić % na opłatach korzystając z SegWit i mogłaby zaoszczędzić % więcej poprzez pełne uaktualnienie do natywnego SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Ta transakcja pozwoliłaby zaoszczędzić % na opłatach, poprzez uaktualnienie do natywnego SegWit-Bech32 lub % dzięki SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Ta transakcja obsługuje Replace-By-Fee (RBF), umożliwiając podbijanie opłat
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Ta transakcja NIE obsługuje Replace-By-Fee (RBF) i opłata nie może zostać podbita używając tej metody
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.pt.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.pt.xlf
index 53971b0f6..185af1c5a 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.pt.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.pt.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Confidencial
+ Transaction:
+ Transação:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transação
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Essa transação foi substituída por:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ confirmação
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ confirmações
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Sem confirmar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Entradas & Saídas
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detalhes
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detalhes
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Tamanho
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Tamanho virtual
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Peso
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Data e horário
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Taxa
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Taxa por vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Incluído no bloco
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Confirmado
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Depois
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Características
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Visto pela primeira vez
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Em várias horas (ou mais)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transação não encontrada.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Aguardando que apareça no mempool...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Em ~ minutos
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Em ~ minuto
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ bloco
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blocos
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- confirmação
+ Confidential
+ Confidencial
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- confirmações
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Sem confirmar
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transação:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transação
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Essa transação foi substituída por:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Entradas & Saídas
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detalhes
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detalhes
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Tamanho
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Tamanho virtual
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Peso
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Data e horário
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Taxa
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Taxa por vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Incluído no bloco
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Confirmado
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Depois
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Características
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Visto pela primeira vez
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Em várias horas (ou mais)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transação não encontrada.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Aguardando que apareça no mempool...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Em ~ minutos
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Em ~ minuto
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- bloco
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blocos
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig de
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
Sem conexão
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Rede 2ª Camada
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
Painel de controle
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
Visualização da TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Esta transação economizou % em taxas usando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Esta transação economizou % em taxas usando SegWit e poderia economizar mais % usando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Esta transação pode economizar % em taxas atualizando para SegWit-Bech32 nativo ou % atualizando para SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Essa transação suporta Replace-By-Fee permitindo aumento de taxa
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ Replace-by-fee
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Essa transação NÃO suporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) e não pode ter a taxa aumentada usando tal método.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Ótimo
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Apenas ~ sat/vB era necessário para entrar no bloco
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Em excesso x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Em excesso x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Ótimo
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Apenas ~ sat/vB era necessário para entrar no bloco
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Em excesso x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Em excesso x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Esta transação economizou % em taxas usando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Esta transação economizou % em taxas usando SegWit e poderia economizar mais % usando SegWit-Bech32 nativo
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Esta transação pode economizar % em taxas atualizando para SegWit-Bech32 nativo ou % atualizando para SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Essa transação suporta Replace-By-Fee permitindo aumento de taxa
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- Replace-by-fee
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Essa transação NÃO suporta Replace-By-Fee (RBF) e não pode ter a taxa aumentada usando tal método.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.sl.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.sl.xlf
index f625c9918..d0bbc7ba5 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.sl.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.sl.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Zaupno
+ Transaction:
+ Transakcija:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transakcija
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Ta transakcija je bila nadomeščena z:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ potrditev
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ potrditev
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Nepotrjeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Vhodi & Izhodi
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Podrobnosti
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Podrobnosti
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Velikost
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Navidezna velikost
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Utež
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Datum in čas
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Omrežnina
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Omrežnina na vBajt
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Vključeno v blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Potrjeno
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Po
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Lastnosti
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Prejeto
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ V nekaj urah (ali več)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transakcije ni mogoče najti.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Čakanje, da se prikaže v mempool-u...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Čez ~ minut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Čez ~ minuto
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blokov
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- potrditev
+ Confidential
+ Zaupno
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- potrditev
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Nepotrjeno
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transakcija:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transakcija
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Ta transakcija je bila nadomeščena z:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Vhodi & Izhodi
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Podrobnosti
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Podrobnosti
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Velikost
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Navidezna velikost
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Utež
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Datum in čas
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Omrežnina
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Omrežnina na vBajt
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Vključeno v blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Potrjeno
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Po
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Lastnosti
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Prejeto
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- V nekaj urah (ali več)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transakcije ni mogoče najti.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Čakanje, da se prikaže v mempool-u...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Čez ~ minut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Čez ~ minuto
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blokov
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig od
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
O projektu
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
Brez povezave
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Ponovno povezovanje...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Omrežja 2. plasti
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
Pregledna plošča
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV pogled
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ta transakcija je prihranila % omrežnine z uporabo native SegWit-Bech32.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ta transakcija je prihranila % omrežnine z uporabo SegWit in bi lahko dodatnih % s popolno nadgradnjo na native SegWit-Bech32.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Ta transakcija bi lahko prihranila % omrežnine z nadgradnjo na native SegWit-Bech32 ali % z nadgradnjo na SegWit-P2SH.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Ta transakcija omogoča povečanje omrežnine, Replace-By-Fee (RBF).
