Elle Mouton 40ac82e439
watchtower: add ClientSessionFilterFn to session requests
In this commit, a new ClientSessionFilterFn parameter is added to the
DB's ListClientSession method which can be used to allow the caller to
specify a filter function for filtering sessions read from the DB.
Currently all filtering of sessions are done after the sessions have
been read from the DB, so adding this option should provide some
2023-03-16 14:59:08 +02:00

867 lines
24 KiB

package wtdb_test
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
// pseudoAddr is a fake network address to be used for testing purposes.
var pseudoAddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
// clientDBInit is a closure used to initialize a wtclient.DB instance.
type clientDBInit func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB
type clientDBHarness struct {
t *testing.T
db wtclient.DB
func newClientDBHarness(t *testing.T, init clientDBInit) *clientDBHarness {
db := init(t)
h := &clientDBHarness{
t: t,
db: db,
return h
func (h *clientDBHarness) insertSession(session *wtdb.ClientSession,
expErr error) {
err := h.db.CreateClientSession(session)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
func (h *clientDBHarness) listSessions(id *wtdb.TowerID,
filterFn wtdb.ClientSessionFilterFn,
opts ...wtdb.ClientSessionListOption) map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession {
sessions, err := h.db.ListClientSessions(id, filterFn, opts...)
require.NoError(h.t, err, "unable to list client sessions")
return sessions
func (h *clientDBHarness) nextKeyIndex(id wtdb.TowerID,
blobType blob.Type) uint32 {
index, err := h.db.NextSessionKeyIndex(id, blobType)
require.NoError(h.t, err, "unable to create next session key index")
require.NotZero(h.t, index, "next key index should never be 0")
return index
func (h *clientDBHarness) createTower(lnAddr *lnwire.NetAddress,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.CreateTower(lnAddr)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
require.NotZero(h.t, tower.ID, "tower id should never be 0")
for _, session := range h.listSessions(&tower.ID, nil) {
require.Equal(h.t, wtdb.CSessionActive, session.Status)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) removeTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey, addr net.Addr,
hasSessions bool, expErr error) {
err := h.db.RemoveTower(pubKey, addr)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
if expErr != nil {
pubKeyStr := pubKey.SerializeCompressed()
if addr != nil {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
require.NoErrorf(h.t, err, "expected tower %x to still exist",
removedAddr := addr.String()
for _, towerAddr := range tower.Addresses {
require.NotEqualf(h.t, removedAddr, towerAddr,
"address %v not removed for tower %x",
removedAddr, pubKeyStr)
} else {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
if hasSessions {
require.NoError(h.t, err, "expected tower %x with "+
"sessions to still exist", pubKeyStr)
} else {
require.Errorf(h.t, err, "expected tower %x with no "+
"sessions to not exist", pubKeyStr)
for _, session := range h.listSessions(&tower.ID, nil) {
require.Equal(h.t, wtdb.CSessionInactive,
session.Status, "expected status for session "+
"%v to be %v, got %v", session.ID,
wtdb.CSessionInactive, session.Status)
func (h *clientDBHarness) loadTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) loadTowerByID(id wtdb.TowerID,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTowerByID(id)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) fetchChanSummaries() map[lnwire.ChannelID]wtdb.ClientChanSummary {
summaries, err := h.db.FetchChanSummaries()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
return summaries
func (h *clientDBHarness) registerChan(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
sweepPkScript []byte, expErr error) {
err := h.db.RegisterChannel(chanID, sweepPkScript)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
func (h *clientDBHarness) commitUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID,
update *wtdb.CommittedUpdate, expErr error) uint16 {
lastApplied, err := h.db.CommitUpdate(id, update)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return lastApplied
func (h *clientDBHarness) ackUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID, seqNum uint16,
lastApplied uint16, expErr error) {
err := h.db.AckUpdate(id, seqNum, lastApplied)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
// newTower is a helper function that creates a new tower with a randomly
// generated public key and inserts it into the client DB.
func (h *clientDBHarness) newTower() *wtdb.Tower {
pk, err := randPubKey()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
// Insert a random tower into the database.
return h.createTower(&lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: pseudoAddr,
}, nil)
func (h *clientDBHarness) fetchSessionCommittedUpdates(id *wtdb.SessionID,
expErr error) []wtdb.CommittedUpdate {
updates, err := h.db.FetchSessionCommittedUpdates(id)
if err != expErr {
h.t.Fatalf("expected fetch session committed updates error: "+
"%v, got: %v", expErr, err)
return updates
func (h *clientDBHarness) isAcked(id *wtdb.SessionID, backupID *wtdb.BackupID,
expErr error) bool {
isAcked, err := h.db.IsAcked(id, backupID)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return isAcked
func (h *clientDBHarness) numAcked(id *wtdb.SessionID, expErr error) uint64 {
numAcked, err := h.db.NumAckedUpdates(id)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return numAcked
// testCreateClientSession asserts various conditions regarding the creation of
// a new ClientSession. The test asserts:
// - client sessions can only be created if a session key index is reserved.
