mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 01:43:16 +01:00
This commit does two things. It starts up the server in a way that it can be interrupted and shutdown gracefully. Moreover it makes sure that subsystems clean themselves up when they fail to start. This makes sure that depending subsytems can shutdown gracefully as well and the shutdown process is not stuck.
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Decred developers
// Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Lightning Network Developers
package lnd
import (
runtimePprof "runtime/pprof"
proxy "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime"
const (
// adminMacaroonFilePermissions is the file permission that is used for
// creating the admin macaroon file.
// Why 640 is safe:
// Assuming a reasonably secure Linux system, it will have a
// separate group for each user. E.g. a new user lnd gets assigned group
// lnd which nothing else belongs to. A system that does not do this is
// inherently broken already.
// Since there is no other user in the group, no other user can read
// admin macaroon unless the administrator explicitly allowed it. Thus
// there's no harm allowing group read.
adminMacaroonFilePermissions = 0640
// AdminAuthOptions returns a list of DialOptions that can be used to
// authenticate with the RPC server with admin capabilities.
// skipMacaroons=true should be set if we don't want to include macaroons with
// the auth options. This is needed for instance for the WalletUnlocker
// service, which must be usable also before macaroons are created.
// NOTE: This should only be called after the RPCListener has signaled it is
// ready.
func AdminAuthOptions(cfg *Config, skipMacaroons bool) ([]grpc.DialOption,
error) {
creds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(cfg.TLSCertPath, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read TLS cert: %w", err)
// Create a dial options array.
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
// Get the admin macaroon if macaroons are active.
if !skipMacaroons && !cfg.NoMacaroons {
// Load the admin macaroon file.
macBytes, err := os.ReadFile(cfg.AdminMacPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read macaroon "+
"path (check the network setting!): %v", err)
mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{}
if err = mac.UnmarshalBinary(macBytes); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode macaroon: %w",
// Now we append the macaroon credentials to the dial options.
cred, err := macaroons.NewMacaroonCredential(mac)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error cloning mac: %w", err)
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(cred))
return opts, nil
// ListenerWithSignal is a net.Listener that has an additional Ready channel
// that will be closed when a server starts listening.
type ListenerWithSignal struct {
// Ready will be closed by the server listening on Listener.
Ready chan struct{}
// MacChan is an optional way to pass the admin macaroon to the program
// that started lnd. The channel should be buffered to avoid lnd being
// blocked on sending to the channel.
MacChan chan []byte
// ListenerCfg is a wrapper around custom listeners that can be passed to lnd
// when calling its main method.
type ListenerCfg struct {
// RPCListeners can be set to the listeners to use for the RPC server.
// If empty a regular network listener will be created.
RPCListeners []*ListenerWithSignal
var errStreamIsolationWithProxySkip = errors.New(
"while stream isolation is enabled, the TOR proxy may not be skipped",
// Main is the true entry point for lnd. It accepts a fully populated and
// validated main configuration struct and an optional listener config struct.
// This function starts all main system components then blocks until a signal
// is received on the shutdownChan at which point everything is shut down again.
func Main(cfg *Config, lisCfg ListenerCfg, implCfg *ImplementationCfg,
interceptor signal.Interceptor) error {
defer func() {
ltndLog.Info("Shutdown complete\n")
err := cfg.LogWriter.Close()
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Could not close log rotator: %v", err)
mkErr := func(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
ltndLog.Errorf("Shutting down because error in main "+
"method: "+format, args...)
return fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
// Show version at startup.
ltndLog.Infof("Version: %s commit=%s, build=%s, logging=%s, "+
"debuglevel=%s", build.Version(), build.Commit,
build.Deployment, build.LoggingType, cfg.DebugLevel)
var network string
switch {
case cfg.Bitcoin.TestNet3:
network = "testnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.MainNet:
network = "mainnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.SimNet:
network = "simnet"
case cfg.Bitcoin.RegTest:
network = "regtest"
case cfg.Bitcoin.SigNet:
network = "signet"
ltndLog.Infof("Active chain: %v (network=%v)",
strings.Title(BitcoinChainName), network,
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Enable http profiling server if requested.
