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package invoices
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
var (
// testHtlcIDSequence is a global counter for generating unique HTLC
// IDs.
testHtlcIDSequence uint64
// randomString generates a random string of a given length using rapid.
func randomStringRapid(t *rapid.T, length int) string {
// Define the character set for the string.
const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" //nolint:ll
// Generate a string by selecting random characters from the charset.
runes := make([]rune, length)
for i := range runes {
// Draw a random index and use it to select a character from the
// charset.
index := rapid.IntRange(0, len(charset)-1).Draw(t, "charIndex")
runes[i] = rune(charset[index])
return string(runes)
// randTimeBetween generates a random time between min and max.
func randTimeBetween(minTime, maxTime time.Time) time.Time {
var timeZones = []*time.Location{
time.FixedZone("EST", -5*3600),
time.FixedZone("MST", -7*3600),
time.FixedZone("PST", -8*3600),
time.FixedZone("CEST", 2*3600),
// Ensure max is after min
if maxTime.Before(minTime) {
minTime, maxTime = maxTime, minTime
// Calculate the range in nanoseconds
duration := maxTime.Sub(minTime)
randDuration := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(duration.Nanoseconds()))
// Generate the random time
randomTime := minTime.Add(randDuration)
// Assign a random time zone
randomTimeZone := timeZones[rand.Intn(len(timeZones))]
// Return the time in the random time zone
return randomTime.In(randomTimeZone)
// randTime generates a random time between 2009 and 2140.
func randTime() time.Time {
minTime := time.Date(2009, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
maxTime := time.Date(2140, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1000, time.UTC)
return randTimeBetween(minTime, maxTime)
func randInvoiceTime(invoice *Invoice) time.Time {
return randTimeBetween(
// randHTLCRapid generates a random HTLC for an invoice using rapid to randomize
// its parameters.
func randHTLCRapid(t *rapid.T, invoice *Invoice, amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) (
models.CircuitKey, *InvoiceHTLC) {
htlc := &InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: amt,
AcceptHeight: rapid.Uint32Range(1, 999).Draw(t, "AcceptHeight"),
AcceptTime: randInvoiceTime(invoice),
Expiry: rapid.Uint32Range(1, 999).Draw(t, "Expiry"),
// Set MPP total amount if MPP feature is enabled in the invoice.
if invoice.Terms.Features.HasFeature(lnwire.MPPRequired) {
htlc.MppTotalAmt = invoice.Terms.Value
// Set the HTLC state and resolve time based on the invoice state.
switch invoice.State {
case ContractSettled:
htlc.State = HtlcStateSettled
htlc.ResolveTime = randInvoiceTime(invoice)
case ContractCanceled:
htlc.State = HtlcStateCanceled
htlc.ResolveTime = randInvoiceTime(invoice)
case ContractAccepted:
htlc.State = HtlcStateAccepted
// Add randomized custom records to the HTLC.
htlc.CustomRecords = make(record.CustomSet)
numRecords := rapid.IntRange(0, 5).Draw(t, "numRecords")
for i := 0; i < numRecords; i++ {
key := rapid.Uint64Range(
record.CustomTypeStart, 1000+record.CustomTypeStart,
).Draw(t, "customRecordKey")
value := []byte(randomStringRapid(t, 10))
htlc.CustomRecords[key] = value
// Generate a unique HTLC ID and assign it to a channel ID.
htlcID := atomic.AddUint64(&testHtlcIDSequence, 1)
randChanID := lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(htlcID % 5)
circuitKey := models.CircuitKey{
ChanID: randChanID,
HtlcID: htlcID,
return circuitKey, htlc
// generateInvoiceHTLCsRapid generates all HTLCs for an invoice, including AMP
// HTLCs if applicable, using rapid for randomization of HTLC count and
// distribution.
