From 50b9644bd0a0af1604763ff012cc497e7dadc83d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hunicus <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 17:43:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add mainnet lightning api docs
.../src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts | 1423 +++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 1423 insertions(+)
diff --git a/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts b/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
index 1b02ceceb..f733e751d 100644
--- a/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/app/docs/api-docs/api-docs-data.ts
@@ -5977,6 +5977,1429 @@ export const restApiDocsData = [
+ {
+ type: "category",
+ category: "lightning",
+ fragment: "lightning",
+ title: "Lightning",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-lightning-network-stats",
+ title: "GET Network Stats",
+ description: {
+ default: "
Returns network-wide stats such as total number of channels and nodes, total capacity, and average/median fee figures.
Pass one of the following for :interval
: latest
, 24h
, 3d
, 1w
, 1m
, 3m
, 6m
, 1y
, 2y
, 3y
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/statistics/:interval",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/statistics/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`latest`],
+ response: `{
+ "latest": {
+ "id": 163,
+ "added": "2022-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",
+ "channel_count": 81690,
+ "node_count": 15851,
+ "total_capacity": 460820222344,
+ "tor_nodes": 11455,
+ "clearnet_nodes": 2305,
+ "unannounced_nodes": 974,
+ "avg_capacity": 5641085,
+ "avg_fee_rate": 497,
+ "avg_base_fee_mtokens": 915,
+ "med_capacity": 1500000,
+ "med_fee_rate": 40,
+ "med_base_fee_mtokens": 100,
+ "clearnet_tor_nodes": 1117
+ }
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-lightning-nodes-channels",
+ title: "GET Nodes/Channels",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns Lightning nodes and channels that match a full-text, case-insensitive search :query
across node aliases, node pubkeys, channel IDs, and short channel IDs.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/search?searchText=:query",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/search?searchText=%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`ACINQ`],
+ response: `{
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "public_key": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "capacity": 35920090247,
+ "channels": 2907
+ },
+ {
+ "public_key": "03d3902b46d6ab9558a76cbf91b27d093c0a3c54e59f33c7eb4bd643dbb3b1b5b0",
+ "alias": "Acinq",
+ "capacity": null,
+ "channels": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "channels": []
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-lightning-nodes-country",
+ title: "GET Nodes in Country",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of Lightning nodes running on clearnet in the requested :country
, where :country
is an ISO Alpha-2 country code.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/country/:country",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/country/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`ch`],
+ response: `{
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Schweiz",
+ "en": "Switzerland",
+ "es": "Suiza",
+ "fr": "Suisse",
+ "ja": "スイス連邦",
+ "pt-BR": "Suíça",
+ "ru": "Швейцария",
+ "zh-CN": "瑞士"
+ },
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "public_key": "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025",
+ "capacity": 54339697486,
+ "channels": 991,
+ "alias": "bfx-lnd0",
+ "first_seen": 1574813156,
+ "updated_at": 1661814056,
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Zürich",
+ "en": "Zurich",
+ "es": "Zúrich",
+ "fr": "Zurich",
+ "ja": "チューリッヒ",
+ "pt-BR": "Zurique",
+ "ru": "Цюрих",
+ "zh-CN": "苏黎世"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Schweiz",
+ "en": "Switzerland",
+ "es": "Suiza",
+ "fr": "Suisse",
+ "ja": "スイス連邦",
+ "pt-BR": "Suíça",
+ "ru": "Швейцария",
+ "zh-CN": "瑞士"
+ },
+ "iso_code": "CH",
+ "subdivision": {
+ "de": "Zürich",
+ "en": "Zurich",
+ "fr": "Zurich"
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-country-node-stats",
+ title: "GET Node Stats Per Country",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns aggregate capacity and number of clearnet nodes per country. Capacity figures are in satoshis.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/countries",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/countries`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "name": {
+ "de": "Vereinigte Staaten",
+ "en": "United States",
+ "es": "Estados Unidos",
+ "fr": "États Unis",
+ "ja": "アメリカ",
+ "pt-BR": "EUA",