// - client sessions cannot be created with an incorrect session key index .
// - inserting duplicate sessions fails.
func testCreateClientSession(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistAnchorCommit
tower := h.newTower()
// Create a test client session to insert.
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x01}),
// First, assert that this session is not already present in the
// database.
_, ok := h.listSessions(nil, nil)[session.ID]
require.Falsef(h.t, ok, "session for id %x should not exist yet",
// Attempting to insert the client session without reserving a session
// key index should fail.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrNoReservedKeyIndex)
// Now, reserve a session key for this tower.
keyIndex := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType)
// The client session hasn't been updated with the reserved key index
// (since it's still zero). Inserting should fail due to the mismatch.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrIncorrectKeyIndex)
// Reserve another key for the same index. Since no session has been
// successfully created, it should return the same index to maintain
// idempotency across restarts.
keyIndex2 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType)
require.Equalf(h.t, keyIndex, keyIndex2, "next key index should "+
"be idempotent: want: %v, got %v", keyIndex, keyIndex2)
// Now, set the client session's key index so that it is proper and
// insert it. This should succeed.
session.KeyIndex = keyIndex
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Verify that the session now exists in the database.
_, ok = h.listSessions(nil, nil)[session.ID]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "session for id %x should exist now", session.ID)
// Attempt to insert the session again, which should fail due to the
// session already existing.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrClientSessionAlreadyExists)
// Finally, assert that reserving another key index succeeds with a
// different key index, now that the first one has been finalized.
keyIndex3 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType)
require.NotEqualf(h.t, keyIndex, keyIndex3, "key index still "+
"reserved after creating session")
// testFilterClientSessions asserts that we can correctly filter client sessions
// for a specific tower.
func testFilterClientSessions(h *clientDBHarness) {
// We'll create three client sessions, the first two belonging to one
// tower, and the last belonging to another one.
const numSessions = 3
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
towerSessions := make(map[wtdb.TowerID][]wtdb.SessionID)
for i := 0; i < numSessions; i++ {
tower := h.newTower()
keyIndex := h.nextKeyIndex(tower.ID, blobType)
sessionID := wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{byte(i)})
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
KeyIndex: keyIndex,
ID: sessionID,
}, nil)
towerSessions[tower.ID] = append(
towerSessions[tower.ID], sessionID,
// We should see the expected sessions for each tower when filtering
// them.
for towerID, expectedSessions := range towerSessions {
sessions := h.listSessions(&towerID, nil)
require.Len(h.t, sessions, len(expectedSessions))
for _, expectedSession := range expectedSessions {
_, ok := sessions[expectedSession]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "expected session %v for "+
"tower %v", expectedSession, towerID)
// testCreateTower asserts the behavior of creating new Tower objects within the
// database, and that the latest address is always prepended to the list of
// known addresses for the tower.
func testCreateTower(h *clientDBHarness) {
// Test that loading a tower with an arbitrary tower id fails.
h.loadTowerByID(20, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound)
tower := h.newTower()
require.Len(h.t, tower.Addresses, 1)
towerAddr := &lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey,
Address: tower.Addresses[0],
// Load the tower from the database and assert that it matches the tower
// we created.
tower2 := h.loadTowerByID(tower.ID, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, tower, tower2)
tower2 = h.loadTower(tower.IdentityKey, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, tower, tower2)
// Insert the address again into the database. Since the address is the
// same, this should result in an unmodified tower record.
towerDupAddr := h.createTower(towerAddr, nil)
require.Lenf(h.t, towerDupAddr.Addresses, 1, "duplicate address "+
"should be deduped")
require.Equal(h.t, tower, towerDupAddr)
// Generate a new address for this tower.
addr2 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
lnAddr2 := &lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey,
Address: addr2,
// Insert the updated address, which should produce a tower with a new
// address.
towerNewAddr := h.createTower(lnAddr2, nil)
// Load the tower from the database, and assert that it matches the
// tower returned from creation.
