2022-01-24 12:19:02 +02:00

1041 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Decred developers
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017 The Lightning Network Developers
package lnd
import (
_ "net/http/pprof" // Blank import to set up profiling HTTP handlers.
proxy "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime"
const (
// adminMacaroonFilePermissions is the file permission that is used for
// creating the admin macaroon file.
// Why 640 is safe:
// Assuming a reasonably secure Linux system, it will have a
// separate group for each user. E.g. a new user lnd gets assigned group
// lnd which nothing else belongs to. A system that does not do this is
// inherently broken already.
// Since there is no other user in the group, no other user can read
// admin macaroon unless the administrator explicitly allowed it. Thus
// there's no harm allowing group read.
adminMacaroonFilePermissions = 0640
// AdminAuthOptions returns a list of DialOptions that can be used to
// authenticate with the RPC server with admin capabilities.
// skipMacaroons=true should be set if we don't want to include macaroons with
// the auth options. This is needed for instance for the WalletUnlocker
// service, which must be usable also before macaroons are created.
// NOTE: This should only be called after the RPCListener has signaled it is
// ready.
func AdminAuthOptions(cfg *Config, skipMacaroons bool) ([]grpc.DialOption,
error) {
creds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(cfg.TLSCertPath, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read TLS cert: %v", err)
// Create a dial options array.
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
// Get the admin macaroon if macaroons are active.
if !skipMacaroons && !cfg.NoMacaroons {
// Load the adming macaroon file.
macBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.AdminMacPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read macaroon "+
"path (check the network setting!): %v", err)
mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{}
if err = mac.UnmarshalBinary(macBytes); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode macaroon: %v",
// Now we append the macaroon credentials to the dial options.
cred, err := macaroons.NewMacaroonCredential(mac)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error cloning mac: %v", err)
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(cred))
return opts, nil
// ListenerWithSignal is a net.Listener that has an additional Ready channel
// that will be closed when a server starts listening.
type ListenerWithSignal struct {
// Ready will be closed by the server listening on Listener.
Ready chan struct{}
// MacChan is an optional way to pass the admin macaroon to the program
// that started lnd. The channel should be buffered to avoid lnd being
// blocked on sending to the channel.
MacChan chan []byte
// ListenerCfg is a wrapper around custom listeners that can be passed to lnd
// when calling its main method.
type ListenerCfg struct {
// RPCListeners can be set to the listeners to use for the RPC server.
// If empty a regular network listener will be created.
RPCListeners []*ListenerWithSignal
var errStreamIsolationWithProxySkip = errors.New(
"while stream isolation is enabled, the TOR proxy may not be skipped",
// Main is the true entry point for lnd. It accepts a fully populated and
// validated main configuration struct and an optional listener config struct.
// This function starts all main system components then blocks until a signal
// is received on the shutdownChan at which point everything is shut down again.
func Main(cfg *Config, lisCfg ListenerCfg, implCfg *ImplementationCfg,
interceptor signal.Interceptor) error {
defer func() {
ltndLog.Info("Shutdown complete\n")
err := cfg.LogWriter.Close()
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Could not close log rotator: %v", err)
mkErr := func(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
ltndLog.Errorf("Shutting down because error in main "+
"method: "+format, args...)
return fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
// Show version at startup.
ltndLog.Infof("Version: %s commit=%s, build=%s, logging=%s, "+
"debuglevel=%s", build.Version(), build.Commit,
build.Deployment, build.LoggingType, cfg.DebugLevel)
var network string
switch {
case cfg.Bitcoin.TestNet3 || cfg.Litecoin.TestNet3:
network = "testnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.MainNet || cfg.Litecoin.MainNet:
network = "mainnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.SimNet || cfg.Litecoin.SimNet:
network = "simnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.RegTest || cfg.Litecoin.RegTest:
network = "regtest"
case cfg.Bitcoin.SigNet:
network = "signet"
ltndLog.Infof("Active chain: %v (network=%v)",
// Enable http profiling server if requested.
