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package sweep
import (
var (
// Create a taproot change script.
changePkScript = lnwallet.AddrWithKey{
DeliveryAddress: []byte{
0x51, 0x20,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
testInputCount atomic.Uint64
func createTestInput(value int64,
witnessType input.WitnessType) input.BaseInput {
hash := chainhash.Hash{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
input := input.MakeBaseInput(
Hash: hash,
Output: &wire.TxOut{
Value: value,
KeyDesc: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: testPubKey,
return input
// TestBumpResultValidate tests the validate method of the BumpResult struct.
func TestBumpResultValidate(t *testing.T) {
// An empty result will give an error.
b := BumpResult{}
require.ErrorIs(t, b.Validate(), ErrInvalidBumpResult)
// Unknown event type will give an error.
b = BumpResult{
Tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
Event: sentinalEvent,
require.ErrorIs(t, b.Validate(), ErrInvalidBumpResult)
// A replacing event without a new tx will give an error.
b = BumpResult{
Tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
Event: TxReplaced,
require.ErrorIs(t, b.Validate(), ErrInvalidBumpResult)
// A failed event without a failure reason will give an error.
b = BumpResult{
Tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
Event: TxFailed,
require.ErrorIs(t, b.Validate(), ErrInvalidBumpResult)
// A confirmed event without fee info will give an error.
b = BumpResult{
Tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
Event: TxConfirmed,
require.ErrorIs(t, b.Validate(), ErrInvalidBumpResult)
// Test a valid result.
b = BumpResult{
Tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
Event: TxPublished,
require.NoError(t, b.Validate())
// TestCalcSweepTxWeight checks that the weight of the sweep tx is calculated
// correctly.
func TestCalcSweepTxWeight(t *testing.T) {
// Create an input.
inp := createTestInput(100, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Use a wrong change script to test the error case.
weight, err := calcSweepTxWeight(
[]input.Input{&inp}, [][]byte{{0x00}},
require.Error(t, err)
require.Zero(t, weight)
// Use a correct change script to test the success case.
weight, err = calcSweepTxWeight(
[]input.Input{&inp}, [][]byte{changePkScript.DeliveryAddress},
require.NoError(t, err)
// BaseTxSize 8 bytes
// InputSize 1+41 bytes
// One P2TROutputSize 1+43 bytes
// One P2WKHWitnessSize 2+109 bytes
// Total weight = (8+42+44) * 4 + 111 = 487
require.EqualValuesf(t, 487, weight, "unexpected weight %v", weight)
// TestBumpRequestMaxFeeRateAllowed tests the max fee rate allowed for a bump
// request.
func TestBumpRequestMaxFeeRateAllowed(t *testing.T) {
// Create a test input.
inp := createTestInput(100, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// The weight is 487.
weight, err := calcSweepTxWeight(
[]input.Input{&inp}, [][]byte{changePkScript.DeliveryAddress},
require.NoError(t, err)
// Define a test budget and calculates its fee rate.
budget := btcutil.Amount(1000)
budgetFeeRate := chainfee.NewSatPerKWeight(budget, weight)
testCases := []struct {
name string
req *BumpRequest
expectedMaxFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
expectedErr bool
// Use a wrong change script to test the error case.
name: "error calc weight",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: lnwallet.AddrWithKey{
DeliveryAddress: []byte{1},
expectedMaxFeeRate: 0,
expectedErr: true,
// When the budget cannot give a fee rate that matches
// the supplied MaxFeeRate, the max allowed feerate is
// capped by the budget.
name: "use budget as max fee rate",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: budget,
MaxFeeRate: budgetFeeRate + 1,
expectedMaxFeeRate: budgetFeeRate,
// When the budget can give a fee rate that matches the
// supplied MaxFeeRate, the max allowed feerate is
// capped by the MaxFeeRate.
name: "use config as max fee rate",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: budget,
MaxFeeRate: budgetFeeRate - 1,
expectedMaxFeeRate: budgetFeeRate - 1,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Check the method under test.
maxFeeRate, err := tc.req.MaxFeeRateAllowed()
// If we expect an error, check the error is returned
// and the feerate is empty.
if tc.expectedErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Zero(t, maxFeeRate)
// Otherwise, check the max fee rate is as expected.
