Carla Kirk-Cohen 776c889267
multi: return route role from HopPayload
We need to know what role we're playing to be able to handle errors
correctly, but the information that we need for this is held by our
- Whether we had a blinding point in update add (blinding kit)
- Whether we had a blinding point in payload

As we're now going to use the route role return value even when our
err!=nil, we rename the error to signal that we're using less
canonical golang here.

An alternative to this approach is to attach a RouteRole to our
ErrInvalidPayload. The downside of that approach is:
- Propagate context through parsing (whether we had updateAddHtlc)
- Clumsy handling for errors that are not of type ErrInvalidPayload
2024-04-25 09:46:31 -04:00

565 lines
17 KiB

package contractcourt
import (
// htlcIncomingContestResolver is a ContractResolver that's able to resolve an
// incoming HTLC that is still contested. An HTLC is still contested, if at the
// time of commitment broadcast, we don't know of the preimage for it yet, and
// it hasn't expired. In this case, we can resolve the HTLC if we learn of the
// preimage, otherwise the remote party will sweep it after it expires.
// TODO(roasbeef): just embed the other resolver?
type htlcIncomingContestResolver struct {
// htlcExpiry is the absolute expiry of this incoming HTLC. We use this
// value to determine if we can exit early as if the HTLC times out,
// before we learn of the preimage then we can't claim it on chain
// successfully.
htlcExpiry uint32
// htlcSuccessResolver is the inner resolver that may be utilized if we
// learn of the preimage.
// newIncomingContestResolver instantiates a new incoming htlc contest resolver.
func newIncomingContestResolver(
res lnwallet.IncomingHtlcResolution, broadcastHeight uint32,
htlc channeldb.HTLC, resCfg ResolverConfig) *htlcIncomingContestResolver {
success := newSuccessResolver(
res, broadcastHeight, htlc, resCfg,
return &htlcIncomingContestResolver{
htlcExpiry: htlc.RefundTimeout,
htlcSuccessResolver: success,
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) processFinalHtlcFail() error {
// Mark the htlc as final failed.
err := h.ChainArbitratorConfig.PutFinalHtlcOutcome(
h.ChannelArbitratorConfig.ShortChanID, h.htlc.HtlcIndex, false,
if err != nil {
return err
// Send notification.
ChanID: h.ShortChanID,
HtlcID: h.htlc.HtlcIndex,
Settled: false,
Offchain: false,
return nil
// Resolve attempts to resolve this contract. As we don't yet know of the
// preimage for the contract, we'll wait for one of two things to happen:
// 1. We learn of the preimage! In this case, we can sweep the HTLC incoming
// and ensure that if this was a multi-hop HTLC we are made whole. In this
// case, an additional ContractResolver will be returned to finish the
// job.
// 2. The HTLC expires. If this happens, then the contract is fully resolved
// as we have no remaining actions left at our disposal.
// NOTE: Part of the ContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) Resolve(
_ bool) (ContractResolver, error) {
// If we're already full resolved, then we don't have anything further
// to do.
if h.resolved {
return nil, nil
// First try to parse the payload. If that fails, we can stop resolution
// now.
payload, nextHopOnionBlob, err := h.decodePayload()
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("ChannelArbitrator(%v): cannot decode payload of "+
"htlc %v", h.ChanPoint, h.HtlcPoint())
// If we've locked in an htlc with an invalid payload on our
// commitment tx, we don't need to resolve it. The other party
// will time it out and get their funds back. This situation
// can present itself when we crash before processRemoteAdds in
// the link has ran.
h.resolved = true
if err := h.processFinalHtlcFail(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// We write a report to disk that indicates we could not decode
// the htlc.
resReport := h.report().resolverReport(
nil, channeldb.ResolverTypeIncomingHtlc,
return nil, h.PutResolverReport(nil, resReport)
// Register for block epochs. After registration, the current height
// will be sent on the channel immediately.
