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synced 2025-03-05 02:02:06 +01:00
BackendCfg is an interface that can be backed by different Bitcoin node implementations. We currently use the btcdHarness as our chain backend.
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956 lines
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package lntest
import (
macaroon "gopkg.in/macaroon.v2"
var (
// numActiveNodes is the number of active nodes within the test network.
numActiveNodes = 0
// defaultNodePort is the initial p2p port which will be used by the
// first created lightning node to listen on for incoming p2p
// connections. Subsequent allocated ports for future Lightning nodes
// instances will be monotonically increasing numbers calculated as
// such: defaultP2pPort + (3 * harness.nodeNum).
defaultNodePort = 19555
// defaultClientPort is the initial rpc port which will be used by the
// first created lightning node to listen on for incoming rpc
// connections. Subsequent allocated ports for future rpc harness
// instances will be monotonically increasing numbers calculated
// as such: defaultP2pPort + (3 * harness.nodeNum).
defaultClientPort = 19556
// defaultRestPort is the initial rest port which will be used by the
// first created lightning node to listen on for incoming rest
// connections. Subsequent allocated ports for future rpc harness
// instances will be monotonically increasing numbers calculated
// as such: defaultP2pPort + (3 * harness.nodeNum).
defaultRestPort = 19557
// logOutput is a flag that can be set to append the output from the
// seed nodes to log files.
logOutput = flag.Bool("logoutput", false,
"log output from node n to file outputn.log")
// logPubKeyBytes is the number of bytes of the node's PubKey that
// will be appended to the log file name. The whole PubKey is too
// long and not really necessary to quickly identify what node
// produced which log file.
logPubKeyBytes = 4
// trickleDelay is the amount of time in milliseconds between each
// release of announcements by AuthenticatedGossiper to the network.
trickleDelay = 50
// generateListeningPorts returns three ints representing ports to listen on
// designated for the current lightning network test. If there haven't been any
// test instances created, the default ports are used. Otherwise, in order to
// support multiple test nodes running at once, the p2p, rpc, and rest ports
// are incremented after each initialization.
func generateListeningPorts() (int, int, int) {
var p2p, rpc, rest int
if numActiveNodes == 0 {
p2p = defaultNodePort
rpc = defaultClientPort
rest = defaultRestPort
} else {
p2p = defaultNodePort + (3 * numActiveNodes)
rpc = defaultClientPort + (3 * numActiveNodes)
rest = defaultRestPort + (3 * numActiveNodes)
return p2p, rpc, rest
// BackendConfig is an interface that abstracts away the specific chain backend
// node implementation.
type BackendConfig interface {
// GenArgs returns the arguments needed to be passed to LND at startup
// for using this node as a chain backend.
GenArgs() []string
// P2PAddr returns the address of this node to be used when connection
// over the Bitcoin P2P network.
P2PAddr() string
type nodeConfig struct {
Name string
BackendCfg BackendConfig
NetParams *chaincfg.Params
BaseDir string
ExtraArgs []string
DataDir string
LogDir string
TLSCertPath string
TLSKeyPath string
AdminMacPath string
ReadMacPath string
InvoiceMacPath string
HasSeed bool
P2PPort int
RPCPort int
RESTPort int
func (cfg nodeConfig) P2PAddr() string {
return net.JoinHostPort("", strconv.Itoa(cfg.P2PPort))
func (cfg nodeConfig) RPCAddr() string {
return net.JoinHostPort("", strconv.Itoa(cfg.RPCPort))
func (cfg nodeConfig) RESTAddr() string {
return net.JoinHostPort("", strconv.Itoa(cfg.RESTPort))
func (cfg nodeConfig) DBPath() string {
return filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "graph",
fmt.Sprintf("%v/channel.db", cfg.NetParams.Name))
// genArgs generates a slice of command line arguments from the lightning node
// config struct.