if cfg.Profile != "" {
// Create the http handler.
pprofMux := http.NewServeMux()
pprofMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
pprofMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", pprof.Cmdline)
pprofMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
pprofMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
pprofMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", pprof.Trace)
if cfg.BlockingProfile != 0 {
if cfg.MutexProfile != 0 {
// Redirect all requests to the pprof handler, thus visiting
// `` will be redirected to
// ``.
pprofMux.Handle("/", http.RedirectHandler(
"/debug/pprof/", http.StatusSeeOther,
ltndLog.Infof("Pprof listening on %v", cfg.Profile)
// Create the pprof server.
pprofServer := &http.Server{
Addr: cfg.Profile,
Handler: pprofMux,
ReadHeaderTimeout: cfg.HTTPHeaderTimeout,
// Shut the server down when lnd is shutting down.
defer func() {
ltndLog.Info("Stopping pprof server...")
err := pprofServer.Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Stop pprof server got err: %v",
// Start the pprof server.
go func() {
err := pprofServer.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
ltndLog.Errorf("Serving pprof got err: %v", err)
// Write cpu profile if requested.
if cfg.CPUProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(cfg.CPUProfile)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create CPU profile: %v", err)
_ = runtimePprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
defer func() {
_ = f.Close()
defer runtimePprof.StopCPUProfile()
// Run configuration dependent DB pre-initialization. Note that this
// needs to be done early and once during the startup process, before
// any DB access.
if err := cfg.DB.Init(ctx, cfg.graphDatabaseDir()); err != nil {
return mkErr("error initializing DBs: %v", err)
tlsManagerCfg := &TLSManagerCfg{
TLSCertPath: cfg.TLSCertPath,
TLSKeyPath: cfg.TLSKeyPath,
TLSEncryptKey: cfg.TLSEncryptKey,
TLSExtraIPs: cfg.TLSExtraIPs,
TLSExtraDomains: cfg.TLSExtraDomains,
TLSAutoRefresh: cfg.TLSAutoRefresh,
TLSDisableAutofill: cfg.TLSDisableAutofill,
TLSCertDuration: cfg.TLSCertDuration,
LetsEncryptDir: cfg.LetsEncryptDir,
LetsEncryptDomain: cfg.LetsEncryptDomain,
LetsEncryptListen: cfg.LetsEncryptListen,
DisableRestTLS: cfg.DisableRestTLS,
HTTPHeaderTimeout: cfg.HTTPHeaderTimeout,
tlsManager := NewTLSManager(tlsManagerCfg)
serverOpts, restDialOpts, restListen, cleanUp,
err := tlsManager.SetCertificateBeforeUnlock()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error setting cert before unlock: %v", err)
if cleanUp != nil {
defer cleanUp()
// If we have chosen to start with a dedicated listener for the
// rpc server, we set it directly.
grpcListeners := append([]*ListenerWithSignal{}, lisCfg.RPCListeners...)
if len(grpcListeners) == 0 {
// Otherwise we create listeners from the RPCListeners defined
// in the config.
for _, grpcEndpoint := range cfg.RPCListeners {
// Start a gRPC server listening for HTTP/2
// connections.
lis, err := lncfg.ListenOnAddress(grpcEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to listen on %s: %v",
grpcEndpoint, err)
defer lis.Close()
grpcListeners = append(
grpcListeners, &ListenerWithSignal{
Listener: lis,
Ready: make(chan struct{}),
// Create a new RPC interceptor that we'll add to the GRPC server. This
// will be used to log the API calls invoked on the GRPC server.
interceptorChain := rpcperms.NewInterceptorChain(
rpcsLog, cfg.NoMacaroons, cfg.RPCMiddleware.Mandatory,
if err := interceptorChain.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting interceptor chain: %v", err)
defer func() {
err := interceptorChain.Stop()
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Warnf("error stopping RPC interceptor "+
"chain: %v", err)
// Allow the user to overwrite some defaults of the gRPC library related
// to connection keepalive (server side and client side pings).
