Olaoluwa Osuntokun 7b953c9c61
rpcserver: add REST workarounds, implement new RPC calls
This commit adds a few workarounds in order to concurrently support the
REST proxy as well as the regular gRPC interface. Additionally,
concrete support for the following RPC calls has been added:
GetTransactions, SubscriptTransactions, SubscribeInvoices, and
2016-10-15 14:42:25 -07:00

891 lines
26 KiB

package main
import (
var (
defaultAccount uint32 = waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum
// rpcServer is a gRPC, RPC front end to the lnd daemon.
// TODO(roasbeef): pagination support for the list-style calls
type rpcServer struct {
started int32 // To be used atomically.
shutdown int32 // To be used atomically.
server *server
wg sync.WaitGroup
quit chan struct{}
// A compile time check to ensure that rpcServer fully implements the
// LightningServer gRPC service.
var _ lnrpc.LightningServer = (*rpcServer)(nil)
// newRpcServer creates and returns a new instance of the rpcServer.
func newRpcServer(s *server) *rpcServer {
return &rpcServer{server: s, quit: make(chan struct{}, 1)}
// Start launches any helper goroutines required for the rpcServer
// to function.
func (r *rpcServer) Start() error {
if atomic.AddInt32(&r.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
return nil
// Stop signals any active goroutines for a graceful closure.
func (r *rpcServer) Stop() error {
if atomic.AddInt32(&r.shutdown, 1) != 1 {
return nil
return nil
// addrPairsToOutputs converts a map describing a set of outputs to be created,
// the outputs themselves. The passed map pairs up an address, to a desired
// output value amount. Each address is converted to its corresponding pkScript
// to be used within the constructed output(s).
func addrPairsToOutputs(addrPairs map[string]int64) ([]*wire.TxOut, error) {
outputs := make([]*wire.TxOut, 0, len(addrPairs))
for addr, amt := range addrPairs {
addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(addr, activeNetParams.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkscript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputs = append(outputs, wire.NewTxOut(amt, pkscript))
return outputs, nil
// sendCoinsOnChain makes an on-chain transaction in or to send coins to one or
// more addresses specified in the passed payment map. The payment map maps an
// address to a specified output value to be sent to that address.
func (r *rpcServer) sendCoinsOnChain(paymentMap map[string]int64) (*wire.ShaHash, error) {
outputs, err := addrPairsToOutputs(paymentMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.server.lnwallet.SendOutputs(outputs)
// SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
// SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time.
func (r *rpcServer) SendCoins(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest) (*lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse, error) {
rpcsLog.Infof("[sendcoins] addr=%v, amt=%v", in.Addr, btcutil.Amount(in.Amount))
paymentMap := map[string]int64{in.Addr: in.Amount}
txid, err := r.sendCoinsOnChain(paymentMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("[sendcoins] spend generated txid: %v", txid.String())
return &lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse{Txid: txid.String()}, nil
// SendMany handles a request for a transaction create multiple specified
// outputs in parallel.
func (r *rpcServer) SendMany(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.SendManyRequest) (*lnrpc.SendManyResponse, error) {
txid, err := r.sendCoinsOnChain(in.AddrToAmount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("[sendmany] spend generated txid: %v", txid.String())
return &lnrpc.SendManyResponse{Txid: txid.String()}, nil
// NewAddress creates a new address under control of the local wallet.
func (r *rpcServer) NewAddress(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.NewAddressRequest) (*lnrpc.NewAddressResponse, error) {
// Translate the gRPC proto address type to the wallet controller's
// available address types.
var addrType lnwallet.AddressType
switch in.Type {
case lnrpc.NewAddressRequest_WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH:
addrType = lnwallet.WitnessPubKey
case lnrpc.NewAddressRequest_NESTED_PUBKEY_HASH:
addrType = lnwallet.NestedWitnessPubKey
case lnrpc.NewAddressRequest_PUBKEY_HASH:
addrType = lnwallet.PubKeyHash
addr, err := r.server.lnwallet.NewAddress(addrType, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("[newaddress] addr=%v", addr.String())
return &lnrpc.NewAddressResponse{Address: addr.String()}, nil
// NewWitnessAddress returns a new native witness address under the control of
// the local wallet.
func (r *rpcServer) NewWitnessAddress(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.NewWitnessAddressRequest) (*lnrpc.NewAddressResponse, error) {
addr, err := r.server.lnwallet.NewAddress(lnwallet.WitnessPubKey, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Infof("[newaddress] addr=%v", addr.String())
return &lnrpc.NewAddressResponse{Address: addr.String()}, nil
// ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer.