func (cfg nodeConfig) genArgs() []string {
var args []string
switch cfg.NetParams {
case &chaincfg.TestNet3Params:
args = append(args, "--bitcoin.testnet")
case &chaincfg.SimNetParams:
args = append(args, "--bitcoin.simnet")
case &chaincfg.RegressionNetParams:
args = append(args, "--bitcoin.regtest")
backendArgs := cfg.BackendCfg.GenArgs()
args = append(args, backendArgs...)
args = append(args, "--bitcoin.active")
args = append(args, "--nobootstrap")
args = append(args, "--debuglevel=debug")
args = append(args, "--bitcoin.defaultchanconfs=1")
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--bitcoin.defaultremotedelay=%v", DefaultCSV))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--rpclisten=%v", cfg.RPCAddr()))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--restlisten=%v", cfg.RESTAddr()))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--listen=%v", cfg.P2PAddr()))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--externalip=%v", cfg.P2PAddr()))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--logdir=%v", cfg.LogDir))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--datadir=%v", cfg.DataDir))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--tlscertpath=%v", cfg.TLSCertPath))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--tlskeypath=%v", cfg.TLSKeyPath))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--configfile=%v", cfg.DataDir))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--adminmacaroonpath=%v", cfg.AdminMacPath))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--readonlymacaroonpath=%v", cfg.ReadMacPath))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--invoicemacaroonpath=%v", cfg.InvoiceMacPath))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--trickledelay=%v", trickleDelay))
if !cfg.HasSeed {
args = append(args, "--noseedbackup")
if cfg.ExtraArgs != nil {
args = append(args, cfg.ExtraArgs...)
return args
// HarnessNode represents an instance of lnd running within our test network
// harness. Each HarnessNode instance also fully embeds an RPC client in
// order to pragmatically drive the node.
type HarnessNode struct {
cfg *nodeConfig
// NodeID is a unique identifier for the node within a NetworkHarness.
NodeID int
// PubKey is the serialized compressed identity public key of the node.
// This field will only be populated once the node itself has been
// started via the start() method.
PubKey [33]byte
PubKeyStr string
cmd *exec.Cmd
pidFile string
logFile *os.File
// processExit is a channel that's closed once it's detected that the
// process this instance of HarnessNode is bound to has exited.
processExit chan struct{}
chanWatchRequests chan *chanWatchRequest
// For each outpoint, we'll track an integer which denotes the number of
// edges seen for that channel within the network. When this number
// reaches 2, then it means that both edge advertisements has propagated
// through the network.
openChans map[wire.OutPoint]int
openClients map[wire.OutPoint][]chan struct{}
closedChans map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}
closeClients map[wire.OutPoint][]chan struct{}
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// Assert *HarnessNode implements the lnrpc.LightningClient interface.
var _ lnrpc.LightningClient = (*HarnessNode)(nil)
var _ lnrpc.WalletUnlockerClient = (*HarnessNode)(nil)
// newNode creates a new test lightning node instance from the passed config.
func newNode(cfg nodeConfig) (*HarnessNode, error) {
if cfg.BaseDir == "" {
var err error
cfg.BaseDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "lndtest-node")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg.DataDir = filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, "data")
cfg.LogDir = filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, "log")
cfg.TLSCertPath = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "tls.cert")
cfg.TLSKeyPath = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "tls.key")
cfg.AdminMacPath = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "admin.macaroon")
cfg.ReadMacPath = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "readonly.macaroon")
cfg.InvoiceMacPath = filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "invoice.macaroon")
cfg.P2PPort, cfg.RPCPort, cfg.RESTPort = generateListeningPorts()
nodeNum := numActiveNodes
return &HarnessNode{
cfg: &cfg,
NodeID: nodeNum,
chanWatchRequests: make(chan *chanWatchRequest),
openChans: make(map[wire.OutPoint]int),
openClients: make(map[wire.OutPoint][]chan struct{}),
closedChans: make(map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}),
closeClients: make(map[wire.OutPoint][]chan struct{}),
}, nil
// DBPath returns the filepath to the channeldb database file for this node.
func (hn *HarnessNode) DBPath() string {
return hn.cfg.DBPath()
// Name returns the name of this node set during initialization.
func (hn *HarnessNode) Name() string {
return hn.cfg.Name
// Start launches a new process running lnd. Additionally, the PID of the
// launched process is saved in order to possibly kill the process forcibly
// later.