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Ta transakcija NE omogoča povečanje omrežnine, z uporabo Replace-By-Fee (RBF).
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimalno
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Samo ~ sat/vB je bilo potrebno za vključitev v ta blok.
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ -krat preplačano
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ -krat preplačano
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimalno
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Samo ~ sat/vB je bilo potrebno za vključitev v ta blok.
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- -krat preplačano
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- -krat preplačano
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Ta transakcija je prihranila % omrežnine z uporabo native SegWit-Bech32.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Ta transakcija je prihranila % omrežnine z uporabo SegWit in bi lahko dodatnih % s popolno nadgradnjo na native SegWit-Bech32.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Ta transakcija bi lahko prihranila % omrežnine z nadgradnjo na native SegWit-Bech32 ali % z nadgradnjo na SegWit-P2SH.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Ta transakcija omogoča povečanje omrežnine, Replace-By-Fee (RBF).
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Ta transakcija NE omogoča povečanje omrežnine, z uporabo Replace-By-Fee (RBF).
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.sv.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.sv.xlf
index c904dfb96..d10a87c0a 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.sv.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.sv.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Konfidentiell
+ Transaction:
+ Transaktion:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Transaktion
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Transaktionen har blivit ersatts av:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ bekräftelse
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ bekräftelser
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Obekräftad
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detaljer
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detaljer
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Storlek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Virtuell storlek
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Viktenheter
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Tidsstämpel
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Avgift
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Avgift per vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Ingår i blocket
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Bekräftad
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Efter
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Funktioner
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Först sedd
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Om flera timmar (eller mer)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Transaktionen hittades inte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Väntar på den att dyka upp i mempoolen...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Om ~ minuter
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Om ~ minut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- bekräftelse
+ Confidential
+ Konfidentiell
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- bekräftelser
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Obekräftad
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Transaktion:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Transaktion
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Transaktionen har blivit ersatts av:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Inputs & Outputs
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detaljer
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detaljer
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Storlek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Virtuell storlek
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Viktenheter
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Tidsstämpel
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Avgift
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Avgift per vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Ingår i blocket
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Bekräftad
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Efter
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Funktioner
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Först sedd
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Om flera timmar (eller mer)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Transaktionen hittades inte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Väntar på den att dyka upp i mempoolen...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Om ~ minuter
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Om ~ minut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig av
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Lager 2-nätverk
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2468,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Denna transaktion sparade % på avgifter genom att använda native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Denna transaktion sparade % på avgifter genom att använda SegWit och kunde spara % mer genom att helt uppgradera till native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Denna transaktion kan spara % på avgifter genom att uppgradera till native SegWit-Bech32 eller % genom att uppgradera till SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Denna transaktion stödjer Replace-By-Fee (RBF) som möjliggör ökning av avgiften
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Denna transaktion stöder INTE Replace-By-Fee (RBF) och kan inte utnyttjas för att höja avgiften
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimal
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Endast ~ sat/vB behövdes för att komma med i detta block
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Överbetalad x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Överbetalad x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Just nu
@@ -2834,126 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimal
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Endast ~ sat/vB behövdes för att komma med i detta block