// TODO(roasbeef): also return pubkey and/or identity hash?
func (r *rpcServer) ConnectPeer(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.ConnectPeerRequest) (*lnrpc.ConnectPeerResponse, error) {
if in.Addr == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("need: lnc pubkeyhash@hostname")
idAtHost := fmt.Sprintf("%v@%v", in.Addr.PubKeyHash, in.Addr.Host)
rpcsLog.Debugf("[connectpeer] peer=%v", idAtHost)
peerAddr, err := lndc.LnAddrFromString(idAtHost, activeNetParams.Params)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("(connectpeer): error parsing ln addr: %v", err)
return nil, err
peerID, err := r.server.ConnectToPeer(peerAddr)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("(connectpeer): error connecting to peer: %v", err)
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Debugf("Connected to peer: %v", peerAddr.String())
return &lnrpc.ConnectPeerResponse{peerID}, nil
// OpenChannel attempts to open a singly funded channel specified in the
// request to a remote peer.
func (r *rpcServer) OpenChannel(in *lnrpc.OpenChannelRequest,
updateStream lnrpc.Lightning_OpenChannelServer) error {
rpcsLog.Tracef("[openchannel] request to peerid(%v) "+
"allocation(us=%v, them=%v) numconfs=%v", in.TargetPeerId,
in.LocalFundingAmount, in.RemoteFundingAmount, in.NumConfs)
localFundingAmt := btcutil.Amount(in.LocalFundingAmount)
remoteFundingAmt := btcutil.Amount(in.RemoteFundingAmount)
updateChan, errChan := r.server.OpenChannel(in.TargetPeerId,
in.TargetNode, localFundingAmt, remoteFundingAmt, in.NumConfs)
var outpoint wire.OutPoint
for {
select {
case err := <-errChan:
rpcsLog.Errorf("unable to open channel to "+
"lightningID(%x) nor peerID(%v): %v",
in.TargetNode, in.TargetPeerId, err)
return err
case fundingUpdate := <-updateChan:
rpcsLog.Tracef("[openchannel] sending update: %v",
if err := updateStream.Send(fundingUpdate); err != nil {
return err
// If a final channel open update is being sent, then
// we can break out of our recv loop as we no longer
// need to process any further updates.
switch update := fundingUpdate.Update.(type) {
case *lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate_ChanOpen:
chanPoint := update.ChanOpen.ChannelPoint
h, _ := wire.NewShaHash(chanPoint.FundingTxid)
outpoint = wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *h,
Index: chanPoint.OutputIndex,
break out
case <-r.quit:
return nil
rpcsLog.Tracef("[openchannel] success peerid(%v), ChannelPoint(%v)",
in.TargetPeerId, outpoint)
return nil
// CloseChannel attempts to close an active channel identified by its channel
// point. The actions of this method can additionally be augmented to attempt
// a force close after a timeout period in the case of an inactive peer.
func (r *rpcServer) CloseChannel(in *lnrpc.CloseChannelRequest,
updateStream lnrpc.Lightning_CloseChannelServer) error {
force := in.Force
index := in.ChannelPoint.OutputIndex
txid, err := wire.NewShaHash(in.ChannelPoint.FundingTxid)
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("[closechannel] invalid txid: %v", err)
return err
targetChannelPoint := wire.NewOutPoint(txid, index)
rpcsLog.Tracef("[closechannel] request for ChannelPoint(%v)",
updateChan, errChan := r.server.htlcSwitch.CloseLink(targetChannelPoint, force)
for {
select {
case err := <-errChan:
rpcsLog.Errorf("[closechannel] unable to close "+
"ChannelPoint(%v): %v", targetChannelPoint, err)
return err
case closingUpdate := <-updateChan:
rpcsLog.Tracef("[closechannel] sending update: %v",
if err := updateStream.Send(closingUpdate); err != nil {
return err
// If a final channel closing updates is being sent,
// then we can break out of our dispatch loop as we no
// longer need to process any further updates.
