2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
const bitcoinNetworks = [ "" , "testnet" , "signet" ] ;
export const wsApiDocsData = {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/ws ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { websocket } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const ws = websocket . initClient ( {
options : [ 'blocks' , 'stats' , 'mempool-blocks' , 'live-2h-chart' ] ,
} ) ;
ws . addEventListener ( 'message' , function incoming ( { data } ) {
const res = JSON . parse ( data . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( res . block ) {
document . getElementById ( "result-blocks" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( res . block , undefined , 2 ) ;
if ( res . mempoolInfo ) {
document . getElementById ( "result-mempool-info" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( res . mempoolInfo , undefined , 2 ) ;
if ( res . transactions ) {
document . getElementById ( "result-transactions" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( res . transactions , undefined , 2 ) ;
if ( res [ "mempool-blocks" ] ) {
document . getElementById ( "result-mempool-blocks" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( res [ "mempool-blocks" ] , undefined , 2 ) ;
} ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { websocket } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const ws = websocket . initServer ( {
options : [ "blocks" , "stats" , "mempool-blocks" , "live-2h-chart" ] ,
} ) ;
ws . on ( "message" , function incoming ( data ) {
const res = JSON . parse ( data . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( res . block ) {
console . log ( res . block ) ;
if ( res . mempoolInfo ) {
console . log ( res . mempoolInfo ) ;
if ( res . transactions ) {
console . log ( res . transactions ) ;
if ( res [ "mempool-blocks" ] ) {
console . log ( res [ "mempool-blocks" ] ) ;
} ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ;
export const restApiDocsData = [
type : "category" ,
category : "general" ,
fragment : "general" ,
title : "General" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "bisq" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "general" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-difficulty-adjustment" ,
title : "GET Difficulty Adjustment" ,
description : {
default : "Returns details about difficulty adjustment."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/difficulty-adjustment" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { difficulty } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const difficultyAdjustment = await difficulty . getDifficultyAdjustment ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( difficultyAdjustment , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { difficulty } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const difficultyAdjustment = await difficulty . getDifficultyAdjustment ( ) ;
console . log ( difficultyAdjustment ) ;
` ,
curl : ` /api/v1/difficulty-adjustment ` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
progressPercent : 44.397234501112074 ,
difficultyChange : 0.9845932018381687 ,
estimatedRetargetDate : 1627762478.9111245 ,
remainingBlocks : 1121 ,
remainingTime : 665977.6261244365 ,
previousRetarget : - 4.807005268478962
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
progressPercent : 44.397234501112074 ,
difficultyChange : 0.9845932018381687 ,
estimatedRetargetDate : 1627762478.9111245 ,
remainingBlocks : 1121 ,
remainingTime : 665977.6261244365 ,
previousRetarget : - 4.807005268478962
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
progressPercent : 44.397234501112074 ,
difficultyChange : 0.9845932018381687 ,
estimatedRetargetDate : 1627762478.9111245 ,
remainingBlocks : 1121 ,
remainingTime : 665977.6261244365 ,
previousRetarget : - 4.807005268478962
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
progressPercent : 44.397234501112074 ,
difficultyChange : 0.9845932018381687 ,
estimatedRetargetDate : 1627762478.9111245 ,
remainingBlocks : 1121 ,
remainingTime : 665977.6261244365 ,
previousRetarget : - 4.807005268478962
} `
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "general" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-stats" ,
title : "GET Stats" ,
description : {
default : "Returns statistics about all Bisq transactions."
} ,
urlString : "/stats" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { statistics } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const stats = await statistics . getStats ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( stats , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { statistics } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const stats = await statistics . getStats ( ) ;
console . log ( stats ) ;
` ,
curl : ` /api/stats ` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
addresses : 213825 ,
minted : 6148323.75 ,
burnt : 1830262.66 ,
spent_txos : 215705 ,
unspent_txos : 2572
} `
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "markets" ,
fragment : "markets" ,
title : "Markets" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ]
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-currencies" ,
title : "GET Market Currencies" ,
description : {
default : "Provides list of available currencies for a given base currency."
} ,
urlString : "/currencies" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/currencies ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const currencies = await markets . getCurrencies ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( currencies , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const currencies = await markets . getCurrencies ( ) ;
console . log ( currencies ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
BTC : {
code : 'BTC' ,
name : 'Bitcoin' ,
precision : 8 ,
_type : 'crypto'
. . .
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-depth" ,
title : "GET Market Depth" ,
description : {
default : "Provides list of open offer prices for a single market."
} ,
urlString : "/depth?market=[:market]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/depth?market=%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const depth = await markets . getDepth ( { market } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( depth , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const depth = await markets . getDepth ( { market } ) ;
console . log ( depth ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
response : ` {
btc_usd : {
buys : [
'4.56941560' ,
. . .
] ,
sells : [
'4.54668218' ,
. . .
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-hloc" ,
title : "GET Market HLOC" ,
description : {
default : "Provides hi/low/open/close data for a given market. This can be used to generate a candlestick chart."
} ,
urlString : "/hloc?market=[:market]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/hloc?market=%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const hloc = await markets . getHloc ( { market } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( hloc , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const hloc = await markets . getHloc ( { market } ) ;
console . log ( hloc ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
response : ` [
period_start : 1609459200 ,
open : '30448.18510000' ,
close : '45717.81750000' ,
high : '77700.00000000' ,
low : '27500.00000000' ,
avg : '44613.01158471' ,
volume_right : '4923536.57150000' ,
volume_left : '110.36100000'
. . .
] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-markets" ,
title : "GET Markets" ,
description : {
default : "Provides list of available markets."
} ,
urlString : "/markets" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/markets ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const allMarkets = await markets . getMarkets ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( allMarkets , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const allMarkets = await markets . getMarkets ( ) ;
console . log ( allMarkets ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
response : ` {
btc_brl : {
pair : 'btc_brl' ,
lname : 'Bitcoin' ,
rname : 'Brazilian Real' ,
lsymbol : 'BTC' ,
rsymbol : 'BRL' ,
lprecision : 8 ,
rprecision : 2 ,
ltype : 'crypto' ,
rtype : 'fiat' ,
name : 'Bitcoin/Brazilian Real'
} ,
. . .
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-offers" ,
title : "GET Market Offers" ,
description : {
default : "Provides list of open offer details for a single market."
} ,
urlString : "/offers?market=[:market]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/offers?market=%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const offers = await markets . getOffers ( { market } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( offers , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const offers = await markets . getOffers ( { market } ) ;
console . log ( offers ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
response : ` {
btc_usd : {
buys : [
offer_id : "ORHL1BE-0c193d04-be60-4657-ba42-cc172bb4ae5d-172" ,
offer_date : 1630207815462 ,
direction : "BUY" ,
min_amount : "0.00500000" ,
amount : "0.01500000" ,
price : "50030.24770000" ,
volume : "750.45370000" ,
payment_method : "AMAZON_GIFT_CARD" ,
offer_fee_txid : null
} ,
. . .
] ,
sells : [
offer_id : "nswiwkre-7676d5e6-e808-4c47-9c51-d5708e465ad5-172" ,
offer_date : 1630320354509 ,
direction : "SELL" ,
min_amount : "0.04170000" ,
amount : "0.04170000" ,
price : "49534.89880000" ,
volume : "2065.60520000" ,
payment_method : "CASH_DEPOSIT" ,
offer_fee_txid : null
} ,
. . .
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-ticker" ,
title : "GET Market Ticker" ,
description : {
default : "Provides 24-hour price ticker for single market or all markets."
} ,
urlString : "/ticker?market=[:market]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/ticker?market=%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const ticker = await markets . getTicker ( { market } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( ticker , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const ticker = await markets . getTicker ( { market } ) ;
console . log ( ticker ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' ] ,
response : ` {
last : "53923.20570000" ,
high : "53923.20570000" ,
low : "48137.67410000" ,
volume_left : "0.27160000" ,
volume_right : "13593.92070000" ,
buy : "48118.52400000" ,
sell : "49555.63750000"
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-trades" ,
title : "GET Market Trades" ,
description : {
default : "Provides list of completed trades for a single market."
} ,
urlString : "/trades?market=[:market]&limit=[:limit]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/trades?market=%{1}&limit=%{2} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const trades = await markets . getTrades ( { market , limit : % { 2 } } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( trades , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const trades = await markets . getTrades ( { market , limit : % { 2 } } ) ;
console . log ( trades ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
price : "53923.20570000" ,
amount : "0.00500000" ,
volume : "269.61600000" ,
payment_method : "CLEAR_X_CHANGE" ,
trade_date : 1630646161647
] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "markets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-market-volumes" ,
title : "GET Market Volumes" ,
description : {
default : "Provides periodic volume data in terms of base currency for one or all markets."
} ,
urlString : "/volumes?basecurrency=[:basecurrency]" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/volumes?markets=%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const volumes = await markets . getVolumes ( { market } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( volumes , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { markets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const market = "%{1}" ;
const volumes = await markets . getVolumes ( { market } ) ;
console . log ( volumes ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ 'BTC_USD' , 'BTC' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'BTC_USD' , 'BTC' ] ,
curl : [ 'BTC_USD' , 'BTC' ] ,
response : ` [
period_start : 1451606400 ,
num_trades : 1923 ,
volume : "1095.22050000"
} ,
. . .
] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "addresses" ,
fragment : "addresses" ,
title : "Addresses" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "bisq" , "liquid" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "addresses" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-address" ,
title : "GET Address" ,
description : {
default : "Returns details about an address. Available fields: <code>address</code>, <code>chain_stats</code>, and <code>mempool_stats</code>. <code>chain_stats</code> and <code>mempool_stats</code> each contain an object with <code>tx_count</code>, <code>funded_txo_count</code>, <code>funded_txo_sum</code>, <code>spent_txo_count</code>, and <code>spent_txo_sum</code>."
} ,
urlString : "/address/:address" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "bisq" , "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/address/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const myAddress = await addresses . getAddress ( { address } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( myAddress , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const myAddress = await addresses . getAddress ( { address } ) ;
console . log ( myAddress ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 5 ,
funded_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
spent_txo_count : 5 ,
spent_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
tx_count : 7
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
funded_txo_sum : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
curl : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 6747 ,
funded_txo_sum : 84313783821 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 6747
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
funded_txo_sum : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 5 ,
funded_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
spent_txo_count : 5 ,
spent_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
tx_count : 7
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
funded_txo_sum : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 1 ,
spent_txo_count : 1 ,
tx_count : 2
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` B1DgwRN92rdQ9xpEVCdXRfgeqGw9X4YtrZz ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` B1DgwRN92rdQ9xpEVCdXRfgeqGw9X4YtrZz ` ] ,
curl : [ ` B1DgwRN92rdQ9xpEVCdXRfgeqGw9X4YtrZz ` ] ,
response : ` [
"txVersion" : "1" ,
"id" : "d6f0a6fd191ac907ff88fc51af91cae8d50e596a846952ffa0ad0cea84eedc9a" ,
"blockHeight" : 679129 ,
"blockHash" : "00000000000000000001328850b0482312325f7f4abd5457e45d37cad664675d" ,
"time" : 1618369311000 ,
"inputs" : [ . . . ] ,
"outputs" : [ . . . ] ,
"txType" : "PAY_TRADE_FEE" ,
"txTypeDisplayString" : "Pay trade fee" ,
"burntFee" : 6 ,
"invalidatedBsq" : 0 ,
"unlockBlockHeight" : 0
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "addresses" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-address-transactions" ,
title : "GET Address Transactions" ,
description : {
default : "Get transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns up to 50 mempool transactions plus the first 25 confirmed transactions. You can request more confirmed transactions using <code>:last_seen_txid</code> (see below)."
} ,
urlString : "/address/:address/txs" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/address/%{1}/txs ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxs = await addresses . getAddressTxs ( { address } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( addressTxs , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxs = await addresses . getAddressTxs ( { address } ) ;
console . log ( addressTxs ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "dba43fd04b7ae3df8e5b596f2e7fab247c58629d622e3a5213f03a5a09684430" ,
version : 1 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ [ Object ] ] ,
vout : [ [ Object ] , [ Object ] ] ,
size : 255 ,
weight : 1020 ,
fee : 10000 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 326148 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000001e4118adcfbb02364bc13c41c210d8811e4f39aeb3687e36" ,
block_time : 1413798020
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
curl : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "3e6afd67862ce9fe3eb55268a3107f495415ff1b5d1933c928507e9bdf7a21e6" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 211 ,
weight : 736 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091086 ,
block_hash : "00000000340f3667cce7032d084973ca29bdd0d858ec363ed894ad4c8ed09ebc" ,
block_time : 1630607773
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 5 ,
funded_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
spent_txo_count : 5 ,
spent_txo_sum : 15007599040 ,
tx_count : 7
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
funded_txo_sum : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "e792f305016fdce71ba4a9c3057279df2b67a7a3e6147b173847a8253ad531ed" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 1438076 ,
vin : [ Object ] ,
vout : [ Object ] ,
size : 9205 ,
weight : 10492 ,
fee : 262 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1438078 ,
block_hash : "1625ce898d2058f4e609af2e81908ce52eba77dde099667bea68360b5679d5df" ,
block_time : 1628564158
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "addresses" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-address-transactions-chain" ,
title : "GET Address Transactions Chain" ,
description : {
default : "Get confirmed transaction history for the specified address/scripthash, sorted with newest first. Returns 25 transactions per page. More can be requested by specifying the last txid seen by the previous query."
} ,
urlString : "/address/:address/txs/chain" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/address/%{1}/txs/chain ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsChain = await addresses . getAddressTxsChain ( { address } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( addressTxsChain , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsChain = await addresses . getAddressTxsChain ( { address } ) ;
console . log ( addressTxsChain ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "c4e53c2e37f4fac759fdb0d8380e4d49e6c7211233ae276a44ce7074a1d6d168" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 697761 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 221 ,
weight : 884 ,
fee : 331 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 697782 ,
block_hash : "000000000000000000011397e53a5b1442b3dbc5df046c959c11dfe0275a4579" ,
block_time : 1630040570
} ,
. . .
] , `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
curl : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "3e6afd67862ce9fe3eb55268a3107f495415ff1b5d1933c928507e9bdf7a21e6" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 211 ,
weight : 736 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091086 ,
block_hash : "00000000340f3667cce7032d084973ca29bdd0d858ec363ed894ad4c8ed09ebc" ,
block_time : 1630607773
} ,
. . .
] , `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` {
address : "1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv" ,
chain_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 765 ,
funded_txo_sum : 87749875807 ,
spent_txo_count : 765 ,
spent_txo_sum : 87749875807 ,
tx_count : 875
} ,
mempool_stats : {
funded_txo_count : 0 ,
funded_txo_sum : 0 ,
spent_txo_count : 0 ,
spent_txo_sum : 0 ,
tx_count : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "e792f305016fdce71ba4a9c3057279df2b67a7a3e6147b173847a8253ad531ed" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 1438076 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 9205 ,
weight : 10492 ,
fee : 262 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1438078 ,
block_hash : "1625ce898d2058f4e609af2e81908ce52eba77dde099667bea68360b5679d5df" ,
block_time : 1628564158
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "addresses" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-address-transactions-mempool" ,
title : "GET Address Transactions Mempool" ,
description : {
default : "Get unconfirmed transaction history for the specified address/scripthash. Returns up to 50 transactions (no paging)."