if cfg.Profile != "" {
go func() {
profileRedirect := http.RedirectHandler("/debug/pprof",
http.Handle("/", profileRedirect)
ltndLog.Infof("Pprof listening on %v", cfg.Profile)
fmt.Println(http.ListenAndServe(cfg.Profile, nil))
// Write cpu profile if requested.
if cfg.CPUProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(cfg.CPUProfile)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create CPU profile: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Run configuration dependent DB pre-initialization. Note that this
// needs to be done early and once during the startup process, before
// any DB access.
if err := cfg.DB.Init(ctx, cfg.graphDatabaseDir()); err != nil {
return mkErr("error initializing DBs: %v", err)
// Only process macaroons if --no-macaroons isn't set.
serverOpts, restDialOpts, restListen, cleanUp, err := getTLSConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to load TLS credentials: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
// If we have chosen to start with a dedicated listener for the
// rpc server, we set it directly.
grpcListeners := append([]*ListenerWithSignal{}, lisCfg.RPCListeners...)
if len(grpcListeners) == 0 {
// Otherwise we create listeners from the RPCListeners defined
// in the config.
for _, grpcEndpoint := range cfg.RPCListeners {
// Start a gRPC server listening for HTTP/2
// connections.
lis, err := lncfg.ListenOnAddress(grpcEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to listen on %s: %v",
grpcEndpoint, err)
defer lis.Close()
grpcListeners = append(
grpcListeners, &ListenerWithSignal{
Listener: lis,
Ready: make(chan struct{}),
// Create a new RPC interceptor that we'll add to the GRPC server. This
// will be used to log the API calls invoked on the GRPC server.
interceptorChain := rpcperms.NewInterceptorChain(
rpcsLog, cfg.NoMacaroons, cfg.RPCMiddleware.Mandatory,
if err := interceptorChain.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting interceptor chain: %v", err)
defer func() {
err := interceptorChain.Stop()
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Warnf("error stopping RPC interceptor "+
"chain: %v", err)
rpcServerOpts := interceptorChain.CreateServerOpts()
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, rpcServerOpts...)
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...)
defer grpcServer.Stop()
// We'll also register the RPC interceptor chain as the StateServer, as
// it can be used to query for the current state of the wallet.
lnrpc.RegisterStateServer(grpcServer, interceptorChain)
// Initialize, and register our implementation of the gRPC interface
// exported by the rpcServer.
rpcServer := newRPCServer(cfg, interceptorChain, implCfg, interceptor)
err = rpcServer.RegisterWithGrpcServer(grpcServer)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error registering gRPC server: %v", err)
// Now that both the WalletUnlocker and LightningService have been
// registered with the GRPC server, we can start listening.
err = startGrpcListen(cfg, grpcServer, grpcListeners)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting gRPC listener: %v", err)
// Now start the REST proxy for our gRPC server above. We'll ensure
// we direct LND to connect to its loopback address rather than a
// wildcard to prevent certificate issues when accessing the proxy
// externally.
stopProxy, err := startRestProxy(
cfg, rpcServer, restDialOpts, restListen,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting REST proxy: %v", err)
defer stopProxy()
// Start leader election if we're running on etcd. Continuation will be
// blocked until this instance is elected as the current leader or
// shutting down.
elected := false
if cfg.Cluster.EnableLeaderElection {
electionCtx, cancelElection := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
ltndLog.Infof("Using %v leader elector",
leaderElector, err := cfg.Cluster.MakeLeaderElector(
electionCtx, cfg.DB,
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if !elected {
ltndLog.Infof("Attempting to resign from leader role "+
"(%v)", cfg.Cluster.ID)
if err := leaderElector.Resign(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Leader elector failed to "+
"resign: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Starting leadership campaign (%v)",
if err := leaderElector.Campaign(electionCtx); err != nil {
return mkErr("leadership campaign failed: %v", err)
elected = true
ltndLog.Infof("Elected as leader (%v)", cfg.Cluster.ID)
dbs, cleanUp, err := implCfg.DatabaseBuilder.BuildDatabase(ctx)
switch {
case err == channeldb.ErrDryRunMigrationOK:
ltndLog.Infof("%v, exiting", err)
return nil
case err != nil:
return mkErr("unable to open databases: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
partialChainControl, walletConfig, cleanUp, err := implCfg.BuildWalletConfig(
ctx, dbs, interceptorChain, grpcListeners,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error creating wallet config: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := implCfg.BuildChainControl(
partialChainControl, walletConfig,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error loading chain control: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
// Finally before we start the server, we'll register the "holy
// trinity" of interface for our current "home chain" with the active
// chainRegistry interface.
