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synced 2025-02-23 06:35:15 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' into mononaut/smooth-goggle-transition
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 183 additions and 12 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ It is an open-source project developed and operated for the benefit of the Bitco
Mempool can be self-hosted on a wide variety of your own hardware, ranging from a simple one-click installation on a Raspberry Pi full-node distro all the way to a robust production instance on a powerful FreeBSD server.
**Most people should use a one-click install method.** Other install methods are meant for developers and others with experience managing servers.
Most people should use a <a href="#one-click-installation">one-click install method</a>.
Other install methods are meant for developers and others with experience managing servers. If you want support for your own production instance of Mempool, or if you'd like to have your own instance of Mempool run by the mempool.space team on their own global ISP infrastructure—check out <a href="https://mempool.space/enterprise" target="_blank">Mempool Enterprise®</a>.
<a id="one-click-installation"></a>
## One-Click Installation
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
These instructions are mostly intended for developers.
If you choose to use these instructions for a production setup, be aware that you will still probably need to do additional configuration for your specific OS, environment, use-case, etc. We do our best here to provide a good starting point, but only proceed if you know what you're doing. Mempool only provides support for custom setups to [enterprise sponsors](https://mempool.space/enterprise).
If you choose to use these instructions for a production setup, be aware that you will still probably need to do additional configuration for your specific OS, environment, use-case, etc. We do our best here to provide a good starting point, but only proceed if you know what you're doing. Mempool only provides support for custom setups to project sponsors through [Mempool Enterprise®](https://mempool.space/enterprise).
See other ways to set up Mempool on [the main README](/../../#installation-methods).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
I hereby accept the terms of the Contributor License Agreement in the CONTRIBUTING.md file of the mempool/mempool git repository as of November 17, 2023.
Signed: 0xBEEFCAF3
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Corresponding `docker-compose.yml` overrides:
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
<div class="block-filters" [class.filters-active]="activeFilters.length > 0" [class.menu-open]="menuOpen" [class.small]="cssWidth < 500" [class.vsmall]="cssWidth < 400" [class.tiny]="cssWidth < 200">
<a *ngIf="menuOpen" [routerLink]="['/docs/faq' | relativeUrl]" fragment="how-do-mempool-goggles-work" class="info-badges" i18n-ngbTooltip="Mempool Goggles tooltip" ngbTooltip="select filter categories to highlight matching transactions">
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-warning beta" i18n="beta">beta</span>
<fa-icon [icon]="['fas', 'info-circle']" [fixedWidth]="true" size="lg"></fa-icon>
<div class="filter-bar">
<button class="menu-toggle" (click)="menuOpen = !menuOpen">
<fa-icon [icon]="['fas', 'filter']"></fa-icon>