func generateInvoiceHTLCsRapid(t *rapid.T, invoice *Invoice) {
mpp := invoice.Terms.Features.HasFeature(lnwire.MPPRequired)
// Use rapid to determine the number of HTLCs based on invoice state and
// MPP feature.
numHTLCs := 1
if invoice.State == ContractOpen {
numHTLCs = 0
} else if mpp {
numHTLCs = rapid.IntRange(1, 10).Draw(t, "numHTLCs")
total := invoice.Terms.Value
// Distribute the total amount across the HTLCs, adding any remainder to
// the last HTLC.
if numHTLCs > 0 {
amt := total / lnwire.MilliSatoshi(numHTLCs)
remainder := total - amt*lnwire.MilliSatoshi(numHTLCs)
for i := 0; i < numHTLCs; i++ {
if i == numHTLCs-1 {
// Add remainder to the last HTLC.
amt += remainder
// Generate an HTLC with a random circuit key and add it
// to the invoice.
circuitKey, htlc := randHTLCRapid(t, invoice, amt)
invoice.Htlcs[circuitKey] = htlc
// generateAMPHtlcsRapid generates AMP HTLCs for an invoice using rapid to
// randomize various parameters of the HTLCs in the AMP set.
func generateAMPHtlcsRapid(t *rapid.T, invoice *Invoice) {
// Randomly determine the number of AMP sets (1 to 5).
numSetIDs := rapid.IntRange(1, 5).Draw(t, "numSetIDs")
settledIdx := uint64(1)
for i := 0; i < numSetIDs; i++ {
var setID SetID
_, err := crand.Read(setID[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
// Determine the number of HTLCs in this set (1 to 5).
numHTLCs := rapid.IntRange(1, 5).Draw(t, "numHTLCs")
total := invoice.Terms.Value
invoiceKeys := make(map[CircuitKey]struct{})
// Calculate the amount per HTLC and account for remainder in
// the final HTLC.
amt := total / lnwire.MilliSatoshi(numHTLCs)
remainder := total - amt*lnwire.MilliSatoshi(numHTLCs)
var htlcState HtlcState
for j := 0; j < numHTLCs; j++ {
if j == numHTLCs-1 {
amt += remainder
// Generate HTLC with randomized parameters.
circuitKey, htlc := randHTLCRapid(t, invoice, amt)
htlcState = htlc.State
var (
rootShare, hash [32]byte
preimage lntypes.Preimage
// Randomize AMP data fields.
_, err := crand.Read(rootShare[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = crand.Read(hash[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = crand.Read(preimage[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
record := record.NewAMP(rootShare, setID, uint32(j))
htlc.AMP = &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *record,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invoice.Htlcs[circuitKey] = htlc
invoiceKeys[circuitKey] = struct{}{}
ampState := InvoiceStateAMP{
State: htlcState,
InvoiceKeys: invoiceKeys,
if htlcState == HtlcStateSettled {
ampState.SettleIndex = settledIdx
ampState.SettleDate = randInvoiceTime(invoice)
// Set the total amount paid if the AMP set is not canceled.
if htlcState != HtlcStateCanceled {
ampState.AmtPaid = invoice.Terms.Value
invoice.AMPState[setID] = ampState
// TestMigrateSingleInvoiceRapid tests the migration of single invoices with
// random data variations using rapid. This test generates a random invoice
// configuration and ensures successful migration.
// NOTE: This test may need to be changed if the Invoice or any of the related
// types are modified.
func TestMigrateSingleInvoiceRapid(t *testing.T) {
// Create a shared Postgres instance for efficient testing.
pgFixture := sqldb.NewTestPgFixture(
t, sqldb.DefaultPostgresFixtureLifetime,
t.Cleanup(func() {
makeSQLDB := func(t *testing.T, sqlite bool) *SQLStore {
var db *sqldb.BaseDB
if sqlite {
db = sqldb.NewTestSqliteDB(t).BaseDB
} else {
db = sqldb.NewTestPostgresDB(t, pgFixture).BaseDB
executor := sqldb.NewTransactionExecutor(
db, func(tx *sql.Tx) SQLInvoiceQueries {
return db.WithTx(tx)
testClock := clock.NewTestClock(time.Unix(1, 0))
return NewSQLStore(executor, testClock)
// Define property-based test using rapid.