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedMaxFeeRate, maxFeeRate)
// TestCalcCurrentConfTarget checks that the current confirmation target is
// calculated correctly.
func TestCalcCurrentConfTarget(t *testing.T) {
// When the current block height is 100 and deadline height is 200, the
// conf target should be 100.
conf := calcCurrentConfTarget(int32(100), int32(200))
require.EqualValues(t, 100, conf)
// When the current block height is 200 and deadline height is 100, the
// conf target should be 0 since the deadline has passed.
conf = calcCurrentConfTarget(int32(200), int32(100))
require.EqualValues(t, 0, conf)
// TestInitializeFeeFunction tests the initialization of the fee function.
func TestInitializeFeeFunction(t *testing.T) {
// Create a test input.
inp := createTestInput(100, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Create a mock fee estimator.
estimator := &chainfee.MockEstimator{}
defer estimator.AssertExpectations(t)
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp := NewTxPublisher(TxPublisherConfig{
Estimator: estimator,
AuxSweeper: fn.Some[AuxSweeper](&MockAuxSweeper{}),
// Create a test feerate.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Create a testing bump request.
req := &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
MaxFeeRate: feerate * 10,
DeadlineHeight: 10,
// Mock the fee estimator to return an error.
// We are not testing `NewLinearFeeFunction` here, so the actual params
// used are irrelevant.
dummyErr := fmt.Errorf("dummy error")
estimator.On("EstimateFeePerKW", mock.Anything).Return(
chainfee.SatPerKWeight(0), dummyErr).Once()
// Call the method under test and assert the error is returned.
f, err := tp.initializeFeeFunction(req)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, dummyErr)
require.Nil(t, f)
// Mock the fee estimator to return the testing fee rate.
// We are not testing `NewLinearFeeFunction` here, so the actual params
// used are irrelevant.
estimator.On("EstimateFeePerKW", mock.Anything).Return(
feerate, nil).Once()
// Call the method under test.
f, err = tp.initializeFeeFunction(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, feerate, f.FeeRate())
// TestStoreRecord correctly increases the request counter and saves the
// record.
func TestStoreRecord(t *testing.T) {
// Create a test input.
inp := createTestInput(1000, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Create a bump request.
req := &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
// Create a naive fee function.
feeFunc := &LinearFeeFunction{}
// Create a test fee and tx.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
tx := &wire.MsgTx{}
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp := NewTxPublisher(TxPublisherConfig{
AuxSweeper: fn.Some[AuxSweeper](&MockAuxSweeper{}),
// Get the current counter and check it's increased later.
initialCounter := tp.requestCounter.Load()
// Call the method under test.
requestID := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, feeFunc, fee)
// Check the request ID is as expected.
require.Equal(t, initialCounter+1, requestID)
// Read the saved record and compare.
record, ok := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, tx, record.tx)
require.Equal(t, feeFunc, record.feeFunction)
require.Equal(t, fee, record.fee)
require.Equal(t, req, record.req)
// mockers wraps a list of mocked interfaces used inside tx publisher.
type mockers struct {
signer *input.MockInputSigner
wallet *MockWallet
estimator *chainfee.MockEstimator
notifier *chainntnfs.MockChainNotifier
feeFunc *MockFeeFunction
// createTestPublisher creates a new tx publisher using the provided mockers.
func createTestPublisher(t *testing.T) (*TxPublisher, *mockers) {
// Create a mock fee estimator.
estimator := &chainfee.MockEstimator{}
// Create a mock fee function.
feeFunc := &MockFeeFunction{}
// Create a mock signer.
signer := &input.MockInputSigner{}
// Create a mock wallet.
wallet := &MockWallet{}
// Create a mock chain notifier.
notifier := &chainntnfs.MockChainNotifier{}
t.Cleanup(func() {
m := &mockers{
signer: signer,
wallet: wallet,
estimator: estimator,
notifier: notifier,
feeFunc: feeFunc,
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp := NewTxPublisher(TxPublisherConfig{
Estimator: m.estimator,
Signer: m.signer,
Wallet: m.wallet,
Notifier: m.notifier,
AuxSweeper: fn.Some[AuxSweeper](&MockAuxSweeper{}),
return tp, m
// TestCreateAndCheckTx checks `createAndCheckTx` behaves as expected.
func TestCreateAndCheckTx(t *testing.T) {
// Create a test request.
inp := createTestInput(1000, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Mock the wallet to fail on testmempoolaccept on the first call, and
// succeed on the second.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
testCases := []struct {
name string
req *BumpRequest
expectedErr error
// When the budget cannot cover the fee, an error
// should be returned.
name: "not enough budget",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
expectedErr: ErrNotEnoughBudget,
// When the mempool rejects the transaction, an error
// should be returned.
name: "testmempoolaccept fail",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
expectedErr: errDummy,
// When the mempool accepts the transaction, no error
// should be returned.
name: "testmempoolaccept pass",
req: &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
expectedErr: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Call the method under test.