<button class="menu-toggle" (click)="menuOpen = !menuOpen" title="Mempool Goggles">
<app-svg-images name="goggles" width="100%" height="100%"></app-svg-images>
<div class="active-tags">
<ng-container *ngFor="let filter of activeFilters;">
@ -20,7 +20,21 @@
margin-left: 0.5em;
.info-badges {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
float: right;
&:hover, &:active {
text-decoration: none;
.menu-toggle {
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
padding: 0px 1px;
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
color: white;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<ng-container *ngIf="!isLoadingBlock; else skeletonRows">
<td class="td-width" i18n="block.hash">Hash</td>
<td>‎<a [routerLink]="['/block/' | relativeUrl, block.id]" title="{{ block.id }}">{{ block.id | shortenString : 13 }}</a> <app-clipboard class="d-none d-sm-inline-block" [text]="block.id"></app-clipboard></td>
<td>‎<a [routerLink]="['/block/' | relativeUrl, block.id]" title="{{ block.id }}">{{ block.id | shortenString : 13 }}</a> <app-clipboard [text]="block.id"></app-clipboard></td>
<td i18n="block.timestamp">Timestamp</td>
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ export class SearchFormComponent implements OnInit {
const addressPrefixSearchResults = result[0];
const lightningResults = result[1];
const matchesBlockHeight = this.regexBlockheight.test(searchText);
const matchesBlockHeight = this.regexBlockheight.test(searchText) && parseInt(searchText) <= this.stateService.latestBlockHeight;
const matchesDateTime = this.regexDate.test(searchText) && new Date(searchText).toString() !== 'Invalid Date';
const matchesUnixTimestamp = this.regexUnixTimestamp.test(searchText);
const matchesTxId = this.regexTransaction.test(searchText) && !this.regexBlockhash.test(searchText);
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ export class SearchFormComponent implements OnInit {
selectedResult(result: any): void {
if (typeof result === 'string') {
} else if (typeof result === 'number') {
} else if (typeof result === 'number' && result <= this.stateService.latestBlockHeight) {
this.navigate('/block/', result.toString());
} else if (result.alias) {
this.navigate('/lightning/node/', result.public_key);
@ -232,8 +232,10 @@ export class SearchFormComponent implements OnInit {
this.isSearching = true;
if (!this.regexTransaction.test(searchText) && this.regexAddress.test(searchText)) {
this.navigate('/address/', searchText);
} else if (this.regexBlockhash.test(searchText) || this.regexBlockheight.test(searchText)) {
} else if (this.regexBlockhash.test(searchText)) {
this.navigate('/block/', searchText);
} else if (this.regexBlockheight.test(searchText)) {
parseInt(searchText) <= this.stateService.latestBlockHeight ? this.navigate('/block/', searchText) : this.isSearching = false;
} else if (this.regexTransaction.test(searchText)) {
const matches = this.regexTransaction.exec(searchText);
if (this.network === 'liquid' || this.network === 'liquidtestnet') {
@ -84,6 +84,14 @@
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 9.5v-2a3 3 0 116 0v2c0 1.11-.603 2.08-1.5 2.599v1.224a1 1 0 00.629.928l2.05.82A3.693 3.693 0 0118.5 18.5h-13c0-1.51.92-2.868 2.321-3.428l2.05-.82a1 1 0 00.629-.929v-1.224A2.999 2.999 0 019 9.5z"></path>
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'goggles'">