} ,
urlString : "/address/:address/txs/mempool" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/address/%{1}/txs/mempool ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsMempool = await addresses . getAddressTxsMempool ( { address } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( addressTxsMempool , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsMempool = await addresses . getAddressTxsMempool ( { address } ) ;
console . log ( addressTxsMempool ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "16cd9bbc6b62313a22d16671fa559aec6bf581df8b5853d37775c84b0fddfa90" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ [ Object ] ] ,
vout : [ [ Object ] , [ Object ] ] ,
size : 226 ,
weight : 904 ,
fee : 6720 ,
status : { confirmed : false }
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
curl : [ ` tb1qp0we5epypgj4acd2c4au58045ruud2pd6heuee ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "16cd9bbc6b62313a22d16671fa559aec6bf581df8b5853d37775c84b0fddfa90" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ [ Object ] ] ,
vout : [ [ Object ] , [ Object ] ] ,
size : 226 ,
weight : 904 ,
fee : 6720 ,
status : { confirmed : false }
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "16cd9bbc6b62313a22d16671fa559aec6bf581df8b5853d37775c84b0fddfa90" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ [ Object ] ] ,
vout : [ [ Object ] , [ Object ] ] ,
size : 226 ,
weight : 904 ,
fee : 6720 ,
status : { confirmed : false }
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` Go65t19hP2FuhBMYtgbdMDgdmEzNwh1i48 ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "16cd9bbc6b62313a22d16671fa559aec6bf581df8b5853d37775c84b0fddfa90" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ [ Object ] ] ,
vout : [ [ Object ] , [ Object ] ] ,
size : 226 ,
weight : 904 ,
fee : 6720 ,
status : { confirmed : false }
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "addresses" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-address-utxo" ,
title : "GET Address UTXO" ,
description : {
default : "Get the list of unspent transaction outputs associated with the address/scripthash. Available fields: <code>txid</code>, <code>vout</code>, <code>value</code>, and <code>status</code> (with the status of the funding tx)." ,
liquid : "Get the list of unspent transaction outputs associated with the address/scripthash. Available fields: <code>txid</code>, <code>vout</code>, <code>value</code>, and <code>status</code> (with the status of the funding tx). There is also a <code>valuecommitment</code> field that may appear in place of <code>value</code>, plus the following additional fields: <code>asset</code>/<code>assetcommitment</code>, <code>nonce</code>/<code>noncecommitment</code>, <code>surjection_proof</code>, and <code>range_proof</code>." ,
} ,
urlString : "/address/:address/utxo" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/address/%{1}/utxo ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsUtxo = await addresses . getAddressTxsUtxo ( { address } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( addressTxsUtxo , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { addresses } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const address = '%{1}' ;
const addressTxsUtxo = await addresses . getAddressTxsUtxo ( { address } ) ;
console . log ( addressTxsUtxo ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ` 1KFHE7w8BhaENAswwryaoccDb6qcT6DbYY ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1KFHE7w8BhaENAswwryaoccDb6qcT6DbYY ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1KFHE7w8BhaENAswwryaoccDb6qcT6DbYY ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "12f96289f8f9cd51ccfe390879a46d7eeb0435d9e0af9297776e6bdf249414ff" ,
vout : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698642 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000007839f42e0e86fd53c797b64b7135fcad385158c9cafb8" ,
block_time : 1630561459
} ,
value : 644951084
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` tb1q4kgratttzjvkxfmgd95z54qcq7y6hekdm3w56u ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` tb1q4kgratttzjvkxfmgd95z54qcq7y6hekdm3w56u ` ] ,
curl : [ ` tb1q4kgratttzjvkxfmgd95z54qcq7y6hekdm3w56u ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "c404bc4ba89e9423ff772cb45268ba6fba8b713f809484c1216f1a657aafa088" ,
vout : 1 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2086944 ,
block_hash : "000000000000039a27007892b0f3ac646afa4eb3ef3d4a4e75e8bdf636b4d006" ,
block_time : 1630159123
} ,
value : 1973787
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1wiz18xYmhRX6xStj2b9t1rwWX4GKUgpv ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "e58b47f657b496a083ad9a4fb10c744d5e993028efd9cfba149885334d98bdf5" ,
vout : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698571 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000007536c0a664a7d2a01c31569623183eba0768d9a0c163d" ,
block_time : 1630520708
} ,
value : 642070789
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` GhkYnB1g6oNSqALtcHgpirYM65EuLZdaNg ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` GhkYnB1g6oNSqALtcHgpirYM65EuLZdaNg ` ] ,
curl : [ ` GhkYnB1g6oNSqALtcHgpirYM65EuLZdaNg ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "067bac619cc67de7654bb3ee01ebcadf1e582980b3873478bac7d3931f06045f" ,
vout : 1 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1471900 ,
block_hash : "9408b32d41225cea32bace82aac1789a218e6592ab24de5793ca2138b876f536" ,
block_time : 1630621258
} ,
valuecommitment : "0805015e56cbbf6cc494cb200615b7f8b781f0d640e4c96b4abdad356068f6346f" ,
assetcommitment : "0a6bb828996381a61cb9f24610bea8a0c35efe388d39a993d369e08a6fc358e7dc" ,
noncecommitment : "0282f3f01f06e43fb88bcd28e7e83c9c0d9cefc92c104a6e814810c100ec66b33d"
] ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "assets" ,
fragment : "assets" ,
title : "Assets" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ]
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "assets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
2022-02-07 13:32:36 -05:00
fragment : "get-asset" ,
title : "GET Asset" ,
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
description : {
default : "Returns information about a Liquid asset."
} ,
urlString : "/asset/:asset_id" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/asset/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const asset = await assets . getAsset ( { asset_id } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( asset , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const asset = await assets . getAsset ( { asset_id } ) ;
console . log ( asset ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
response : ` {
asset_id : "6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d" ,
chain_stats : {
tx_count : 3887 ,
peg_in_count : 2557 ,
peg_in_amount : 328822657766 ,
peg_out_count : 1131 ,
peg_out_amount : 7427922560 ,
burn_count : 199 ,
burned_amount : 516003151
} ,
mempool_stats : {
tx_count : 0 ,
peg_in_count : 0 ,
peg_in_amount : 0 ,
peg_out_count : 0 ,
peg_out_amount : 0 ,
burn_count : 0 ,
burned_amount : 0
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "assets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-asset-transactions" ,
title : "GET Asset Transactions" ,
description : {
default : "Returns transactions associated with the specified Liquid asset. For the network's native asset, returns a list of peg in, peg out, and burn transactions. For user-issued assets, returns a list of issuance, reissuance, and burn transactions. Does not include regular transactions transferring this asset."
} ,
urlString : "/asset/:asset_id/txs[/mempool|/chain]" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/asset/%{1}/txs ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const assetTxs = await assets . getAssetTxs ( { asset_id , is_mempool : false } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( assetTxs , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const assetTxs = await assets . getAssetTxs ( { asset_id , is_mempool : false } ) ;
console . log ( assetTxs ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "93fedcc996df43c94f9f12e24b4040b60d47d84ef7a9a66ef05c2e6f4059b685" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 998 ,
weight : 1484 ,
fee : 42 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1471854 ,
block_hash : "f113b64f6bc937fda6891fd9f1833d207312f986767aff91aea9649d87533250" ,
block_time : 1630618498
} ,
. . .
] ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "assets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-asset-supply" ,
title : "GET Asset Supply" ,
description : {
default : "Get the current total supply of the specified asset. For the native asset (L-BTC), this is calculated as [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_in_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.peg_out_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. For issued assets, this is calculated as [chain,mempool]_stats.issued_amount - [chain,mempool]_stats.burned_amount. Not available for assets with blinded issuances. If /decimal is specified, returns the supply as a decimal according to the asset's divisibility. Otherwise, returned in base units."
} ,
urlString : "/asset/:asset_id/supply[/decimal]" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/asset/%{1}/supply ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const assetSupply = await assets . getAssetSupply ( { asset_id , decimal : false } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( assetSupply , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const asset_id = '%{1}' ;
const assetSupply = await assets . getAssetSupply ( { asset_id , decimal : false } ) ;
console . log ( assetSupply ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
response : ` 320878732055 ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
2022-02-07 13:56:20 -05:00
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "assets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-asset-icons" ,
title : "GET Asset Icons" ,
description : {
default : "Get all the Asset IDs that have icons."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/assets/icons" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/assets/icons ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const assetsIcons = await assets . getAssetsIcons ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( assetsIcons , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { assets } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const assetsIcons = await assets . getAssetsIcons ( ) ;
console . log ( assetsIcons ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
response : ` [
"6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d" ,
. . .
] ` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquidTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` ` ] ,
curl : [ ` ` ] ,
response : ` [] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "assets" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-asset-icon" ,
title : "GET Asset Icon" ,
description : {
default : "Get the icon of the specified asset."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/asset/:asset_id/icon" ,
showConditions : [ "liquid" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
noWrap : true ,
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/asset/%{1}/icon ` ,
commonJS : ` <img src="https://liquid.place/api/v1/asset/%{1}/icon"> ` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d ` ] ,
response : ` PNG ` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquidTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` ac3e0ff248c5051ffd61e00155b7122e5ebc04fd397a0ecbdd4f4e4a56232926 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` ac3e0ff248c5051ffd61e00155b7122e5ebc04fd397a0ecbdd4f4e4a56232926 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` ac3e0ff248c5051ffd61e00155b7122e5ebc04fd397a0ecbdd4f4e4a56232926 ` ] ,
response : ` PNG ` ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
type : "category" ,
category : "blocks" ,
fragment : "blocks" ,
title : "Blocks" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "bisq" , "liquid" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block" ,
title : "GET Block" ,
description : {
default : "Returns details about a block. Available fields: <code>id</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>version</code>, <code>timestamp</code>, <code>bits</code>, <code>nonce</code>, <code>merkle_root</code>, <code>tx_count</code>, <code>size</code>, <code>weight</code>, and <code>previousblockhash</code>." ,
liquid : "Returns details about a block. Available fields: <code>id</code>, <code>height</code>, <code>version</code>, <code>timestamp</code>, <code>bits</code>, <code>nonce</code>, <code>merkle_root</code>, <code>tx_count</code>, <code>size</code>, <code>weight</code>,<code>proof</code>, and <code>previousblockhash</code>."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "bisq" , "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const block = await blocks . getBlock ( { hash } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( block , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const block = await blocks . getBlock ( { hash } ) ;
console . log ( block ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
response : ` {
id : "000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce" ,
height : 363366 ,
version : 2 ,
timestamp : 1435766771 ,
tx_count : 494 ,
size : 286494 ,
weight : 1145976 ,
merkle_root : "9d3cb87bf05ebae366b4262ed5f768ce8c62fc385c3886c9cb097647b04b686c" ,
previousblockhash : "000000000000000010c545b6fa3ef1f7cf45a2a8760b1ee9f2e89673218207ce" ,
mediantime : 1435763435 ,
nonce : 2892644888 ,
bits : 404111758 ,
difficulty : 49402014931
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
response : ` {
id : "000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81" ,
height : 2091140 ,
version : 543162372 ,
timestamp : 1630625150 ,
tx_count : 2 ,
size : 575 ,
weight : 1865 ,
merkle_root : "5d10d8d158bb8eb217d01fecc435bd10eda028043a913dc2bfe0ccf536a51cc9" ,
previousblockhash : "0000000000000073f95d1fc0a93d449f82a754410c635e46264ec6c7c4d5741e" ,
mediantime : 1630621997 ,
nonce : 1600805744 ,
bits : 436273151 ,
difficulty : 16777216
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
curl : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
response : ` {
id : "000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152" ,
height : 53745 ,
version : 536870912 ,
timestamp : 1630624390 ,
tx_count : 1 ,
size : 343 ,
weight : 1264 ,
merkle_root : "2c1984132841b9f98270274012b22beb7d4ade778cf058e9a44d38de5a111362" ,
previousblockhash : "000001497bffdc2347656847647f343afc0eee441a849259335b8a1d79b6aa4a" ,
mediantime : 1630621400 ,
nonce : 19642021 ,
bits : 503404179 ,
difficulty : 0
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
response : ` {
id : "86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78" ,
height : 1471971 ,
version : 570425344 ,
timestamp : 1630625518 ,
tx_count : 2 ,
size : 10841 ,
weight : 16913 ,
merkle_root : "7e40735e103d6015c90d285d09b535498c0a26df9ca8118b1b4d68aaf80ccf48" ,
previousblockhash : "944fa8ffd906b3531af95f3d9b052dfdef0b60657c3c8def2c3591384f083424" ,
mediantime : 1630625218 ,
ext : {
challenge : "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" ,
solution : "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"
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '0000000000000000000b24f70ed27da8b282b050f38e20831923211a1f7266d5' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000000000000000000b24f70ed27da8b282b050f38e20831923211a1f7266d5' ] ,
curl : [ '0000000000000000000b24f70ed27da8b282b050f38e20831923211a1f7266d5' ] ,
response : ` {
height : 698746 ,
time : 1630621494000 ,
hash : "0000000000000000000b24f70ed27da8b282b050f38e20831923211a1f7266d5" ,
previousBlockHash : "000000000000000000039cd226a99c125ee3004e9d585b04e2ccceccddef7547" ,
txs : [ ]
} `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-header" ,
title : "GET Block Header" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the hex-encoded block header."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/header" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/header ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockHeader = await blocks . getBlockHeader ( { height : 0 } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockHeight , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockHeader = await blocks . getBlockHeader ( { height : 0 } ) ;
console . log ( blockHeight ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
curl : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
response : ` 040000202c04d4c450187d1da9b1bc23ba47d67fe028d22486fd0c00000000000000000059a3a33d4642c799af9f54a4dd351fff9130e6a89d4e251130c60064878616e906b5ea60ce9813173a25caf3 `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
response : ` 040060201e74d5c4c7c64e26465e630c4154a7829f443da9c01f5df97300000000000000c91ca536f5cce0bfc23d913a0428a0ed10bd35c4ec1fd017b28ebb58d1d8105d7e5d3161ffff001a705b6a5f `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
curl : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
response : ` 000000204aaab6791d8a5b335992841a44ee0efc3a347f644768654723dcff7b490100006213115ade384da4e958f08c77de4a7deb2bb21240277082f9b941281384192c865a31619356011ea5b62b01 `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
response : ` 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 ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-height" ,
title : "GET Block Height" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the hash of the block currently at <code>:height</code>."
