@ -1,135 +1,260 @@
import config from '../../config';
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import http from 'http';
import { AbstractBitcoinApi } from './bitcoin-api-abstract-factory';
import { IEsploraApi } from './esplora-api.interface';
import logger from '../../logger';
const axiosConnection = axios.create({
httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true, })
interface FailoverHost {
host: string,
rtts: number[],
rtt: number
failures: number,
socket?: boolean,
outOfSync?: boolean,
unreachable?: boolean,
preferred?: boolean,
class ElectrsApi implements AbstractBitcoinApi {
private axiosConfigWithUnixSocket: AxiosRequestConfig = config.ESPLORA.UNIX_SOCKET_PATH ? {
socketPath: config.ESPLORA.UNIX_SOCKET_PATH,
timeout: 10000,
} : {
timeout: 10000,
private axiosConfigTcpSocketOnly: AxiosRequestConfig = {
timeout: 10000,
class FailoverRouter {
activeHost: FailoverHost;
fallbackHost: FailoverHost;
hosts: FailoverHost[];
multihost: boolean;
pollInterval: number = 60000;
pollTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
pollConnection = axios.create();
requestConnection = axios.create({
httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
constructor() {
this.activeAxiosConfig = this.axiosConfigWithUnixSocket;
// setup list of hosts
this.hosts = (config.ESPLORA.FALLBACK || []).map(domain => {
return {
host: domain,
rtts: [],
rtt: Infinity,
failures: 0,
this.activeHost = {
rtts: [],
rtt: 0,
failures: 0,
socket: !!config.ESPLORA.UNIX_SOCKET_PATH,
preferred: true,
this.fallbackHost = this.activeHost;
this.multihost = this.hosts.length > 1;
fallbackToTcpSocket() {
if (!this.unixSocketRetryTimeout) {
logger.err(`Unable to connect to esplora unix socket. Falling back to tcp socket. Retrying unix socket in ${config.ESPLORA.RETRY_UNIX_SOCKET_AFTER / 1000} seconds`);
// Retry the unix socket after a few seconds
this.unixSocketRetryTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
logger.info(`Retrying to use unix socket for esplora now (applied for the next query)`);
this.activeAxiosConfig = this.axiosConfigWithUnixSocket;
this.unixSocketRetryTimeout = undefined;
public startHealthChecks(): void {
// use axios interceptors to measure request rtt
this.pollConnection.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
config['meta'] = { startTime: Date.now() };
return config;
this.pollConnection.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
response.config['meta'].rtt = Date.now() - response.config['meta'].startTime;
return response;
if (this.multihost) {
// start polling hosts to measure availability & rtt
private async pollHosts(): Promise<void> {
if (this.pollTimer) {
// Use the TCP socket (reach a different esplora instance through nginx)
this.activeAxiosConfig = this.axiosConfigTcpSocketOnly;
const results = await Promise.allSettled(this.hosts.map(async (host) => {
if (host.socket) {
return this.pollConnection.get<number>('/blocks/tip/height', { socketPath: host.host, timeout: 2000 });
} else {
return this.pollConnection.get<number>(host.host + '/blocks/tip/height', { timeout: 2000 });
const maxHeight = results.reduce((max, result) => Math.max(max, result.status === 'fulfilled' ? result.value?.data || 0 : 0), 0);
// update rtts & sync status
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const host = this.hosts[i];
const result = results[i].status === 'fulfilled' ? (results[i] as PromiseFulfilledResult<AxiosResponse<number, any>>).value : null;
if (result) {
const height = result.data;
const rtt = result.config['meta'].rtt;
host.rtts.slice(0, 5);
host.rtt = host.rtts.reduce((acc, l) => acc + l, 0) / host.rtts.length;
if (height == null || isNaN(height) || (maxHeight - height > 2)) {
host.outOfSync = true;
} else {
host.outOfSync = false;
host.unreachable = false;
} else {
host.unreachable = true;
logger.debug(`Tomahawk ranking: ${this.hosts.map(host => '\navg rtt ' + Math.round(host.rtt).toString().padStart(5, ' ') + ' | reachable? ' + (!host.unreachable || false).toString().padStart(5, ' ') + ' | in sync? ' + (!host.outOfSync || false).toString().padStart(5, ' ') + ` | ${host.host}`).join('')}`);
// switch if the current host is out of sync or significantly slower than the next best alternative
