diff --git a/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts b/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
index c876a67ae..0e82601ae 100644
--- a/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
@@ -2672,51 +2672,15 @@ export const restApiDocsData = [
fragment: "get-blocks",
title: "GET Blocks",
description: {
- default: "Returns details on the past 10 blocks. If :startHeight
is specified, the past 10 blocks before (and including) :startHeight
are returned."
+ default: "Returns details on the past 15 blocks with fee and mining details in an extras
field. If :startHeight
is specified, the past 15 blocks before (and including) :startHeight
are returned."
- urlString: "/blocks[/:startHeight]",
- showConditions: bitcoinNetworks.concat(liquidNetworks).concat(["bisq"]),
+ urlString: "/v1/blocks[/:startHeight]",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefault,
codeExample: {
- bisq: {
- codeTemplate: {
- curl: `/api/blocks/%{1}/%{2}`,
- commonJS: `
- const { %{0}: { blocks } } = mempoolJS();
- const getBlocks = await blocks.getBlocks({ index: %{1}, length: %{2} });
- document.getElementById("result").textContent = JSON.stringify(getBlocks, undefined, 2);
- `,
- esModule: `
- const { %{0}: { blocks } } = mempoolJS();
- const getBlocks = await blocks.getBlocks({ index: %{1}, length: %{2} });
- console.log(getBlocks);
- `,
- },
- codeSampleMainnet: emptyCodeSample,
- codeSampleTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
- codeSampleSignet: emptyCodeSample,
- codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
- codeSampleBisq: {
- esModule: ['0', '1'],
- commonJS: ['0', '1'],
- curl: ['0', '1'],
- response: `[
- {
- height: 698771,
- time: 1630636953000,
- hash: "0000000000000000000a33c6ac863eee8c76ca72435f25d679609c0949ac9374",
- previousBlockHash: "00000000000000000001e4184639e5600d3fb4c4e06c2a625e76804c4bc93cb1",
- txs: []
- }
- },
- },
default: {
codeTemplate: {
- curl: `/api/blocks/%{1}`,
+ curl: `/api/v1/blocks/%{1}`,
commonJS: `
const { %{0}: { blocks } } = mempoolJS();
@@ -2732,47 +2696,125 @@ export const restApiDocsData = [
codeSampleMainnet: {
- esModule: ['698777'],
- commonJS: ['698777'],
- curl: ['698777'],
+ esModule: ['730000'],
+ commonJS: ['730000'],
+ curl: ['730000'],
response: `[
- id: "00000000000000000003002915e015c47610c55b6f0228ad62bfcc59b65e67b7",
- height: 698777,
- version: 536870916,
- timestamp: 1630641711,
- tx_count: 2327,
- size: 1466537,
- weight: 3999653,
- merkle_root: "023e27dde144eedc65ff3b27c535ebc7dced6c49fe78f94cdf85cf2000608d2f",
- previousblockhash: "0000000000000000000701a7f14e362d3f10aa524200db1710ce3bbf0c0f8b75",
- mediantime: 1630636986,
- nonce: 1926094388,
- bits: 386923168,
- difficulty: 17615033039278
+ "id": "0000000000000000000384f28cb3b9cf4377a39cfd6c29ae9466951de38c0529",
+ "timestamp": 1648829449,
+ "height": 730000,
+ "version": 536870912,
+ "bits": 386521239,
+ "nonce": 3580664066,
+ "difficulty": 28587155782195.14,
+ "merkle_root": "efa344bcd6c0607f93b709515dd6dc5496178112d680338ebea459e3de7b4fbc",
+ "tx_count": 1627,
+ "size": 1210916,
+ "weight": 3993515,
+ "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000008b6f6fb83f8d74512ef1e0af29e642dd20daddd7d318f",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "0390230b1362696e616e63652f383038e0006f02cd583765fabe6d6d686355577affaad03015e732428a927a5d2d842471b350394139616bcb4401d804000000000000001a750000c9ad0000",