serverKeepalive := keepalive.ServerParameters{
Time: cfg.GRPC.ServerPingTime,
Timeout: cfg.GRPC.ServerPingTimeout,
clientKeepalive := keepalive.EnforcementPolicy{
MinTime: cfg.GRPC.ClientPingMinWait,
PermitWithoutStream: cfg.GRPC.ClientAllowPingWithoutStream,
rpcServerOpts := interceptorChain.CreateServerOpts()
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, rpcServerOpts...)
serverOpts = append(
serverOpts, grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(lnrpc.MaxGrpcMsgSize),
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...)
defer grpcServer.Stop()
// We'll also register the RPC interceptor chain as the StateServer, as
// it can be used to query for the current state of the wallet.
lnrpc.RegisterStateServer(grpcServer, interceptorChain)
// Initialize, and register our implementation of the gRPC interface
// exported by the rpcServer.
rpcServer := newRPCServer(cfg, interceptorChain, implCfg, interceptor)
err = rpcServer.RegisterWithGrpcServer(grpcServer)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error registering gRPC server: %v", err)
// Now that both the WalletUnlocker and LightningService have been
// registered with the GRPC server, we can start listening.
err = startGrpcListen(cfg, grpcServer, grpcListeners)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting gRPC listener: %v", err)
// Now start the REST proxy for our gRPC server above. We'll ensure
// we direct LND to connect to its loopback address rather than a
// wildcard to prevent certificate issues when accessing the proxy
// externally.
stopProxy, err := startRestProxy(
cfg, rpcServer, restDialOpts, restListen,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error starting REST proxy: %v", err)
defer stopProxy()
// Start leader election if we're running on etcd. Continuation will be
// blocked until this instance is elected as the current leader or
// shutting down.
elected := false
if cfg.Cluster.EnableLeaderElection {
electionCtx, cancelElection := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
ltndLog.Infof("Using %v leader elector",
leaderElector, err := cfg.Cluster.MakeLeaderElector(
electionCtx, cfg.DB,
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if !elected {
ltndLog.Infof("Attempting to resign from leader role "+
"(%v)", cfg.Cluster.ID)
if err := leaderElector.Resign(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("Leader elector failed to "+
"resign: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Starting leadership campaign (%v)",
if err := leaderElector.Campaign(electionCtx); err != nil {
return mkErr("leadership campaign failed: %v", err)
elected = true
ltndLog.Infof("Elected as leader (%v)", cfg.Cluster.ID)
dbs, cleanUp, err := implCfg.DatabaseBuilder.BuildDatabase(ctx)
switch {
case err == channeldb.ErrDryRunMigrationOK:
ltndLog.Infof("%v, exiting", err)
return nil
case err != nil:
return mkErr("unable to open databases: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
partialChainControl, walletConfig, cleanUp, err := implCfg.BuildWalletConfig(
ctx, dbs, interceptorChain, grpcListeners,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error creating wallet config: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := implCfg.BuildChainControl(
partialChainControl, walletConfig,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error loading chain control: %v", err)
defer cleanUp()
// TODO(roasbeef): add rotation
idKeyDesc, err := activeChainControl.KeyRing.DeriveKey(
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyNodeKey,
Index: 0,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error deriving node key: %v", err)
if cfg.Tor.StreamIsolation && cfg.Tor.SkipProxyForClearNetTargets {
return errStreamIsolationWithProxySkip
if cfg.Tor.Active {
if cfg.Tor.SkipProxyForClearNetTargets {
srvrLog.Info("Onion services are accessible via Tor! " +
"NOTE: Traffic to clearnet services is not " +
"routed via Tor.")