} ,
urlString : "/block-height/:height" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
2022-02-07 14:23:16 -05:00
curl : ` /api/block-height/%{1} ` ,
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockHeight = await blocks . getBlockHeight ( { height : 0 } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockHeight , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockHeight = await blocks . getBlockHeight ( { height : 0 } ) ;
console . log ( blockHeight ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
2022-02-07 14:23:16 -05:00
esModule : [ '615615' ] ,
commonJS : [ '615615' ] ,
curl : [ '615615' ] ,
response : ` 000000000000000000067bea442af50a91377ac796e63b8d284354feff4042b3 `
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
2022-02-07 14:23:16 -05:00
esModule : [ '2100100' ] ,
commonJS : [ '2100100' ] ,
curl : [ '2100100' ] ,
response : ` 000000000000001be62f15637e813e1d8ecdf26ee95d1820ef16db9bd8685985 `
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
2022-02-07 14:23:16 -05:00
esModule : [ '48000' ] ,
commonJS : [ '48000' ] ,
curl : [ '48000' ] ,
response : ` 00000009e8322d4b8f74c8bbd04df1dd5a4abce236ae5907cc87f8364fa5e645 `
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
2022-02-07 14:23:16 -05:00
esModule : [ ` 1234567 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 1234567 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 1234567 ` ] ,
response : ` ec2e2bf982bca68c4b09634ba2e48fbe9de3d14744a8e8382971991ff8c6cfd1 ` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquidTestnet : {
esModule : [ ` 150000 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 150000 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 150000 ` ] ,
response : ` 67d5eb1aee63c6c2058a088985503ff0626fd3f7f8022bdc74fab36a359164db ` ,
2022-02-07 13:25:36 -05:00
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-raw" ,
title : "GET Block Raw" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the raw block representation in binary."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/raw" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/raw ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockRaw = await blocks . getBlockRaw ( { hash } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockRaw , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockRaw = await blocks . getBlockRaw ( { hash } ) ;
console . log ( blockRaw ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
curl : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
response : '' ,
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
response : '' ,
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
curl : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
response : '' ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
response : '' ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : '' ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-status" ,
title : "GET Block Status" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the confirmation status of a block. Available fields: <code>in_best_chain</code> (boolean, false for orphaned blocks), <code>next_best</code> (the hash of the next block, only available for blocks in the best chain)."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/status" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/status ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockStatus = await blocks . getBlockStatus ( { hash } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockStatus , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockStatus = await blocks . getBlockStatus ( { hash } ) ;
console . log ( blockStatus ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
curl : [ '0000000000000000000065bda8f8a88f2e1e00d9a6887a43d640e52a4c7660f2' ] ,
response : ` {
in_best_chain : true ,
height : 690557 ,
next_best : "00000000000000000003a59a34c93e39e636c8cd23ead726fdc467fbed0b7c5a"
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000009c08dc77c3f224d9f5bbe335a78b996ec1e0701e065537ca81' ] ,
response : ` {
in_best_chain : true ,
height : 2091140 ,
next_best : "0000000000000064152f2dc1e13bd70811fbcfa9c1660557233668b98b7b1c2b"
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
curl : [ '000000ca66fab8083d4f0370d499c3d602e78af5fa69b2427cda15a3f0d96152' ] ,
response : ` {
in_best_chain : true ,
height : 53745 ,
next_best : "000000e9c2a969f6a3425ab70851328e878ebdeb90b73f9cfb16241b97c44640"
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 86aefdd3cf7be8e5781f783fe5d80513e8b3f52f2f1ef61e8e056b7faffc4b78 ` ] ,
response : ` {
in_best_chain : true ,
height : 1471971 ,
next_best : "1ce5b14c5fbc05be73d8833839e049fd34212da902a78118cd8502a95bf9c134"
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-tip-height" ,
title : "GET Block Tip Height" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the height of the last block."
} ,
urlString : "/blocks/tip/height" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" , "bisq" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/blocks/tip/height ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const blocksTipHeight = await blocks . getBlocksTipHeight ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blocksTipHeight , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const blocksTipHeight = await blocks . getBlocksTipHeight ( ) ;
console . log ( blocksTipHeight ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 698767 `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 2091168 `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 53763 `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 1472119 ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 698765 `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-tip-hash" ,
title : "GET Block Tip Hash" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the hash of the last block."
} ,
urlString : "/blocks/tip/hash" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/blocks/tip/hash ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const blocksTipHash = await blocks . getBlocksTipHash ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blocksTipHash , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const blocksTipHash = await blocks . getBlocksTipHash ( ) ;
console . log ( blocksTipHash ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 0000000000000000000624d76f52661d0f35a0da8b93a87cb93cf08fd9140209 `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 00000000000000a7a5227bb493ffb90d1e63e1c7e8cab2c9a2b98e9f2599a9a9 `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` 000000c09517efadf7425f7c19543b69768aaa9871a817d192d2c33cebebf3f9 `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` ec8fed6f33cba86f99b39ae65af948bfc2fdb95cceaa7331bbfd88f5daa823a2 ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-transaction-id" ,
title : "GET Block Transaction ID" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the transaction at index <code>:index</code> within the specified block."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/txid/:index" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/txid/%{2} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxid = await blocks . getBlockTxid ( { hash , index : % { 2 } } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockTxid , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxid = await blocks . getBlockTxid ( { hash , index : % { 2 } } ) ;
console . log ( blockTxid ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
response : ` 0fa6da60e484941f255cbb025c3d6440e5a7e970119e899b4065c7999360e406 `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
response : ` 7aede67cd9f48c2f77ca9112c27da2583ea41fbb391652777c44ef21d5b1656e `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
response : ` b72a9a7cfbb0685e393f86fa1fa1c43c2888b9ad01c9ac48a28b98e2c8721a89 `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
response : ` 36e47770c306ae5d4ddcc2ce50f6ce6e23d6bdc692b9a9a347fb68d19255f598 `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-transaction-ids" ,
title : "GET Block Transaction IDs" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a list of all txids in the block."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/txids" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/txids ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxids = await blocks . getBlockTxids ( { hash } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockTxids , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxids = await blocks . getBlockTxids ( { hash } ) ;
console . log ( blockTxids ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' , '218' ] ,
response : ` [
"cfe624ccdd8010cf78dbedd1b25e1ff601b470c4d7d90fa9fc8c1bcc5cdc6e0e" ,
"a5ef89881bd5103f223a0fa285dfc75f4718974cb792cf85e623a7de05801bc9" ,
. . . ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
"b5d033f57045b76f2f29df0c2469be0153ecf2514717bccd8d52250b3e7ba781" ,
"7aede67cd9f48c2f77ca9112c27da2583ea41fbb391652777c44ef21d5b1656e" ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
"4220d4fe0ec4beb9313e15fa225fb0bbdf2c17d74b56615e07263aed32d4fdb2" ,
"b72a9a7cfbb0685e393f86fa1fa1c43c2888b9ad01c9ac48a28b98e2c8721a89" ,
"0597e9355e868f98560b0e30d0c6b9f5e7c0f004c376ef26850f61096fabb692" ,
"857ff0a341b14aae2e45122d458f13d0d744cc1081ef0ae2aaec32c01587d1c0" ,
"6062ac26ef4b0c9b5343bdf46c1677297f85705f523472a96383af276a20b0da" ,
"a469bed29a54ef3ed5d00c472f10603ed3ee7c4972fc3cb623e738d628064d19" ,
"ca1a3d14d88dc72a5cb6da198c7151f1f71718ee4b4ba70d6bc597a260b0ab20" ,
"7516b5aaeaab70a735f47b4e100421363cef535378d522a3244ac8741b9d6740" ,
"ee428b6be6df6655ddcbfd64bb3a8fa8de513c4f50d94c1ef91df1254cf45172" ,
"7cf09ecd458613cd3817754286d356fd91efa8456cc9fdc744b65dd6e01ca6ab" ,
"43082dda77028f2ccab3639c919aea6049fd3917a5f3f413f0ee12ca4daf4ad6" ,
"13e4c56fdc40928e8639d19aefff23270ea5555c6e8887fd95b609c50297cbe0" ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
"45abcc4572f519155cd65686c3be9cc744d79d6f36c928b0aa3c989f8ee094be" ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-block-transactions" ,
title : "GET Block Transactions" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a list of transactions in the block (up to 25 transactions beginning at <code>start_index</code>). Transactions returned here do not have the <code>status</code> field, since all the transactions share the same block and confirmation status."