+ "medianFee": 11,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 1,
+ 11,
+ 11,
+ 11,
+ 18,
+ 21,
+ 660
+ ],
+ "reward": 641321983,
+ "totalFees": 16321983,
+ "avgFee": 10038,
+ "avgFeeRate": 16,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 105,
+ "name": "Binance Pool",
+ "slug": "binancepool"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "00000000000000000008b6f6fb83f8d74512ef1e0af29e642dd20daddd7d318f",
+ "timestamp": 1648828946,
+ "height": 729999,
+ "version": 793796608,
+ "bits": 386521239,
+ "nonce": 3477019455,
+ "difficulty": 28587155782195.14,
+ "merkle_root": "d84f9cc1823bd069c505061b1f6faabd809d67ab5354e9f6234312dc4bdb1ecf",
+ "tx_count": 2574,
+ "size": 1481957,
+ "weight": 3993485,
+ "previousblockhash": "000000000000000000071e6c86c2175aa86817cae2a77acd95372b55c1103d89",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "038f230b1362696e616e63652f373739d8002900ca5de7a9fabe6d6dda31112c36c10a523154eae76847579755cd4ae558ee2e6f9f200b05dd32a0bf04000000000000006372000000020000",
+ "medianFee": 17,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 2,
+ 11,
+ 14,
+ 17,
+ 19,
+ 28,
+ 502
+ ],
+ "reward": 649090210,
+ "totalFees": 24090210,
+ "avgFee": 9362,
+ "avgFeeRate": 24,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 105,
+ "name": "Binance Pool",
+ "slug": "binancepool"
+ }
+ }
codeSampleTestnet: {
esModule: ['2091187'],
commonJS: ['2091187'],
curl: ['2091187'],
response: `[
- {
- id: "00000000000000533f63df886281a9fd74da163e84a21445153ff480e5f57970",
- height: 2091187,
- version: 545259520,
- timestamp: 1630641890,
- tx_count: 26,
- size: 8390,
- weight: 22985,
- merkle_root: "4d6df12a4af11bb928c7b2930e0a4d2c3e268c6dc6a07462943ad1c4b6b96468",
- previousblockhash: "0000000000000079103da7d296e1480295df795b7379e7dffd27743e214b0b32",
- mediantime: 1630639627,
- nonce: 309403673,
- bits: 436273151,
- difficulty: 16777216
+ {
+ "id": "00000000000000533f63df886281a9fd74da163e84a21445153ff480e5f57970",
+ "timestamp": 1630641890,
+ "height": 2091187,
+ "version": 545259520,
+ "bits": 436273151,
+ "nonce": 309403673,
+ "difficulty": 16777216,
+ "merkle_root": "4d6df12a4af11bb928c7b2930e0a4d2c3e268c6dc6a07462943ad1c4b6b96468",
+ "tx_count": 26,
+ "size": 8390,
+ "weight": 22985,
+ "previousblockhash": "0000000000000079103da7d296e1480295df795b7379e7dffd27743e214b0b32",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "03b3e81f3a205468697320626c6f636b20776173206d696e65642077697468206120636172626f6e206e6567617469766520706f77657220736f75726365201209687a2009092009020de601d7986a040000",
+ "medianFee": 1,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 5,
+ 56,
+ 5053
+ ],
+ "reward": 10547567,
+ "totalFees": 781942,
+ "avgFee": 31277,
+ "avgFeeRate": 143,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 137,
+ "name": "Unknown",
+ "slug": "unknown"
+ }
+ }
@@ -2783,63 +2825,46 @@ export const restApiDocsData = [
curl: ['53783'],
response: `[
- id: "0000010eeacb878340bae34af4e13551413d76a172ec302f7e50b62cb45374f2",
- height: 53783,
- version: 536870912,
- timestamp: 1630641504,
- tx_count: 1,
- size: 343,
- weight: 1264,
- merkle_root: "3063ff3802c920eea68bdc9303957f3e7bfd0a03c93547fd7dad14b77a07d4e8",
- previousblockhash: "00000109a7ea774fcc2d173f9a1da9595a47ff401dac67ca9edea149954210fa",
- mediantime: 1630638966,
- nonce: 11753379,
- bits: 503404179,
- difficulty: 0
- },
- ...