+ "ru": "США",
+ "zh-CN": "美国"
+ },
+ "iso": "US",
+ "count": 2775,
+ "share": 34.53,
+ "capacity": "372732844657"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": {
+ "de": "Frankreich",
+ "en": "France",
+ "es": "Francia",
+ "fr": "France",
+ "ja": "フランス共和国",
+ "pt-BR": "França",
+ "ru": "Франция",
+ "zh-CN": "法国"
+ },
+ "iso": "FR",
+ "count": 972,
+ "share": 12.09,
+ "capacity": "7740713270"
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-isp-nodes",
+ title: "GET ISP Nodes",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of nodes hosted by a specified :isp
, where :isp
is an ISP's ASN.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/isp/:isp",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/isp/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`16509`],
+ response: `{
+ "isp": "",
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "public_key": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "capacity": 36010390247,
+ "channels": 2907,
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "first_seen": 1522941222,
+ "updated_at": 1661274935,
+ "city": null,
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Vereinigte Staaten",
+ "en": "United States",
+ "es": "Estados Unidos",
+ "fr": "États Unis",
+ "ja": "アメリカ",
+ "pt-BR": "EUA",
+ "ru": "США",
+ "zh-CN": "美国"
+ },
+ "iso_code": "US",
+ "subdivision": null
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-isp-node-stats",
+ title: "GET Node Stats Per ISP",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns aggregate capacity, number of nodes, and number of channels per ISP. Capacity figures are in satoshis.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/isp-ranking",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/isp-ranking`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `{
+ "clearnetCapacity": 417154330493,
+ "torCapacity": 36605381932,
+ "unknownCapacity": 6678700534,
+ "ispRanking": [
+ [
+ "14061", //ASN
+ "DigitalOcean", //ISP name
+ 43681728521, //aggregate capacity, in sats
+ 5028, //total number of channels
+ 192 //number of nodes
+ ],
+ [
+ "701",
+ "Verizon Internet Services",
+ 3047086363,
+ 507,
+ 55
+ ],
+ [
+ "396982,15169",
+ "Google Cloud",
+ 139554933568,
+ 2747,
+ 78
+ ],
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-top-100-nodes",
+ title: "GET Top 100 Nodes",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns two lists of the top 100 nodes: one ordered by liquidity (aggregate channel capacity) and the other ordered by connectivity (number of open channels).
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `{
+ "topByCapacity": [
+ {
+ "publicKey": "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025",
+ "alias": "bfx-lnd0",
+ "capacity": 54361697486
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "capacity": 36010516297
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "topByChannels": [
+ {
+ "publicKey": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "channels": 2908
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey": "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226",
+ "alias": "",
+ "channels": 2771
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-top-100-nodes-liquidity",
+ title: "GET Top 100 Nodes by Liquidity",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of the top 100 nodes by liquidity (aggregate channel capacity).
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/liquidity",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/liquidity`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "publicKey": "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025",
+ "alias": "bfx-lnd0",
+ "capacity": 54361697486,
+ "channels": 993,
+ "firstSeen": 1574813156,
+ "updatedAt": 1661814056,
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Zürich",
+ "en": "Zurich",
+ "es": "Zúrich",
+ "fr": "Zurich",
+ "ja": "チューリッヒ",
+ "pt-BR": "Zurique",
+ "ru": "Цюрих",
+ "zh-CN": "苏黎世"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Schweiz",
+ "en": "Switzerland",
+ "es": "Suiza",
+ "fr": "Suisse",
+ "ja": "スイス連邦",
+ "pt-BR": "Suíça",
+ "ru": "Швейцария",
+ "zh-CN": "瑞士"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "capacity": 36010516297,
+ "channels": 2908,
+ "firstSeen": 1522941222,
+ "updatedAt": 1661274935,
+ "city": null,
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Vereinigte Staaten",
+ "en": "United States",
+ "es": "Estados Unidos",
+ "fr": "États Unis",
+ "ja": "アメリカ",
+ "pt-BR": "EUA",
+ "ru": "США",
+ "zh-CN": "美国"
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-top-100-nodes-connectivity",
+ title: "GET Top 100 Nodes by Connectivity",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of the top 100 nodes by connectivity (number of open channels).