} else {
srvrLog.Infof("Proxying all network traffic via Tor "+
"(stream_isolation=%v)! NOTE: Ensure the "+
"backend node is proxying over Tor as well",
// If tor is active and either v2 or v3 onion services have been
// specified, make a tor controller and pass it into both the watchtower
// server and the regular lnd server.
var torController *tor.Controller
if cfg.Tor.Active && (cfg.Tor.V2 || cfg.Tor.V3) {
torController = tor.NewController(
cfg.Tor.Control, cfg.Tor.TargetIPAddress,
// Start the tor controller before giving it to any other
// subsystems.
if err := torController.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to initialize tor controller: %v",
defer func() {
if err := torController.Stop(); err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("error stopping tor "+
"controller: %v", err)
var tower *watchtower.Standalone
if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
towerKeyDesc, err := activeChainControl.KeyRing.DeriveKey(
Family: keychain.KeyFamilyTowerID,
Index: 0,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("error deriving tower key: %v", err)
wtCfg := &watchtower.Config{
BlockFetcher: activeChainControl.ChainIO,
DB: dbs.TowerServerDB,
EpochRegistrar: activeChainControl.ChainNotifier,
Net: cfg.net,
NewAddress: func() (btcutil.Address, error) {
return activeChainControl.Wallet.NewAddress(
lnwallet.TaprootPubkey, false,
NodeKeyECDH: keychain.NewPubKeyECDH(
towerKeyDesc, activeChainControl.KeyRing,
PublishTx: activeChainControl.Wallet.PublishTransaction,
ChainHash: *cfg.ActiveNetParams.GenesisHash,
// If there is a tor controller (user wants auto hidden
// services), then store a pointer in the watchtower config.
if torController != nil {
wtCfg.TorController = torController
wtCfg.WatchtowerKeyPath = cfg.Tor.WatchtowerKeyPath
wtCfg.EncryptKey = cfg.Tor.EncryptKey
wtCfg.KeyRing = activeChainControl.KeyRing
switch {
case cfg.Tor.V2:
wtCfg.Type = tor.V2
case cfg.Tor.V3:
wtCfg.Type = tor.V3
wtConfig, err := cfg.Watchtower.Apply(
wtCfg, lncfg.NormalizeAddresses,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to configure watchtower: %v", err)
tower, err = watchtower.New(wtConfig)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create watchtower: %v", err)
// Initialize the MultiplexAcceptor. If lnd was started with the
// zero-conf feature bit, then this will be a ZeroConfAcceptor.
// Otherwise, this will be a ChainedAcceptor.
var multiAcceptor chanacceptor.MultiplexAcceptor
if cfg.ProtocolOptions.ZeroConf() {
multiAcceptor = chanacceptor.NewZeroConfAcceptor()
} else {
multiAcceptor = chanacceptor.NewChainedAcceptor()
// Set up the core server which will listen for incoming peer
// connections.
server, err := newServer(
cfg, cfg.Listeners, dbs, activeChainControl, &idKeyDesc,
multiAcceptor, torController, tlsManager,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create server: %v", err)
// Set up an autopilot manager from the current config. This will be
// used to manage the underlying autopilot agent, starting and stopping
// it at will.
atplCfg, err := initAutoPilot(
server, cfg.Autopilot, activeChainControl.MinHtlcIn,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to initialize autopilot: %v", err)
atplManager, err := autopilot.NewManager(atplCfg)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to create autopilot manager: %v", err)
if err := atplManager.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start autopilot manager: %v", err)
defer atplManager.Stop()
err = tlsManager.LoadPermanentCertificate(activeChainControl.KeyRing)
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to load permanent TLS certificate: %v",
// Now we have created all dependencies necessary to populate and
// start the RPC server.
err = rpcServer.addDeps(
server, interceptorChain.MacaroonService(), cfg.SubRPCServers,
atplManager, server.invoices, tower, multiAcceptor,
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to add deps to RPC server: %v", err)
if err := rpcServer.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start RPC server: %v", err)
defer rpcServer.Stop()
// We transition the RPC state to Active, as the RPC server is up.
if err := interceptor.Notifier.NotifyReady(true); err != nil {
return mkErr("error notifying ready: %v", err)
// We'll wait until we're fully synced to continue the start up of the
// remainder of the daemon. This ensures that we don't accept any
// possibly invalid state transitions, or accept channels with spent
// funds.