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Överbetalad x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Överbetalad x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Denna transaktion sparade % på avgifter genom att använda native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Denna transaktion sparade % på avgifter genom att använda SegWit och kunde spara % mer genom att helt uppgradera till native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Denna transaktion kan spara % på avgifter genom att uppgradera till native SegWit-Bech32 eller % genom att uppgradera till SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Denna transaktion stödjer Replace-By-Fee (RBF) som möjliggör ökning av avgiften
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- Denna transaktion stöder INTE Replace-By-Fee (RBF) och kan inte utnyttjas för att höja avgiften
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.tr.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.tr.xlf
index fec273d51..b7d422c5a 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.tr.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.tr.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Gizli
+ Transaction:
+ İşlem:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ İşlem
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Bu işlem takip eden işlemle değiştirilmiştir:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ onay
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ onaylar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Onaylanmamış
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Giriş ve Çıkışlar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Detaylar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Detaylar
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Boyut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Sanal Boyut
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Ağırlık
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Zaman damgası
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Ücret
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ vByte başı ücret
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ İçinde bulunduğu blok
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Onaylı
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ 'dan sonra
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Özellikler
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Tahmini Varış Süresi
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ İlk görüldüğü an
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Bir kaç saat içinde (veya daha sonra)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ İşlem bulunamadı.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Mempool'a dahil olmayı bekliyor.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ ~ dakika içinde
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ ~ dakika içinde
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ block
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ blokl
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- onay
+ Confidential
+ Gizli
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- onaylar
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Onaylanmamış
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- İşlem:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- İşlem
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Bu işlem takip eden işlemle değiştirilmiştir:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Giriş ve Çıkışlar
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Detaylar
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Detaylar
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Boyut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Sanal Boyut
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Ağırlık
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Zaman damgası
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Ücret
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- vByte başı ücret
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- İçinde bulunduğu blok
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Onaylı
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- 'dan sonra
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Özellikler
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Tahmini Varış Süresi
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- İlk görüldüğü an
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Bir kaç saat içinde (veya daha sonra)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- İşlem bulunamadı.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Mempool'a dahil olmayı bekliyor.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- ~ dakika içinde
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- ~ dakika içinde
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- block
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- blokl
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
Çoklu imzanın bölü
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Tekrardan bağlanıyor....
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
2. Katman Ağlar
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV görünümü
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -2466,6 +2466,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Bu işlem native SegWit-Bech 32 kullanarak % % tasarruf sağladı
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Bu işlem Segwit kullanarak ücretlerden % tasarruf etmenizi sağladı, işleminizi native SegWit-Bech32 ile yaparak % daha fazla tasarruf edebilirdiniz.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Bu işlemi SegWit-Bech32 olarak gerçekleştirerek ücretlerden % tasarruf, SegWit-P2SH kullanarak ise % tasarruf edebilirdiniz.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Bu işlem ücret arttırma opsiyonuna (RBF) izin veriyor.
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Optimum
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Bu bloğa yetişebilmek için yaklaşık olarak sat/vB gerekli
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ x kadar fazla ödendi
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ x kadar fazla ödendi
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2832,125 +2951,6 @@
- Optimal
- Optimum
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Bu bloğa yetişebilmek için yaklaşık olarak sat/vB gerekli
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- x kadar fazla ödendi
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- x kadar fazla ödendi
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Bu işlem native SegWit-Bech 32 kullanarak % % tasarruf sağladı
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Bu işlem Segwit kullanarak ücretlerden % tasarruf etmenizi sağladı, işleminizi native SegWit-Bech32 ile yaparak % daha fazla tasarruf edebilirdiniz.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Bu işlemi SegWit-Bech32 olarak gerçekleştirerek ücretlerden % tasarruf, SegWit-P2SH kullanarak ise % tasarruf edebilirdiniz.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Bu işlem ücret arttırma opsiyonuna (RBF) izin veriyor.