<svg viewBox="0 0 558.56415 255.62396" [attr.width]="width" [attr.height]="height" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill="currentColor" d="m 466.62029,0.15290693 c 2.84,0 5.90333,0.296667 9.19,0.88999997 17.05333,3.066667 31.92333,10.4666671 44.61,22.2000001 15.02,13.88 24.94,35.04 25.46,54.77 0.0133,0.54 0.26,0.93 0.74,1.17 5.05,2.52 9.14,6.28 10.82,11.39 0.79333,2.38667 1.16667,6.12 1.12,11.200003 -0.14,15.94667 -0.19,30.22667 -0.15,42.84 0.03,8.92 -3.88,14.6 -11.36,19.02 -0.71869,0.42495 -1.17676,1.1834 -1.22,2.02 -0.33,6.26 -0.72,13.09 -2.3,19.16 -2.2,8.49 -5.1,16.06 -9.74,23.78 -1.71333,2.85333 -3.41333,5.77333 -5.1,8.76 -2.64,4.68 -4.99,8.03667 -7.05,10.07 -2.45,2.43 -4.45,5.13 -7.02,7.38 -11.13,9.75 -26.36,16.58 -40.92,19.39 -5.05333,0.98 -11.52667,1.45667 -19.42,1.43 -25.96,-0.0667 -51.90333,-0.12 -77.83,-0.16 -10.08,-0.01 -20.45,-1.66 -29.9,-6 -15.07333,-6.92 -26.44667,-17.19667 -34.12,-30.83 -3.17,-5.64 -5.15,-11.78 -8.42,-17.3 -4.07333,-6.87333 -10.09,-11.46 -18.05,-13.76 -12.38,-3.57 -25.31,2.57 -32.13,13.15 -2.71,4.19 -4.3,9.04 -6.77,13.41 -1.99,3.52 -3.53,7.35 -5.7,10.78 -3.36667,5.34667 -5.54,8.46667 -6.52,9.36 -1.70667,1.56667 -3.5,3.16333 -5.38,4.79 -7.94,6.88 -18.64,11.02 -30.11,14.12 -5.35333,1.44667 -10.01667,2.18333 -13.99,2.21 -17.9,0.13333 -42.16667,0.17667 -72.8,0.13 -6.71333,-0.007 -13.376669,-0.14667 -19.990002,-0.42 -9.086667,-0.36667 -18.55,-2.88667 -28.39,-7.56 -18.233333,-8.65333 -32.26,-22.45333 -42.08,-41.4 -6.913333,-13.34667 -9.993333,-26.95 -9.24,-40.81 0.03144,-0.59686 -0.306835,-1.15004 -0.85,-1.39 -8.8400001,-3.98 -12.00000011,-10.78 -11.96000011,-20.36 0.05333333,-16.54667 0.03666667,-32.38 -0.0500000043,-47.500003 -0.0399999957,-7.54 4.09000001427,-13.94 11.34000011427,-16.48 0.543871,-0.19451 0.915559,-0.69668 0.94,-1.27 1.78,-39.54 32.94,-72.5000001 71.86,-77.57000007 4.18,-0.54 10.406667,-0.793333 18.680002,-0.76 363.8,0.15 0,0 363.8,0.15 z m 1.98,216.71000307 c 11.01,-2.05 20.88,-8.4 27.78,-17.23 7.51,-9.63 13.42,-21.1 13.47,-33.01 0.12,-25.71333 0.21667,-52.20667 0.29,-79.480003 0.0133,-6.34 -0.47333,-11.32 -1.46,-14.94 -3,-11 -9.03667,-19.66333 -18.11,-25.99 -7.32,-5.113333 -14.88667,-7.693333 -22.7,-7.74 -41.5,-0.233333 -85.66667,-0.276667 -132.5,-0.13 -62.12,0.206667 -142.78667,0.23 -242.000002,0.07 -12.52,-0.02 -23.406667,4.326667 -32.66,13.04 -7.79,7.34 -12.17,18.06 -12.13,28.98 0.09333,27.086673 0.06,54.470003 -0.1,82.150003 -0.03333,5.97333 0.393333,10.85333 1.28,14.64 4.28,18.33 19.71,34.9 37.96,39.18 3.7,0.86667 8.936667,1.27333 15.710002,1.22 24.08667,-0.18667 50.07,-0.19 77.95,-0.01 2.99333,0.02 5.98667,-0.41 8.98,-1.29 16.42,-4.84 24.52,-15.8 31.08,-30.65 1.76667,-3.99333 4.16333,-8.27 7.19,-12.83 7.95,-11.98 19.14,-18.59 32.66,-22.45 6.32667,-1.80667 11.84667,-2.70333 16.56,-2.69 25.87,0.07 47.99,12.39 58.26,35.87 1.54,3.52667 3.25333,7.07333 5.14,10.64 6.20667,11.73333 15.25333,19.07333 27.14,22.02 3.79333,0.94667 10.03667,1.39333 18.73,1.34 23.82667,-0.13333 47.73,-0.13667 71.71,-0.01 3.92,0.02 7.17667,-0.21333 9.77,-0.7 z" id="outline" />