- },
- codeSampleLiquid: {
- esModule: ['1472246'],
- commonJS: ['1472246'],
- curl: ['1472246'],
- response: `[
- {
- id: "0bd348c08101fef863b7263b2b44b2f6575f707f1e397da95cfe2afdd5e9ccdb",
- height: 1472246,
- version: 570425344,
- timestamp: 1630642018,
- tx_count: 2,
- size: 10838,
- weight: 16901,
- merkle_root: "a8cdc1ba96d1f862ca7c9aec4133a6efd14138f54c17efdbc968632a6b9cb8c8",
- previousblockhash: "a06c327cdd76301de57ba0cf86c5ae8b1fd8a785945065ac9e2128322bd01f31",
- mediantime: 1630641718
- },
- ...
- },
- codeSampleLiquidTestnet: {
- esModule: ['150000'],
- commonJS: ['150000'],
- curl: ['150000'],
- response: `[
- {
- id: "67d5eb1aee63c6c2058a088985503ff0626fd3f7f8022bdc74fab36a359164db",
- height: 150000,
- version: 536870912,
- timestamp: 1640871913,
- tx_count: 2,
- size: 3527,
- weight: 7430,
- merkle_root: "40538ff1fcac07c65e36fcc230fc60f58e3a885ce9898e41bc27bcf28227e5ff",
- previousblockhash: "2d8c28042b03219e7e9bc6853cc3ae536e36be5639869c545a0f3dbd1309e2a5",
- mediantime: 1640871614
+ "id": "0000010eeacb878340bae34af4e13551413d76a172ec302f7e50b62cb45374f2",
+ "timestamp": 1630641504,
+ "height": 53783,
+ "version": 536870912,
+ "bits": 503404179,
+ "nonce": 11753379,
+ "difficulty": 0.002919030932507782,
+ "merkle_root": "3063ff3802c920eea68bdc9303957f3e7bfd0a03c93547fd7dad14b77a07d4e8",
+ "tx_count": 1,
+ "size": 343,
+ "weight": 1264,
+ "previousblockhash": "00000109a7ea774fcc2d173f9a1da9595a47ff401dac67ca9edea149954210fa",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "0317d200",
+ "medianFee": 0,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "reward": 5000000000,
+ "totalFees": 0,
+ "avgFee": 0,
+ "avgFeeRate": 0,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 137,
+ "name": "Unknown",
+ "slug": "unknown"
+ }
+ }
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
@@ -2848,140 +2873,199 @@ export const restApiDocsData = [
type: "endpoint",
category: "blocks",
httpRequestMethod: "GET",
- fragment: "get-blocks-extras",
- title: "GET Blocks Extras",
+ fragment: "get-blocks",
+ title: "GET Blocks",
description: {
default: "Returns details on the past 15 blocks with fee and mining details in an extras
field. If :startHeight
is specified, the past 15 blocks before (and including) :startHeight
are returned."