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/connectivity",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/connectivity`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "publicKey": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
+ "alias": "ACINQ",
+ "channels": 2908,
+ "capacity": 36010516297,
+ "firstSeen": 1522941222,
+ "updatedAt": 1661274935,
+ "city": null,
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Vereinigte Staaten",
+ "en": "United States",
+ "es": "Estados Unidos",
+ "fr": "États Unis",
+ "ja": "アメリカ",
+ "pt-BR": "EUA",
+ "ru": "США",
+ "zh-CN": "美国"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey": "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226",
+ "alias": "",
+ "channels": 2772,
+ "capacity": 15464503162,
+ "firstSeen": 1601429940,
+ "updatedAt": 1661812116,
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Vancouver",
+ "en": "Vancouver",
+ "es": "Vancouver",
+ "fr": "Vancouver",
+ "ja": "バンクーバー市",
+ "pt-BR": "Vancôver",
+ "ru": "Ванкувер"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Kanada",
+ "en": "Canada",
+ "es": "Canadá",
+ "fr": "Canada",
+ "ja": "カナダ",
+ "pt-BR": "Canadá",
+ "ru": "Канада",
+ "zh-CN": "加拿大"
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-top-100-oldest-nodes",
+ title: "GET Top 100 Oldest Nodes",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of the top 100 oldest nodes.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/age",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/rankings/age`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "publicKey": "02d4531a2f2e6e5a9033d37d548cff4834a3898e74c3abe1985b493c42ebbd707d",
+ "alias": "",
+ "channels": 13,
+ "capacity": 35945717,
+ "firstSeen": 1518001533,
+ "updatedAt": 1661713804,
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Brüssel",
+ "en": "Brussels",
+ "es": "Bruselas",
+ "fr": "Bruxelles",
+ "ja": "ブリュッセル",
+ "pt-BR": "Bruxelas",
+ "ru": "Брюссель",
+ "zh-CN": "布鲁塞尔"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Belgien",
+ "en": "Belgium",
+ "es": "Bélgica",
+ "fr": "Belgique",
+ "ja": "ベルギー王国",
+ "pt-BR": "Bélgica",
+ "ru": "Бельгия",
+ "zh-CN": "比利时"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "publicKey": "024bd94f0425590434538fd21d4e58982f7e9cfd8f339205a73deb9c0e0341f5bd",
+ "alias": "🔵 ",
+ "channels": 2,
+ "capacity": 600000,
+ "firstSeen": 1520596684,
+ "updatedAt": 1603261631,
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Clifton",
+ "en": "Clifton",
+ "ja": "クリフトン",
+ "pt-BR": "Clifton",
+ "ru": "Клифтон",
+ "zh-CN": "克利夫頓"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Vereinigte Staaten",
+ "en": "United States",
+ "es": "Estados Unidos",
+ "fr": "États Unis",
+ "ja": "アメリカ",
+ "pt-BR": "EUA",
+ "ru": "США",
+ "zh-CN": "美国"
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-node-stats",
+ title: "GET Node Stats",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns details about a node with the given :pubKey
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/:pubKey",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`033ac2f9f7ff643c235cc247c521663924aff73b26b38118a6c6821460afcde1b3`],
+ response: `{
+ "public_key": "033ac2f9f7ff643c235cc247c521663924aff73b26b38118a6c6821460afcde1b3",
+ "alias": "",
+ "first_seen": 1521504055,
+ "updated_at": 1661869523,
+ "color": "#68f442",
+ "sockets": "",
+ "as_number": 8422,
+ "city_id": 2886242,
+ "country_id": 2921044,
+ "subdivision_id": 2861876,
+ "longitude": 6.9489,
+ "latitude": 50.9298,
+ "iso_code": "DE",
+ "as_organization": "NetCologne GmbH",
+ "city": {
+ "de": "Köln",
+ "en": "Cologne",
+ "es": "Colonia",
+ "fr": "Cologne",
+ "ja": "ケルン",
+ "pt-BR": "Colônia",
+ "ru": "Кёльн",
+ "zh-CN": "科隆"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "de": "Deutschland",
+ "en": "Germany",
+ "es": "Alemania",
+ "fr": "Allemagne",
+ "ja": "ドイツ連邦共和国",
+ "pt-BR": "Alemanha",
+ "ru": "Германия",
+ "zh-CN": "德国"
+ },
+ "subdivision": {
+ "de": "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
+ "en": "North Rhine-Westphalia",
+ "es": "Renania del Norte-Westfalia",
+ "fr": "Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie",
+ "ru": "Северный Рейн-Вестфалия"
+ },
+ "active_channel_count": 55,
+ "capacity": "31505027",
+ "opened_channel_count": 55,
+ "closed_channel_count": 111
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-historical-node-stats",
+ title: "GET Historical Node Stats",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns historical stats for a node with the given :pubKey
