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package chanfunding
import (
// ErrInsufficientFunds is a type matching the error interface which is
// returned when coin selection for a new funding transaction fails due to
// having an insufficient amount of confirmed funds.
type ErrInsufficientFunds struct {
amountAvailable btcutil.Amount
amountSelected btcutil.Amount
// Error returns a human-readable string describing the error.
func (e *ErrInsufficientFunds) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("not enough witness outputs to create funding "+
"transaction, need %v only have %v available",
e.amountAvailable, e.amountSelected)
// errUnsupportedInput is a type matching the error interface, which is returned
// when trying to calculate the fee of a transaction that references an
// unsupported script in the outpoint of a transaction input.
type errUnsupportedInput struct {
PkScript []byte
// Error returns a human-readable string describing the error.
func (e *errUnsupportedInput) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unsupported address type: %x", e.PkScript)
// ChangeAddressType is an enum-like type that describes the type of change
// address that should be generated for a transaction.
type ChangeAddressType uint8
const (
// P2WKHChangeAddress indicates that the change output should be a
// P2WKH output.
P2WKHChangeAddress ChangeAddressType = 0
// P2TRChangeAddress indicates that the change output should be a
// P2TR output.
P2TRChangeAddress ChangeAddressType = 1
// ExistingChangeAddress indicates that the coin selection algorithm
// should assume an existing output will be used for any change, meaning
// that the change amount calculated will be added to an existing output
// and no weight for a new change output should be assumed. The caller
// must assert that the output value of the selected existing output
// already is above dust when using this change address type.
ExistingChangeAddress ChangeAddressType = 2
// selectInputs selects a slice of inputs necessary to meet the specified
// selection amount. If input selection is unable to succeed due to insufficient
// funds, a non-nil error is returned. Additionally, the total amount of the
// selected coins are returned in order for the caller to properly handle
// change+fees.
func selectInputs(amt btcutil.Amount, coins []wallet.Coin,
strategy wallet.CoinSelectionStrategy,
feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight) (btcutil.Amount, []wallet.Coin, error) {
// All coin selection code in the btcwallet library requires sat/KB.
feeSatPerKB := btcutil.Amount(feeRate.FeePerKVByte())
arrangedCoins, err := strategy.ArrangeCoins(coins, feeSatPerKB)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
satSelected := btcutil.Amount(0)
for i, coin := range arrangedCoins {
satSelected += btcutil.Amount(coin.Value)
if satSelected >= amt {
return satSelected, arrangedCoins[:i+1], nil
return 0, nil, &ErrInsufficientFunds{amt, satSelected}
// calculateFees returns for the specified utxos and fee rate two fee
// estimates, one calculated using a change output and one without. The weight
// added to the estimator from a change output is for a P2WKH output.
func calculateFees(utxos []wallet.Coin, feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight,
existingWeight input.TxWeightEstimator,
changeType ChangeAddressType) (btcutil.Amount, btcutil.Amount, error) {
weightEstimate := existingWeight
for _, utxo := range utxos {
switch {
case txscript.IsPayToWitnessPubKeyHash(utxo.PkScript):
case txscript.IsPayToScriptHash(utxo.PkScript):
case txscript.IsPayToTaproot(utxo.PkScript):
return 0, 0, &errUnsupportedInput{utxo.PkScript}
// Estimate the fee required for a transaction without a change
// output.
totalWeight := weightEstimate.Weight()
requiredFeeNoChange := feeRate.FeeForWeight(totalWeight)
// Estimate the fee required for a transaction with a change output.
switch changeType {
case P2WKHChangeAddress:
case P2TRChangeAddress:
case ExistingChangeAddress:
// Don't add an extra output.
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown change address type: %v",
// Now that we have added the change output, redo the fee
// estimate.
totalWeight = weightEstimate.Weight()
requiredFeeWithChange := feeRate.FeeForWeight(totalWeight)
return requiredFeeNoChange, requiredFeeWithChange, nil
// sanityCheckFee checks if the specified fee amounts to over 20% of the total
// output amount and raises an error.
func sanityCheckFee(totalOut, fee btcutil.Amount) error {
// Fail if more than 20% goes to fees.