blockEpochs, err := h.Notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer blockEpochs.Cancel()
var currentHeight int32
select {
case newBlock, ok := <-blockEpochs.Epochs:
if !ok {
return nil, errResolverShuttingDown
currentHeight = newBlock.Height
case <-h.quit:
return nil, errResolverShuttingDown
log.Debugf("%T(%v): Resolving incoming HTLC(expiry=%v, height=%v)", h,
h.htlcResolution.ClaimOutpoint, h.htlcExpiry, currentHeight)
// We'll first check if this HTLC has been timed out, if so, we can
// return now and mark ourselves as resolved. If we're past the point of
// expiry of the HTLC, then at this point the sender can sweep it, so
// we'll end our lifetime. Here we deliberately forego the chance that
// the sender doesn't sweep and we already have or will learn the
// preimage. Otherwise the resolver could potentially stay active
// indefinitely and the channel will never close properly.
if uint32(currentHeight) >= h.htlcExpiry {
// TODO(roasbeef): should also somehow check if outgoing is
// resolved or not
// * may need to hook into the circuit map
// * can't timeout before the outgoing has been
log.Infof("%T(%v): HTLC has timed out (expiry=%v, height=%v), "+
"abandoning", h, h.htlcResolution.ClaimOutpoint,
h.htlcExpiry, currentHeight)
h.resolved = true
if err := h.processFinalHtlcFail(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally, get our report and checkpoint our resolver with a
// timeout outcome report.
report := h.report().resolverReport(
nil, channeldb.ResolverTypeIncomingHtlc,
return nil, h.Checkpoint(h, report)
// applyPreimage is a helper function that will populate our internal
// resolver with the preimage we learn of. This should be called once
// the preimage is revealed so the inner resolver can properly complete
// its duties. The error return value indicates whether the preimage
// was properly applied.
applyPreimage := func(preimage lntypes.Preimage) error {
// Sanity check to see if this preimage matches our htlc. At
// this point it should never happen that it does not match.
if !preimage.Matches(h.htlc.RHash) {
return errors.New("preimage does not match hash")
// Update htlcResolution with the matching preimage.
h.htlcResolution.Preimage = preimage
log.Infof("%T(%v): applied preimage=%v", h,
h.htlcResolution.ClaimOutpoint, preimage)
isSecondLevel := h.htlcResolution.SignedSuccessTx != nil
// If we didn't have to go to the second level to claim (this
// is the remote commitment transaction), then we don't need to
// modify our canned witness.
if !isSecondLevel {
return nil
isTaproot := txscript.IsPayToTaproot(
// If this is our commitment transaction, then we'll need to
// populate the witness for the second-level HTLC transaction.
switch {
// For taproot channels, the witness for sweeping with success
// looks like:
// - <sender sig> <receiver sig> <preimage> <success_script>
// <control_block>
// So we'll insert it at the 3rd index of the witness.
case isTaproot:
h.htlcResolution.SignedSuccessTx.TxIn[0].Witness[2] = preimage[:]
// Within the witness for the success transaction, the
// preimage is the 4th element as it looks like:
// * <0> <sender sig> <recvr sig> <preimage> <witness script>
// We'll populate it within the witness, as since this
// was a "contest" resolver, we didn't yet know of the
// preimage.
case !isTaproot:
h.htlcResolution.SignedSuccessTx.TxIn[0].Witness[3] = preimage[:]
return nil
// Define a closure to process htlc resolutions either directly or
// triggered by future notifications.
processHtlcResolution := func(e invoices.HtlcResolution) (
ContractResolver, error) {
// Take action based on the type of resolution we have
// received.
switch resolution := e.(type) {
// If the htlc resolution was a settle, apply the
// preimage and return a success resolver.
case *invoices.HtlcSettleResolution:
err := applyPreimage(resolution.Preimage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return h.htlcSuccessResolver, nil
// If the htlc was failed, mark the htlc as
// resolved.