- urlString: "/blocks-extras[/:startHeight]",
+ urlString: "/v1/blocks[/:startHeight]",
showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
- showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefault,
codeExample: {
default: {
codeTemplate: {
- curl: `/api/blocks-extras/%{1}`,
- commonJS: ``,
- esModule: ``
+ curl: `/api/v1/blocks/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: `
+ const { %{0}: { blocks } } = mempoolJS();
+ const getBlocks = await blocks.getBlocks({ startHeight: %{1} });
+ document.getElementById("result").textContent = JSON.stringify(getBlocks, undefined, 2);
+ `,
+ esModule: `
+ const { %{0}: { blocks } } = mempoolJS();
+ const getBlocks = await blocks.getBlocks({ startHeight: %{1} });
+ console.log(getBlocks);
+ `,
codeSampleMainnet: {
- esModule: [],
- commonJS: [],
- curl: ['736915'],
+ esModule: ['730000'],
+ commonJS: ['730000'],
+ curl: ['730000'],
response: `[
+ "id": "0000000000000000000384f28cb3b9cf4377a39cfd6c29ae9466951de38c0529",
+ "timestamp": 1648829449,
+ "height": 730000,
+ "version": 536870912,
+ "bits": 386521239,
+ "nonce": 3580664066,
+ "difficulty": 28587155782195.14,
+ "merkle_root": "efa344bcd6c0607f93b709515dd6dc5496178112d680338ebea459e3de7b4fbc",
+ "tx_count": 1627,
+ "size": 1210916,
+ "weight": 3993515,
+ "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000008b6f6fb83f8d74512ef1e0af29e642dd20daddd7d318f",
"extras": {
- "reward": 629766074,
- "coinbaseTx": {
- "vin": [
- {
- "scriptsig": "03933e0b215c204d41524120506f6f6c205c00000000be82a250e5ef942790d2542ca87d0000"
- }
- ],
- "vout": [
- {
- "scriptpubkey_address": "1A32KFEX7JNPmU1PVjrtiXRrTQcesT3Nf1",
- "value": 629766074
- }
- ]
- },
- "coinbaseRaw": "03933e0b215c204d41524120506f6f6c205c00000000be82a250e5ef942790d2542ca87d0000",
- "medianFee": 14,
+ "coinbaseRaw": "0390230b1362696e616e63652f383038e0006f02cd583765fabe6d6d686355577affaad03015e732428a927a5d2d842471b350394139616bcb4401d804000000000000001a750000c9ad0000",
+ "medianFee": 11,
"feeRange": [
- 1,
- 4,
- 14,
- 15,
- 20,
- 364
+ 11,
+ 11,
+ 11,
+ 18,
+ 21,
+ 660
- "totalFees": 4766074,
- "avgFee": 5043,
- "avgFeeRate": 14,
+ "reward": 641321983,
+ "totalFees": 16321983,
+ "avgFee": 10038,
+ "avgFeeRate": 16,
"pool": {
- "id": 115,
- "name": "MARA Pool",
- "slug": "marapool"
- },
- "matchRate": 100
- },
- "id": "00000000000000000000a742ae476dbe2a58c48b193484945c52b05967f2d74c",
- "height": 736915,
- "version": 541065216,
- "timestamp": 1652877171,
- "bits": 386466234,
- "nonce": 4069175824,
- "difficulty": 31251101365711.12,
- "merkle_root": "de54fd1adee9f010534e8efbf1244a01528e20dd283c8927026f5442c3e03459",
- "tx_count": 946,
- "size": 524907,
- "weight": 1362339,
- "previousblockhash": "000000000000000000070760a253405ca69498464d9f8e9fab2452cbbfc10cbe"
+ "id": 105,
+ "name": "Binance Pool",
+ "slug": "binancepool"
+ }
+ }
+ "id": "00000000000000000008b6f6fb83f8d74512ef1e0af29e642dd20daddd7d318f",
+ "timestamp": 1648828946,
+ "height": 729999,
+ "version": 793796608,
+ "bits": 386521239,
+ "nonce": 3477019455,
+ "difficulty": 28587155782195.14,
+ "merkle_root": "d84f9cc1823bd069c505061b1f6faabd809d67ab5354e9f6234312dc4bdb1ecf",
+ "tx_count": 2574,
+ "size": 1481957,
+ "weight": 3993485,
+ "previousblockhash": "000000000000000000071e6c86c2175aa86817cae2a77acd95372b55c1103d89",
"extras": {
- "reward": 638804415,
- "coinbaseTx": {
- "vin": [
- {
- "scriptsig": "03923e0bfabe6d6dc3e96cee3cb68ee52bd31fde8e1f4983a780ea836115788d81a559e03791071f01000000000000001065040008d708c7010000000000007a6d4683012f736c7573682f"
- }
- ],
- "vout": [
- {