towerNewAddr2 := h.loadTowerByID(tower.ID, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, towerNewAddr, towerNewAddr2)
towerNewAddr2 = h.loadTower(tower.IdentityKey, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, towerNewAddr, towerNewAddr2)
// Assert that there are now two addresses on the tower object.
require.Lenf(h.t, towerNewAddr.Addresses, 2, "new address should be "+
// Finally, assert that the new address was prepended since it is deemed
// fresher.
require.Equal(h.t, tower.Addresses, towerNewAddr.Addresses[1:])
// testRemoveTower asserts the behavior of removing Tower objects as a whole and
// removing addresses from Tower objects within the database.
func testRemoveTower(h *clientDBHarness) {
// Generate a random public key we'll use for our tower.
pk, err := randPubKey()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
// Removing a tower that does not exist within the database should
// result in a NOP.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, false, nil)
// We'll create a tower with two addresses.
addr1 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
addr2 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr2,
}, nil)
// We'll then remove the second address. We should now only see the
// first.
h.removeTower(pk, addr2, false, nil)
// We'll then remove the first address. We should now see that the tower
// has no addresses left.
h.removeTower(pk, addr1, false, wtdb.ErrLastTowerAddr)
// Removing the tower as a whole from the database should succeed since
// there aren't any active sessions for it.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, false, nil)
// We'll then recreate the tower, but this time we'll create a session
// for it.
tower := h.createTower(&lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
KeyIndex: h.nextKeyIndex(tower.ID, blobType),
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x01}),
h.insertSession(session, nil)
update := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.registerChan(update.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update, nil)
// We should not be able to fully remove it from the database since
// there's a session and it has unacked updates.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, true, wtdb.ErrTowerUnackedUpdates)
// Removing the tower after all sessions no longer have unacked updates
// should result in the sessions becoming inactive.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, nil)
h.removeTower(pk, nil, true, nil)
// Creating the tower again should mark all of the sessions active once
// again.
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
// testChanSummaries tests the process of a registering a channel and its
// associated sweep pkscript.
func testChanSummaries(h *clientDBHarness) {
// First, assert that this channel is not already registered.
var chanID lnwire.ChannelID
_, ok := h.fetchChanSummaries()[chanID]
require.Falsef(h.t, ok, "pkscript for channel %x should not exist yet",
// Generate a random sweep pkscript and register it for this channel.
expPkScript := make([]byte, 22)
_, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, expPkScript)
require.NoError(h.t, err)
h.registerChan(chanID, expPkScript, nil)
// Assert that the channel exists and that its sweep pkscript matches
// the one we registered.
summary, ok := h.fetchChanSummaries()[chanID]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "pkscript for channel %x should not exist yet",
require.Equal(h.t, expPkScript, summary.SweepPkScript)
// Finally, assert that re-registering the same channel produces a
// failure.
h.registerChan(chanID, expPkScript, wtdb.ErrChannelAlreadyRegistered)
// testCommitUpdate tests the behavior of CommitUpdate, ensuring that they can
func testCommitUpdate(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
tower := h.newTower()
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x02}),
// Generate a random update and try to commit before inserting the
// session, which should fail.
update1 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound)
&session.ID, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound,
// Reserve a session key index and insert the session.
session.KeyIndex = h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType)
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Now, try to commit the update that failed initially which should
// succeed. The lastApplied value should be 0 since we have not received
// an ack from the tower.
lastApplied := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Zero(h.t, lastApplied)
// Assert that the committed update appears in the client session's
// CommittedUpdates map when loaded from disk and that there are no
// AckedUpdates.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{*update1}, nil)
// Try to commit the same update, which should succeed due to
// idempotency (which is preserved when the breach hint is identical to
// the on-disk update's hint). The lastApplied value should remain
// unchanged.
lastApplied2 := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, lastApplied, lastApplied2)
// Assert that the loaded ClientSession is the same as before.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{*update1}, nil)
// Generate another random update and try to commit it at the identical
// sequence number. Since the breach hint has changed, this should fail.
update2 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, wtdb.ErrUpdateAlreadyCommitted)
// Next, insert the new update at the next unallocated sequence number
// which should succeed.
update2.SeqNum = 2
lastApplied3 := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, lastApplied, lastApplied3)
// Check that both updates now appear as committed on the ClientSession
// loaded from disk.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
}, nil)
// Finally, create one more random update and try to commit it at index
// 4, which should be rejected since 3 is the next slot the database
// expects.
update4 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 4)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update4, wtdb.ErrCommitUnorderedUpdate)
// Assert that the ClientSession loaded from disk remains unchanged.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
}, nil)
// testAckUpdate asserts the behavior of AckUpdate.
func testAckUpdate(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
tower := h.newTower()
// Create a new session that the updates in this will be tied to.
