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package routing
import (
const (
// CapacityFraction and capacitySmearingFraction define how
// capacity-related probability reweighting works. CapacityFraction
// defines the fraction of the channel capacity at which the effect
// roughly sets in and capacitySmearingFraction defines over which range
// the factor changes from 1 to minCapacityFactor.
// DefaultCapacityFraction is the default value for CapacityFraction.
// It is chosen such that the capacity factor is active but with a small
// effect. This value together with capacitySmearingFraction leads to a
// noticeable reduction in probability if the amount starts to come
// close to 90% of a channel's capacity.
DefaultCapacityFraction = 0.9999
// capacitySmearingFraction defines how quickly the capacity factor
// drops from 1 to minCapacityFactor. This value results in about a
// variation over 20% of the capacity.
capacitySmearingFraction = 0.025
// minCapacityFactor is the minimal value the capacityFactor can take.
// Having a too low value can lead to discarding of paths due to the
// enforced minimal probability or to too high pathfinding weights.
minCapacityFactor = 0.5
// minCapacityFraction is the minimum allowed value for
// CapacityFraction. The success probability in the random balance model
// (which may not be an accurate description of the liquidity
// distribution in the network) can be approximated with P(a) = 1 - a/c,
// for amount a and capacity c. If we require a probability P(a) = 0.25,
// this translates into a value of 0.75 for a/c. We limit this value in
// order to not discard too many channels.
minCapacityFraction = 0.75
// AprioriEstimatorName is used to identify the apriori probability
// estimator.
AprioriEstimatorName = "apriori"
var (
// ErrInvalidHalflife is returned when we get an invalid half life.
ErrInvalidHalflife = errors.New("penalty half life must be >= 0")
// ErrInvalidHopProbability is returned when we get an invalid hop
// probability.
ErrInvalidHopProbability = errors.New("hop probability must be in " +
"[0, 1]")
// ErrInvalidAprioriWeight is returned when we get an apriori weight
// that is out of range.
ErrInvalidAprioriWeight = errors.New("apriori weight must be in [0, 1]")
// ErrInvalidCapacityFraction is returned when we get a capacity
// fraction that is out of range.
ErrInvalidCapacityFraction = fmt.Errorf("capacity fraction must be in "+
"[%v, 1]", minCapacityFraction)
// AprioriConfig contains configuration for our probability estimator.
type AprioriConfig struct {
// PenaltyHalfLife defines after how much time a penalized node or
// channel is back at 50% probability.
PenaltyHalfLife time.Duration
// AprioriHopProbability is the assumed success probability of a hop in
// a route when no other information is available.
AprioriHopProbability float64
// AprioriWeight is a value in the range [0, 1] that defines to what
// extent historical results should be extrapolated to untried
// connections. Setting it to one will completely ignore historical
// results and always assume the configured a priori probability for
// untried connections. A value of zero will ignore the a priori
// probability completely and only base the probability on historical
// results, unless there are none available.
AprioriWeight float64
// CapacityFraction is the fraction of a channel's capacity that we
// consider to have liquidity. For amounts that come close to or exceed
// the fraction, an additional penalty is applied. A value of 1.0
// disables the capacityFactor.
CapacityFraction float64
// validate checks the configuration of the estimator for allowed values.
func (p AprioriConfig) validate() error {
if p.PenaltyHalfLife < 0 {
return ErrInvalidHalflife
if p.AprioriHopProbability < 0 || p.AprioriHopProbability > 1 {
return ErrInvalidHopProbability
if p.AprioriWeight < 0 || p.AprioriWeight > 1 {
return ErrInvalidAprioriWeight
if p.CapacityFraction < minCapacityFraction || p.CapacityFraction > 1 {
return ErrInvalidCapacityFraction
return nil
// DefaultAprioriConfig returns the default configuration for the estimator.
func DefaultAprioriConfig() AprioriConfig {
return AprioriConfig{
PenaltyHalfLife: DefaultPenaltyHalfLife,
AprioriHopProbability: DefaultAprioriHopProbability,
AprioriWeight: DefaultAprioriWeight,
CapacityFraction: DefaultCapacityFraction,
// AprioriEstimator returns node and pair probabilities based on historical
// payment results. It uses a preconfigured success probability value for
// untried hops (AprioriHopProbability) and returns a high success probability
// for hops that could previously conduct a payment (prevSuccessProbability).