- "scriptpubkey_address": "1CK6KHY6MHgYvmRQ4PAafKYDrg1ejbH1cE",
- "value": 638804415
- }
- ]
- },
- "coinbaseRaw": "03923e0bfabe6d6dc3e96cee3cb68ee52bd31fde8e1f4983a780ea836115788d81a559e03791071f01000000000000001065040008d708c7010000000000007a6d4683012f736c7573682f",
- "medianFee": 14,
+ "coinbaseRaw": "038f230b1362696e616e63652f373739d8002900ca5de7a9fabe6d6dda31112c36c10a523154eae76847579755cd4ae558ee2e6f9f200b05dd32a0bf04000000000000006372000000020000",
+ "medianFee": 17,
"feeRange": [
- 1,
- 1,
+ 11,
- 15,
- 20,
- 347
+ 17,
+ 19,
+ 28,
+ 502
- "totalFees": 13804415,
- "avgFee": 5287,
- "avgFeeRate": 14,
+ "reward": 649090210,
+ "totalFees": 24090210,
+ "avgFee": 9362,
+ "avgFeeRate": 24,
"pool": {
- "id": 43,
- "name": "SlushPool",
- "slug": "slushpool"
- },
- "matchRate": 100
- },
- "id": "000000000000000000070760a253405ca69498464d9f8e9fab2452cbbfc10cbe",
- "height": 736914,
- "version": 555696132,
- "timestamp": 1652876939,
- "bits": 386466234,
- "nonce": 3839610443,
- "difficulty": 31251101365711.12,
- "merkle_root": "dc6d15f641e7af26dbaf3ee37203155f8053a8755e85f4955d11ea0c54008b16",
- "tx_count": 2612,
- "size": 1450209,
- "weight": 3931749,
- "previousblockhash": "00000000000000000002b5b2afc1c62e61e53f966b965a9a8ce99112e24066ae"
+ "id": 105,
+ "name": "Binance Pool",
+ "slug": "binancepool"
+ }
+ }
codeSampleTestnet: {
- esModule: [],
- commonJS: [],
- curl: ['2226118'],
- response: `[]`
+ esModule: ['2091187'],
+ commonJS: ['2091187'],
+ curl: ['2091187'],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "id": "00000000000000533f63df886281a9fd74da163e84a21445153ff480e5f57970",
+ "timestamp": 1630641890,
+ "height": 2091187,
+ "version": 545259520,
+ "bits": 436273151,
+ "nonce": 309403673,
+ "difficulty": 16777216,
+ "merkle_root": "4d6df12a4af11bb928c7b2930e0a4d2c3e268c6dc6a07462943ad1c4b6b96468",
+ "tx_count": 26,
+ "size": 8390,
+ "weight": 22985,
+ "previousblockhash": "0000000000000079103da7d296e1480295df795b7379e7dffd27743e214b0b32",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "03b3e81f3a205468697320626c6f636b20776173206d696e65642077697468206120636172626f6e206e6567617469766520706f77657220736f75726365201209687a2009092009020de601d7986a040000",
+ "medianFee": 1,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 5,
+ 56,
+ 5053
+ ],
+ "reward": 10547567,
+ "totalFees": 781942,
+ "avgFee": 31277,
+ "avgFeeRate": 143,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 137,
+ "name": "Unknown",
+ "slug": "unknown"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ...
codeSampleSignet: {
- esModule: [],
- commonJS: [],
- curl: ['88832'],
- response: `[]`
+ esModule: ['53783'],
+ commonJS: ['53783'],
+ curl: ['53783'],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "id": "0000010eeacb878340bae34af4e13551413d76a172ec302f7e50b62cb45374f2",
+ "timestamp": 1630641504,
+ "height": 53783,
+ "version": 536870912,
+ "bits": 503404179,
+ "nonce": 11753379,
+ "difficulty": 0.002919030932507782,
+ "merkle_root": "3063ff3802c920eea68bdc9303957f3e7bfd0a03c93547fd7dad14b77a07d4e8",
+ "tx_count": 1,
+ "size": 343,
+ "weight": 1264,
+ "previousblockhash": "00000109a7ea774fcc2d173f9a1da9595a47ff401dac67ca9edea149954210fa",
+ "extras": {
+ "coinbaseRaw": "0317d200",
+ "medianFee": 0,
+ "feeRange": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "reward": 5000000000,
+ "totalFees": 0,
+ "avgFee": 0,
+ "avgFeeRate": 0,
+ "pool": {
+ "id": 137,
+ "name": "Unknown",
+ "slug": "unknown"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ...
codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,