_, err := tp.createAndCheckTx(tc.req, m.feeFunc)
// Check the result is as expected.
require.ErrorIs(t, err, tc.expectedErr)
// createTestBumpRequest creates a new bump request.
func createTestBumpRequest() *BumpRequest {
// Create a test input.
inp := createTestInput(1000, input.WitnessKeyHash)
return &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
// TestCreateRBFCompliantTx checks that `createRBFCompliantTx` behaves as
// expected.
func TestCreateRBFCompliantTx(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test bump request.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
testCases := []struct {
name string
setupMock func()
expectedErr error
// When testmempoolaccept accepts the tx, no error
// should be returned.
name: "success case",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to pass.
expectedErr: nil,
// When testmempoolaccept fails due to a non-fee
// related error, an error should be returned.
name: "non-fee related testmempoolaccept fail",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to fail.
expectedErr: errDummy,
// When increase feerate gives an error, the error
// should be returned.
name: "fail on increase fee",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to fail on fee.
// Mock the fee function to return an error.
false, errDummy).Once()
expectedErr: errDummy,
// Test that after one round of increasing the feerate
// the tx passes testmempoolaccept.
name: "increase fee and success on min mempool fee",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to fail on fee
// for the first call.
// Mock the fee function to increase feerate.
true, nil).Once()
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to pass on the
// second call.
expectedErr: nil,
// Test that after one round of increasing the feerate
// the tx passes testmempoolaccept.
name: "increase fee and success on insufficient fee",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to fail on fee
// for the first call.
// Mock the fee function to increase feerate.
true, nil).Once()
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to pass on the
// second call.
expectedErr: nil,
// Test that the fee function increases the fee rate
// after one round.
name: "increase fee on second round",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to fail on fee
// for the first call.
// Mock the fee function to NOT increase
// feerate on the first round.
false, nil).Once()
// Mock the fee function to increase feerate.
true, nil).Once()
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to pass on the
// second call.
expectedErr: nil,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Call the method under test.
id, err := tp.createRBFCompliantTx(req, m.feeFunc)
// Check the result is as expected.
require.ErrorIs(t, err, tc.expectedErr)
// If there's an error, expect the requestID to be
// empty.
if tc.expectedErr != nil {
require.Zero(t, id)
// TestTxPublisherBroadcast checks the internal `broadcast` method behaves as
// expected.
func TestTxPublisherBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test bump request.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Create a test tx.
tx := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Create a testing record and put it in the map.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
requestID := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
// Quickly check when the requestID cannot be found, an error is
// returned.
result, err := tp.broadcast(uint64(1000))
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, result)
testCases := []struct {
name string
setupMock func()
expectedErr error
expectedResult *BumpResult
// When the wallet cannot publish this tx, the error
// should be put inside the result.
name: "fail to publish",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the wallet to fail to publish.
tx, mock.Anything).Return(
expectedErr: nil,
expectedResult: &BumpResult{
Event: TxFailed,
Tx: tx,
Fee: fee,
FeeRate: feerate,
Err: errDummy,
requestID: requestID,
// When nothing goes wrong, the result is returned.
name: "publish success",
setupMock: func() {
// Mock the wallet to publish successfully.
tx, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
expectedErr: nil,
expectedResult: &BumpResult{
Event: TxPublished,
Tx: tx,
Fee: fee,
FeeRate: feerate,
Err: nil,
requestID: requestID,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
// Call the method under test.
result, err := tp.broadcast(requestID)
// Check the result is as expected.
require.ErrorIs(t, err, tc.expectedErr)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedResult, result)
// TestRemoveResult checks the records and subscriptions are removed when a tx
// is confirmed or failed.
func TestRemoveResult(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test bump request.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Create a test tx.
tx := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
// Create a testing record and put it in the map.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
testCases := []struct {
name string
setupRecord func() uint64
result *BumpResult
removed bool
// When the tx is confirmed, the records will be
// removed.
name: "remove on TxConfirmed",
setupRecord: func() uint64 {
id := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(id, nil)
return id
result: &BumpResult{
Event: TxConfirmed,
Tx: tx,
removed: true,
// When the tx is failed, the records will be removed.
