Carla Kirk-Cohen b5afd905d1
htlcswitch/hop: explicitly signal final hop from sphinx packet
Previously, we were using nextChanID to determine whether a hop
payload is for the final recipient. This is no longer suitable in a
route-blinding world where intermediate hops are allowed to have zero
nextChanID TLVs (as this information is provided to forwarding nodes
in their encrypted data). This commit updates payload reading to use
the signal provided by sphinx that we are on the last packet, rather
than implying it from the contents of a hop.
2023-12-18 11:27:51 -05:00

416 lines
14 KiB

package hop
import (
sphinx "github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-onion"
// Iterator is an interface that abstracts away the routing information
// included in HTLC's which includes the entirety of the payment path of an
// HTLC. This interface provides two basic method which carry out: how to
// interpret the forwarding information encoded within the HTLC packet, and hop
// to encode the forwarding information for the _next_ hop.
type Iterator interface {
// HopPayload returns the set of fields that detail exactly _how_ this
// hop should forward the HTLC to the next hop. Additionally, the
// information encoded within the returned ForwardingInfo is to be used
// by each hop to authenticate the information given to it by the prior
// hop. The payload will also contain any additional TLV fields provided
// by the sender.
HopPayload() (*Payload, error)
// EncodeNextHop encodes the onion packet destined for the next hop
// into the passed io.Writer.
EncodeNextHop(w io.Writer) error
// ExtractErrorEncrypter returns the ErrorEncrypter needed for this hop,
// along with a failure code to signal if the decoding was successful.
ExtractErrorEncrypter(ErrorEncrypterExtracter) (ErrorEncrypter,
// sphinxHopIterator is the Sphinx implementation of hop iterator which uses
// onion routing to encode the payment route in such a way so that node might
// see only the next hop in the route..
type sphinxHopIterator struct {
// ogPacket is the original packet from which the processed packet is
// derived.
ogPacket *sphinx.OnionPacket
// processedPacket is the outcome of processing an onion packet. It
// includes the information required to properly forward the packet to
// the next hop.
processedPacket *sphinx.ProcessedPacket
// makeSphinxHopIterator converts a processed packet returned from a sphinx
// router and converts it into an hop iterator for usage in the link.
func makeSphinxHopIterator(ogPacket *sphinx.OnionPacket,
packet *sphinx.ProcessedPacket) *sphinxHopIterator {
return &sphinxHopIterator{
ogPacket: ogPacket,
processedPacket: packet,
// A compile time check to ensure sphinxHopIterator implements the HopIterator
// interface.
var _ Iterator = (*sphinxHopIterator)(nil)
// Encode encodes iterator and writes it to the writer.
// NOTE: Part of the HopIterator interface.
func (r *sphinxHopIterator) EncodeNextHop(w io.Writer) error {
return r.processedPacket.NextPacket.Encode(w)
// HopPayload returns the set of fields that detail exactly _how_ this hop
// should forward the HTLC to the next hop. Additionally, the information
// encoded within the returned ForwardingInfo is to be used by each hop to
// authenticate the information given to it by the prior hop. The payload will
// also contain any additional TLV fields provided by the sender.
// NOTE: Part of the HopIterator interface.
func (r *sphinxHopIterator) HopPayload() (*Payload, error) {
switch r.processedPacket.Payload.Type {
// If this is the legacy payload, then we'll extract the information
// directly from the pre-populated ForwardingInstructions field.
case sphinx.PayloadLegacy:
fwdInst := r.processedPacket.ForwardingInstructions
return NewLegacyPayload(fwdInst), nil
// Otherwise, if this is the TLV payload, then we'll make a new stream
// to decode only what we need to make routing decisions.
case sphinx.PayloadTLV:
return NewPayloadFromReader(
r.processedPacket.Action == sphinx.ExitNode,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown sphinx payload type: %v",
// ExtractErrorEncrypter decodes and returns the ErrorEncrypter for this hop,
// along with a failure code to signal if the decoding was successful. The
// ErrorEncrypter is used to encrypt errors back to the sender in the event that
// a payment fails.