primaryChain := cfg.registeredChains.PrimaryChain()
cfg.registeredChains.RegisterChain(primaryChain, activeChainControl)
// TODO(roasbeef): add rotation
idKeyDesc, err := activeChainControl.KeyRing.DeriveKey(
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyNodeKey,
Index: 0,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error deriving node key: %v", err)
if cfg.Tor.StreamIsolation && cfg.Tor.SkipProxyForClearNetTargets {
return errStreamIsolationWithProxySkip
if cfg.Tor.Active {
if cfg.Tor.SkipProxyForClearNetTargets {
srvrLog.Info("Onion services are accessible via Tor! " +
"NOTE: Traffic to clearnet services is not " +
"routed via Tor.")
} else {
srvrLog.Infof("Proxying all network traffic via Tor "+
"(stream_isolation=%v)! NOTE: Ensure the "+
"backend node is proxying over Tor as well",
// If tor is active and either v2 or v3 onion services have been
// specified, make a tor controller and pass it into both the watchtower
// server and the regular lnd server.
var torController *tor.Controller
if cfg.Tor.Active && (cfg.Tor.V2 || cfg.Tor.V3) {
torController = tor.NewController(
cfg.Tor.Control, cfg.Tor.TargetIPAddress,
// Start the tor controller before giving it to any other
// subsystems.
if err := torController.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to initialize tor controller: %v",
defer func() {
if err := torController.Stop(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("error stopping tor "+
"controller: %v", err)
var tower *watchtower.Standalone
if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
towerKeyDesc, err := activeChainControl.KeyRing.DeriveKey(
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyTowerID,
Index: 0,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error deriving tower key: %v", err)
wtCfg := &watchtower.Config{
BlockFetcher: activeChainControl.ChainIO,
DB: dbs.TowerServerDB,
EpochRegistrar: activeChainControl.ChainNotifier,
Net: cfg.net,
NewAddress: func() (btcutil.Address, error) {
return activeChainControl.Wallet.NewAddress(
lnwallet.WitnessPubKey, false,
NodeKeyECDH: keychain.NewPubKeyECDH(
towerKeyDesc, activeChainControl.KeyRing,
PublishTx: activeChainControl.Wallet.PublishTransaction,
ChainHash: *cfg.ActiveNetParams.GenesisHash,
// If there is a tor controller (user wants auto hidden
// services), then store a pointer in the watchtower config.
if torController != nil {
wtCfg.TorController = torController
wtCfg.WatchtowerKeyPath = cfg.Tor.WatchtowerKeyPath
switch {
case cfg.Tor.V2:
wtCfg.Type = tor.V2
case cfg.Tor.V3:
wtCfg.Type = tor.V3
wtConfig, err := cfg.Watchtower.Apply(
wtCfg, lncfg.NormalizeAddresses,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to configure watchtower: %v", err)
tower, err = watchtower.New(wtConfig)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create watchtower: %v", err)
// Initialize the ChainedAcceptor.
chainedAcceptor := chanacceptor.NewChainedAcceptor()
// Set up the core server which will listen for incoming peer
// connections.
server, err := newServer(
cfg, cfg.Listeners, dbs, activeChainControl, &idKeyDesc,
chainedAcceptor, torController,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create server: %v", err)
// Set up an autopilot manager from the current config. This will be
// used to manage the underlying autopilot agent, starting and stopping
// it at will.