// Successful edges are retried until proven otherwise. Recently failed hops are
// penalized by an exponential time decay (PenaltyHalfLife), after which they
// are reconsidered for routing. If information was learned about a forwarding
// node, the information is taken into account to estimate a per node
// probability that mixes with the a priori probability (AprioriWeight).
type AprioriEstimator struct {
// AprioriConfig contains configuration options for our estimator.
// prevSuccessProbability is the assumed probability for node pairs that
// successfully relayed the previous attempt.
prevSuccessProbability float64
// NewAprioriEstimator creates a new AprioriEstimator.
func NewAprioriEstimator(cfg AprioriConfig) (*AprioriEstimator, error) {
if err := cfg.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AprioriEstimator{
AprioriConfig: cfg,
prevSuccessProbability: prevSuccessProbability,
}, nil
// Compile-time checks that interfaces are implemented.
var _ Estimator = (*AprioriEstimator)(nil)
var _ estimatorConfig = (*AprioriConfig)(nil)
// Config returns the estimator's configuration.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) Config() estimatorConfig {
return p.AprioriConfig
// String returns the estimator's configuration as a string representation.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("estimator type: %v, penalty halflife time: %v, "+
"apriori hop probability: %v, apriori weight: %v, previous "+
"success probability: %v, capacity fraction: %v",
AprioriEstimatorName, p.PenaltyHalfLife,
p.AprioriHopProbability, p.AprioriWeight,
p.prevSuccessProbability, p.CapacityFraction)
// getNodeProbability calculates the probability for connections from a node
// that have not been tried before. The results parameter is a list of last
// payment results for that node.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) getNodeProbability(now time.Time,
results NodeResults, amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
capacity btcutil.Amount) float64 {
// We reduce the apriori hop probability if the amount comes close to
// the capacity.
apriori := p.AprioriHopProbability * capacityFactor(
amt, capacity, p.CapacityFraction,
// If the channel history is not to be taken into account, we can return
// early here with the configured a priori probability.
if p.AprioriWeight == 1 {
return apriori
// If there is no channel history, our best estimate is still the a
// priori probability.
if len(results) == 0 {
return apriori
// The value of the apriori weight is in the range [0, 1]. Convert it to
// a factor that properly expresses the intention of the weight in the
// following weight average calculation. When the apriori weight is 0,
// the apriori factor is also 0. This means it won't have any effect on
// the weighted average calculation below. When the apriori weight
// approaches 1, the apriori factor goes to infinity. It will heavily
// outweigh any observations that have been collected.
aprioriFactor := 1/(1-p.AprioriWeight) - 1
// Calculate a weighted average consisting of the apriori probability
// and historical observations. This is the part that incentivizes nodes
// to make sure that all (not just some) of their channels are in good
// shape. Senders will steer around nodes that have shown a few
// failures, even though there may be many channels still untried.
// If there is just a single observation and the apriori weight is 0,
// this single observation will totally determine the node probability.
// The node probability is returned for all other channels of the node.
// This means that one failure will lead to the success probability
// estimates for all other channels being 0 too. The probability for the
// channel that was tried will not even recover, because it is
// recovering to the node probability (which is zero). So one failure
// effectively prunes all channels of the node forever. This is the most
// aggressive way in which we can penalize nodes and unlikely to yield
// good results in a real network.
probabilitiesTotal := apriori * aprioriFactor
totalWeight := aprioriFactor
for _, result := range results {
switch {
// Weigh success with a constant high weight of 1. There is no
// decay. Amt is never zero, so this clause is never executed
// when result.SuccessAmt is zero.
case amt <= result.SuccessAmt:
probabilitiesTotal += p.prevSuccessProbability
// Weigh failures in accordance with their age. The base
// probability of a failure is considered zero, so nothing needs
// to be added to probabilitiesTotal.