// NOTE: Part of the HopIterator interface.
func (r *sphinxHopIterator) ExtractErrorEncrypter(
extracter ErrorEncrypterExtracter) (ErrorEncrypter, lnwire.FailCode) {
return extracter(r.ogPacket.EphemeralKey)
// OnionProcessor is responsible for keeping all sphinx dependent parts inside
// and expose only decoding function. With such approach we give freedom for
// subsystems which wants to decode sphinx path to not be dependable from
// sphinx at all.
// NOTE: The reason for keeping decoder separated from hop iterator is too
// maintain the hop iterator abstraction. Without it the structures which using
// the hop iterator should contain sphinx router which makes their creations in
// tests dependent from the sphinx internal parts.
type OnionProcessor struct {
router *sphinx.Router
// NewOnionProcessor creates new instance of decoder.
func NewOnionProcessor(router *sphinx.Router) *OnionProcessor {
return &OnionProcessor{router}
// Start spins up the onion processor's sphinx router.
func (p *OnionProcessor) Start() error {
log.Info("Onion processor starting")
return p.router.Start()
// Stop shutsdown the onion processor's sphinx router.
func (p *OnionProcessor) Stop() error {
log.Info("Onion processor shutting down...")
defer log.Debug("Onion processor shutdown complete")
return nil
// DecodeHopIterator attempts to decode a valid sphinx packet from the passed io.Reader
// instance using the rHash as the associated data when checking the relevant
// MACs during the decoding process.
func (p *OnionProcessor) DecodeHopIterator(r io.Reader, rHash []byte,
incomingCltv uint32) (Iterator, lnwire.FailCode) {
onionPkt := &sphinx.OnionPacket{}
if err := onionPkt.Decode(r); err != nil {
switch err {
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionVersion:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionKey:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
log.Errorf("unable to decode onion packet: %v", err)
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
// Attempt to process the Sphinx packet. We include the payment hash of
// the HTLC as it's authenticated within the Sphinx packet itself as
// associated data in order to thwart attempts a replay attacks. In the
// case of a replay, an attacker is *forced* to use the same payment
// hash twice, thereby losing their money entirely.
sphinxPacket, err := p.router.ProcessOnionPacket(
onionPkt, rHash, incomingCltv,
if err != nil {
switch err {
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionVersion:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionHMAC:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionHmac
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionKey:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet: %v", err)
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
return makeSphinxHopIterator(onionPkt, sphinxPacket), lnwire.CodeNone
// ReconstructHopIterator attempts to decode a valid sphinx packet from the passed io.Reader
// instance using the rHash as the associated data when checking the relevant
// MACs during the decoding process.
func (p *OnionProcessor) ReconstructHopIterator(r io.Reader, rHash []byte) (
Iterator, error) {
onionPkt := &sphinx.OnionPacket{}
if err := onionPkt.Decode(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to process the Sphinx packet. We include the payment hash of
// the HTLC as it's authenticated within the Sphinx packet itself as
// associated data in order to thwart attempts a replay attacks. In the
// case of a replay, an attacker is *forced* to use the same payment
// hash twice, thereby losing their money entirely.
sphinxPacket, err := p.router.ReconstructOnionPacket(onionPkt, rHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeSphinxHopIterator(onionPkt, sphinxPacket), nil
// DecodeHopIteratorRequest encapsulates all date necessary to process an onion
// packet, perform sphinx replay detection, and schedule the entry for garbage
// collection.
type DecodeHopIteratorRequest struct {
OnionReader io.Reader
RHash []byte
IncomingCltv uint32
// DecodeHopIteratorResponse encapsulates the outcome of a batched sphinx onion
// processing.
type DecodeHopIteratorResponse struct {
HopIterator Iterator
FailCode lnwire.FailCode
// Result returns the (HopIterator, lnwire.FailCode) tuple, which should
// correspond to the index of a particular DecodeHopIteratorRequest.
// NOTE: The HopIterator should be considered invalid if the fail code is
// anything but lnwire.CodeNone.
func (r *DecodeHopIteratorResponse) Result() (Iterator, lnwire.FailCode) {
return r.HopIterator, r.FailCode
// DecodeHopIterators performs batched decoding and validation of incoming
// sphinx packets. For the same `id`, this method will return the same iterators
// and failcodes upon subsequent invocations.