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.uk.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.uk.xlf
index 34cafacb5..579f24e6c 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.uk.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.uk.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Конфіденційна
+ Transaction:
+ Транзакція:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Транзакція
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Транзакція була замінена на:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ підтвердження
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ підтвердження
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Непідтверджена
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Входи і Виходи
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Деталі
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Деталі
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Розмір
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Віртуальний розмір
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Вага
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Час
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Комісія
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Комісія за vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Додана в блок
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Підтверджена
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Після
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Властивості
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Орієнтовний час
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Вперше помічена
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ За кілька годин (або довше)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Транзакція не знайдена.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Чекаємо її появи в мемпулі...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Через ~ хвилин
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Через ~ хвилину
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ блок
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ блоків
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -182,72 +629,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -258,63 +639,26 @@
- confirmation
- підтвердження
+ Confidential
+ Конфіденційна
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- підтвердження
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Непідтверджена
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -670,11 +1014,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -729,7 +1073,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -749,350 +1093,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Транзакція:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Транзакція
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Транзакція була замінена на:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Входи і Виходи
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Деталі
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Деталі
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Розмір
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Віртуальний розмір
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Вага
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Час
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Комісія
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Комісія за vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Додана в блок
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Підтверджена
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Після
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Властивості
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Орієнтовний час
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Вперше помічена
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- За кілька годин (або довше)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Транзакція не знайдена.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Чекаємо її появи в мемпулі...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Через ~ хвилин
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Через ~ хвилину
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- блок
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- блоків
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
multisig з
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@
Повторне підключення...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
Мережі 2 шару
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
TV перегляд
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
Memory usage
+ Використання пам'яті
@@ -1937,6 +1938,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ Мінімальна комісія
@@ -1946,6 +1948,7 @@
+ Очищення
@@ -2465,6 +2468,126 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ця транзакція зекономила % на комісії використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Ця транзакція зекономила % на комісії використовуючи SegWit і могла б зекономити % використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Ця транзакція могла б зекономити % на комісії використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32 або % використовуючи SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Ця транзакція підтримує Replace-By-Fee (RBF) що дозволяє збільшення комісії
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ Ця транзакція НЕ підтримуює Replace-By-Fee (RBF) і не може бути замінена більшою комісією використовуючи цей метод
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Оптимальна
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Для того щоб потрапити в цей блок було достатньо ~ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Переплата x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Переплата x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2831,125 +2954,6 @@
- Optimal
- Оптимальна
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Для того щоб потрапити в цей блок було достатньо ~ sat/vB
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Переплата x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Переплата x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Ця транзакція зекономила % на комісії використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Ця транзакція зекономила % на комісії використовуючи SegWit і могла б зекономити % використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Ця транзакція могла б зекономити % на комісії використовуючи рідний SegWit-Bech32 або % використовуючи SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Ця транзакція підтримує Replace-By-Fee (RBF) що дозволяє збільшення комісії
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.vi.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.vi.xlf
index 14f68e0c1..53357d9f8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.vi.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.vi.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- Bảo mật
+ Transaction:
+ Giao dịch:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ Giao dịch
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ Giao dịch này đã được thay thế bằng:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ xác nhận
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ xác nhận
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ Chưa xác nhận
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ Đầu vào & Đầu ra
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ Chi tiết
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ Chi tiết
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ Kích thước
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ Kích thước ảo
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ Khối lượng
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ Dấu thời gian
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ Phí
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ sat
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ Phí mỗi vByte
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ sat/vB
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ Bao gồm trong khối
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ Đã xác nhận
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ Sau
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ Tính năng
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ Thời gian dự kiến
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ Lần đầu thấy
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ Trong vài giờ (hoặc hơn)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ Không tìm thấy giao dịch.
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ Đang đợi nó xuất hiện trong mempool ...
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ Trong ~ phút
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ Trong ~ phút
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ khối
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ khối
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -181,72 +628,6 @@
- sat/vB
- sat/vB
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -257,63 +638,26 @@
- confirmation
- xác nhận
+ Confidential
+ Bảo mật
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- xác nhận
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- Chưa xác nhận
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -669,11 +1013,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -728,7 +1072,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -748,350 +1092,6 @@
- Transaction:
- Giao dịch:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- Giao dịch
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- Giao dịch này đã được thay thế bằng:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- Đầu vào & Đầu ra
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- Chi tiết
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- Chi tiết
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- Kích thước
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- Kích thước ảo
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- Khối lượng
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- Dấu thời gian
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- Phí
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- sat
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- Phí mỗi vByte
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- Bao gồm trong khối
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- Đã xác nhận
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- Sau
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- Tính năng
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- Thời gian dự kiến
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- Lần đầu thấy
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- Trong vài giờ (hoặc hơn)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- Không tìm thấy giao dịch.
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- Đang đợi nó xuất hiện trong mempool ...