atplCfg, err := initAutoPilot(
server, cfg.Autopilot, activeChainControl.MinHtlcIn,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to initialize autopilot: %v", err)
atplManager, err := autopilot.NewManager(atplCfg)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create autopilot manager: %v", err)
if err := atplManager.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start autopilot manager: %v", err)
defer atplManager.Stop()
// Now we have created all dependencies necessary to populate and
// start the RPC server.
err = rpcServer.addDeps(
server, interceptorChain.MacaroonService(), cfg.SubRPCServers,
atplManager, server.invoices, tower, chainedAcceptor,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to add deps to RPC server: %v", err)
if err := rpcServer.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start RPC server: %v", err)
defer rpcServer.Stop()
// We transition the RPC state to Active, as the RPC server is up.
if err := interceptor.Notifier.NotifyReady(true); err != nil {
return mkErr("error notifying ready: %v", err)
// We'll wait until we're fully synced to continue the start up of the
// remainder of the daemon. This ensures that we don't accept any
// possibly invalid state transitions, or accept channels with spent
// funds.
_, bestHeight, err := activeChainControl.ChainIO.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine chain tip: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Waiting for chain backend to finish sync, "+
"start_height=%v", bestHeight)
for {
if !interceptor.Alive() {
return nil
synced, _, err := activeChainControl.Wallet.IsSynced()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine if wallet is "+
"synced: %v", err)
if synced {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
_, bestHeight, err = activeChainControl.ChainIO.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine chain tip: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Chain backend is fully synced (end_height=%v)!",
// With all the relevant chains initialized, we can finally start the
// server itself.
if err := server.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start server: %v", err)
defer server.Stop()
// We transition the server state to Active, as the server is up.
// Now that the server has started, if the autopilot mode is currently
// active, then we'll start the autopilot agent immediately. It will be
// stopped together with the autopilot service.
if cfg.Autopilot.Active {
if err := atplManager.StartAgent(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start autopilot agent: %v", err)
if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
if err := tower.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start watchtower: %v", err)
defer tower.Stop()
// Wait for shutdown signal from either a graceful server stop or from
// the interrupt handler.
return nil
// getTLSConfig returns a TLS configuration for the gRPC server and credentials
// and a proxy destination for the REST reverse proxy.
func getTLSConfig(cfg *Config) ([]grpc.ServerOption, []grpc.DialOption,
func(net.Addr) (net.Listener, error), func(), error) {
// Ensure we create TLS key and certificate if they don't exist.
if !fileExists(cfg.TLSCertPath) && !fileExists(cfg.TLSKeyPath) {
rpcsLog.Infof("Generating TLS certificates...")
err := cert.GenCertPair(
"lnd autogenerated cert", cfg.TLSCertPath,
cfg.TLSKeyPath, cfg.TLSExtraIPs, cfg.TLSExtraDomains,
cfg.TLSDisableAutofill, cfg.TLSCertDuration,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("Done generating TLS certificates")
certData, parsedCert, err := cert.LoadCert(
cfg.TLSCertPath, cfg.TLSKeyPath,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// We check whether the certificate we have on disk match the IPs and
// domains specified by the config. If the extra IPs or domains have
// changed from when the certificate was created, we will refresh the
// certificate if auto refresh is active.
refresh := false
if cfg.TLSAutoRefresh {
refresh, err = cert.IsOutdated(
parsedCert, cfg.TLSExtraIPs,
cfg.TLSExtraDomains, cfg.TLSDisableAutofill,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// If the certificate expired or it was outdated, delete it and the TLS
// key and generate a new pair.
if time.Now().After(parsedCert.NotAfter) || refresh {
ltndLog.Info("TLS certificate is expired or outdated, " +
"generating a new one")
err := os.Remove(cfg.TLSCertPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
err = os.Remove(cfg.TLSKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("Renewing TLS certificates...")
err = cert.GenCertPair(
"lnd autogenerated cert", cfg.TLSCertPath,
cfg.TLSKeyPath, cfg.TLSExtraIPs, cfg.TLSExtraDomains,
cfg.TLSDisableAutofill, cfg.TLSCertDuration,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("Done renewing TLS certificates")
// Reload the certificate data.