// TODO(halseth): smarter fee limit. Make configurable or dynamic wrt
// total funding size?
if fee > totalOut/5 {
return fmt.Errorf("fee %v on total output value %v", fee,
return nil
// CoinSelect attempts to select a sufficient amount of coins, including a
// change output to fund amt satoshis, adhering to the specified fee rate. The
// specified fee rate should be expressed in sat/kw for coin selection to
// function properly.
func CoinSelect(feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight, amt, dustLimit btcutil.Amount,
coins []wallet.Coin, strategy wallet.CoinSelectionStrategy,
existingWeight input.TxWeightEstimator,
changeType ChangeAddressType) ([]wallet.Coin, btcutil.Amount, error) {
amtNeeded := amt
for {
// First perform an initial round of coin selection to estimate
// the required fee.
totalSat, selectedUtxos, err := selectInputs(
amtNeeded, coins, strategy, feeRate,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// Obtain fee estimates both with and without using a change
// output.
requiredFeeNoChange, requiredFeeWithChange, err := calculateFees(
selectedUtxos, feeRate, existingWeight, changeType,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
changeAmount, newAmtNeeded, err := CalculateChangeAmount(
totalSat, amt, requiredFeeNoChange,
requiredFeeWithChange, dustLimit, changeType,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// Need another round, the selected coins aren't enough to pay
// for the fees.
if newAmtNeeded != 0 {
amtNeeded = newAmtNeeded
// Coin selection was successful.
return selectedUtxos, changeAmount, nil
// CalculateChangeAmount calculates the change amount being left over when the
// given total amount of sats is provided as inputs for the required output
// amount. The calculation takes into account that we might not want to add a
// change output if the change amount is below the dust limit. The first amount
// returned is the change amount. If that is non-zero, change is left over and
// should be dealt with. The second amount, if non-zero, indicates that the
// total input amount was just not enough to pay for the required amount and
// fees and that more coins need to be selected.
func CalculateChangeAmount(totalInputAmt, requiredAmt, requiredFeeNoChange,
requiredFeeWithChange, dustLimit btcutil.Amount,
changeType ChangeAddressType) (btcutil.Amount, btcutil.Amount, error) {
// This is just a sanity check to make sure the function is used
// correctly.
if changeType == ExistingChangeAddress &&
requiredFeeNoChange != requiredFeeWithChange {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("when using existing change address, " +
"the fees for with or without change must be the same")
// The difference between the selected amount and the amount
// requested will be used to pay fees, and generate a change
// output with the remaining.
overShootAmt := totalInputAmt - requiredAmt
var changeAmt btcutil.Amount
switch {
// If the excess amount isn't enough to pay for fees based on
// fee rate and estimated size without using a change output,
// then increase the requested coin amount by the estimate
// required fee without using change, performing another round
// of coin selection.
case overShootAmt < requiredFeeNoChange:
return 0, requiredAmt + requiredFeeNoChange, nil
// If sufficient funds were selected to cover the fee required
// to include a change output, the remainder will be our change
// amount.
case overShootAmt > requiredFeeWithChange:
changeAmt = overShootAmt - requiredFeeWithChange
// Otherwise we have selected enough to pay for a tx without a
// change output.
changeAmt = 0
// In case we would end up with a dust output if we created a
// change output, we instead just let the dust amount go to
// fees. Unless we want the change to go to an existing output,
// in that case we can increase that output value by any amount.
if changeAmt < dustLimit && changeType != ExistingChangeAddress {
changeAmt = 0
// Sanity check the resulting output values to make sure we
// don't burn a great part to fees.
totalOut := requiredAmt + changeAmt
err := sanityCheckFee(totalOut, totalInputAmt-totalOut)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return changeAmt, 0, nil
// CoinSelectSubtractFees attempts to select coins such that we'll spend up to
// amt in total after fees, adhering to the specified fee rate. The selected
// coins, the final output and change values are returned.
func CoinSelectSubtractFees(feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight, amt,
dustLimit btcutil.Amount, coins []wallet.Coin,
strategy wallet.CoinSelectionStrategy,
existingWeight input.TxWeightEstimator,
changeType ChangeAddressType) ([]wallet.Coin, btcutil.Amount,
btcutil.Amount, error) {
// First perform an initial round of coin selection to estimate
// the required fee.
totalSat, selectedUtxos, err := selectInputs(
amt, coins, strategy, feeRate,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Obtain fee estimates both with and without using a change
// output.