if (this.activeHost.outOfSync || this.activeHost.unreachable || (this.activeHost !== this.hosts[0] && this.hosts[0].preferred) || (!this.activeHost.preferred && this.activeHost.rtt > (this.hosts[0].rtt * 2) + 50)) {
if (this.activeHost.unreachable) {
logger.warn(`Unable to reach ${this.activeHost.host}, failing over to next best alternative`);
} else if (this.activeHost.outOfSync) {
logger.warn(`${this.activeHost.host} has fallen behind, failing over to next best alternative`);
} else {
logger.debug(`${this.activeHost.host} is no longer the best esplora host`);
this.pollTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.pollHosts(); }, this.pollInterval);
$queryWrapper<T>(url, responseType = 'json'): Promise<T> {
return axiosConnection.get<T>(url, { ...this.activeAxiosConfig, responseType: responseType })
.then((response) => response.data)
// sort hosts by connection quality, and update default fallback
private sortHosts(): void {
// sort by connection quality
this.hosts.sort((a, b) => {
if ((a.unreachable || a.outOfSync) === (b.unreachable || b.outOfSync)) {
if (a.preferred === b.preferred) {
// lower rtt is best
return a.rtt - b.rtt;
} else { // unless we have a preferred host
return a.preferred ? -1 : 1;
} else { // or the host is out of sync
return (a.unreachable || a.outOfSync) ? 1 : -1;
if (this.hosts.length > 1 && this.hosts[0] === this.activeHost) {
this.fallbackHost = this.hosts[1];
} else {
this.fallbackHost = this.hosts[0];
// depose the active host and choose the next best replacement
private electHost(): void {
this.activeHost.outOfSync = true;
this.activeHost.failures = 0;
this.activeHost = this.hosts[0];
logger.warn(`Switching esplora host to ${this.activeHost.host}`);
private addFailure(host: FailoverHost): FailoverHost {
if (host.failures > 5 && this.multihost) {
logger.warn(`Too many esplora failures on ${this.activeHost.host}, falling back to next best alternative`);
return this.activeHost;
} else {
return this.fallbackHost;
private async $query<T>(method: 'get'| 'post', path, data: any, responseType = 'json', host = this.activeHost, retry: boolean = true): Promise<T> {
let axiosConfig;
let url;
if (host.socket) {
axiosConfig = { socketPath: host.host, timeout: 10000, responseType };
url = path;
} else {
axiosConfig = { timeout: 10000, responseType };
url = host.host + path;
return (method === 'post'
? this.requestConnection.post<T>(url, data, axiosConfig)
: this.requestConnection.get<T>(url, axiosConfig)
).then((response) => { host.failures = Math.max(0, host.failures - 1); return response.data; })
.catch((e) => {
if (e?.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
let fallbackHost = this.fallbackHost;
if (e?.response?.status !== 404) {
logger.warn(`esplora request failed ${e?.response?.status || 500} ${host.host}${path}`);
fallbackHost = this.addFailure(host);
if (retry && e?.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' && this.multihost) {
// Retry immediately
return axiosConnection.get<T>(url, this.activeAxiosConfig)
.then((response) => response.data)
.catch((e) => {
logger.warn(`Cannot query esplora through the unix socket nor the tcp socket. Exception ${e}`);
throw e;
return this.$query(method, path, data, responseType, fallbackHost, false);
} else {
throw e;
$postWrapper<T>(url, body, responseType = 'json', params: any = undefined): Promise<T> {
return axiosConnection.post<T>(url, body, { ...this.activeAxiosConfig, responseType: responseType, params })
.then((response) => response.data)
.catch((e) => {
if (e?.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
// Retry immediately
return axiosConnection.post<T>(url, body, this.activeAxiosConfig)
.then((response) => response.data)
.catch((e) => {
logger.warn(`Cannot query esplora through the unix socket nor the tcp socket. Exception ${e}`);
throw e;
} else {
throw e;
public async $get<T>(path, responseType = 'json'): Promise<T> {
return this.$query<T>('get', path, null, responseType);
public async $post<T>(path, data: any, responseType = 'json'): Promise<T> {
return this.$query<T>('post', path, data, responseType);
class ElectrsApi implements AbstractBitcoinApi {
private failoverRouter = new FailoverRouter();
