# The Mempool Open Source Project® [](https://dashboard.cypress.io/projects/ry4br7/runs)
It is an open-source project developed and operated for the benefit of the Bitcoin community, with a focus on the emerging transaction fee market that is evolving Bitcoin into a multi-layer ecosystem.
Mempool can be self-hosted on a wide variety of your own hardware, ranging from a simple one-click installation on a Raspberry Pi full-node distro all the way to a robust production instance on a powerful FreeBSD server.
Most people should use a <ahref="#one-click-installation">one-click install method</a>.
Other install methods are meant for developers and others with experience managing servers. If you want support for your own production instance of Mempool, or if you'd like to have your own instance of Mempool run by the mempool.space team on their own global ISP infrastructure—check out <ahref="https://mempool.space/enterprise"target="_blank">Mempool Enterprise®</a>.
**We highly recommend you deploy your own Mempool instance this way.** No matter which option you pick, you'll be able to get your own fully-sovereign instance of Mempool up quickly without needing to fiddle with any settings.
Mempool can be installed in other ways too, but we only recommend doing so if you're a developer, have experience managing servers, or otherwise know what you're doing.