name: "remove on TxFailed",
setupRecord: func() uint64 {
id := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(id, nil)
return id
result: &BumpResult{
Event: TxFailed,
Err: errDummy,
Tx: tx,
removed: true,
// Noop when the tx is neither confirmed or failed.
name: "noop when tx is not confirmed or failed",
setupRecord: func() uint64 {
id := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(id, nil)
return id
result: &BumpResult{
Event: TxPublished,
Tx: tx,
removed: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
requestID := tc.setupRecord()
// Attach the requestID from the setup.
tc.result.requestID = requestID
// Remove the result.
// Check if the record is removed.
_, found := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.Equal(t, !tc.removed, found)
_, found = tp.subscriberChans.Load(requestID)
require.Equal(t, !tc.removed, found)
// TestNotifyResult checks the subscribers are notified when a result is sent.
func TestNotifyResult(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test bump request.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Create a test tx.
tx := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
// Create a testing record and put it in the map.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
requestID := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
// Create a subscription to the event.
subscriber := make(chan *BumpResult, 1)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(requestID, subscriber)
// Create a test result.
result := &BumpResult{
requestID: requestID,
Tx: tx,
// Notify the result and expect the subscriber to receive it.
// NOTE: must be done inside a goroutine in case it blocks.
go tp.notifyResult(result)
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriber to receive result")
case received := <-subscriber:
require.Equal(t, result, received)
// Notify two results. This time it should block because the channel is
// full. We then shutdown TxPublisher to test the quit behavior.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// Call notifyResult twice, which blocks at the second call.
// Shutdown the publisher and expect notifyResult to exit.
// We expect to done chan.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for notifyResult to exit")
case <-done:
// TestBroadcastSuccess checks the public `Broadcast` method can successfully
// broadcast a tx based on the request.
func TestBroadcastSuccess(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test feerate.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Mock the fee estimator to return the testing fee rate.
// We are not testing `NewLinearFeeFunction` here, so the actual params
// used are irrelevant.
m.estimator.On("EstimateFeePerKW", mock.Anything).Return(
feerate, nil).Once()
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to pass.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Mock the wallet to publish successfully.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Create a test request.
inp := createTestInput(1000, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Create a testing bump request.
req := &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
MaxFeeRate: feerate * 10,
DeadlineHeight: 10,
// Send the req and expect no error.
resultChan, err := tp.Broadcast(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check the result is sent back.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriber to receive result")
case result := <-resultChan:
// We expect the first result to be TxPublished.
require.Equal(t, TxPublished, result.Event)
// Validate the record was stored.
require.Equal(t, 1, tp.records.Len())
require.Equal(t, 1, tp.subscriberChans.Len())
// TestBroadcastFail checks the public `Broadcast` returns the error or a
// failed result when the broadcast fails.
func TestBroadcastFail(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test feerate.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Create a test request.
inp := createTestInput(1000, input.WitnessKeyHash)
// Create a testing bump request.
req := &BumpRequest{
DeliveryAddress: changePkScript,
Inputs: []input.Input{&inp},
Budget: btcutil.Amount(1000),
MaxFeeRate: feerate * 10,
DeadlineHeight: 10,
// Mock the fee estimator to return the testing fee rate.
// We are not testing `NewLinearFeeFunction` here, so the actual params
// used are irrelevant.
m.estimator.On("EstimateFeePerKW", mock.Anything).Return(
feerate, nil).Twice()
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return an error.
// Send the req and expect an error returned.
resultChan, err := tp.Broadcast(req)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, errDummy)
require.Nil(t, resultChan)
// Validate the record was NOT stored.
require.Equal(t, 0, tp.records.Len())
require.Equal(t, 0, tp.subscriberChans.Len())
// Mock the testmempoolaccept again, this time it passes.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Mock the wallet to fail on publish.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errDummy).Once()
// Send the req and expect no error returned.
resultChan, err = tp.Broadcast(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check the result is sent back.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriber to receive result")
case result := <-resultChan:
// We expect the result to be TxFailed and the error is set in
// the result.
require.Equal(t, TxFailed, result.Event)
require.ErrorIs(t, result.Err, errDummy)
// Validate the record was removed.
require.Equal(t, 0, tp.records.Len())
require.Equal(t, 0, tp.subscriberChans.Len())
// TestCreateAnPublishFail checks all the error cases are handled properly in
// the method createAndPublish.