$getRawMempool(): Promise<IEsploraApi.Transaction['txid'][]> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Transaction['txid'][]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/mempool/txids');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Transaction['txid'][]>('/mempool/txids');
$getRawTransaction(txId: string): Promise<IEsploraApi.Transaction> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Transaction>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/tx/' + txId);
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Transaction>('/tx/' + txId);
async $getMempoolTransactions(txids: string[]): Promise<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]> {
return this.$postWrapper<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/mempool/txs', txids, 'json');
return this.failoverRouter.$post<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>('/mempool/txs', txids, 'json');
async $getAllMempoolTransactions(lastSeenTxid?: string): Promise<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/mempool/txs' + (lastSeenTxid ? '/' + lastSeenTxid : ''));
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>('/mempool/txs' + (lastSeenTxid ? '/' + lastSeenTxid : ''));
$getTransactionHex(txId: string): Promise<string> {
return this.$queryWrapper<string>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/tx/' + txId + '/hex');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<string>('/tx/' + txId + '/hex');
$getBlockHeightTip(): Promise<number> {
return this.$queryWrapper<number>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/blocks/tip/height');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<number>('/blocks/tip/height');
$getBlockHashTip(): Promise<string> {
return this.$queryWrapper<string>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/blocks/tip/hash');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<string>('/blocks/tip/hash');
$getTxIdsForBlock(hash: string): Promise<string[]> {
return this.$queryWrapper<string[]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block/' + hash + '/txids');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<string[]>('/block/' + hash + '/txids');
$getTxsForBlock(hash: string): Promise<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block/' + hash + '/txs');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Transaction[]>('/block/' + hash + '/txs');
$getBlockHash(height: number): Promise<string> {
return this.$queryWrapper<string>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block-height/' + height);
return this.failoverRouter.$get<string>('/block-height/' + height);
$getBlockHeader(hash: string): Promise<string> {
return this.$queryWrapper<string>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block/' + hash + '/header');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<string>('/block/' + hash + '/header');
$getBlock(hash: string): Promise<IEsploraApi.Block> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Block>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block/' + hash);
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Block>('/block/' + hash);
$getRawBlock(hash: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return this.$queryWrapper<any>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/block/' + hash + "/raw", 'arraybuffer')
return this.failoverRouter.$get<any>('/block/' + hash + '/raw', 'arraybuffer')
.then((response) => { return Buffer.from(response.data); });
@ -158,11 +283,11 @@ class ElectrsApi implements AbstractBitcoinApi {
$getOutspend(txId: string, vout: number): Promise<IEsploraApi.Outspend> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Outspend>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/tx/' + txId + '/outspend/' + vout);
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Outspend>('/tx/' + txId + '/outspend/' + vout);
$getOutspends(txId: string): Promise<IEsploraApi.Outspend[]> {
return this.$queryWrapper<IEsploraApi.Outspend[]>(config.ESPLORA.REST_API_URL + '/tx/' + txId + '/outspends');
return this.failoverRouter.$get<IEsploraApi.Outspend[]>('/tx/' + txId + '/outspends');
async $getBatchedOutspends(txId: string[]): Promise<IEsploraApi.Outspend[][]> {
@ -173,6 +298,10 @@ class ElectrsApi implements AbstractBitcoinApi {
return outspends;
public startHealthChecks(): void {
export default ElectrsApi;