<path fill="currentColor" opacity="0.3" d="m 496.97029,199.03291 c -6.9,8.83 -16.77,15.18 -27.78,17.23 q -3.89,0.73 -9.77,0.7 -35.97,-0.19 -71.71,0.01 -13.04,0.08 -18.73,-1.34 -17.83,-4.42 -27.14,-22.02 -2.83,-5.35 -5.14,-10.64 c -10.27,-23.48 -32.39,-35.8 -58.26,-35.87 q -7.07,-0.02 -16.56,2.69 c -13.52,3.86 -24.71,10.47 -32.66,22.45 q -4.54,6.84 -7.19,12.83 c -6.56,14.85 -14.66,25.81 -31.08,30.65 q -4.49,1.32 -8.98,1.29 -41.82,-0.27 -77.95,0.01 -10.160002,0.08 -15.710002,-1.22 c -18.25,-4.28 -33.68,-20.85 -37.96,-39.18 q -1.33,-5.68 -1.28,-14.64 0.24,-41.52 0.1,-82.150003 c -0.04,-10.92 4.34,-21.64 12.13,-28.98 q 13.88,-13.07 32.66,-13.04 148.820002,0.24 242.000002,-0.07 70.25,-0.22 132.5,0.13 11.72,0.07 22.7,7.74 13.61,9.49 18.11,25.99 1.48,5.43 1.46,14.94 -0.11,40.910003 -0.29,79.480003 c -0.05,11.91 -5.96,23.38 -13.47,33.01 z m -8.14,-101.340003 c 5.11,-2.24 9.54,-9.21 6.39,-14.8 q -1.59,-2.82 -4.29,-5.41 -8.04,-7.73 -15.91,-15.96 -2.88,-3.02 -5.51,-4.19 c -6.41,-2.84 -13.19,1.02 -15.6,7.25 -1.35,3.51 0.64,7.36 3.07,9.77 q 9.48,9.38 20.18,20.59 5.3,5.550003 11.67,2.75 z m -404.320002,-6.02 c 4.77,-6.16 10.61,-11.82 16.350002,-17.36 q 4.6,-4.45 3.41,-9.38 c -1.57,-6.47 -9.240002,-9.94 -15.220002,-7.57 q -2.72,1.07 -7.3,5.87 -7.54,7.9 -15.2,15.77 -2.83,2.9 -3.54,6.23 c -1.67,7.85 5.38,14.06 12.94,13.26 3.57,-0.39 6.5,-4.17 8.56,-6.82 z" id="lens" />
<path fill="currentColor" d="m 488.83029,97.692907 q -6.37,2.800003 -11.67,-2.75 -10.7,-11.21 -20.18,-20.59 c -2.43,-2.41 -4.42,-6.26 -3.07,-9.77 2.41,-6.23 9.19,-10.09 15.6,-7.25 q 2.63,1.17 5.51,4.19 7.87,8.23 15.91,15.96 2.7,2.59 4.29,5.41 c 3.15,5.59 -1.28,12.56 -6.39,14.8 z" id="glint-a" />
<path fill="currentColor" d="m 84.510288,91.672907 c -2.06,2.65 -4.99,6.43 -8.56,6.82 -7.56,0.8 -14.61,-5.41 -12.94,-13.26 q 0.71,-3.33 3.54,-6.23 7.66,-7.87 15.2,-15.77 4.58,-4.8 7.3,-5.87 c 5.98,-2.37 13.650002,1.1 15.220002,7.57 q 1.19,4.93 -3.41,9.38 c -5.740002,5.54 -11.580002,11.2 -16.350002,17.36 z" id="glint-b" />
<ng-template #bitcoinLogo let-color let-width="width" let-height="height" let-viewBox="viewBox">
@ -8911,6 +8911,13 @@ export const faqData = [
fragment: "what-is-block-health",
title: "What is block health?",
type: "endpoint",
category: "advanced",
showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
fragment: "how-do-mempool-goggles-work",
title: "How do Mempool Goggles work?",
type: "category",
category: "self-hosting",
@ -279,6 +279,95 @@
<p class='note'>Because of this feature's resource usage and availability requirements, it is only supported on official mempool.space instances.</p>
<ng-template type="how-do-mempool-goggles-work">
<p>Mempool Goggles are a set of filters that can be applied to the <a [routerLink]="['/mempool-block/0' | relativeUrl]">mempool block visualizations</a> to highlight different types of transactions.</p>
<p>There are currently 25 different Mempool Goggles filters, grouped into six categories:</p>
<dt>RBF enabled</dt>
<dd>The transaction opts-in to BIP-125 replaceability.</dd>
<dt>RBF disabled</dt>
<dd>The transaction does not opt-in to BIP-125 replaceability.</dd>
<dt>Version 1</dt>
<dd>The default version for most transactions.</dd>
<dt>Version 2</dt>
<dd>Required for transactions which use OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY relative timelocks.</dd>
<dt>Address Types</dt>
<dd>Pay-to-public-key. A legacy output format most commonly found in old coinbase transactions.</dd>
<dt>Bare multisig</dt>
<dd>A legacy form of multisig, most commonly used for data embedding schemes (see also "Fake pubkey").</dd>
<dd>Pay-to-public-key-hash. A legacy address type that locks outputs to a public key.</dd>
<dd>Pay-to-script-hash. A legacy address type that locks outputs to a <em>redeem script</em>.</dd>
<dd>Pay-to-witness-public-key-hash. The SegWit version of P2PKH.</dd>
<dd>Pay-to-witness-script-hash. The SegWit version of P2SH.</dd>
