bryanvu e549a3f0ed fundingmanager: move final funding steps from wallet to funding manager.
Once a channel funding process has advanced to the point of broadcasting
the funding transaction, the state of the channel should be persisted
so that the nodes can disconnect or go down without having to wait for the
funding transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

Previously, the finalization of the funding process was handled by a
combination of the funding manager, the peer and the wallet, but if
the remote peer is no longer online or no longer connected, this flow
will no longer work. This commit moves all funding steps following
the transaction broadcast into the funding manager, which is available
as long as the daemon is running.
2017-02-24 11:37:33 -08:00

266 lines
8.0 KiB

package lnwire
import (
// SingleFundingRequest is the message Alice sends to Bob if we should like
// to create a channel with Bob where she's the sole provider of funds to the
// channel. Single funder channels simplify the initial funding workflow, are
// supported by nodes backed by SPV Bitcoin clients, and have a simpler
// security models than dual funded channels.
// NOTE: In order to avoid a slow loris like resource exhaustion attack, the
// responder of a single funding channel workflow *should not* watch the
// blockchain for the funding transaction. Instead, it is the initiator's job
// to provide the responder with an SPV proof of funding transaction inclusion
// after a sufficient number of confirmations.
type SingleFundingRequest struct {
// ChannelID serves to uniquely identify the future channel created by
// the initiated single funder workflow.
ChannelID uint64
// ChannelType represents the type of channel this request would like
// to open. At this point, the only supported channels are type 0
// channels, which are channels with regular commitment transactions
// utilizing HTLCs for payments.
ChannelType uint8
// CoinType represents which blockchain the channel will be opened
// using. By default, this field should be set to 0, indicating usage
// of the Bitcoin blockchain.
CoinType uint64
// FeePerKb is the required number of satoshis per KB that the
// requester will pay at all timers, for both the funding transaction
// and commitment transaction. This value can later be updated once the
// channel is open.
FeePerKb btcutil.Amount
// FundingAmount is the number of satoshis the initiator would like
// to commit to the channel.
FundingAmount btcutil.Amount
// PushSatoshis is the number of satoshis that will be pushed to the
// responder as a part of the first commitment state.
PushSatoshis btcutil.Amount
// CsvDelay is the number of blocks to use for the relative time lock
// in the pay-to-self output of both commitment transactions.
CsvDelay uint32
// CommitmentKey is key the initiator of the funding workflow wishes to
// use within their versino of the commitment transaction for any
// delayed (CSV) or immediate outputs to them.
CommitmentKey *btcec.PublicKey
// ChannelDerivationPoint is an secp256k1 point which will be used to
// derive the public key the initiator will use for the half of the
// 2-of-2 multi-sig. Using the channel derivation point (CDP), and the
// initiators identity public key (A), the channel public key is
// computed as: C = A + CDP. In order to be valid all CDP's MUST have
// an odd y-coordinate.
ChannelDerivationPoint *btcec.PublicKey
// DeliveryPkScript defines the public key script that the initiator
// would like to use to receive their balance in the case of a
// cooperative close. Only the following script templates are
// supported: P2PKH, P2WKH, P2SH, and P2WSH.
DeliveryPkScript PkScript
// DustLimit is the threshold below which no HTLC output should be
// generated for our commitment transaction; ie. HTLCs below
// this amount are not enforceable onchain from our point view.
DustLimit btcutil.Amount
// ConfirmationDepth is the number of confirmations that the initiator
// of a funding workflow is requesting be required before the channel
// is considered fully open.
ConfirmationDepth uint32
// NewSingleFundingRequest creates, and returns a new empty SingleFundingRequest.
func NewSingleFundingRequest(chanID uint64, chanType uint8, coinType uint64,
fee btcutil.Amount, amt btcutil.Amount, delay uint32, ck,
cdp *btcec.PublicKey, deliveryScript PkScript,
dustLimit btcutil.Amount, pushSat btcutil.Amount,
confDepth uint32) *SingleFundingRequest {
return &SingleFundingRequest{
ChannelID: chanID,
ChannelType: chanType,
CoinType: coinType,
FeePerKb: fee,
FundingAmount: amt,
CsvDelay: delay,
CommitmentKey: ck,
ChannelDerivationPoint: cdp,
DeliveryPkScript: deliveryScript,
DustLimit: dustLimit,
PushSatoshis: pushSat,
ConfirmationDepth: confDepth,
// Decode deserializes the serialized SingleFundingRequest stored in the passed
// io.Reader into the target SingleFundingRequest using the deserialization
// rules defined by the passed protocol version.
// This is part of the lnwire.Message interface.
func (c *SingleFundingRequest) Decode(r io.Reader, pver uint32) error {
err := readElements(r,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Encode serializes the target SingleFundingRequest into the passed io.Writer
// implementation. Serialization will observe the rules defined by the passed
// protocol version.
// This is part of the lnwire.Message interface.
func (c *SingleFundingRequest) Encode(w io.Writer, pver uint32) error {
err := writeElements(w,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Command returns the uint32 code which uniquely identifies this message as a
// SingleFundingRequest on the wire.
// This is part of the lnwire.Message interface.
func (c *SingleFundingRequest) Command() uint32 {
return CmdSingleFundingRequest
// MaxPayloadLength returns the maximum allowed payload length for a
// SingleFundingRequest. This is calculated by summing the max length of all
// the fields within a SingleFundingRequest. To enforce a maximum
// DeliveryPkScript size, the size of a P2PKH public key script is used.
// This is part of the lnwire.Message interface.
func (c *SingleFundingRequest) MaxPayloadLength(uint32) uint32 {
var length uint32
// ChannelID - 8 bytes
length += 8
// ChannelType - 1 byte
length += 1
// CoinType - 8 bytes
length += 8
// FeePerKb - 8 bytes
length += 8
// FundingAmount - 8 bytes
length += 8
// PushSatoshis - 8 bytes
length += 8
// CsvDelay - 4 bytes
length += 4
// CommitmentKey - 33 bytes
length += 33
// ChannelDerivationPoint - 33 bytes
length += 33
// DeliveryPkScript - 25 bytes
length += 25
// DustLimit - 8 bytes
length += 8
// ConfirmationDepth - 4 bytes
length += 4
return length
// Validate examines each populated field within the SingleFundingRequest for
// field sanity. For example, all fields MUST NOT be negative, and all pkScripts
// must belong to the allowed set of public key scripts.
// This is part of the lnwire.Message interface.
func (c *SingleFundingRequest) Validate() error {
// Negative values is are allowed.
if c.FeePerKb < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("MinFeePerKb cannot be negative")
if c.FundingAmount < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("FundingAmount cannot be negative")
// The CSV delay MUST be non-zero.
if c.CsvDelay == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Commitment transaction must have non-zero " +
"CSV delay")
// The channel derivation point must be non-nil, and have an odd
// y-coordinate.
if c.ChannelDerivationPoint == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("The channel derivation point must be non-nil")
//if c.ChannelDerivationPoint.Y.Bit(0) != 1 {
//return fmt.Errorf("The channel derivation point must have an odd " +
// The delivery pkScript must be amongst the supported script
// templates.
if !isValidPkScript(c.DeliveryPkScript) {
// TODO(roasbeef): move into actual error
return fmt.Errorf("Valid delivery public key scripts MUST be: " +
"P2PKH, P2WKH, P2SH, or P2WSH.")
if c.DustLimit <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Dust limit should be greater than zero.")
if c.ConfirmationDepth == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("ConfirmationDepth must be non-zero")
// We're good!
return nil