switch closeUpdate := closingUpdate.Update.(type) {
case *lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate_ChanClose:
h, _ := wire.NewShaHash(closeUpdate.ChanClose.ClosingTxid)
rpcsLog.Infof("[closechannel] close completed: "+
"txid(%v)", h)
break out
case <-r.quit:
return nil
return nil
// GetInfo serves a request to the "getinfo" RPC call. This call returns
// general information concerning the lightning node including it's LN ID,
// identity address, and information concerning the number of open+pending
// channels.
func (r *rpcServer) GetInfo(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.GetInfoRequest) (*lnrpc.GetInfoResponse, error) {
var activeChannels uint32
serverPeers := r.server.Peers()
for _, serverPeer := range serverPeers {
activeChannels += uint32(len(serverPeer.ChannelSnapshots()))
pendingChannels := r.server.fundingMgr.NumPendingChannels()
idPub := r.server.identityPriv.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()
idAddr, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(btcutil.Hash160(idPub), activeNetParams.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &lnrpc.GetInfoResponse{
LightningId: hex.EncodeToString(r.server.lightningID[:]),
IdentityPubkey: hex.EncodeToString(idPub),
IdentityAddress: idAddr.String(),
NumPendingChannels: pendingChannels,
NumActiveChannels: activeChannels,
NumPeers: uint32(len(serverPeers)),
}, nil
// ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers.
func (r *rpcServer) ListPeers(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.ListPeersRequest) (*lnrpc.ListPeersResponse, error) {
rpcsLog.Tracef("[listpeers] request")
serverPeers := r.server.Peers()
resp := &lnrpc.ListPeersResponse{
Peers: make([]*lnrpc.Peer, 0, len(serverPeers)),
for _, serverPeer := range serverPeers {
// TODO(roasbeef): add a snapshot method which grabs peer read mtx
lnID := hex.EncodeToString(serverPeer.lightningID[:])
peer := &lnrpc.Peer{
LightningId: lnID,
PeerId: serverPeer.id,
Address: serverPeer.conn.RemoteAddr().String(),
Inbound: serverPeer.inbound,
BytesRecv: atomic.LoadUint64(&serverPeer.bytesReceived),
BytesSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&serverPeer.bytesSent),
resp.Peers = append(resp.Peers, peer)
rpcsLog.Debugf("[listpeers] yielded %v peers", serverPeers)
return resp, nil
// WalletBalance returns the sum of all confirmed unspent outputs under control
// by the wallet. This method can be modified by having the request specify
// only witness outputs should be factored into the final output sum.
// TODO(roasbeef): split into total and confirmed/unconfirmed
// TODO(roasbeef): add async hooks into wallet balance changes
func (r *rpcServer) WalletBalance(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest) (*lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse, error) {
balance, err := r.server.lnwallet.ConfirmedBalance(1, in.WitnessOnly)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Debugf("[walletbalance] balance=%v", balance)
return &lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse{balance.ToBTC()}, nil
// ChannelBalance returns the total available channel flow across all open
// channels in satoshis.
func (r *rpcServer) ChannelBalance(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.ChannelBalanceRequest) (*lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse, error) {
var balance btcutil.Amount
for _, peer := range r.server.Peers() {
for _, snapshot := range peer.ChannelSnapshots() {
balance += snapshot.LocalBalance
return &lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse{Balance: int64(balance)}, nil
// PendingChannels returns a list of all the channels that are currently
// considered "pending". A channel is pending if it has finished the funding
// workflow and is waiting for confirmations for the funding txn, or is in the
// process of closure, either initiated cooperatively or non-coopertively.
func (r *rpcServer) PendingChannels(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.PendingChannelRequest) (*lnrpc.PendingChannelResponse, error) {
both := in.Status == lnrpc.ChannelStatus_ALL
includeOpen := (in.Status == lnrpc.ChannelStatus_OPENING) || both
includeClose := (in.Status == lnrpc.ChannelStatus_CLOSING) || both
rpcsLog.Debugf("[pendingchannels] %v", in.Status)
var pendingChannels []*lnrpc.PendingChannelResponse_PendingChannel
if includeOpen {
pendingOpenChans := r.server.fundingMgr.PendingChannels()
for _, pendingOpen := range pendingOpenChans {
// TODO(roasbeef): add confirmation progress
pendingChan := &lnrpc.PendingChannelResponse_PendingChannel{
PeerId: pendingOpen.peerId,
LightningId: hex.EncodeToString(pendingOpen.lightningID[:]),
ChannelPoint: pendingOpen.channelPoint.String(),
Capacity: int64(pendingOpen.capacity),
LocalBalance: int64(pendingOpen.localBalance),
RemoteBalance: int64(pendingOpen.remoteBalance),
Status: lnrpc.ChannelStatus_OPENING,
pendingChannels = append(pendingChannels, pendingChan)
if includeClose {
return &lnrpc.PendingChannelResponse{
PendingChannels: pendingChannels,
}, nil
// ListChannels returns a description of all direct active, open channels the
// node knows of.