certData, _, err = cert.LoadCert(
cfg.TLSCertPath, cfg.TLSKeyPath,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
tlsCfg := cert.TLSConfFromCert(certData)
restCreds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(cfg.TLSCertPath, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// If Let's Encrypt is enabled, instantiate autocert to request/renew
// the certificates.
cleanUp := func() {}
if cfg.LetsEncryptDomain != "" {
ltndLog.Infof("Using Let's Encrypt certificate for domain %v",
manager := autocert.Manager{
Cache: autocert.DirCache(cfg.LetsEncryptDir),
Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS,
HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(cfg.LetsEncryptDomain),
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.LetsEncryptListen,
Handler: manager.HTTPHandler(nil),
shutdownCompleted := make(chan struct{})
cleanUp = func() {
err := srv.Shutdown(context.Background())
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Autocert listener shutdown "+
" error: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Autocert challenge listener stopped")
go func() {
ltndLog.Infof("Autocert challenge listener started "+
"at %v", cfg.LetsEncryptListen)
err := srv.ListenAndServe()
if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
ltndLog.Errorf("autocert http: %v", err)
getCertificate := func(h *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (
*tls.Certificate, error) {
lecert, err := manager.GetCertificate(h)
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("GetCertificate: %v", err)
return &certData, nil
return lecert, err
// The self-signed tls.cert remains available as fallback.
tlsCfg.GetCertificate = getCertificate
serverCreds := credentials.NewTLS(tlsCfg)
serverOpts := []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(serverCreds)}
// For our REST dial options, we'll still use TLS, but also increase
// the max message size that we'll decode to allow clients to hit
// endpoints which return more data such as the DescribeGraph call.
// We set this to 200MiB atm. Should be the same value as maxMsgRecvSize
// in cmd/lncli/main.go.
restDialOpts := []grpc.DialOption{
grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 200),
// Return a function closure that can be used to listen on a given
// address with the current TLS config.
restListen := func(addr net.Addr) (net.Listener, error) {
// For restListen we will call ListenOnAddress if TLS is
// disabled.
if cfg.DisableRestTLS {
return lncfg.ListenOnAddress(addr)
return lncfg.TLSListenOnAddress(addr, tlsCfg)
return serverOpts, restDialOpts, restListen, cleanUp, nil
// fileExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
// This function is taken from https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd
func fileExists(name string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// bakeMacaroon creates a new macaroon with newest version and the given
// permissions then returns it binary serialized.
func bakeMacaroon(ctx context.Context, svc *macaroons.Service,
permissions []bakery.Op) ([]byte, error) {
mac, err := svc.NewMacaroon(
ctx, macaroons.DefaultRootKeyID, permissions...,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mac.M().MarshalBinary()
// genMacaroons generates three macaroon files; one admin-level, one for
// invoice access and one read-only. These can also be used to generate more
// granular macaroons.
func genMacaroons(ctx context.Context, svc *macaroons.Service,
admFile, roFile, invoiceFile string) error {
// First, we'll generate a macaroon that only allows the caller to
// access invoice related calls. This is useful for merchants and other
// services to allow an isolated instance that can only query and
// modify invoices.
invoiceMacBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(ctx, svc, invoicePermissions)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(invoiceFile, invoiceMacBytes, 0644)
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(invoiceFile)
return err
// Generate the read-only macaroon and write it to a file.
roBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(ctx, svc, readPermissions)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(roFile, roBytes, 0644); err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(roFile)
return err
// Generate the admin macaroon and write it to a file.
admBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(ctx, svc, adminPermissions())
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(admFile, admBytes, adminMacaroonFilePermissions)
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(admFile)
return err
return nil
// adminPermissions returns a list of all permissions in a safe way that doesn't
// modify any of the source lists.
func adminPermissions() []bakery.Op {
admin := make([]bakery.Op, len(readPermissions)+len(writePermissions))
copy(admin[:len(readPermissions)], readPermissions)
copy(admin[len(readPermissions):], writePermissions)
return admin
// createWalletUnlockerService creates a WalletUnlockerService from the passed
// config.