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x03}),
// Try to ack an update before inserting the client session, which
// should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound)
// Reserve a session key and insert the client session.
session.KeyIndex = h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType)
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Now, try to ack update 1. This should fail since update 1 was never
// committed.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Commit to a random update at seqnum 1.
update1 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.registerChan(update1.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
lastApplied := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Zero(h.t, lastApplied)
// Acking seqnum 1 should succeed.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, nil)
// Acking seqnum 1 again should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Acking a valid seqnum with a reverted last applied value should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion)
// Acking with a last applied greater than any allocated seqnum should
// fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 3, wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied)
// Assert that the ClientSession loaded from disk has one update in it's
// AckedUpdates map, and that the committed update has been removed.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, nil, map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID{
1: update1.BackupID,
// Commit to another random update, and assert that the last applied
// value is 1, since this was what was provided in the last successful
// ack.
update2 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 2)
h.registerChan(update2.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 1, lastApplied)
// Ack seqnum 2.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 2, 2, nil)
// Assert that both updates exist as AckedUpdates when loaded from disk.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, nil, map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID{
1: update1.BackupID,
2: update2.BackupID,
// Acking again with a lower last applied should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 2, 1, wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion)
// Acking an unallocated seqnum should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 2, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Acking with a last applied greater than any allocated seqnum should
// fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 3, wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied)
func (h *clientDBHarness) assertUpdates(id wtdb.SessionID,
expectedPending []wtdb.CommittedUpdate,
expectedAcked map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID) {
committedUpdates := h.fetchSessionCommittedUpdates(&id, nil)
checkCommittedUpdates(h.t, committedUpdates, expectedPending)
// Check acked updates.
numAcked := h.numAcked(&id, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, len(expectedAcked), numAcked)
for _, backupID := range expectedAcked {
isAcked := h.isAcked(&id, &backupID, nil)
require.True(h.t, isAcked)
// checkCommittedUpdates asserts that the CommittedUpdates on session match the
// expUpdates provided.
func checkCommittedUpdates(t *testing.T, actualUpdates,
expUpdates []wtdb.CommittedUpdate) {
// We promote nil expUpdates to an initialized slice since the database
// should never return a nil slice. This promotion is done purely out of
// convenience for the testing framework.
if expUpdates == nil {
expUpdates = make([]wtdb.CommittedUpdate, 0)
require.Equal(t, expUpdates, actualUpdates)
// TestClientDB asserts the behavior of a fresh client db, a reopened client db,
// and the mock implementation. This ensures that all databases function
// identically, especially in the negative paths.
func TestClientDB(t *testing.T) {
dbCfg := &kvdb.BoltConfig{DBTimeout: kvdb.DefaultDBTimeout}
dbs := []struct {
name string
init clientDBInit
name: "fresh clientdb",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
bdb, err := wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, t.TempDir(), "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err := wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
return db
name: "reopened clientdb",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
path := t.TempDir()
bdb, err := wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, path, "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err := wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
bdb, err = wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, path, "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err = wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
return db
name: "mock",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
return wtmock.NewClientDB()
tests := []struct {
name string
run func(*clientDBHarness)
name: "create client session",
run: testCreateClientSession,
name: "filter client sessions",
run: testFilterClientSessions,
name: "create tower",
run: testCreateTower,
name: "remove tower",
run: testRemoveTower,
name: "chan summaries",
run: testChanSummaries,
name: "commit update",
run: testCommitUpdate,
name: "ack update",
run: testAckUpdate,
for _, database := range dbs {
db := database
t.Run(db.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
h := newClientDBHarness(t, db.init)
// randCommittedUpdate generates a random committed update.
func randCommittedUpdate(t *testing.T, seqNum uint16) *wtdb.CommittedUpdate {
var chanID lnwire.ChannelID
_, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, chanID[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
var hint blob.BreachHint
_, err = io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, hint[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
encBlob := make([]byte, blob.Size(blob.FlagCommitOutputs.Type()))
_, err = io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, encBlob)
require.NoError(t, err)
return &wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
SeqNum: seqNum,
CommittedUpdateBody: wtdb.CommittedUpdateBody{
BackupID: wtdb.BackupID{
ChanID: chanID,
CommitHeight: 666,
Hint: hint,
EncryptedBlob: encBlob,