case !result.FailTime.IsZero() && amt >= result.FailAmt:
age := now.Sub(result.FailTime)
totalWeight += p.getWeight(age)
return probabilitiesTotal / totalWeight
// getWeight calculates a weight in the range [0, 1] that should be assigned to
// a payment result. Weight follows an exponential curve that starts at 1 when
// the result is fresh and asymptotically approaches zero over time. The rate at
// which this happens is controlled by the penaltyHalfLife parameter.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) getWeight(age time.Duration) float64 {
exp := -age.Hours() / p.PenaltyHalfLife.Hours()
return math.Pow(2, exp)
// capacityFactor is a multiplier that can be used to reduce the probability
// depending on how much of the capacity is sent. In other words, the factor
// sorts out channels that don't provide enough liquidity. Effectively, this
// leads to usage of larger channels in total to increase success probability,
// but it may also increase fees. The limits are 1 for amt == 0 and
// minCapacityFactor for amt >> capacityCutoffFraction. The function drops
// significantly when amt reaches cutoffMsat. smearingMsat determines over which
// scale the reduction takes place.
func capacityFactor(amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi, capacity btcutil.Amount,
capacityCutoffFraction float64) float64 {
// The special value of 1.0 for capacityFactor disables any effect from
// this factor.
if capacityCutoffFraction == 1 {
return 1.0
// If we don't have information about the capacity, which can be the
// case for hop hints or local channels, we return unity to not alter
// anything.
if capacity == 0 {
return 1.0
capMsat := float64(lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(capacity))
amtMsat := float64(amt)
if amtMsat > capMsat {
return 0
cutoffMsat := capacityCutoffFraction * capMsat
smearingMsat := capacitySmearingFraction * capMsat
// We compute a logistic function mirrored around the y axis, centered
// at cutoffMsat, decaying over the smearingMsat scale.
denominator := 1 + math.Exp(-(amtMsat-cutoffMsat)/smearingMsat)
// The numerator decides what the minimal value of this function will
// be. The minimal value is set by minCapacityFactor.
numerator := 1 - minCapacityFactor
return 1 - numerator/denominator
// PairProbability estimates the probability of successfully traversing to
// toNode based on historical payment outcomes for the from node. Those outcomes
// are passed in via the results parameter.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) PairProbability(now time.Time,
results NodeResults, toNode route.Vertex, amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
capacity btcutil.Amount) float64 {
nodeProbability := p.getNodeProbability(now, results, amt, capacity)
return p.calculateProbability(
now, results, nodeProbability, toNode, amt,
// LocalPairProbability estimates the probability of successfully traversing
// our own local channels to toNode.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) LocalPairProbability(
now time.Time, results NodeResults, toNode route.Vertex) float64 {
// For local channels that have never been tried before, we assume them
// to be successful. We have accurate balance and online status
// information on our own channels, so when we select them in a route it
// is close to certain that those channels will work.
nodeProbability := p.prevSuccessProbability
return p.calculateProbability(
now, results, nodeProbability, toNode, lnwire.MaxMilliSatoshi,
// calculateProbability estimates the probability of successfully traversing to
// toNode based on historical payment outcomes and a fall-back node probability.
func (p *AprioriEstimator) calculateProbability(
now time.Time, results NodeResults,
nodeProbability float64, toNode route.Vertex,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) float64 {
// Retrieve the last pair outcome.
lastPairResult, ok := results[toNode]
// If there is no history for this pair, return the node probability
// that is a probability estimate for untried channel.
if !ok {
return nodeProbability
// For successes, we have a fixed (high) probability. Those pairs will
// be assumed good until proven otherwise. Amt is never zero, so this
// clause is never executed when lastPairResult.SuccessAmt is zero.
if amt <= lastPairResult.SuccessAmt {
return p.prevSuccessProbability
// Take into account a minimum penalize amount. For balance errors, a
// failure may be reported with such a minimum to prevent too aggressive
// penalization. If the current amount is smaller than the amount that
// previously triggered a failure, we act as if this is an untried
// channel.
if lastPairResult.FailTime.IsZero() || amt < lastPairResult.FailAmt {
return nodeProbability
timeSinceLastFailure := now.Sub(lastPairResult.FailTime)
// Calculate success probability based on the weight of the last
// failure. When the failure is fresh, its weight is 1 and we'll return
// probability 0. Over time the probability recovers to the node
// probability. It would be as if this channel was never tried before.
weight := p.getWeight(timeSinceLastFailure)
probability := nodeProbability * (1 - weight)
return probability