case *invoices.HtlcFailResolution:
log.Infof("%T(%v): Exit hop HTLC canceled "+
"(expiry=%v, height=%v), abandoning", h,
h.htlcExpiry, currentHeight)
h.resolved = true
if err := h.processFinalHtlcFail(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Checkpoint our resolver with an abandoned outcome
// because we take no further action on this htlc.
report := h.report().resolverReport(
nil, channeldb.ResolverTypeIncomingHtlc,
return nil, h.Checkpoint(h, report)
// Error if the resolution type is unknown, we are only
// expecting settles and fails.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown resolution"+
" type: %v", e)
var (
hodlChan <-chan interface{}
witnessUpdates <-chan lntypes.Preimage
if payload.FwdInfo.NextHop == hop.Exit {
// Create a buffered hodl chan to prevent deadlock.
hodlQueue := queue.NewConcurrentQueue(10)
hodlChan = hodlQueue.ChanOut()
// Notify registry that we are potentially resolving as an exit
// hop on-chain. If this HTLC indeed pays to an existing
// invoice, the invoice registry will tell us what to do with
// the HTLC. This is identical to HTLC resolution in the link.
circuitKey := models.CircuitKey{
ChanID: h.ShortChanID,
HtlcID: h.htlc.HtlcIndex,
resolution, err := h.Registry.NotifyExitHopHtlc(
h.htlc.RHash, h.htlc.Amt, h.htlcExpiry, currentHeight,
circuitKey, hodlQueue.ChanIn(), payload,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
// Take action based on the resolution we received. If the htlc
// was settled, or a htlc for a known invoice failed we can
// resolve it directly. If the resolution is nil, the htlc was
// neither accepted nor failed, so we cannot take action yet.
switch res := resolution.(type) {
case *invoices.HtlcFailResolution:
// In the case where the htlc failed, but the invoice
// was known to the registry, we can directly resolve
// the htlc.
if res.Outcome != invoices.ResultInvoiceNotFound {
return processHtlcResolution(resolution)
// If we settled the htlc, we can resolve it.
case *invoices.HtlcSettleResolution:
return processHtlcResolution(resolution)
// If the resolution is nil, the htlc was neither settled nor
// failed so we cannot take action at present.
case nil:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown htlc resolution type: %T",
} else {
// If the HTLC hasn't expired yet, then we may still be able to
// claim it if we learn of the pre-image, so we'll subscribe to
// the preimage database to see if it turns up, or the HTLC
// times out.
// NOTE: This is done BEFORE opportunistically querying the db,
// to ensure the preimage can't be delivered between querying
// and registering for the preimage subscription.
preimageSubscription, err := h.PreimageDB.SubscribeUpdates(
h.htlcSuccessResolver.ShortChanID, &h.htlc,
payload, nextHopOnionBlob,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer preimageSubscription.CancelSubscription()
// With the epochs and preimage subscriptions initialized, we'll
// query to see if we already know the preimage.
preimage, ok := h.PreimageDB.LookupPreimage(h.htlc.RHash)
if ok {
// If we do, then this means we can claim the HTLC!
// However, we don't know how to ourselves, so we'll
// return our inner resolver which has the knowledge to
// do so.
if err := applyPreimage(preimage); err != nil {
return nil, err
return h.htlcSuccessResolver, nil
witnessUpdates = preimageSubscription.WitnessUpdates
for {
select {
case preimage := <-witnessUpdates:
// We received a new preimage, but we need to ignore
// all except the preimage we are waiting for.
if !preimage.Matches(h.htlc.RHash) {
if err := applyPreimage(preimage); err != nil {
return nil, err
// We've learned of the preimage and this information
// has been added to our inner resolver. We return it so
// it can continue contract resolution.