} ,
urlString : "/block/:hash/txs[/:start_index]" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/block/%{1}/txs ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxs = await blocks . getBlockTxs ( { hash } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( blockTxs , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const hash = '%{1}' ;
const blockTxs = await blocks . getBlockTxs ( { hash } ) ;
console . log ( blockTxs ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce' ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "cfe624ccdd8010cf78dbedd1b25e1ff601b470c4d7d90fa9fc8c1bcc5cdc6e0e" ,
version : 1 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 102 ,
weight : 408 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 363366 ,
block_hash : "000000000000000015dc777b3ff2611091336355d3f0ee9766a2cf3be8e4b1ce" ,
block_time : 1435766771
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' ] ,
commonJS : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' ] ,
curl : [ '000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b' ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "b5d033f57045b76f2f29df0c2469be0153ecf2514717bccd8d52250b3e7ba781" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 238 ,
weight : 844 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091173 ,
block_hash : "000000000000004a3ff1faff12c446f711c650454ff8af7f41d1e8b2564dd74b" ,
block_time : 1630635771
} ,
. . .
] , `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0000004b62b53d2550c300208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' ] ,
curl : [ '0000014b60b53d2550c310200af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f' ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "4220d4fe0ec4beb9313e15fa225fb0bbdf2c17d74b56615e07263aed32d4fdb2" ,
version : 1 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 250 ,
weight : 892 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 53770 ,
block_hash : "0000014b62b53d2550c310208af9d792ab7a9a2487a67d82c06b17b201ee602f" ,
block_time : 1630635847
} ,
. . .
] ` ,
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ 'dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "45abcc4572f519155cd65686c3be9cc744d79d6f36c928b0aa3c989f8ee094be" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 250 ,
weight : 877 ,
fee : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1472142 ,
block_hash : "dbbf73007879859f2c55b8605751498ad0d2848db0fdedeadcbdc0cf4f02ee13" ,
block_time : 1630635778
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "blocks" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-blocks" ,
title : "GET Blocks" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the 10 newest blocks starting at the tip or at <code>:start_height</code> if specified."
} ,
urlString : "/blocks[/:start_height]" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" , "bisq" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
bisq : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/blocks/%{1}/%{2} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getBlocks = await blocks . getBlocks ( { index : % { 1 } , length : % { 2 } } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( getBlocks , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getBlocks = await blocks . getBlocks ( { index : % { 1 } , length : % { 2 } } ) ;
console . log ( getBlocks ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '0' , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ '0' , '1' ] ,
curl : [ '0' , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
height : 698771 ,
time : 1630636953000 ,
hash : "0000000000000000000a33c6ac863eee8c76ca72435f25d679609c0949ac9374" ,
previousBlockHash : "00000000000000000001e4184639e5600d3fb4c4e06c2a625e76804c4bc93cb1" ,
txs : [ ]
] `
} ,
} ,
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/blocks/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getBlocks = await blocks . getBlocks ( { start_height : % { 1 } } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( getBlocks , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { blocks } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getBlocks = await blocks . getBlocks ( { start_height : % { 1 } } ) ;
console . log ( getBlocks ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '698777' ] ,
commonJS : [ '698777' ] ,
curl : [ '698777' ] ,
response : ` [
id : "00000000000000000003002915e015c47610c55b6f0228ad62bfcc59b65e67b7" ,
height : 698777 ,
version : 536870916 ,
timestamp : 1630641711 ,
tx_count : 2327 ,
size : 1466537 ,
weight : 3999653 ,
merkle_root : "023e27dde144eedc65ff3b27c535ebc7dced6c49fe78f94cdf85cf2000608d2f" ,
previousblockhash : "0000000000000000000701a7f14e362d3f10aa524200db1710ce3bbf0c0f8b75" ,
mediantime : 1630636986 ,
nonce : 1926094388 ,
bits : 386923168 ,
difficulty : 17615033039278
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '2091187' ] ,
commonJS : [ '2091187' ] ,
curl : [ '2091187' ] ,
response : ` [
id : "00000000000000533f63df886281a9fd74da163e84a21445153ff480e5f57970" ,
height : 2091187 ,
version : 545259520 ,
timestamp : 1630641890 ,
tx_count : 26 ,
size : 8390 ,
weight : 22985 ,
merkle_root : "4d6df12a4af11bb928c7b2930e0a4d2c3e268c6dc6a07462943ad1c4b6b96468" ,
previousblockhash : "0000000000000079103da7d296e1480295df795b7379e7dffd27743e214b0b32" ,
mediantime : 1630639627 ,
nonce : 309403673 ,
bits : 436273151 ,
difficulty : 16777216
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '53783' ] ,
commonJS : [ '53783' ] ,
curl : [ '53783' ] ,
response : ` [
id : "0000010eeacb878340bae34af4e13551413d76a172ec302f7e50b62cb45374f2" ,
height : 53783 ,
version : 536870912 ,
timestamp : 1630641504 ,
tx_count : 1 ,
size : 343 ,
weight : 1264 ,
merkle_root : "3063ff3802c920eea68bdc9303957f3e7bfd0a03c93547fd7dad14b77a07d4e8" ,
previousblockhash : "00000109a7ea774fcc2d173f9a1da9595a47ff401dac67ca9edea149954210fa" ,
mediantime : 1630638966 ,
nonce : 11753379 ,
bits : 503404179 ,
difficulty : 0
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '1472246' ] ,
commonJS : [ '1472246' ] ,
curl : [ '1472246' ] ,
response : ` [
id : "0bd348c08101fef863b7263b2b44b2f6575f707f1e397da95cfe2afdd5e9ccdb" ,
height : 1472246 ,
version : 570425344 ,
timestamp : 1630642018 ,
tx_count : 2 ,
size : 10838 ,
weight : 16901 ,
merkle_root : "a8cdc1ba96d1f862ca7c9aec4133a6efd14138f54c17efdbc968632a6b9cb8c8" ,
previousblockhash : "a06c327cdd76301de57ba0cf86c5ae8b1fd8a785945065ac9e2128322bd01f31" ,
mediantime : 1630641718
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ '' ] ,
commonJS : [ '' ] ,
curl : [ '' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "fees" ,
fragment : "fees" ,
title : "Fees" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "fees" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-mempool-blocks-fees" ,
title : "GET Mempool Blocks Fees" ,
description : {
default : "Returns current mempool as projected blocks."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/fees/mempool-blocks" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/fees/mempool-blocks ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const feesMempoolBlocks = await fees . getFeesMempoolBlocks ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( feesMempoolBlocks , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const feesMempoolBlocks = await fees . getFeesMempoolBlocks ( ) ;
console . log ( feesMempoolBlocks ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
blockSize : 873046 ,
blockVSize : 746096.5 ,
nTx : 863 ,
totalFees : 8875608 ,
medianFee : 10.79646017699115 ,
feeRange : [
1 ,
2.4242424242424243 ,
8.107816711590296 ,
10.148014440433213 ,
11.053311793214863 ,
12.041811846689896 ,
14.930957683741648 ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
blockSize : 2871 ,
blockVSize : 2377.5 ,
nTx : 11 ,
totalFees : 3499 ,
medianFee : 1.1799410029498525 ,
feeRange : [
1.00374531835206 ,
1.00374531835206 ,
1.0046860356138707 ,
1.1799410029498525 ,
1.183431952662722 ,
1.3274336283185841 ,
1.3995037220843674 ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
blockSize : 16157 ,
blockVSize : 10338.5 ,
nTx : 75 ,
totalFees : 13493 ,
medianFee : 1.304812834224599 ,
feeRange : [
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
1.304812834224599 ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
blockSize : 5011 ,
blockVSize : 1530.25 ,
nTx : 1 ,
totalFees : 288 ,
medianFee : 0.1882045417415455 ,
feeRange : [
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
0.1882045417415455 ,
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "fees" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-recommended-fees" ,
title : "GET Recommended Fees" ,
description : {
default : "Returns our currently suggested fees for new transactions."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/fees/recommended" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/fees/recommended ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const feesRecommended = await fees . getFeesRecommended ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( feesRecommended , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const feesRecommended = await fees . getFeesRecommended ( ) ;
console . log ( feesRecommended ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
fastestFee : 1 ,
halfHourFee : 1 ,
hourFee : 1 ,
minimumFee : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
fastestFee : 1 ,
halfHourFee : 1 ,
hourFee : 1 ,
minimumFee : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
fastestFee : 1 ,
halfHourFee : 1 ,
hourFee : 1 ,
minimumFee : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
fastestFee : 0.1 ,
halfHourFee : 0.1 ,
hourFee : 0.1 ,
minimumFee : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "mempool" ,
fragment : "mempool" ,
title : "Mempool" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "mempool" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-mempool" ,
title : "GET Mempool" ,
description : {
default : "Returns current mempool backlog statistics."