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- Trong ~ phút
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- Trong ~ phút
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- khối
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- khối
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
đa chữ kí trong
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@
Về chúng tôi
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
Ngoại tuyến
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
Đang kết nối lại ...
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
Mạng lớp 2
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
Số liệu
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
bảng điều khiển
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
Đồ thị
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@
Giao diện TV
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@
Tài sản
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1925,6 +1925,7 @@
Memory usage
+ Sử dụng bộ nhớ
@@ -1934,6 +1935,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ Phí tối thiểu
@@ -1943,6 +1945,7 @@
+ Thanh lọc
@@ -2455,6 +2458,125 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ Giao dịch này đã tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách sử dụng SegWit-Bech32 gốc
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ Giao dịch này đã tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách sử dụng SegWit và có thể tiết kiệm thêm % bằng cách nâng cấp hoàn toàn lên SegWit-Bech32 gốc
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ Giao dịch này có thể tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách nâng cấp lên SegWit-Bech32 gốc hoặc % bằng cách nâng cấp lên SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ Giao dịch này hỗ trợ Thay thế theo Phí (RBF) cho phép tăng phí
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ Tối ưu
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ Chỉ ~ sat/vB là cần thiết để vào khối này
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ Trả dư x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ Trả dư x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
Vừa mới đây
@@ -2821,125 +2943,6 @@
- Optimal
- Tối ưu
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- Chỉ ~ sat/vB là cần thiết để vào khối này
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- Trả dư x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- Trả dư x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- Giao dịch này đã tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách sử dụng SegWit-Bech32 gốc
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- Giao dịch này đã tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách sử dụng SegWit và có thể tiết kiệm thêm % bằng cách nâng cấp hoàn toàn lên SegWit-Bech32 gốc
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- Giao dịch này có thể tiết kiệm % phí bằng cách nâng cấp lên SegWit-Bech32 gốc hoặc % bằng cách nâng cấp lên SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- Giao dịch này hỗ trợ Thay thế theo Phí (RBF) cho phép tăng phí
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/locale/messages.zh.xlf b/frontend/src/locale/messages.zh.xlf
index 662a47070..94a9ad08c 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locale/messages.zh.xlf
+++ b/frontend/src/locale/messages.zh.xlf
@@ -1,26 +1,473 @@
- Confidential
- 机密
+ Transaction:
+ 交易:
- src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
- 6
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
+ 48
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
+ 46
+ Transaction
+ 交易
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
+ 18
+ shared.transaction
+ This transaction has been replaced by:
+ 交易已被代替为:
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 5
+ RBF replacement
+ transaction.rbf.replacement
+ confirmation
+ 确认数
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 17
- 214
+ 205
- src/app/components/address/address.component.html
- 132
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 69
- src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
- 143
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 9
- shared.confidential
+ Transaction singular confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.singular
+ confirmations
+ 确认数
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 206
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
+ 70
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 10
+ Transaction plural confirmation count
+ shared.confirmation-count.plural
+ Unconfirmed
+ 未确认
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 22
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 209
+ Transaction unconfirmed state
+ transaction.unconfirmed
+ Inputs & Outputs
+ 输入与输出
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 168
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 88
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 148
+ Transaction inputs and outputs
+ transaction.inputs-and-outputs
+ Details
+ 明细
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 170
+ Transaction Details
+ transaction.details
+ Details
+ 明细
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 176
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 252
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 81
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 127
+ transaction.details
+ Size
+ 大小
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 181
+ Transaction Size
+ transaction.size
+ Virtual size
+ 虚拟大小
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 185
+ Transaction Virtual Size
+ transaction.vsize
+ Weight
+ 权重
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 189
+ Transaction Weight
+ transaction.weight
+ Timestamp
+ 时间戳
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
+ 84
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 27
+ Transaction Timestamp
+ transaction.timestamp
+ Fee
+ 手续费
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 79
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 152
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee
+ sat
+ 聪
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 80
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 153
+ Transaction Fee sat
+ transaction.fee.sat
+ Fee per vByte
+ 单字节手续费
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 83
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 156
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction fee
+ transaction.fee-per-vbyte
+ sat/vB
+ 聪/字节
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 85
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 157
+ src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
+ 198
+ src/app/components/block/block.component.html
+ 46
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 11
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 10
+ src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
+ 13
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 17
+ src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
+ 21
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 6
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 12
+ src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
+ 18
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 117
+ src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
+ 169
+ sat/vB
+ shared.sat-vbyte
+ Included in block
+ 被包含在区块中
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 55
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 36
+ Transaction included in block
+ transaction.included-in-block
+ Confirmed
+ 已确认
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 62
+ Transaction Confirmed state
+ transaction.confirmed
+ After
+ 之后
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 63
+ Transaction confirmed after
+ transaction.confirmed.after
+ Features
+ 特征
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 67
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 140
+ src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
+ 42
+ Transaction features
+ transaction.features
+ 预估时间
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 119
+ Transaction ETA
+ transaction.eta
+ First seen
+ 初次发现时间
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 113
+ Transaction first seen
+ transaction.first-seen
+ In several hours (or more)
+ 在几个小时内(或更多)
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 126
+ Transaction ETA in several hours or more
+ transaction.eta.in-several-hours
+ Transaction not found.