// TODO(roasbeef): read all active channels from the DB?
// * add 'online' toggle bit
func (r *rpcServer) ListChannels(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest) (*lnrpc.ListChannelsResponse, error) {
resp := &lnrpc.ListChannelsResponse{}
peers := r.server.Peers()
for _, peer := range peers {
lnID := hex.EncodeToString(peer.identityPub.SerializeCompressed())
chanSnapshots := peer.ChannelSnapshots()
for _, chanSnapshot := range chanSnapshots {
channel := &lnrpc.ActiveChannel{
RemotePubkey: lnID,
ChannelPoint: chanSnapshot.ChannelPoint.String(),
Capacity: int64(chanSnapshot.Capacity),
LocalBalance: int64(chanSnapshot.LocalBalance),
RemoteBalance: int64(chanSnapshot.RemoteBalance),
NumUpdates: chanSnapshot.NumUpdates,
PendingHtlcs: make([]*lnrpc.HTLC, len(chanSnapshot.Htlcs)),
for i, htlc := range chanSnapshot.Htlcs {
channel.PendingHtlcs[i] = &lnrpc.HTLC{
Incoming: htlc.Incoming,
Amount: int64(htlc.Amt),
HashLock: htlc.RHash[:],
ExpirationHeight: htlc.RefundTimeout,
RevocationDelay: htlc.RevocationDelay,
resp.Channels = append(resp.Channels, channel)
return resp, nil
// SendPayment dispatches a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payments
// through the Lightning Network. A single RPC invocation creates a persistent
// bi-directional stream allowing clients to rapidly send payments through the
// Lightning Network with a single persistent connection.
func (r *rpcServer) SendPayment(paymentStream lnrpc.Lightning_SendPaymentServer) error {
queryTimeout := time.Duration(time.Minute)
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
for {
select {
case err := <-errChan:
return err
// Receive the next pending payment within the stream sent by
// the client. If we read the EOF sentinel, then the client has
// closed the stream, and we can exit normally.
nextPayment, err := paymentStream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
// Query the routing table for a potential path to the
// destination node. If a path is ultimately
// unavailable, then an error will be returned.
destNode := hex.EncodeToString(nextPayment.Dest)
targetVertex := graph.NewID(destNode)
path, err := r.server.routingMgr.FindPath(targetVertex,
if err != nil {
return err
rpcsLog.Tracef("[sendpayment] selected route: %v", path)
// Generate the raw encoded sphinx packet to be
// included along with the HTLC add message.
// We snip off the first hop from the path as within
// the routing table's star graph, we're always the
// first hop.
sphinxPacket, err := generateSphinxPacket(path[1:])
if err != nil {
return err
// If we're in debug HTLC mode, then all outgoing
// HTLC's will pay to the same debug rHash. Otherwise,
// we pay to the rHash specified within the RPC
// request.
var rHash [32]byte
if cfg.DebugHTLC {
rHash = debugHash
} else {
copy(rHash[:], nextPayment.PaymentHash)
// Craft an HTLC packet to send to the routing
// sub-system. The meta-data within this packet will be
// used to route the payment through the network.
htlcAdd := &lnwire.HTLCAddRequest{
Amount: lnwire.CreditsAmount(nextPayment.Amt),
RedemptionHashes: [][32]byte{rHash},
OnionBlob: sphinxPacket,
firstHopPub, err := hex.DecodeString(path[1].String())
if err != nil {
return err
destAddr := wire.ShaHash(fastsha256.Sum256(firstHopPub))
htlcPkt := &htlcPacket{
dest: destAddr,
msg: htlcAdd,
// TODO(roasbeef): semaphore to limit num outstanding
// goroutines.
go func() {
// Finally, send this next packet to the routing layer in order
// to complete the next payment.