} ,
urlString : "/mempool" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/mempool ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempool = await mempool . getMempool ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( getMempool , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempool = await mempool . getMempool ( ) ;
console . log ( getMempool ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
count : 3169 ,
vsize : 1891542 ,
total_fee : 20317481 ,
fee_histogram : [ ]
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
count : 16 ,
vsize : 2692 ,
total_fee : 46318 ,
fee_histogram : [
1.0071429 ,
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
count : 58 ,
vsize : 8008 ,
total_fee : 10407 ,
fee_histogram : [
1 ,
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` {
count : 0 ,
vsize : 0 ,
total_fee : 0 ,
fee_histogram : [ ]
} `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "mempool" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-mempool-transaction-ids" ,
title : "GET Mempool Transaction IDs" ,
description : {
default : "Get the full list of txids in the mempool as an array. The order of the txids is arbitrary and does not match bitcoind."
} ,
urlString : "/mempool/txids" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/mempool/txids ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempoolTxids = await mempool . getMempoolTxids ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( getMempoolTxids , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempoolTxids = await mempool . getMempoolTxids ( ) ;
console . log ( getMempoolTxids ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
"65b04c4618999a221e8b66943a17c216172a9c865f49c88b76de81212b24bf01" ,
"4a3ebe804f273b4c7a96e63f6b963e812ef7e6e0e8381c2d662715bcf5bfa846" ,
"1ef9df26fab649183b591d148011ce809756f9cd9e6be3d383e80808b1929724" ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
"af04a3e8b7bd49217165435e2717b6ed977cde9c0f6f2a5813c4c39eb53748af" ,
"d4c4989617e9af40518f7846f98e98e4a187bc29fb95542c9aa469af159c61e4" ,
"c4c0630b18e910be0a70ebd5d4897b379168b0f357a6536188a28e38d2cf8b43" ,
"c6c9c44ca17ff8c1ebfe27978e57277be6098f0fb5129840370c013fe503db24" ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
"ddd40341cfa1268801407e9ff43da020cab03f8bf1b422239da0652a4496367e" ,
"7fe571957cf61c41598e2acb54211be32cd13df2b71b1612af1d860bbfb5ee9f" ,
"b7cd3be4de533db392bb5bd8aaedd8b25607514502c60c0c6d54358931a6d95f" ,
"7786de8ee4fe0b11410658866800b90e5a798e3721dd6031c6b5094474bd80c1" ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "mempool" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-mempool-recent" ,
title : "GET Mempool Recent" ,
description : {
default : "Get a list of the last 10 transactions to enter the mempool. Each transaction object contains simplified overview data, with the following fields: <code>txid</code>, <code>fee</code>, <code>vsize</code>, and <code>value</code>."
} ,
urlString : "/mempool/recent" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/mempool/recent ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempoolRecent = await mempool . getMempoolRecent ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( getMempoolRecent , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { mempool } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const getMempoolRecent = await mempool . getMempoolRecent ( ) ;
console . log ( getMempoolRecent ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "4b93c138293a7e3dfea6f0a63d944890b5ba571b03cc22d8c66995535e90dce8" ,
fee : 18277 ,
vsize : 2585 ,
value : 4972029
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "1fc5098fe3378828a890fa5144883cdd1411d9cdbb1af365c20e72503b11dc81" ,
fee : 221 ,
vsize : 201 ,
value : 944960
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "18dcbd5405f65f583ed32db2f86f84510c07c59ac5321bb90cbd3a3f2963c224" ,
fee : 183 ,
vsize : 140 ,
value : 4369990908
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` [
txid : "06428bf0f6dc6a55e1d800afcd4697d1cdee4debbfaa7fd782d747a80d051c25" ,
fee : 251 ,
vsize : 2515
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
} ,
type : "category" ,
category : "transactions" ,
fragment : "transactions" ,
title : "Transactions" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" , "bisq" ] )
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-cpfp" ,
title : "GET Children Pay for Parent" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the ancestors and the best descendant fees for a transaction."
} ,
urlString : "/v1/fees/cpfp" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/v1/cpfp/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = 'txid' ;
const feesCPFP = await fees . getCPFP ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( feesCPFP , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { fees } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = 'txid' ;
const feesCPFP = await fees . getCPFP ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( feesCPFP ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ 'txid' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'txid' ] ,
curl : [ 'txid' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'txid' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'txid' ] ,
curl : [ 'txid' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'txid' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'txid' ] ,
curl : [ 'txid' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ 'txid' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'txid' ] ,
curl : [ 'txid' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction" ,
title : "GET Transaction" ,
description : {
default : "Returns details about a transaction. Available fields: <code>txid</code>, <code>version</code>, <code>locktime</code>, <code>size</code>, <code>weight</code>, <code>fee</code>, <code>vin</code>, <code>vout</code>, and <code>status</code>."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" , "bisq" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const tx = await transactions . getTx ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( tx , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const tx = await transactions . getTx ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( tx ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` {
txid : "15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521" ,
version : 1 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 884 ,
weight : 3536 ,
fee : 20000 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 363348 ,
block_hash : "0000000000000000139385d7aa78ffb45469e0c715b8d6ea6cb2ffa98acc7171" ,
block_time : 1435754650
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` {
txid : "eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 2091198 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 222 ,
weight : 561 ,
fee : 16332 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091199 ,
block_hash : "000000000000004d36632fda8180ff16855d606e5515aab0750d9d4fe55fe7d6" ,
block_time : 1630648992
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` {
txid : "fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 99 ,
weight : 381 ,
fee : 125 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 53788 ,
block_hash : "0000012a49f15fdbec49f647800d26dabc4027ade9739f398f618d167128b225" ,
block_time : 1630648988
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
response : ` {
txid : "801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a" ,
version : 2 ,
locktime : 1472364 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 4599 ,
weight : 5325 ,
fee : 529 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1472366 ,
block_hash : "8422f44e62d7349f8c54c3d353290a8edea1532898e6dc832902bf7ef396e7c1" ,
block_time : 1630649218
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` {
txid : "98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e" ,
version : 1 ,
locktime : 0 ,
vin : [ ] ,
vout : [ ] ,
size : 402 ,
weight : 957 ,
fee : 2390 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698788 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000005bfe17b41395bed53565022e0c98965b15ec1d00b1f31" ,
block_time : 1630645738
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-hex" ,
title : "GET Transaction Hex" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a transaction serialized as hex."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/hex" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/hex ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txHex = await transactions . getTxHex ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txHex , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txHex = await transactions . getTxHex ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txHex ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` 010000000536a007284bd52ee826680a7f43536472f1bcce1e76cd76b826b88c5884eddf1f0c0000006b483045022100bcdf40fb3b5ebfa2c158ac8d1a41c03eb3dba4e180b00e81836bafd56d946efd022005cc40e35022b614275c1e485c409599667cbd41f6e5d78f421cb260a020a24f01210255ea3f53ce3ed1ad2c08dfc23b211b15b852afb819492a9a0f3f99e5747cb5f0ffffffffee08cb90c4e84dd7952b2cfad81ed3b088f5b... `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` 0200000000010146c398e70cceaf9d8f734e603bc53e4c4c0605ab46cb1b5807a62c90f5aed50d0100000000feffffff023c0fc10c010000001600145033f65b590f2065fe55414213f1d25ab20b6c4f487d1700000000001600144b812d5ef41fc433654d186463d41b458821ff740247304402202438dc18801919baa64eb18f7e925a... `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` 02000000000101b7913f140f19850975352064a7ccfd7e96e1ed9a847c463309839a37c9d01e530000000000ffffffff017d65a61d000000002200204ae81572f06e1b88fd5ced7a1a000945432e83e1551e6f721ee9c00b8cc3326001015100000000 `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a ` ] ,
response : ` 020000000101730fb6b65e115f4ec15690b3539311becd3ef8d1ed4c2b7e53ec3934b4254f65010000001716001436b178e63ed841263f7b82a97d2e783791394432feffffff020b5ff1f5c8059fc270bdeb196c5f38e3da2de8fd9034c34427b70fa66d2f388efe083745b65e4c6e029b020d74df709c5842737c4d50873ef4ec8e0579a3c41f09130274bf768af8b1c462b1e5b7ffb1bb496a019a0ed090e4ce26283a946542280c6f17a... ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` 0100000000010222ae3642a9300262f6e730e8bfb7979b15852c8836f3835beef9cd58c464e5f70000000000ffffffff22ae3642a9300262f6e730e8bfb7979b15852c8836f3835beef9cd58c464e5f70200000000ffffffff03de0900000000000016001490f9ee145d7b1c9352b793350741da97f3e4d795aca80500000000001600144168859b4b74a09277969fb8152115aea9d33a159c960600000000001600146534b1859209d8ae8f1a8... ` ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-merkleblock-proof" ,