+ 交易未找到
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 277
+ transaction.error.transaction-not-found
+ Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
+ 等待交易出现在内存池
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 278
+ transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
+ In ~ minutes
+ 大约分钟之后
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 293
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 41
+ Block Frequency (plural)
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
+ In ~ minute
+ 大约分钟之后
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 295
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 43
+ Block Frequency
+ mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
+ block
+ 个区块
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 297
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 22
+ shared.block
+ blocks
+ 个区块
+ src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
+ 298
+ src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
+ 30
+ src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
+ 23
+ shared.blocks
@@ -179,72 +626,6 @@
- sat/vB
- 聪/字节
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 198
- src/app/components/block/block.component.html
- 46
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 85
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 157
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 11
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 10
- src/app/components/blockchain-blocks/blockchain-blocks.component.html
- 13
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 17
- src/app/components/mempool-block/mempool-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 6
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 12
- src/app/components/fees-box/fees-box.component.html
- 18
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 117
- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html
- 169
- sat/vB
- shared.sat-vbyte
@@ -255,63 +636,26 @@
- confirmation
- 确认数
+ Confidential
+ 机密
- 205
+ 214
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 17
+ src/app/components/amount/amount.component.html
+ 6
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 69
+ src/app/components/address/address.component.html
+ 132
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 9
+ src/app/components/asset/asset.component.html
+ 143
- Transaction singular confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.singular
- confirmations
- 确认数
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 206
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 18
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transfers/bisq-transfers.component.html
- 70
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 10
- Transaction plural confirmation count
- shared.confirmation-count.plural
- Unconfirmed
- 未确认
- src/app/components/transactions-list/transactions-list.component.html
- 209
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 22
- Transaction unconfirmed state
- transaction.unconfirmed
+ shared.confidential
Block :
@@ -667,11 +1011,11 @@
- 32
+ 34
- 43
+ 45
@@ -726,7 +1070,7 @@
- 29
+ 31
@@ -746,350 +1090,6 @@
- Transaction:
- 交易:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.ts
- 48
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.ts
- 46
- Transaction
- 交易
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 12
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 3
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transactions/bisq-transactions.component.html
- 18
- shared.transaction
- This transaction has been replaced by:
- 交易已被代替为:
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 5
- RBF replacement
- transaction.rbf.replacement
- Inputs & Outputs
- 输入与输出
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 168
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 88
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 148
- Transaction inputs and outputs
- transaction.inputs-and-outputs
- Details
- 明细
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 170
- Transaction Details
- transaction.details
- Details
- 明细
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 176
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 252
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 81
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 127
- transaction.details
- Size
- 大小
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 181
- Transaction Size
- transaction.size
- Virtual size
- 虚拟大小
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 185
- Transaction Virtual Size
- transaction.vsize
- Weight
- 权重
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 189
- Transaction Weight
- transaction.weight
- Timestamp
- 时间戳
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 46
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 21
- src/app/bisq/bisq-block/bisq-block.component.html
- 84
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 27
- Transaction Timestamp
- transaction.timestamp
- Fee
- 手续费
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 79
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 152
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee
- sat
- 聪
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 80
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 153
- Transaction Fee sat
- transaction.fee.sat
- Fee per vByte
- 单字节手续费
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 83
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 156
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction fee
- transaction.fee-per-vbyte
- Included in block
- 被包含在区块中
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 55
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 36
- Transaction included in block
- transaction.included-in-block
- Confirmed
- 已确认
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 62
- Transaction Confirmed state
- transaction.confirmed
- After
- 之后
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 63
- Transaction confirmed after
- transaction.confirmed.after
- Features
- 特征
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 67
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 140
- src/app/bisq/bisq-transaction/bisq-transaction.component.html
- 42
- Transaction features
- transaction.features
- 预估时间
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 119
- Transaction ETA
- transaction.eta
- First seen
- 初次发现时间
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 113
- Transaction first seen
- transaction.first-seen
- In several hours (or more)
- 在几个小时内(或更多)
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 126
- Transaction ETA in several hours or more
- transaction.eta.in-several-hours
- Transaction not found.