// TODO(roasbeef): this should go through the L3 router once
// multi-hop is in place.
if err := r.server.htlcSwitch.SendHTLC(htlcPkt); err != nil {
errChan <- err
// TODO(roasbeef): proper responses
resp := &lnrpc.SendResponse{}
if err := paymentStream.Send(resp); err != nil {
errChan <- err
return nil
// generateSphinxPacket generates then encodes a sphinx packet which encodes
// the onion route specified by the passed list of graph vertexes. The blob
// returned from this function can immediately be included within an HTLC add
// packet to be sent to the first hop within the route.
func generateSphinxPacket(vertexes []graph.ID) ([]byte, error) {
var dest sphinx.LightningAddress
e2eMessage := []byte("test")
route := make([]*btcec.PublicKey, len(vertexes))
for i, vertex := range vertexes {
vertexBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(vertex.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pub, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(vertexBytes, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
route[i] = pub
// Next generate the onion routing packet which allows
// us to perform privacy preserving source routing
// across the network.
var onionBlob bytes.Buffer
sphinxPacket, err := sphinx.NewOnionPacket(route, dest,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := sphinxPacket.Encode(&onionBlob); err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Tracef("[sendpayment] generated sphinx packet: %v",
newLogClosure(func() string {
// We unset the internal curve here in order to keep
// the logs from getting noisy.
sphinxPacket.Header.EphemeralKey.Curve = nil
return spew.Sdump(sphinxPacket)
return onionBlob.Bytes(), nil
// AddInvoice attempts to add a new invoice to the invoice database. Any
// duplicated invoices are rejected, therefore all invoices *must* have a
// unique payment preimage.
func (r *rpcServer) AddInvoice(ctx context.Context,
invoice *lnrpc.Invoice) (*lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse, error) {
preImage := invoice.RPreimage
preimageLength := len(preImage)
if preimageLength != 32 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("payment preimage must be exactly "+
"32 bytes, is instead %v", preimageLength)
if len(invoice.Memo) > channeldb.MaxMemoSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("memo too large: %v bytes "+
"(maxsize=%v)", len(invoice.Memo), channeldb.MaxMemoSize)
if len(invoice.Receipt) > channeldb.MaxReceiptSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("receipt too large: %v bytes "+
"(maxsize=%v)", len(invoice.Receipt), channeldb.MaxReceiptSize)
i := &channeldb.Invoice{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
Memo: []byte(invoice.Memo),
Receipt: invoice.Receipt,
Terms: channeldb.ContractTerm{
Value: btcutil.Amount(invoice.Value),
copy(i.Terms.PaymentPreimage[:], preImage)
rpcsLog.Tracef("[addinvoice] adding new invoice %v",
newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(i)
if err := r.server.invoices.AddInvoice(i); err != nil {
return nil, err
rHash := fastsha256.Sum256(preImage)
return &lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse{
RHash: rHash[:],
}, nil
// LookupInvoice attemps to look up an invoice according to its payment hash.
// The passed payment hash *must* be exactly 32 bytes, if not an error is
// returned.
func (r *rpcServer) LookupInvoice(ctx context.Context,
req *lnrpc.PaymentHash) (*lnrpc.Invoice, error) {
var (
payHash [32]byte
rHash []byte
err error
// If the RHash as a raw string was provided, then decode that and use
// that directly. Otherwise, we use the raw bytes provided.
if req.RHashStr != "" {
rHash, err = hex.DecodeString(req.RHashStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
rHash = req.RHash
// Ensure that the payment hash is *exactly* 32-bytes.
if len(rHash) != 0 && len(rHash) != 32 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("payment hash must be exactly "+
"32 bytes, is instead %v", len(rHash))
copy(payHash[:], rHash)
rpcsLog.Tracef("[lookupinvoice] searching for invoice %x", payHash[:])
invoice, err := r.server.invoices.LookupInvoice(payHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcsLog.Tracef("[lookupinvoice] located invoice %v",
newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(invoice)
return &lnrpc.Invoice{
Memo: string(invoice.Memo[:]),
Receipt: invoice.Receipt[:],
RPreimage: invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage[:],
Value: int64(invoice.Terms.Value),
Settled: invoice.Terms.Settled,
}, nil
// ListInvoices returns a list of all the invoices currently stored within the
// database. Any active debug invoices are ignored.