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/nodes/:pubKey/statistics",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/nodes/%{1}/statistics`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`033ac2f9f7ff643c235cc247c521663924aff73b26b38118a6c6821460afcde1b3`],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "added": 1661817600,
+ "capacity": 31505027,
+ "channels": 55
+ },
+ {
+ "added": 1661731200,
+ "capacity": 31505027,
+ "channels": 55
+ },
+ {
+ "added": 1655078400,
+ "capacity": 26487523,
+ "channels": 43
+ },
+ {
+ "added": 1654992000,
+ "capacity": 32692287,
+ "channels": 57
+ },
+ {
+ "added": 1654905600,
+ "capacity": 32692287,
+ "channels": 57
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-channel",
+ title: "GET Channel",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns info about a Lightning channel with the given :channelId
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/channels/:channelId",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/channels/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`768457472831193088`],
+ response: `{
+ "id": "768457472831193088",
+ "short_id": "698908x1305x0",
+ "capacity": 16777215,
+ "transaction_id": "9f248ff82f6ff4c112c218438cfde8260623663bc85a360d09a13b9a9b083564",
+ "transaction_vout": 0,
+ "closing_transaction_id": null,
+ "closing_reason": null,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T23:05:40.000Z",
+ "created": "2021-09-04T00:10:42.000Z",
+ "status": 1,
+ "node_left": {
+ "alias": "CoinGate",
+ "public_key": "0242a4ae0c5bef18048fbecf995094b74bfb0f7391418d71ed394784373f41e4f3",
+ "channels": 1,
+ "capacity": 20000,
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 1000,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 1,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 16609443000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T23:05:40.000Z",
+ "longitude": 8.6843,
+ "latitude": 50.1188
+ },
+ "node_right": {
+ "alias": "Blixt Wallet 🟡",
+ "public_key": "0230a5bca558e6741460c13dd34e636da28e52afd91cf93db87ed1b0392a7466eb",
+ "channels": 3,
+ "capacity": 34754430,
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 1000,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 180,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 16609443000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T18:44:00.000Z",
+ "longitude": 9.491,
+ "latitude": 51.2993
+ }
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-channels-from-txid",
+ title: "GET Channels from TXID",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns channels that correspond to the given :txid
(multiple transaction IDs can be specified).
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/channels/txids?txId[]=:txid",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/channels/txids?txId[]=%{1}&txId[]=%{2}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`c3173549f502ede6440d5c48ea74af5607d88484c7a912bbef73d430049f8af4`,`d78f0b41a263af3df91fa4171cc2f60c40196aaf8f4bde5d1c8ff4474cfe753b`],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "inputs": {},
+ "outputs": {
+ "1": {
+ "id": "819296691409584129",
+ "short_id": "745146x287x1",
+ "capacity": 300000000,
+ "transaction_id": "c3173549f502ede6440d5c48ea74af5607d88484c7a912bbef73d430049f8af4",
+ "transaction_vout": 1,
+ "closing_transaction_id": null,
+ "closing_reason": null,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T18:44:07.000Z",
+ "created": "2022-07-16T00:11:33.000Z",
+ "status": 1,
+ "node_left": {
+ "alias": "River Financial 1",
+ "public_key": "03037dc08e9ac63b82581f79b662a4d0ceca8a8ca162b1af3551595b8f2d97b70a",
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 0,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 500,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 297000000000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-23T17:53:43.000Z"
+ },
+ "node_right": {
+ "alias": "0204a91bb5802ad0a799",
+ "public_key": "0204a91bb5802ad0a799acfd86ef566da03d80cc9e13acb01e680634bf64188a0d",
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 0,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 152,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 297000000000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T18:44:07.000Z"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "inputs": {},
+ "outputs": {
+ "1": {
+ "id": "814662250034036737",
+ "short_id": "740931x2355x1",
+ "capacity": 300000000,
+ "transaction_id": "d78f0b41a263af3df91fa4171cc2f60c40196aaf8f4bde5d1c8ff4474cfe753b",
+ "transaction_vout": 1,