- 交易未找到
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 277
- transaction.error.transaction-not-found
- Waiting for it to appear in the mempool...
- 等待交易出现在内存池
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 278
- transaction.error.waiting-for-it-to-appear
- In ~ minutes
- 大约分钟之后
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 293
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 41
- Block Frequency (plural)
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block-plural
- In ~ minute
- 大约分钟之后
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 295
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 43
- Block Frequency
- mempool-blocks.eta-of-next-block
- block
- 个区块
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 297
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 22
- shared.block
- blocks
- 个区块
- src/app/components/transaction/transaction.component.html
- 298
- src/app/components/mempool-blocks/mempool-blocks.component.html
- 30
- src/app/components/footer/footer.component.html
- 23
- shared.blocks
multisig of
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@
- 56
+ 58
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
- 59
+ 61
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
- 7
+ 8
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@
- 8
+ 9
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@
- 19
+ 21
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@
- 35
+ 37
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@
- 40
+ 42
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@
- 46
+ 48
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@
- 49
+ 51
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@
- 53
+ 55
@@ -1919,6 +1919,7 @@
Memory usage
+ 内存占用
@@ -1928,6 +1929,7 @@
Minimum fee
+ 最低费用
@@ -1937,6 +1939,7 @@
+ 吹扫中
@@ -2418,6 +2421,122 @@
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ ngbTooltip about segwit gains
+ SegWit
+ SegWit
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 1
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ SegWit
+ tx-features.tag.segwit
+ This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 3
+ ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
+ This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 5
+ ngbTooltip about missed out gains
+ This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
+ 此交易支持“按需付费”(RBF),可增加手续费
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ RBF tooltip
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 8
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ tx-features.tag.rbf
+ This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
+ src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
+ 9
+ RBF disabled tooltip
+ Optimal
+ 最佳
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 1
+ TX Fee Rating is Optimal
+ tx-fee-rating.optimal
+ Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
+ 只需支付〜 聪/字节即可进入此区块
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
+ Overpaid x
+ 溢缴款 x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 2
+ TX Fee Rating is Warning
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
+ Overpaid x
+ 溢缴款 x
+ src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
+ 3
+ TX Fee Rating is Danger
+ tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
Just now
@@ -2781,122 +2900,6 @@
- Optimal
- 最佳
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 1
- TX Fee Rating is Optimal
- tx-fee-rating.optimal
- Only ~ sat/vB was needed to get into this block
- 只需支付〜 聪/字节即可进入此区块
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- tx-fee-rating.warning-tooltip
- Overpaid x
- 溢缴款 x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 2
- TX Fee Rating is Warning
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.warning
- Overpaid x
- 溢缴款 x
- src/app/components/tx-fee-rating/tx-fee-rating.component.html
- 3
- TX Fee Rating is Danger
- tx-fee-rating.overpaid.danger
- This transaction saved % on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- ngbTooltip about segwit gains
- SegWit
- SegWit
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 1
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- SegWit
- tx-features.tag.segwit
- This transaction saved % on fees by using SegWit and could save % more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 3
- ngbTooltip about double segwit gains
- This transaction could save % on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or % by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 5
- ngbTooltip about missed out gains
- This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping
- 此交易支持“按需付费”(RBF),可增加手续费
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- RBF tooltip
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 8
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- tx-features.tag.rbf
- This transaction does NOT support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) and cannot be fee bumped using this method
- src/app/components/tx-features/tx-features.component.html
- 9
- RBF disabled tooltip
\ No newline at end of file