_, bestHeight, err := activeChainControl.ChainIO.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine chain tip: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Waiting for chain backend to finish sync, "+
"start_height=%v", bestHeight)
for {
if !interceptor.Alive() {
return nil
synced, ts, err := activeChainControl.Wallet.IsSynced()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine if wallet is "+
"synced: %v", err)
ltndLog.Debugf("Syncing to block timestamp: %v, is synced=%v",
time.Unix(ts, 0), synced)
if synced {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
_, bestHeight, err = activeChainControl.ChainIO.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to determine chain tip: %v", err)
ltndLog.Infof("Chain backend is fully synced (end_height=%v)!",
// With all the relevant chains initialized, we can finally start the
// server itself. We start the server in an asynchronous goroutine so
// that we are able to interrupt and shutdown the daemon gracefully in
// case the startup of the subservers do not behave as expected.
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
errChan <- server.Start()
defer func() {
err := server.Stop()
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Warnf("Stopping the server including all "+
"its subsystems failed with %v", err)
select {
case err := <-errChan:
if err == nil {
return mkErr("unable to start server: %v", err)
case <-interceptor.ShutdownChannel():
return nil
// We transition the server state to Active, as the server is up.
// Now that the server has started, if the autopilot mode is currently
// active, then we'll start the autopilot agent immediately. It will be
// stopped together with the autopilot service.
if cfg.Autopilot.Active {
if err := atplManager.StartAgent(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start autopilot agent: %v", err)
if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
if err := tower.Start(); err != nil {
return mkErr("unable to start watchtower: %v", err)
defer tower.Stop()
// Wait for shutdown signal from either a graceful server stop or from
// the interrupt handler.
return nil
// bakeMacaroon creates a new macaroon with newest version and the given
// permissions then returns it binary serialized.
func bakeMacaroon(ctx context.Context, svc *macaroons.Service,
permissions []bakery.Op) ([]byte, error) {
mac, err := svc.NewMacaroon(
ctx, macaroons.DefaultRootKeyID, permissions...,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mac.M().MarshalBinary()
// saveMacaroon bakes a macaroon with the specified macaroon permissions and
// writes it to a file with the given filename and file permissions.
func saveMacaroon(ctx context.Context, svc *macaroons.Service, filename string,
macaroonPermissions []bakery.Op, filePermissions os.FileMode) error {
macaroonBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(ctx, svc, macaroonPermissions)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.WriteFile(filename, macaroonBytes, filePermissions)
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(filename)
return err
return nil
// genDefaultMacaroons checks for three default macaroon files and generates
// them if they do not exist; one admin-level, one for invoice access and one
// read-only. Each macaroon is checked and created independently to ensure all
// three exist. The admin macaroon can also be used to generate more granular
// macaroons.
func genDefaultMacaroons(ctx context.Context, svc *macaroons.Service,
admFile, roFile, invoiceFile string) error {
// First, we'll generate a macaroon that only allows the caller to
// access invoice related calls. This is useful for merchants and other
// services to allow an isolated instance that can only query and
// modify invoices.
if !lnrpc.FileExists(invoiceFile) {
err := saveMacaroon(
ctx, svc, invoiceFile, invoicePermissions, 0644,
if err != nil {
return err
// Generate the read-only macaroon and write it to a file.
if !lnrpc.FileExists(roFile) {
err := saveMacaroon(
ctx, svc, roFile, readPermissions, 0644,
if err != nil {
return err
// Generate the admin macaroon and write it to a file.
if !lnrpc.FileExists(admFile) {
err := saveMacaroon(
ctx, svc, admFile, adminPermissions(),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// adminPermissions returns a list of all permissions in a safe way that doesn't
// modify any of the source lists.
func adminPermissions() []bakery.Op {
admin := make([]bakery.Op, len(readPermissions)+len(writePermissions))
copy(admin[:len(readPermissions)], readPermissions)
copy(admin[len(readPermissions):], writePermissions)
return admin
// createWalletUnlockerService creates a WalletUnlockerService from the passed
// config.
func createWalletUnlockerService(cfg *Config) *walletunlocker.UnlockerService {
// The macaroonFiles are passed to the wallet unlocker so they can be
// deleted and recreated in case the root macaroon key is also changed
// during the change password operation.