+ "closing_transaction_id": null,
+ "closing_reason": null,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-28T18:54:40.000Z",
+ "created": "2022-06-15T16:18:33.000Z",
+ "status": 1,
+ "node_left": {
+ "alias": "bfx-lnd0",
+ "public_key": "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025",
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 1000,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 1,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 297000000000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-25T18:44:03.000Z"
+ },
+ "node_right": {
+ "alias": "River Financial 1",
+ "public_key": "03037dc08e9ac63b82581f79b662a4d0ceca8a8ca162b1af3551595b8f2d97b70a",
+ "base_fee_mtokens": 0,
+ "cltv_delta": 0,
+ "fee_rate": 750,
+ "is_disabled": 0,
+ "max_htlc_mtokens": 297000000000,
+ "min_htlc_mtokens": 1000,
+ "updated_at": "2022-08-28T18:54:40.000Z"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-channels-from-pubkey",
+ title: "GET Channels from Node Pubkey",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of a node's channels given its :pubKey
. Ten channels are returned at a time. Use :index
for paging. :channelStatus
can be open
, active
, or closed
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/channels?public_key=:pubKey&status=:channelStatus",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/channels?public_key=%{1}&status=%{2}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`026165850492521f4ac8abd9bd8088123446d126f648ca35e60f88177dc149ceb2`,`open`],
+ response: `[
+ {
+ "status": 1,
+ "closing_reason": null,
+ "capacity": 59200000,
+ "short_id": "751361x1324x1",
+ "id": "826130156244172801",
+ "fee_rate": 1,
+ "node": {
+ "alias": "",
+ "public_key": "032fe854a231aeb2357523ee6ca263ae04ce53eee8a13767ecbb911b69fefd8ace",
+ "channels": 65,
+ "capacity": "856675361"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "status": 1,
+ "closing_reason": null,
+ "capacity": 51000000,
+ "short_id": "750792x1586x1",
+ "id": "825504534145138689",
+ "fee_rate": 1,
+ "node": {
+ "alias": "Escher",
+ "public_key": "02b515c74f334dee09821bee299fcbd9668182730c5719b25a8f262b28893198b0",
+ "channels": 50,
+ "capacity": "2202925844"
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-channel-geodata",
+ title: "GET Channel Geodata",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of channels with corresponding node geodata.
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/channels-geo",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/channels-geo`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [],
+ response: `[
+ [
+ "03120ac28af913889cbc3cb86d7aff12bc0abe939f1fa9fb1980bdff8483197092",
+ -77.2278,
+ 38.9567,
+ "03baa70886d9200af0ffbd3f9e18d96008331c858456b16e3a9b41e735c6208fef",
+ -77.2278,
+ 38.9567
+ ],
+ [
+ "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025",
+ "bfx-lnd0",
+ 8.5671,
+ 47.3682,
+ "028d98b9969fbed53784a36617eb489a59ab6dc9b9d77fcdca9ff55307cd98e3c4",
+ "",
+ -83.0061,
+ 39.9625
+ ],
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "endpoint",
+ category: "lightning",
+ httpRequestMethod: "GET",
+ fragment: "get-channel-geodata-node",
+ title: "GET Channel Geodata for Node",
+ description: {
+ default: "Returns a list of channels with corresponding geodata for a node with the given :pubKey
+ },
+ urlString: "/v1/lightning/channels-geo/:pubKey",
+ showConditions: bitcoinNetworks,
+ showJsExamples: showJsExamplesDefaultFalse,
+ codeExample: {
+ default: {
+ codeTemplate: {
+ curl: `/api/v1/lightning/channels-geo/%{1}`,
+ commonJS: ``,
+ esModule: ``
+ },
+ codeSampleMainnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`03d607f3e69fd032524a867b288216bfab263b6eaee4e07783799a6fe69bb84fac`],
+ response: `[
+ [
+ "03d607f3e69fd032524a867b288216bfab263b6eaee4e07783799a6fe69bb84fac",
+ "Bitrefill",
+ -77.4903,
+ 39.0469,
+ "024a2e265cd66066b78a788ae615acdc84b5b0dec9efac36d7ac87513015eaf6ed",
+ "Bitrefill",
+ -6.2591,
+ 53.3379
+ ],
+ [
+ "03d607f3e69fd032524a867b288216bfab263b6eaee4e07783799a6fe69bb84fac",
+ "Bitrefill",
+ -77.4903,
+ 39.0469,
+ "030c3f19d742ca294a55c00376b3b355c3c90d61c6b6b39554dbc7ac19b141c14f",
+ "Bitrefill Routing",
+ -6.2591,
+ 53.3379
+ ],
+ ...
+ },
+ codeSampleTestnet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleSignet: {
+ esModule: [],
+ commonJS: [],
+ curl: [`3y`],
+ response: `{
+ },
+ codeSampleLiquid: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleLiquidTestnet: emptyCodeSample,
+ codeSampleBisq: emptyCodeSample,
+ }
+ }
+ }
export const faqData = [