// This may not clean up properly if an error is returned, so the caller should
// call shutdown() regardless of the return value.
func (hn *HarnessNode) start(lndError chan<- error) error {
hn.quit = make(chan struct{})
args := hn.cfg.genArgs()
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--profile=%d", 9000+hn.NodeID))
hn.cmd = exec.Command("./lnd-itest", args...)
// Redirect stderr output to buffer
var errb bytes.Buffer
hn.cmd.Stderr = &errb
// Make sure the log file cleanup function is initialized, even
// if no log file is created.
var finalizeLogfile = func() {
if hn.logFile != nil {
// If the logoutput flag is passed, redirect output from the nodes to
// log files.
if *logOutput {
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("output-%d-%s-%s.log", hn.NodeID,
hn.cfg.Name, hex.EncodeToString(hn.PubKey[:logPubKeyBytes]))
// If the node's PubKey is not yet initialized, create a temporary
// file name. Later, after the PubKey has been initialized, the
// file can be moved to its final name with the PubKey included.
if bytes.Equal(hn.PubKey[:4], []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}) {
fileName = fmt.Sprintf("output-%d-%s-tmp__.log", hn.NodeID,
// Once the node has done its work, the log file can be renamed.
finalizeLogfile = func() {
if hn.logFile != nil {
newFileName := fmt.Sprintf("output-%d-%s-%s.log",
hn.NodeID, hn.cfg.Name,
err := os.Rename(fileName, newFileName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("could not rename "+
"%s to %s: %v\n",
fileName, newFileName,
// Create file if not exists, otherwise append.
file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName,
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
// Pass node's stderr to both errb and the file.
w := io.MultiWriter(&errb, file)
hn.cmd.Stderr = w
// Pass the node's stdout only to the file.
hn.cmd.Stdout = file
// Let the node keep a reference to this file, such
// that we can add to it if necessary.
hn.logFile = file
if err := hn.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
// Launch a new goroutine which that bubbles up any potential fatal
// process errors to the goroutine running the tests.
hn.processExit = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer hn.wg.Done()
err := hn.cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
lndError <- errors.Errorf("%v\n%v\n", err, errb.String())
// Signal any onlookers that this process has exited.
// Make sure log file is closed and renamed if necessary.
// Write process ID to a file.
if err := hn.writePidFile(); err != nil {
return err
// Since Stop uses the LightningClient to stop the node, if we fail to get a
// connected client, we have to kill the process.
useMacaroons := !hn.cfg.HasSeed
conn, err := hn.ConnectRPC(useMacaroons)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the node was created with a seed, we will need to perform an
// additional step to unlock the wallet. The connection returned will
// only use the TLS certs, and can only perform operations necessary to
// unlock the daemon.
if hn.cfg.HasSeed {
hn.WalletUnlockerClient = lnrpc.NewWalletUnlockerClient(conn)
return nil
return hn.initLightningClient(conn)
// Init initializes a harness node by passing the init request via rpc. After
// the request is submitted, this method will block until an
// macaroon-authenticated rpc connection can be established to the harness node.