func createWalletUnlockerService(cfg *Config) *walletunlocker.UnlockerService {
// The macaroonFiles are passed to the wallet unlocker so they can be
// deleted and recreated in case the root macaroon key is also changed
// during the change password operation.
macaroonFiles := []string{
cfg.AdminMacPath, cfg.ReadMacPath, cfg.InvoiceMacPath,
return walletunlocker.New(
cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params, macaroonFiles,
cfg.ResetWalletTransactions, nil,
// startGrpcListen starts the GRPC server on the passed listeners.
func startGrpcListen(cfg *Config, grpcServer *grpc.Server,
listeners []*ListenerWithSignal) error {
// Use a WaitGroup so we can be sure the instructions on how to input the
// password is the last thing to be printed to the console.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, lis := range listeners {
go func(lis *ListenerWithSignal) {
rpcsLog.Infof("RPC server listening on %s", lis.Addr())
// Close the ready chan to indicate we are listening.
_ = grpcServer.Serve(lis)
// If Prometheus monitoring is enabled, start the Prometheus exporter.
if cfg.Prometheus.Enabled() {
err := monitoring.ExportPrometheusMetrics(
grpcServer, cfg.Prometheus,
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait for gRPC servers to be up running.
return nil
// startRestProxy starts the given REST proxy on the listeners found in the
// config.
func startRestProxy(cfg *Config, rpcServer *rpcServer, restDialOpts []grpc.DialOption,
restListen func(net.Addr) (net.Listener, error)) (func(), error) {
// We use the first RPC listener as the destination for our REST proxy.
// If the listener is set to listen on all interfaces, we replace it
// with localhost, as we cannot dial it directly.
restProxyDest := cfg.RPCListeners[0].String()
switch {
case strings.Contains(restProxyDest, ""):
restProxyDest = strings.Replace(
restProxyDest, "", "", 1,
case strings.Contains(restProxyDest, "[::]"):
restProxyDest = strings.Replace(
restProxyDest, "[::]", "[::1]", 1,
var shutdownFuncs []func()
shutdown := func() {
for _, shutdownFn := range shutdownFuncs {
// Start a REST proxy for our gRPC server.
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, cancel)
// We'll set up a proxy that will forward REST calls to the GRPC
// server.
// The default JSON marshaler of the REST proxy only sets OrigName to
// true, which instructs it to use the same field names as specified in
// the proto file and not switch to camel case. What we also want is
// that the marshaler prints all values, even if they are falsey.
customMarshalerOption := proxy.WithMarshalerOption(
proxy.MIMEWildcard, &proxy.JSONPb{
MarshalOptions: protojson.MarshalOptions{
UseProtoNames: true,
EmitUnpopulated: true,
mux := proxy.NewServeMux(customMarshalerOption)
// Register our services with the REST proxy.
err := lnrpc.RegisterStateHandlerFromEndpoint(
ctx, mux, restProxyDest, restDialOpts,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = rpcServer.RegisterWithRestProxy(
ctx, mux, restDialOpts, restProxyDest,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Wrap the default grpc-gateway handler with the WebSocket handler.
restHandler := lnrpc.NewWebSocketProxy(
mux, rpcsLog, cfg.WSPingInterval, cfg.WSPongWait,
// Use a WaitGroup so we can be sure the instructions on how to input the
// password is the last thing to be printed to the console.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Now spin up a network listener for each requested port and start a
// goroutine that serves REST with the created mux there.
for _, restEndpoint := range cfg.RESTListeners {
lis, err := restListen(restEndpoint)
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("gRPC proxy unable to listen on %s",
return nil, err
shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, func() {
err := lis.Close()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error closing listener: %v",
go func() {
rpcsLog.Infof("gRPC proxy started at %s", lis.Addr())
// Create our proxy chain now. A request will pass
// through the following chain:
// req ---> CORS handler --> WS proxy --->
// REST proxy --> gRPC endpoint
corsHandler := allowCORS(restHandler, cfg.RestCORS)
err := http.Serve(lis, corsHandler)
if err != nil && !lnrpc.IsClosedConnError(err) {
// Wait for REST servers to be up running.
return shutdown, nil