Elle Mouton f0d4ea10a2
scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test
In this commit, a new backwards compatibility test is added. See the
added README.md file in this commit for all the info.
2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
.env scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
compose.sh scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
docker-compose.override.yaml scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
docker-compose.yaml scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
execute.sh scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
network.sh scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
README.md scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00
test.sh scripts/bw-compatibility-test: add backwards compat test 2025-02-27 11:33:15 +02:00

Basic Backwards Compatibility Test

This directory houses some docker compose files and various bash helpers all used by the main test.sh file which runs the test. The idea is to be able to test that a node can be upgraded from a stable release to a checked out branch of LND and still function as expected with nodes running the stable release.

Test Flow

The test sets up the following network:

Alice <---> Bob <---> Charlie <---> Dave

Initially, all the nodes are running a tagged LND release. This is all configured via the main docker-compose.yaml file.

  1. The Bob node is the node we will focus on. While Bob is still on a stable version of LND, we ensure that he can: send and receive multi-hop payments as well as route payments.

  2. Bob is then shutdown.

  3. The docker-compose.override.yaml file is then loaded and used to spin up Bob again but this time using the checked out branch of LND. This is done by using the dev.Dockerfile in the LND repo.

  4. The test now waits for this new version of Bob (which uses the same data directory as the previous version) to sync up with the network, reactivate its channels.

  5. Finally, basic send, receive and routing tests are run to ensure that Bob is still functional after the upgrade.

How to use this directory

  1. If you would just like to run the full test from start to finish, then all you need to do is run:

  2. If you would like to run the test in parts, then you can use the execute.sh script to call the various functions in the directory. Here is an example:

    # Spin up the docker containers.
    ./execute.sh compose_up
    # Wait for the nodes to start.
    ./execute.sh wait_for_nodes alice bob charlie dave
    # Query various nodes.
    ./execute.sh alice getinfo
    # Set-up a basic channel network.
    ./execute.sh setup-network
    # Wait for bob to see all the channels in the network.
     ./execute.sh wait_graph_sync bob 3
    # Open a channel between Bob and Charlie.
    ./execute.sh open_channel bob charlie
    # Send a payment from Alice to Dave.
    ./execute.sh send_payment alice dave
    # Take down a single node. 
    ./execute.sh compose_stop dave
    # Start a single node.
    ./execute.sh compose_start dave

File Descriptions:


This script runs the full backwards compatibility test.


A helper script that allows you to call the various functions in the directory.

This is useful if you are debugging something and want to step through the test steps manually while keeping the main network running.

For example:

 # Spin up the docker containers.
 ./execute.sh compose_up
 # Query various nodes.
 ./execute.sh alice getinfo


This script contains all the docker-compose variables and helper functions that are used in the test.


This script contains all the various helper functions that can be used to interact with the Lightning nodes in the network.


Any global variables used across the other scripts are defined here.


This docker compose file contains the network configuration for all the nodes running a stable LND tag.


This compose file adds defines the bob-pr service which will pull and build the LND branch that is currently checked out.