// Once established, the new connection is used to initialize the
// LightningClient and subscribes the HarnessNode to topology changes.
func (hn *HarnessNode) Init(ctx context.Context,
initReq *lnrpc.InitWalletRequest) error {
timeout := time.Duration(time.Second * 15)
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
_, err := hn.InitWallet(ctxt, initReq)
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait for the wallet to finish unlocking, such that we can connect to
// it via a macaroon-authenticated rpc connection.
var conn *grpc.ClientConn
if err = WaitPredicate(func() bool {
conn, err = hn.ConnectRPC(true)
return err == nil
}, 5*time.Second); err != nil {
return err
return hn.initLightningClient(conn)
// initLightningClient constructs the grpc LightningClient from the given client
// connection and subscribes the harness node to graph topology updates.
func (hn *HarnessNode) initLightningClient(conn *grpc.ClientConn) error {
// Construct the LightningClient that will allow us to use the
// HarnessNode directly for normal rpc operations.
hn.LightningClient = lnrpc.NewLightningClient(conn)
// Set the harness node's pubkey to what the node claims in GetInfo.
err := hn.FetchNodeInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
// Launch the watcher that will hook into graph related topology change
// from the PoV of this node.
go hn.lightningNetworkWatcher()
return nil
// FetchNodeInfo queries an unlocked node to retrieve its public key. This
// method also spawns a lightning network watcher for this node, which watches
// for topology changes.
func (hn *HarnessNode) FetchNodeInfo() error {
// Obtain the lnid of this node for quick identification purposes.
ctxb := context.Background()
info, err := hn.GetInfo(ctxb, &lnrpc.GetInfoRequest{})
if err != nil {
return err
hn.PubKeyStr = info.IdentityPubkey
pubkey, err := hex.DecodeString(info.IdentityPubkey)
if err != nil {
return err
copy(hn.PubKey[:], pubkey)
return nil
// AddToLog adds a line of choice to the node's logfile. This is useful
// to interleave test output with output from the node.
func (hn *HarnessNode) AddToLog(line string) error {
// If this node was not set up with a log file, just return early.
if hn.logFile == nil {
return nil
if _, err := hn.logFile.WriteString(line); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// writePidFile writes the process ID of the running lnd process to a .pid file.
func (hn *HarnessNode) writePidFile() error {
filePath := filepath.Join(hn.cfg.BaseDir, fmt.Sprintf("%v.pid", hn.NodeID))
pid, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer pid.Close()
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(pid, "%v\n", hn.cmd.Process.Pid)
if err != nil {
return err
hn.pidFile = filePath
return nil
// ConnectRPC uses the TLS certificate and admin macaroon files written by the
// lnd node to create a gRPC client connection.
func (hn *HarnessNode) ConnectRPC(useMacs bool) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
// Wait until TLS certificate and admin macaroon are created before
// using them, up to 20 sec.
tlsTimeout := time.After(30 * time.Second)
for !fileExists(hn.cfg.TLSCertPath) {
select {
case <-tlsTimeout:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for TLS cert " +
"file to be created after 30 seconds")
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
grpc.WithTimeout(time.Second * 20),
tlsCreds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(hn.cfg.TLSCertPath, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(tlsCreds))
if !useMacs {
return grpc.Dial(hn.cfg.RPCAddr(), opts...)
macTimeout := time.After(30 * time.Second)
for !fileExists(hn.cfg.AdminMacPath) {
select {
case <-macTimeout:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout waiting for admin " +
"macaroon file to be created after 30 seconds")
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
macBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(hn.cfg.AdminMacPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{}
if err = mac.UnmarshalBinary(macBytes); err != nil {
return nil, err
macCred := macaroons.NewMacaroonCredential(mac)
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(macCred))
return grpc.Dial(hn.cfg.RPCAddr(), opts...)
// SetExtraArgs assigns the ExtraArgs field for the node's configuration. The
// changes will take effect on restart.
func (hn *HarnessNode) SetExtraArgs(extraArgs []string) {
hn.cfg.ExtraArgs = extraArgs
// cleanup cleans up all the temporary files created by the node's process.
func (hn *HarnessNode) cleanup() error {
return os.RemoveAll(hn.cfg.BaseDir)
// Stop attempts to stop the active lnd process.
func (hn *HarnessNode) stop() error {
// Do nothing if the process is not running.
if hn.processExit == nil {
return nil
// If start() failed before creating a client, we will just wait for the
// child process to die.