func TestCreateAnPublishFail(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test requestID.
requestID := uint64(1)
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Create a testing monitor record.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Overwrite the budget to make it smaller than the fee.
req.Budget = 100
record := &monitorRecord{
req: req,
feeFunction: m.feeFunc,
tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
// Call the createAndPublish method.
resultOpt := tp.createAndPublishTx(requestID, record)
result := resultOpt.UnwrapOrFail(t)
// We expect the result to be TxFailed and the error is set in the
// result.
require.Equal(t, TxFailed, result.Event)
require.ErrorIs(t, result.Err, ErrNotEnoughBudget)
require.Equal(t, requestID, result.requestID)
// Increase the budget and call it again. This time we will mock an
// error to be returned from CheckMempoolAcceptance.
req.Budget = 1000
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return a fee related error that should
// be ignored.
// Call the createAndPublish method and expect a none option.
resultOpt = tp.createAndPublishTx(requestID, record)
require.True(t, resultOpt.IsNone())
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return a fee related error that should
// be ignored.
// Call the createAndPublish method and expect a none option.
resultOpt = tp.createAndPublishTx(requestID, record)
require.True(t, resultOpt.IsNone())
// TestCreateAnPublishSuccess checks the expected result is returned from the
// method createAndPublish.
func TestCreateAnPublishSuccess(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test requestID.
requestID := uint64(1)
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Create a testing monitor record.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
record := &monitorRecord{
req: req,
feeFunction: m.feeFunc,
tx: &wire.MsgTx{},
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return nil.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil)
// Mock the wallet to publish and return an error.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errDummy).Once()
// Call the createAndPublish method and expect a failure result.
resultOpt := tp.createAndPublishTx(requestID, record)
result := resultOpt.UnwrapOrFail(t)
// We expect the result to be TxFailed and the error is set.
require.Equal(t, TxFailed, result.Event)
require.ErrorIs(t, result.Err, errDummy)
// Although the replacement tx was failed to be published, the record
// should be stored.
require.NotNil(t, result.Tx)
require.NotNil(t, result.ReplacedTx)
_, found := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, found)
// We now check a successful RBF.
// Mock the wallet to publish successfully.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Call the createAndPublish method and expect a success result.
resultOpt = tp.createAndPublishTx(requestID, record)
result = resultOpt.UnwrapOrFail(t)
require.True(t, resultOpt.IsSome())
// We expect the result to be TxReplaced and the error is nil.
require.Equal(t, TxReplaced, result.Event)
require.Nil(t, result.Err)
// Check the Tx and ReplacedTx are set.
require.NotNil(t, result.Tx)
require.NotNil(t, result.ReplacedTx)
// Check the record is stored.
_, found = tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, found)
// TestHandleTxConfirmed checks the expected result is returned from the method
// handleTxConfirmed.
func TestHandleTxConfirmed(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test bump request.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
// Create a test tx.
tx := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
// Create a testing record and put it in the map.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
requestID := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
record, ok := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, ok)
// Create a subscription to the event.
subscriber := make(chan *BumpResult, 1)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(requestID, subscriber)
// Mock the fee function to return a fee rate.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Call the method and expect a result to be received.
// NOTE: must be called in a goroutine in case it blocks.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
tp.handleTxConfirmed(record, requestID)
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriber to receive result")
case result := <-subscriber:
// We expect the result to be TxConfirmed and the tx is set.
require.Equal(t, TxConfirmed, result.Event)
require.Equal(t, tx, result.Tx)
require.Nil(t, result.Err)
require.Equal(t, requestID, result.requestID)
require.Equal(t, record.fee, result.Fee)
require.Equal(t, feerate, result.FeeRate)
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for handleTxConfirmed to return")
// We expect the record to be removed from the maps.