rapid.Check(t, func(rt *rapid.T) {
// Randomized feature flags for MPP and AMP.
mpp := rapid.Bool().Draw(rt, "mpp")
amp := rapid.Bool().Draw(rt, "amp")
for _, sqlite := range []bool{true, false} {
store := makeSQLDB(t, sqlite)
testMigrateSingleInvoiceRapid(rt, store, mpp, amp)
// testMigrateSingleInvoiceRapid is the primary function for the migration of a
// single invoice with random data in a rapid-based test setup.
func testMigrateSingleInvoiceRapid(t *rapid.T, store *SQLStore, mpp bool,
amp bool) {
ctxb := context.Background()
invoices := make(map[lntypes.Hash]*Invoice)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
invoice := generateTestInvoiceRapid(t, mpp, amp)
var hash lntypes.Hash
_, err := crand.Read(hash[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
invoices[hash] = invoice
var ops SQLInvoiceQueriesTxOptions
err := store.db.ExecTx(ctxb, &ops, func(tx SQLInvoiceQueries) error {
for hash, invoice := range invoices {
err := MigrateSingleInvoice(ctxb, tx, invoice, hash)
require.NoError(t, err)
return nil
}, func() {})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch and compare each migrated invoice from the store with the
// original.
for hash, invoice := range invoices {
sqlInvoice, err := store.LookupInvoice(
ctxb, InvoiceRefByHash(hash),
require.NoError(t, err)
invoice.AddIndex = sqlInvoice.AddIndex
require.Equal(t, *invoice, sqlInvoice)
// generateTestInvoiceRapid generates a random invoice with variations based on
// mpp and amp flags.
func generateTestInvoiceRapid(t *rapid.T, mpp bool, amp bool) *Invoice {
var preimage lntypes.Preimage
_, err := crand.Read(preimage[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
terms := ContractTerm{
FinalCltvDelta: rapid.Int32Range(1, 1000).Draw(
t, "FinalCltvDelta",
Expiry: time.Duration(
rapid.IntRange(1, 4444).Draw(t, "Expiry"),
) * time.Minute,
PaymentPreimage: &preimage,
Value: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
rapid.Int64Range(1, 9999999).Draw(t, "Value"),
PaymentAddr: [32]byte{},
Features: lnwire.EmptyFeatureVector(),
if amp {
} else if mpp {
created := randTime()
const maxContractState = 3
state := ContractState(
rapid.IntRange(0, maxContractState).Draw(t, "ContractState"),
var (
settled time.Time
settleIndex uint64
if state == ContractSettled {
settled = randTimeBetween(created, created.Add(terms.Expiry))
settleIndex = rapid.Uint64Range(1, 999).Draw(t, "SettleIndex")
invoice := &Invoice{
Memo: []byte(randomStringRapid(t, 10)),
PaymentRequest: []byte(
randomStringRapid(t, MaxPaymentRequestSize),
CreationDate: created,
SettleDate: settled,
Terms: terms,
AddIndex: 0,
SettleIndex: settleIndex,
State: state,
AMPState: make(map[SetID]InvoiceStateAMP),
HodlInvoice: rapid.Bool().Draw(t, "HodlInvoice"),
invoice.Htlcs = make(map[models.CircuitKey]*InvoiceHTLC)
if invoice.IsAMP() {
generateAMPHtlcsRapid(t, invoice)
} else {
generateInvoiceHTLCsRapid(t, invoice)
for _, htlc := range invoice.Htlcs {
if htlc.State == HtlcStateSettled {
invoice.AmtPaid += htlc.Amt
return invoice