if hn.LightningClient != nil {
// Don't watch for error because sometimes the RPC connection gets
// closed before a response is returned.
req := lnrpc.StopRequest{}
ctx := context.Background()
hn.LightningClient.StopDaemon(ctx, &req)
// Wait for lnd process and other goroutines to exit.
select {
case <-hn.processExit:
case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
return fmt.Errorf("process did not exit")
hn.quit = nil
hn.processExit = nil
hn.LightningClient = nil
hn.WalletUnlockerClient = nil
return nil
// shutdown stops the active lnd process and cleans up any temporary directories
// created along the way.
func (hn *HarnessNode) shutdown() error {
if err := hn.stop(); err != nil {
return err
if err := hn.cleanup(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// closeChanWatchRequest is a request to the lightningNetworkWatcher to be
// notified once it's detected within the test Lightning Network, that a
// channel has either been added or closed.
type chanWatchRequest struct {
chanPoint wire.OutPoint
chanOpen bool
eventChan chan struct{}
// getChanPointFundingTxid returns the given channel point's funding txid in
// raw bytes.
func getChanPointFundingTxid(chanPoint *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) ([]byte, error) {
var txid []byte
// A channel point's funding txid can be get/set as a byte slice or a
// string. In the case it is a string, decode it.
switch chanPoint.GetFundingTxid().(type) {
case *lnrpc.ChannelPoint_FundingTxidBytes:
txid = chanPoint.GetFundingTxidBytes()
case *lnrpc.ChannelPoint_FundingTxidStr:
s := chanPoint.GetFundingTxidStr()
h, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txid = h[:]
return txid, nil
// lightningNetworkWatcher is a goroutine which is able to dispatch
// notifications once it has been observed that a target channel has been
// closed or opened within the network. In order to dispatch these
// notifications, the GraphTopologySubscription client exposed as part of the
// gRPC interface is used.
func (hn *HarnessNode) lightningNetworkWatcher() {
defer hn.wg.Done()
graphUpdates := make(chan *lnrpc.GraphTopologyUpdate)
go func() {
defer hn.wg.Done()
req := &lnrpc.GraphTopologySubscription{}
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
topologyClient, err := hn.SubscribeChannelGraph(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
// We panic here in case of an error as failure to
// create the topology client will cause all subsequent
// tests to fail.
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to create topology "+
"client: %v", err))
defer cancelFunc()
for {
update, err := topologyClient.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
select {
case graphUpdates <- update:
case <-hn.quit:
for {
select {
// A new graph update has just been received, so we'll examine
// the current set of registered clients to see if we can
// dispatch any requests.
case graphUpdate := <-graphUpdates:
// For each new channel, we'll increment the number of
// edges seen by one.
for _, newChan := range graphUpdate.ChannelUpdates {
txidHash, _ := getChanPointFundingTxid(newChan.ChanPoint)
txid, _ := chainhash.NewHash(txidHash)
op := wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txid,
Index: newChan.ChanPoint.OutputIndex,
// For this new channel, if the number of edges
// seen is less than two, then the channel
// hasn't been fully announced yet.
if numEdges := hn.openChans[op]; numEdges < 2 {
// Otherwise, we'll notify all the registered
// clients and remove the dispatched clients.
for _, eventChan := range hn.openClients[op] {
delete(hn.openClients, op)
// For each channel closed, we'll mark that we've
// detected a channel closure while lnd was pruning the
// channel graph.
for _, closedChan := range graphUpdate.ClosedChans {
txidHash, _ := getChanPointFundingTxid(closedChan.ChanPoint)
txid, _ := chainhash.NewHash(txidHash)
op := wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txid,
Index: closedChan.ChanPoint.OutputIndex,
hn.closedChans[op] = struct{}{}
// As the channel has been closed, we'll notify
// all register clients.
for _, eventChan := range hn.closeClients[op] {
delete(hn.closeClients, op)
// A new watch request, has just arrived. We'll either be able
// to dispatch immediately, or need to add the client for
// processing later.