// NOTE: In order for the responses to be valid, the caller must guarantee that
// the presented readers and rhashes *NEVER* deviate across invocations for the
// same id.
func (p *OnionProcessor) DecodeHopIterators(id []byte,
reqs []DecodeHopIteratorRequest) ([]DecodeHopIteratorResponse, error) {
var (
batchSize = len(reqs)
onionPkts = make([]sphinx.OnionPacket, batchSize)
resps = make([]DecodeHopIteratorResponse, batchSize)
tx := p.router.BeginTxn(id, batchSize)
decode := func(seqNum uint16, onionPkt *sphinx.OnionPacket,
req DecodeHopIteratorRequest) lnwire.FailCode {
err := onionPkt.Decode(req.OnionReader)
switch err {
case nil:
// success
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionVersion:
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionKey:
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
log.Errorf("unable to decode onion packet: %v", err)
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
err = tx.ProcessOnionPacket(
seqNum, onionPkt, req.RHash, req.IncomingCltv,
switch err {
case nil:
// success
return lnwire.CodeNone
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionVersion:
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionHMAC:
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionHmac
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionKey:
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet: %v", err)
return lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
// Execute cpu-heavy onion decoding in parallel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range reqs {
go func(seqNum uint16) {
defer wg.Done()
onionPkt := &onionPkts[seqNum]
resps[seqNum].FailCode = decode(
seqNum, onionPkt, reqs[seqNum],
// With that batch created, we will now attempt to write the shared
// secrets to disk. This operation will returns the set of indices that
// were detected as replays, and the computed sphinx packets for all
// indices that did not fail the above loop. Only indices that are not
// in the replay set should be considered valid, as they are
// opportunistically computed.
packets, replays, err := tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet batch %x: %v",
id, err)
// If we failed to commit the batch to the secret share log, we
// will mark all not-yet-failed channels with a temporary
// channel failure and exit since we cannot proceed.
for i := range resps {
resp := &resps[i]
// Skip any indexes that already failed onion decoding.
if resp.FailCode != lnwire.CodeNone {
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet %x-%v",
id, i)
resp.FailCode = lnwire.CodeTemporaryChannelFailure
// TODO(conner): return real errors to caller so link can fail?
return resps, err
// Otherwise, the commit was successful. Now we will post process any
// remaining packets, additionally failing any that were included in the
// replay set.
for i := range resps {
resp := &resps[i]
// Skip any indexes that already failed onion decoding.
if resp.FailCode != lnwire.CodeNone {
// If this index is contained in the replay set, mark it with a
// temporary channel failure error code. We infer that the
// offending error was due to a replayed packet because this
// index was found in the replay set.
if replays.Contains(uint16(i)) {
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet: %v",
// We set FailCode to CodeInvalidOnionVersion even
// though the ephemeral key isn't the problem. We need
// to set the BADONION bit since we're sending back a
// malformed packet, but as there isn't a specific
// failure code for replays, we reuse one of the
// failure codes that has BADONION.
resp.FailCode = lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
// Finally, construct a hop iterator from our processed sphinx
// packet, simultaneously caching the original onion packet.
resp.HopIterator = makeSphinxHopIterator(&onionPkts[i], &packets[i])
return resps, nil
// ExtractErrorEncrypter takes an io.Reader which should contain the onion
// packet as original received by a forwarding node and creates an
// ErrorEncrypter instance using the derived shared secret. In the case that en
// error occurs, a lnwire failure code detailing the parsing failure will be
// returned.
func (p *OnionProcessor) ExtractErrorEncrypter(ephemeralKey *btcec.PublicKey) (
ErrorEncrypter, lnwire.FailCode) {
onionObfuscator, err := sphinx.NewOnionErrorEncrypter(
p.router, ephemeralKey,
if err != nil {
switch err {
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionVersion:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionVersion
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionHMAC:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionHmac
case sphinx.ErrInvalidOnionKey:
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
log.Errorf("unable to process onion packet: %v", err)
return nil, lnwire.CodeInvalidOnionKey
return &SphinxErrorEncrypter{
OnionErrorEncrypter: onionObfuscator,
EphemeralKey: ephemeralKey,
}, lnwire.CodeNone