title : "GET Transaction Merkleblock Proof" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a merkle inclusion proof for the transaction using <a href='https://bitcoin.org/en/glossary/merkle-block'>bitcoind's merkleblock</a> format."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/merkleblock-proof" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/merkleblock-proof ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txMerkleBlockProof = await transactions . getTxMerkleBlockProof ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txMerkleBlockProof , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txMerkleBlockProof = await transactions . getTxMerkleBlockProof ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txMerkleBlockProof ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` 0300000058f6dd09ac5aea942c01d12e75b351e73f4304cc442741000000000000000000ef0c2fa8517414b742094a020da7eba891b47d660ef66f126ad01e5be99a2fd09ae093558e411618c14240df820700000ce4d15e17594f257b22d1ddf47d07b3b88779a8374fcd515ad883d79726c6027da6abfcbc1341a049b30277d3bf14e4663... `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` 0000602002bf77bbb098f90f149430c314e71ef4e2671ea5e04a2503e0000000000000000406ffb54f2925360aae81bd3199f456928bbe6ae83a877902da9d9ffb08215da0ba3161ffff001a545a850bb80000000906e0c62f68fdf4865a46889e2e12d66f03cc537225d612aa77b08a38936b4d435d73544598d93174314d75e5833... `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` 00000020d356e0a14120d45653120a7bd53280ffce2aa2ced301682a1f2867687f000000298ef149a1675866dbdde315b22c24c63fd7670fdc5b86b588007fa187fa85089cba31619356011eaedd8800180000000656e9b938241cb350316cd9155167f3bce7370aa1095143c304ef7a44da4984e02550c48f3e01648dd65f5e3e290432c... `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` 04000020e05c5f176bdb7966b44388ca223bef6e548fb390a9f202000000000000000000f10d5017f8e98200ea6e9d9a90d48e8078a49f2ee1da2cae9f80f48a0badfdaaeaad3161a0fa0f174d163a5daa0400000c77d2b87749e72de52feacaab57134c40172ae247c9de1f8f180736a8ef64a024542ab6b22b2c1fc961eae3d7d7d6c5f... ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-merkle-proof" ,
title : "GET Transaction Merkle Proof" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a merkle inclusion proof for the transaction using <a href='https://electrumx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol-methods.html#blockchain-transaction-get-merkle'>Electrum's blockchain.transaction.get_merkle format."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/merkle-proof" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/merkle-proof ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txMerkleProof = await transactions . getTxMerkleProof ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txMerkleProof , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txMerkleProof = await transactions . getTxMerkleProof ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txMerkleProof ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` {
block_height : 363348 ,
merkle : [
"acf931fe8980c6165b32fe7a8d25f779af7870a638599db1977d5309e24d2478" ,
"ee25997c2520236892c6a67402650e6b721899869dcf6715294e98c0b45623f9" ,
"790889ac7c0f7727715a7c1f1e8b05b407c4be3bd304f88c8b5b05ed4c0c24b7" ,
"facfd99cc4cfe45e66601b37a9637e17fb2a69947b1f8dc3118ed7a50ba7c901" ,
"8c871dd0b7915a114f274c354d8b6c12c689b99851edc55d29811449a6792ab7" ,
"eb4d9605966b26cfa3bf69b1afebe375d3d6aadaa7f2899d48899b6bd2fd6a43" ,
"daa1dc59f22a8601b489fc8a89da78bc35415291c62c185e711b8eef341e6e70" ,
"102907c1b95874e2893c6f7f06b45a3d52455d3bb17796e761df75aeda6aa065" ,
"baeede9b8e022bb98b63cb765ba5ca3e66e414bfd37702b349a04113bcfcaba6" ,
"b6f07be94b55144588b33ff39fb8a08004baa03eb7ff121e1847d715d0da6590" ,
] ,
pos : 1465
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` {
block_height : 2091199 ,
merkle : [
"434d6b93388ab077aa12d6257253cc036fd6122e9e88465a86f4fd682fc6e006" ,
"bd9af28e56cf6731e78ee1503a65d9cc9b15c148daa474e71e085176f48996ac" ,
"605f6f83423ef3b86623927ef2d9dcb0f8d9e40a8132217c2fa0910b84488ec7" ,
"10b7ef06ef0756823dbf39dea717be397e7ccb49bbefc5cfc45e6f9d58793baf" ,
"19183ceae11796a9b1d0893e0561870bbce4d060c9547b1e91ad8b34eb3d5001" ,
"1b16723739522955422b4286b4d8620d2a704b6997e6bbd809d151b8d8d64611" ,
"6f8496469b19dd35871684332dfd3fc0205d83d2c58c44ebdae068542bc951f6" ,
] ,
pos : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` {
block_height : 53788 ,
merkle : [
"e08449da447aef04c3435109a10a37e7bcf3675115d96c3150b31c2438b9e956" ,
"027699486d6cc71669bbc8168632101ed95266dcd02fa8b757830d570ef54d15" ,
"62458b115b3db7e9dafecb37de1fcb985891bc77a323018811b6d0392e3705a6" ,
"3a32287eccca335a3dac6aede77855a78faed4060d16bb89517da9816a763cb4" ,
] ,
pos : 1
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
commonJS : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
curl : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
response : ` {
block_height : 1472366 ,
merkle : [
"ce1903e0a8a5e17c6267cf3397d42011611eb26aa7b65fd73b9851b71da3fc66" ,
] ,
pos : 1
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` {
block_height : 698788 ,
merkle : [
"455eb8942edf5444f0130194353185705e891fb328b47fd5c43c0f5260de8121" ,
"98d18cb3470a3ee27a1d083e8f7baf76eaed19b5c972af33a335acdb3374dc75" ,
"1bf53a838bef7d64c2f7207bdb054df7dcc58e335ba9bd43803d00a24b4aec1b" ,
"19033925798e6e09f385dd7b5afbd76136f910b21b75ca03a2692ee804e0860e" ,
"5b4bd0b3cbbd5b73ae36d00bd144ee8db0966ff1f78c4483a4a8d601dc0b2ded" ,
"485a0c2af1687efe5433d4621c5dd222f6c5d6d7d7e3ea61c91f2c2bb2b62a54" ,
"1af9cbc4539b66e44c9bd6d07c5720301ba4694088e06b7f5978686b7a94aa62" ,
"b7a27d5a849f30cdf82c19b3d84902a146a0723a0798e46f91028f412af0d14d" ,
"b3925e68565674c54b3f0beb9f5f3820f4cd35cd15683b119cd232f52024a997" ,
"24a064efa83607188f1fdec947e22a17404c1357abcaea2fe52de74977b8d277" ,
] ,
pos : 546
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-outspend" ,
title : "GET Transaction Outspend" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the spending status of a transaction output. Available fields: <code>spent</code> (boolean), <code>txid</code> (optional), <code>vin</code> (optional), and <code>status</code> (optional, the status of the spending tx)."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/outspend/:vout" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/outspend/%{2} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txOutspend = await transactions . getTxOutspend ( {
txid ,
vout : % { 2 } ,
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txOutspend , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txOutspend = await transactions . getTxOutspend ( {
txid ,
vout : % { 2 } ,
} ) ;
console . log ( txOutspend ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' , '3' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' , '3' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' , '3' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "2a1b8ec06d68096911da82b02806c3848c415b0044a0046850c4a97cbffac7b1" ,
vin : 1 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 363354 ,
block_hash : "000000000000000012e6130dec174ca877bf39ead6e3d04a8ba3b0cd683c1661" ,
block_time : 1435758032
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' , '0' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' , '0' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' , '0' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "37e867526abb7cde3f64f86f60b42bee1f989aa8514730ae2e741dd05bbc286b" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091199 ,
block_hash : "000000000000004d36632fda8180ff16855d606e5515aab0750d9d4fe55fe7d6" ,
block_time : 1630648992
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' , '0' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' , '0' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' , '0' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "ad9cb0f6770219f0a2325d77466d30ff2ddd18b0f7f68b1deb547c4b3b972623" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 53789 ,
block_hash : "000000372e6b34e56866b4e4c75a372454e956bc42f6760b1b119bfa5ce58223" ,
block_time : 1630649351
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' , '0' ] ,
commonJS : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' , '0' ] ,
curl : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' , '0' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "c02e132181dfc5f65ea16eadf53b346915b9f3937179c49e209b995e57c319c2" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1472368 ,
block_hash : "a07de4ccbb212ea203c455dde477069fb6ed6120fc96c78402fa9d129efa31ff" ,
block_time : 1630649338
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` , '1' ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` , '1' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "455eb8942edf5444f0130194353185705e891fb328b47fd5c43c0f5260de8121" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698788 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000005bfe17b41395bed53565022e0c98965b15ec1d00b1f31" ,
block_time : 1630645738
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-outspends" ,
title : "GET Transaction Outspends" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the spending status of all transaction outputs."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/outspends" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/outspends ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txOutspends = await transactions . getTxOutspends ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txOutspends , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txOutspends = await transactions . getTxOutspends ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txOutspends ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` [
spent : true ,
txid : "34de8ba520eb846da8831fa47c06eef9b4eb4a2ff6a3271165fd6b9aafc5a20c" ,
vin : 12 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 363349 ,
block_hash : "000000000000000012ad81b3ea2cb1c4ba115901bd1b41cd05a6a8d736691322" ,
block_time : 1435754897
} ,
. . .