case watchRequest := <-hn.chanWatchRequests:
targetChan := watchRequest.chanPoint
// TODO(roasbeef): add update type also, checks for
// multiple of 2
if watchRequest.chanOpen {
// If this is an open request, then it can be
// dispatched if the number of edges seen for
// the channel is at least two.
if numEdges := hn.openChans[targetChan]; numEdges >= 2 {
// Otherwise, we'll add this to the list of
// watch open clients for this out point.
hn.openClients[targetChan] = append(
// If this is a close request, then it can be
// immediately dispatched if we've already seen a
// channel closure for this channel.
if _, ok := hn.closedChans[targetChan]; ok {
// Otherwise, we'll add this to the list of close watch
// clients for this out point.
hn.closeClients[targetChan] = append(
case <-hn.quit:
// WaitForNetworkChannelOpen will block until a channel with the target
// outpoint is seen as being fully advertised within the network. A channel is
// considered "fully advertised" once both of its directional edges has been
// advertised within the test Lightning Network.
func (hn *HarnessNode) WaitForNetworkChannelOpen(ctx context.Context,
op *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) error {
eventChan := make(chan struct{})
txidHash, err := getChanPointFundingTxid(op)
if err != nil {
return err
txid, err := chainhash.NewHash(txidHash)
if err != nil {
return err
hn.chanWatchRequests <- &chanWatchRequest{
chanPoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txid,
Index: op.OutputIndex,
eventChan: eventChan,
chanOpen: true,
select {
case <-eventChan:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("channel not opened before timeout")
// WaitForNetworkChannelClose will block until a channel with the target
// outpoint is seen as closed within the network. A channel is considered
// closed once a transaction spending the funding outpoint is seen within a
// confirmed block.
func (hn *HarnessNode) WaitForNetworkChannelClose(ctx context.Context,
op *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) error {
eventChan := make(chan struct{})
txidHash, err := getChanPointFundingTxid(op)
if err != nil {
return err
txid, err := chainhash.NewHash(txidHash)
if err != nil {
return err
hn.chanWatchRequests <- &chanWatchRequest{
chanPoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txid,
Index: op.OutputIndex,
eventChan: eventChan,
chanOpen: false,
select {
case <-eventChan:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("channel not closed before timeout")
// WaitForBlockchainSync will block until the target nodes has fully
// synchronized with the blockchain. If the passed context object has a set
// timeout, then the goroutine will continually poll until the timeout has
// elapsed. In the case that the chain isn't synced before the timeout is up,
// then this function will return an error.
func (hn *HarnessNode) WaitForBlockchainSync(ctx context.Context) error {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
retryDelay := time.Millisecond * 100
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-hn.quit:
getInfoReq := &lnrpc.GetInfoRequest{}
getInfoResp, err := hn.GetInfo(ctx, getInfoReq)
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
if getInfoResp.SyncedToChain {
errChan <- nil
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(retryDelay):
select {
case <-hn.quit:
return nil
case err := <-errChan:
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("Timeout while waiting for blockchain sync")
// WaitForBalance waits until the node sees the expected confirmed/unconfirmed
// balance within their wallet.
func (hn *HarnessNode) WaitForBalance(expectedBalance int64, confirmed bool) error {
ctx := context.Background()
req := &lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest{}
var lastBalance btcutil.Amount
doesBalanceMatch := func() bool {
balance, err := hn.WalletBalance(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return false
if confirmed {
lastBalance = btcutil.Amount(balance.ConfirmedBalance)
return balance.ConfirmedBalance == expectedBalance
lastBalance = btcutil.Amount(balance.UnconfirmedBalance)
return balance.UnconfirmedBalance == expectedBalance
err := WaitPredicate(doesBalanceMatch, 30*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("balances not synced after deadline: "+
"expected %v, only have %v", expectedBalance, lastBalance)
return nil
// fileExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
// This function is taken from https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd
func fileExists(name string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true