func (r *rpcServer) ListInvoices(ctx context.Context,
req *lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest) (*lnrpc.ListInvoiceResponse, error) {
dbInvoices, err := r.server.chanDB.FetchAllInvoices(req.PendingOnly)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
invoices := make([]*lnrpc.Invoice, len(dbInvoices))
for i, dbInvoice := range dbInvoices {
invoice := &lnrpc.Invoice{
Memo: string(dbInvoice.Memo[:]),
Receipt: dbInvoice.Receipt[:],
RPreimage: dbInvoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage[:],
Value: int64(dbInvoice.Terms.Value),
Settled: dbInvoice.Terms.Settled,
invoices[i] = invoice
return &lnrpc.ListInvoiceResponse{
Invoices: invoices,
}, nil
// SubscribeInvoices returns a uni-directional stream (sever -> client) for
// notifying the client of newly added/settled invoices.
func (r *rpcServer) SubscribeInvoices(req *lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription,
updateStream lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesServer) error {
invoiceClient := r.server.invoices.SubscribeNotifications()
defer invoiceClient.Cancel()
for {
select {
// TODO(roasbeef): include newly added invoices?
case settledInvoice := <-invoiceClient.SettledInvoices:
invoice := &lnrpc.Invoice{
Memo: string(settledInvoice.Memo[:]),
Receipt: settledInvoice.Receipt[:],
RPreimage: settledInvoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage[:],
Value: int64(settledInvoice.Terms.Value),
Settled: settledInvoice.Terms.Settled,
if err := updateStream.Send(invoice); err != nil {
return err
case <-r.quit:
return nil
return nil
// SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream (server -> client) in
// which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the wallet are sent
// over.
func (r *rpcServer) SubscribeTransactions(req *lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest,
updateStream lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsServer) error {
txClient, err := r.server.lnwallet.SubscribeTransactions()
if err != nil {
return err
defer txClient.Cancel()
for {
select {
case tx := <-txClient.ConfirmedTransactions():
detail := &lnrpc.Transaction{
TxHash: tx.Hash.String(),
Amount: tx.Value.ToBTC(),
NumConfirmations: tx.NumConfirmations,
BlockHash: tx.BlockHash.String(),
TimeStamp: tx.Timestamp,
TotalFees: tx.TotalFees,
if err := updateStream.Send(detail); err != nil {
return err
case tx := <-txClient.UnconfirmedTransactions():
detail := &lnrpc.Transaction{
TxHash: tx.Hash.String(),
Amount: tx.Value.ToBTC(),
TimeStamp: tx.Timestamp,
TotalFees: tx.TotalFees,
if err := updateStream.Send(detail); err != nil {
return err
case <-r.quit:
return nil
return nil
// GetTransactions returns a list of describing all the known transactions
// relevant to the wallet.
func (r *rpcServer) GetTransactions(context.Context,
*lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest) (*lnrpc.TransactionDetails, error) {
transactions, err := r.server.lnwallet.ListTransactionDetails()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txDetails := &lnrpc.TransactionDetails{
Transactions: make([]*lnrpc.Transaction, len(transactions)),
for i, tx := range transactions {
txDetails.Transactions[i] = &lnrpc.Transaction{
TxHash: tx.Hash.String(),
Amount: tx.Value.ToBTC(),
NumConfirmations: tx.NumConfirmations,
BlockHash: tx.BlockHash.String(),
TimeStamp: tx.Timestamp,
TotalFees: tx.TotalFees,
return txDetails, nil
// ShowRoutingTable returns a table-formatted dump of the known routing
// topology from the PoV of the source node.
func (r *rpcServer) ShowRoutingTable(ctx context.Context,
in *lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableRequest) (*lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableResponse, error) {
rtCopy := r.server.routingMgr.GetRTCopy()
var channels []*lnrpc.RoutingTableLink
for _, channel := range rtCopy.AllChannels() {
channels = append(channels,
Id1: channel.Id1.String(),
Id2: channel.Id2.String(),
Outpoint: channel.EdgeID.String(),
Capacity: channel.Info.Capacity(),
Weight: channel.Info.Weight(),
return &lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableResponse{
Channels: channels,
}, nil