return h.htlcSuccessResolver, nil
case hodlItem := <-hodlChan:
htlcResolution := hodlItem.(invoices.HtlcResolution)
return processHtlcResolution(htlcResolution)
case newBlock, ok := <-blockEpochs.Epochs:
if !ok {
return nil, errResolverShuttingDown
// If this new height expires the HTLC, then this means
// we never found out the preimage, so we can mark
// resolved and exit.
newHeight := uint32(newBlock.Height)
if newHeight >= h.htlcExpiry {
log.Infof("%T(%v): HTLC has timed out "+
"(expiry=%v, height=%v), abandoning", h,
h.htlcExpiry, currentHeight)
h.resolved = true
if err := h.processFinalHtlcFail(); err != nil {
return nil, err
report := h.report().resolverReport(
return nil, h.Checkpoint(h, report)
case <-h.quit:
return nil, errResolverShuttingDown
// report returns a report on the resolution state of the contract.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) report() *ContractReport {
// No locking needed as these values are read-only.
finalAmt := h.htlc.Amt.ToSatoshis()
if h.htlcResolution.SignedSuccessTx != nil {
finalAmt = btcutil.Amount(
return &ContractReport{
Outpoint: h.htlcResolution.ClaimOutpoint,
Type: ReportOutputIncomingHtlc,
Amount: finalAmt,
MaturityHeight: h.htlcExpiry,
LimboBalance: finalAmt,
Stage: 1,
// Stop signals the resolver to cancel any current resolution processes, and
// suspend.
// NOTE: Part of the ContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) Stop() {
// IsResolved returns true if the stored state in the resolve is fully
// resolved. In this case the target output can be forgotten.
// NOTE: Part of the ContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) IsResolved() bool {
return h.resolved
// Encode writes an encoded version of the ContractResolver into the passed
// Writer.
// NOTE: Part of the ContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
// We'll first write out the one field unique to this resolver.
if err := binary.Write(w, endian, h.htlcExpiry); err != nil {
return err
// Then we'll write out our internal resolver.
return h.htlcSuccessResolver.Encode(w)
// newIncomingContestResolverFromReader attempts to decode an encoded ContractResolver
// from the passed Reader instance, returning an active ContractResolver
// instance.
func newIncomingContestResolverFromReader(r io.Reader, resCfg ResolverConfig) (
*htlcIncomingContestResolver, error) {
h := &htlcIncomingContestResolver{}
// We'll first read the one field unique to this resolver.
if err := binary.Read(r, endian, &h.htlcExpiry); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Then we'll decode our internal resolver.
successResolver, err := newSuccessResolverFromReader(r, resCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h.htlcSuccessResolver = successResolver
return h, nil
// Supplement adds additional information to the resolver that is required
// before Resolve() is called.
// NOTE: Part of the htlcContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) Supplement(htlc channeldb.HTLC) {
h.htlc = htlc
// SupplementDeadline does nothing for an incoming htlc resolver.
// NOTE: Part of the htlcContractResolver interface.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) SupplementDeadline(_ fn.Option[int32]) {
// decodePayload (re)decodes the hop payload of a received htlc.
func (h *htlcIncomingContestResolver) decodePayload() (*hop.Payload,
[]byte, error) {
blindingInfo := hop.ReconstructBlindingInfo{
IncomingAmt: h.htlc.Amt,
IncomingExpiry: h.htlc.RefundTimeout,
BlindingKey: h.htlc.BlindingPoint,
onionReader := bytes.NewReader(h.htlc.OnionBlob[:])
iterator, err := h.OnionProcessor.ReconstructHopIterator(
onionReader, h.htlc.RHash[:], blindingInfo,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
payload, _, err := iterator.HopPayload()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Transform onion blob for the next hop.
var onionBlob [lnwire.OnionPacketSize]byte
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(onionBlob[0:0])
err = iterator.EncodeNextHop(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return payload, onionBlob[:], nil
// A compile time assertion to ensure htlcIncomingContestResolver meets the
// ContractResolver interface.
var _ htlcContractResolver = (*htlcIncomingContestResolver)(nil)