<dd>Addresses using the SegWit V1 format added in the Taproot upgrade.</dd>
<dt>Paid for by child</dt>
<dd>The transaction's effective fee rate has been increased by a higher rate CPFP child.</dd>
<dt>Pays for parent</dt>
<dd>The transaction bumps the effective fee rate of a lower rate CPFP ancestor.</dd>
<dd>The transaction replaced a prior version via RBF.</dd>
Different methods of embedding arbitrary data in a Bitcoin transaction.
<dt>Fake pubkey</dt>
<dd>Data may be embedded in an invalid public key in a P2PK or Bare multisig output. This is a heuristic filter and can be prone to false positives and false negatives.</dd>
<dd>Data is embedded in the witness script of a taproot input.</dd>
These filters match common types of transactions according to subjective criteria.
<dd>A type of collaborative privacy-improving transaction.</dd>
<dd>The transaction condenses many inputs into a few outputs.</dd>
<dt>Batch payment</dt>
<dd>The transaction sends coins from a few inputs to many outputs.</dd>
<dt>Sighash Flags</dt>
Different ways of signing inputs to Bitcoin transactions. Note that selecting multiple sighash filters will highlight transactions in which each sighash flag is used, but not necessarily in the same input.
<ng-template type="who-runs-this-website">
The official mempool.space website is operated by The Mempool Open Source Project. See more information on our <a [routerLink]="['/about']">About page</a>. There are also many unofficial instances of this website operated by individual members of the Bitcoin community.
@ -389,3 +389,44 @@ h3 {
margin-bottom: 4rem;
/* styles for nested definition lists */
dl {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
dt {
font-weight: bold;
color: #4a68b9;
padding: 5px 0;
dd {
padding: 2px 0;
& > dl {
padding-left: 1em;
border-left: 2px solid #4a68b9;
margin-left: 1em;
margin-top: 5px;
& > dl > dt {
display: inline;
font-weight: normal;
color: #e83e8c;
font-family: Consolas, Monaco, Lucida Console, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New;
text-transform: uppercase;
&:before {
content: "";
display: block;
& > dl > dd {
display: inline;
margin-left: 1em;
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ import { OnlyVsizeDirective, OnlyWeightDirective } from './components/weight-dir
export class SharedModule {
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
These instructions are for setting up a serious production Mempool website for Bitcoin (mainnet, testnet, signet), Liquid (mainnet, testnet), and Bisq.
Again, this setup is no joke—home users should use [one of the other installation methods](../#installation-methods). Support is only provided to [enterprise sponsors](https://mempool.space/enterprise).
Again, this setup is no joke—home users should use [one of the other installation methods](../#installation-methods). Support is only provided to project sponsors through [Mempool Enterprise®](https://mempool.space/enterprise).
You can also have the mempool.space team run a highly-performant and highly-available instance of Mempool for you on their own global ISP infrastructure. See <a href="https://mempool.space/enterprise" target="_blank">Mempool Enterprise®</a> for more details.
### Server Hardware
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"LIQUID_WEBSITE_URL": "https://liquid.network",
"BISQ_WEBSITE_URL": "https://bisq.markets",
Add table
Reference in a new issue