] `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` [
spent : true ,
txid : "37e867526abb7cde3f64f86f60b42bee1f989aa8514730ae2e741dd05bbc286b" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 2091199 ,
block_hash : "000000000000004d36632fda8180ff16855d606e5515aab0750d9d4fe55fe7d6" ,
block_time : 1630648992
} ,
spent : false
] `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` [
spent : true ,
txid : "ad9cb0f6770219f0a2325d77466d30ff2ddd18b0f7f68b1deb547c4b3b972623" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 53789 ,
block_hash : "000000372e6b34e56866b4e4c75a372454e956bc42f6760b1b119bfa5ce58223" ,
block_time : 1630649351
] `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
commonJS : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
curl : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
response : ` {
spent : true ,
txid : "c02e132181dfc5f65ea16eadf53b346915b9f3937179c49e209b995e57c319c2" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1472368 ,
block_hash : "a07de4ccbb212ea203c455dde477069fb6ed6120fc96c78402fa9d129efa31ff" ,
block_time : 1630649338
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` [
spent : false
} ,
spent : true ,
txid : "455eb8942edf5444f0130194353185705e891fb328b47fd5c43c0f5260de8121" ,
vin : 0 ,
status : {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698788 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000005bfe17b41395bed53565022e0c98965b15ec1d00b1f31" ,
block_time : 1630645738
} ,
spent : false
] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-raw" ,
title : "GET Transaction Raw" ,
description : {
default : "Returns a transaction as binary data."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/raw" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/raw ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txRaw = await transactions . getTxRaw ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txRaw , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txRaw = await transactions . getTxRaw ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txRaw ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
commonJS : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
curl : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transaction-status" ,
title : "GET Transaction Status" ,
description : {
default : "Returns the confirmation status of a transaction. Available fields: <code>confirmed</code> (boolean), <code>block_height</code> (optional), and <code>block_hash</code> (optional)."
} ,
urlString : "/tx/:txid/status" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/tx/%{1}/status ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txStatus = await transactions . getTxStatus ( { txid } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txStatus , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txid = '%{1}' ;
const txStatus = await transactions . getTxStatus ( { txid } ) ;
console . log ( txStatus ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
commonJS : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
curl : [ '15e10745f15593a899cef391191bdd3d7c12412cc4696b7bcb669d0feadc8521' ] ,
response : ` {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 363348 ,
block_hash : "0000000000000000139385d7aa78ffb45469e0c715b8d6ea6cb2ffa98acc7171" ,
block_time : 1435754650
} `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
curl : [ 'eefbafa4006e77099db059eebe14687965813283e5754d317431d9984554735d' ] ,
response : ` {
confirmed : false
} `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
commonJS : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
curl : [ 'fe80c0c2439d41d301f35570018b4239ca3204293e5e5fd68d64013e8fc45025' ] ,
response : ` {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 53788 ,
block_hash : "0000012a49f15fdbec49f647800d26dabc4027ade9739f398f618d167128b225" ,
block_time : 1630648988
} `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
commonJS : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
curl : [ '801c8cccdfb1cac41f97d290e00e3e608753bb5b8fbc5ba39f3ab6feef13dd4a' ] ,
response : ` {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 1472366 ,
block_hash : "8422f44e62d7349f8c54c3d353290a8edea1532898e6dc832902bf7ef396e7c1" ,
block_time : 1630649218
} ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 98a598aeea121ea061dc713d1547363358974191c257d3b563bbf2a1706ff44e ` ] ,
response : ` {
confirmed : true ,
block_height : 698788 ,
block_hash : "00000000000000000005bfe17b41395bed53565022e0c98965b15ec1d00b1f31" ,
block_time : 1630645738
} ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "GET" ,
fragment : "get-transactions" ,
title : "GET Transactions" ,
description : {
default : "Returns :length of latest Bisq transactions, starting from :index."
} ,
urlString : "/txs/:index/:length" ,
showConditions : [ "bisq" ] ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` /api/txs/%{1}/%{2} ` ,
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txs = await transactions . getTxs ( { index : % { 1 } , length : % { 2 } } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txs , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txs = await transactions . getTxs ( { index : % { 1 } , length : % { 2 } } ) ;
console . log ( txStatus ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ` 0 ` , '1' ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 0 ` , '1' ] ,
curl : [ ` 0 ` , '1' ] ,
response : ` [
txVersion : "1" ,
id : "be1b2932155c012bec79bbd0f7cf7db32a4a35859dcb7b70f5d35fea581ac30a" ,
blockHeight : 698808 ,
blockHash : "0000000000000000000bf9461e8e0b8e077bcc0e8fe0f55483a7fd5d0860336c" ,
time : 1630658066000 ,
inputs : [ ] ,
outputs : [ ] ,
txType : "PAY_TRADE_FEE" ,
txTypeDisplayString : "Pay trade fee" ,
burntFee : 609 ,
invalidatedBsq : 0 ,
unlockBlockHeight : 0
] ` ,
} ,
} ,
type : "endpoint" ,
category : "transactions" ,
httpRequestMethod : "POST" ,
fragment : "post-transaction" ,
title : "POST Transaction" ,
description : {
default : "Broadcast a raw transaction to the network. The transaction should be provided as hex in the request body. The <code>txid</code> will be returned on success."
} ,
urlString : "/api/tx" ,
showConditions : bitcoinNetworks.concat ( [ "liquid" ] ) ,
codeExample : {
default : {
codeTemplate : {
curl : ` %{1}" "[[hostname]][[baseNetworkUrl]]/api/tx ` , //custom interpolation technique handled in replaceCurlPlaceholder()
commonJS : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txHex = '%{1}' ;
const txid = await transactions . postTx ( { txHex } ) ;
document . getElementById ( "result" ) . textContent = JSON . stringify ( txid , undefined , 2 ) ;
` ,
esModule : `
const { % { 0 } : { transactions } } = mempoolJS ( ) ;
const txHex = '%{1}' ;
const txid = await transactions . postTx ( { txHex } ) ;
console . log ( txid ) ;
` ,
} ,
codeSampleMainnet : {
esModule : [ '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' ] ,
commonJS : [ '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' ] ,
curl : [ '0200000001fd5b5fcd1cb066c27cfc9fda5428b9be850b81ac440ea51f1ddba2f987189ac1010000008a4730440220686a40e9d2dbffeab4ca1ff66341d06a17806767f12a1fc4f55740a7af24c6b5022049dd3c9a85ac6c51fecd5f4baff7782a518781bbdd94453c8383755e24ba755c01410436d554adf4a3eb03a317c77aa4020a7bba62999df633bba0ea8f83f48b9e01b0861d3b3c796840f982ee6b14c3c4b7ad04fcfcc3774f81bff9aaf52a15751fedfdffffff02416c00000000000017a914bc791b2afdfe1e1b5650864a9297b20d74c61f4787d71d0000000000001976a9140a59837ccd4df25adc31cdad39be6a8d97557ed688ac00000000' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleTestnet : {
esModule : [ '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' ] ,
commonJS : [ '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' ] ,
curl : [ '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' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleSignet : {
esModule : [ '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' ] ,
commonJS : [ '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' ] ,
curl : [ '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' ] ,
response : ` `
} ,
codeSampleLiquid : {
esModule : [ ` 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 ` ] ,
commonJS : [ ` 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 ` ] ,
curl : [ ` 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 ` ] ,
response : ` ` ,
} ,
codeSampleBisq : {
esModule : [ ] ,
commonJS : [ ] ,
curl : [ ] ,
response : ''
} ,
} ,
] ;