requiredFeeNoChange, requiredFeeWithChange, err := calculateFees(
selectedUtxos, feeRate, existingWeight, changeType,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// For a transaction without a change output, we'll let everything go
// to our multi-sig output after subtracting fees.
outputAmt := totalSat - requiredFeeNoChange
changeAmt := btcutil.Amount(0)
// If the output is too small after subtracting the fee, the coin
// selection cannot be performed with an amount this small.
if outputAmt < dustLimit {
return nil, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("output amount(%v) after "+
"subtracting fees(%v) below dust limit(%v)", outputAmt,
requiredFeeNoChange, dustLimit)
// For a transaction with a change output, everything we don't spend
// will go to change.
newOutput := amt - requiredFeeWithChange
newChange := totalSat - amt
// If adding a change output leads to both outputs being above
// the dust limit, we'll add the change output. Otherwise we'll
// go with the no change tx we originally found.
if newChange >= dustLimit && newOutput >= dustLimit {
outputAmt = newOutput
changeAmt = newChange
// Sanity check the resulting output values to make sure we
// don't burn a great part to fees.
totalOut := outputAmt + changeAmt
err = sanityCheckFee(totalOut, totalSat-totalOut)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return selectedUtxos, outputAmt, changeAmt, nil
// CoinSelectUpToAmount attempts to select coins such that we'll select up to
// maxAmount exclusive of fees and optional reserve if sufficient funds are
// available. If insufficient funds are available this method selects all
// available coins.
func CoinSelectUpToAmount(feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight, minAmount, maxAmount,
reserved, dustLimit btcutil.Amount, coins []wallet.Coin,
strategy wallet.CoinSelectionStrategy,
existingWeight input.TxWeightEstimator,
changeType ChangeAddressType) ([]wallet.Coin, btcutil.Amount,
btcutil.Amount, error) {
var (
// selectSubtractFee is tracking if our coin selection was
// unsuccessful and whether we have to start a new round of
// selecting coins considering fees.
selectSubtractFee = false
outputAmount = maxAmount
// Get total balance from coins which we need for reserve considerations
// and fee sanity checks.
var totalBalance btcutil.Amount
for _, coin := range coins {
totalBalance += btcutil.Amount(coin.Value)
// First we try to select coins to create an output of the specified
// maxAmount with or without a change output that covers the miner fee.
selected, changeAmt, err := CoinSelect(
feeRate, maxAmount, dustLimit, coins, strategy, existingWeight,
var errInsufficientFunds *ErrInsufficientFunds
if err == nil { //nolint:gocritic,ifElseChain
// If the coin selection succeeds we check if our total balance
// covers the selected set of coins including fees plus an
// optional anchor reserve.
// First we sum up the value of all selected coins.
var sumSelected btcutil.Amount
for _, coin := range selected {
sumSelected += btcutil.Amount(coin.Value)
// We then subtract the change amount from the value of all
// selected coins to obtain the actual amount that is selected.
sumSelected -= changeAmt
// Next we check if our total balance can cover for the selected
// output plus the optional anchor reserve.
if totalBalance-sumSelected < reserved {
// If our local balance is insufficient to cover for the
// reserve we try to select an output amount that uses
// our total balance minus reserve and fees.
selectSubtractFee = true
} else if errors.As(err, &errInsufficientFunds) {
// If the initial coin selection fails due to insufficient funds
// we select our total available balance minus fees.
selectSubtractFee = true
} else {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// If we determined that our local balance is insufficient we check
// our total balance minus fees and optional reserve.
if selectSubtractFee {
selected, outputAmount, changeAmt, err = CoinSelectSubtractFees(
feeRate, totalBalance-reserved, dustLimit, coins,
strategy, existingWeight, changeType,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Sanity check the resulting output values to make sure we don't burn a
// great part to fees.
totalOut := outputAmount + changeAmt
sum := func(coins []wallet.Coin) btcutil.Amount {
var sum btcutil.Amount
for _, coin := range coins {
sum += btcutil.Amount(coin.Value)
return sum
err = sanityCheckFee(totalOut, sum(selected)-totalOut)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// In case the selected amount is lower than minimum funding amount we
// must return an error. The minimum funding amount is determined
// upstream and denotes either the minimum viable channel size or an
// amount sufficient to cover for the initial remote balance.
if outputAmount < minAmount {
return nil, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("available funds(%v) below the "+
"minimum amount(%v)", outputAmount, minAmount)
return selected, outputAmount, changeAmt, nil