macaroonFiles := []string{
cfg.AdminMacPath, cfg.ReadMacPath, cfg.InvoiceMacPath,
return walletunlocker.New(
cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params, macaroonFiles,
cfg.ResetWalletTransactions, nil,
// startGrpcListen starts the GRPC server on the passed listeners.
func startGrpcListen(cfg *Config, grpcServer *grpc.Server,
listeners []*ListenerWithSignal) error {
// Use a WaitGroup so we can be sure the instructions on how to input the
// password is the last thing to be printed to the console.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, lis := range listeners {
go func(lis *ListenerWithSignal) {
rpcsLog.Infof("RPC server listening on %s", lis.Addr())
// Close the ready chan to indicate we are listening.
_ = grpcServer.Serve(lis)
// If Prometheus monitoring is enabled, start the Prometheus exporter.
if cfg.Prometheus.Enabled() {
err := monitoring.ExportPrometheusMetrics(
grpcServer, cfg.Prometheus,
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait for gRPC servers to be up running.
return nil
// startRestProxy starts the given REST proxy on the listeners found in the
// config.
func startRestProxy(cfg *Config, rpcServer *rpcServer, restDialOpts []grpc.DialOption,
restListen func(net.Addr) (net.Listener, error)) (func(), error) {
// We use the first RPC listener as the destination for our REST proxy.
// If the listener is set to listen on all interfaces, we replace it
// with localhost, as we cannot dial it directly.
restProxyDest := cfg.RPCListeners[0].String()
switch {
case strings.Contains(restProxyDest, ""):
restProxyDest = strings.Replace(
restProxyDest, "", "", 1,
case strings.Contains(restProxyDest, "[::]"):
restProxyDest = strings.Replace(
restProxyDest, "[::]", "[::1]", 1,
var shutdownFuncs []func()
shutdown := func() {
for _, shutdownFn := range shutdownFuncs {
// Start a REST proxy for our gRPC server.
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, cancel)
// We'll set up a proxy that will forward REST calls to the GRPC
// server.
// The default JSON marshaler of the REST proxy only sets OrigName to
// true, which instructs it to use the same field names as specified in
// the proto file and not switch to camel case. What we also want is
// that the marshaler prints all values, even if they are falsey.
customMarshalerOption := proxy.WithMarshalerOption(
proxy.MIMEWildcard, &proxy.JSONPb{
MarshalOptions: *lnrpc.RESTJsonMarshalOpts,
UnmarshalOptions: *lnrpc.RESTJsonUnmarshalOpts,
mux := proxy.NewServeMux(
// Don't allow falling back to other HTTP methods, we want exact
// matches only. The actual method to be used can be overwritten
// by setting X-HTTP-Method-Override so there should be no
// reason for not specifying the correct method in the first
// place.
// Register our services with the REST proxy.
err := rpcServer.RegisterWithRestProxy(
ctx, mux, restDialOpts, restProxyDest,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Wrap the default grpc-gateway handler with the WebSocket handler.
restHandler := lnrpc.NewWebSocketProxy(
mux, rpcsLog, cfg.WSPingInterval, cfg.WSPongWait,
// Use a WaitGroup so we can be sure the instructions on how to input the
// password is the last thing to be printed to the console.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Now spin up a network listener for each requested port and start a
// goroutine that serves REST with the created mux there.
for _, restEndpoint := range cfg.RESTListeners {
lis, err := restListen(restEndpoint)
if err != nil {
ltndLog.Errorf("gRPC proxy unable to listen on %s",
return nil, err
shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, func() {
err := lis.Close()
if err != nil {
rpcsLog.Errorf("Error closing listener: %v",
go func() {
rpcsLog.Infof("gRPC proxy started at %s", lis.Addr())
// Create our proxy chain now. A request will pass
// through the following chain:
// req ---> CORS handler --> WS proxy --->
// REST proxy --> gRPC endpoint
corsHandler := allowCORS(restHandler, cfg.RestCORS)
err := http.Serve(lis, corsHandler)
if err != nil && !lnrpc.IsClosedConnError(err) {
// Wait for REST servers to be up running.
return shutdown, nil