_, found := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.False(t, found)
_, found = tp.subscriberChans.Load(requestID)
require.False(t, found)
// TestHandleFeeBumpTx validates handleFeeBumpTx behaves as expected.
func TestHandleFeeBumpTx(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create a test tx.
tx := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
// Create a test current height.
testHeight := int32(800000)
// Create a testing monitor record.
req := createTestBumpRequest()
record := &monitorRecord{
req: req,
feeFunction: m.feeFunc,
tx: tx,
// Create a testing record and put it in the map.
fee := btcutil.Amount(1000)
requestID := tp.storeRecord(tx, req, m.feeFunc, fee)
// Create a subscription to the event.
subscriber := make(chan *BumpResult, 1)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(requestID, subscriber)
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// Mock the fee function to skip the bump due to error.
m.feeFunc.On("IncreaseFeeRate", mock.Anything).Return(
false, errDummy).Once()
// Call the method and expect no result received.
go tp.handleFeeBumpTx(requestID, record, testHeight)
// Check there's no result sent back.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
case result := <-subscriber:
t.Fatalf("unexpected result received: %v", result)
// Mock the fee function to skip the bump.
m.feeFunc.On("IncreaseFeeRate", mock.Anything).Return(false, nil).Once()
// Call the method and expect no result received.
go tp.handleFeeBumpTx(requestID, record, testHeight)
// Check there's no result sent back.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
case result := <-subscriber:
t.Fatalf("unexpected result received: %v", result)
// Mock the fee function to perform the fee bump.
m.feeFunc.On("IncreaseFeeRate", mock.Anything).Return(true, nil)
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
// NOTE: we are not testing the utility of creating valid txes here, so
// this is fine to be mocked. This behaves essentially as skipping the
// Signer check and alaways assume the tx has a valid sig.
script := &input.Script{}
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(script, nil)
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return nil.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil)
// Mock the wallet to publish successfully.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Call the method and expect a result to be received.
// NOTE: must be called in a goroutine in case it blocks.
go tp.handleFeeBumpTx(requestID, record, testHeight)
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriber to receive result")
case result := <-subscriber:
// We expect the result to be TxReplaced.
require.Equal(t, TxReplaced, result.Event)
// The new tx and old tx should be properly set.
require.NotEqual(t, tx, result.Tx)
require.Equal(t, tx, result.ReplacedTx)
// No error should be set.
require.Nil(t, result.Err)
require.Equal(t, requestID, result.requestID)
// We expect the record to NOT be removed from the maps.
_, found := tp.records.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, found)
_, found = tp.subscriberChans.Load(requestID)
require.True(t, found)
// TestProcessRecords validates processRecords behaves as expected.
func TestProcessRecords(t *testing.T) {
// Create a publisher using the mocks.
tp, m := createTestPublisher(t)
// Create testing objects.
requestID1 := uint64(1)
req1 := createTestBumpRequest()
tx1 := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 1}
txid1 := tx1.TxHash()
requestID2 := uint64(2)
req2 := createTestBumpRequest()
tx2 := &wire.MsgTx{LockTime: 2}
txid2 := tx2.TxHash()
// Create a monitor record that's confirmed.
recordConfirmed := &monitorRecord{
req: req1,
feeFunction: m.feeFunc,
tx: tx1,
m.wallet.On("GetTransactionDetails", &txid1).Return(
NumConfirmations: 1,
}, nil,
// Create a monitor record that's not confirmed. We know it's not
// confirmed because the num of confirms is zero.
recordFeeBump := &monitorRecord{
req: req2,
feeFunction: m.feeFunc,
tx: tx2,
m.wallet.On("GetTransactionDetails", &txid2).Return(
NumConfirmations: 0,
}, nil,
// Setup the initial publisher state by adding the records to the maps.
subscriberConfirmed := make(chan *BumpResult, 1)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(requestID1, subscriberConfirmed)
tp.records.Store(requestID1, recordConfirmed)
subscriberReplaced := make(chan *BumpResult, 1)
tp.subscriberChans.Store(requestID2, subscriberReplaced)
tp.records.Store(requestID2, recordFeeBump)
// Create a test feerate and return it from the mock fee function.
feerate := chainfee.SatPerKWeight(1000)
// The following methods should only be called once when creating the
// replacement tx.
// Mock the fee function to NOT skip the fee bump.
m.feeFunc.On("IncreaseFeeRate", mock.Anything).Return(true, nil).Once()
// Mock the signer to always return a valid script.
m.signer.On("ComputeInputScript", mock.Anything,
mock.Anything).Return(&input.Script{}, nil).Once()
// Mock the testmempoolaccept to return nil.
m.wallet.On("CheckMempoolAcceptance", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Mock the wallet to publish successfully.
mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
// Call processRecords and expect the results are notified back.
// We expect two results to be received. One for the confirmed tx and
// one for the replaced tx.
// Check the confirmed tx result.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriberConfirmed")
case result := <-subscriberConfirmed:
// We expect the result to be TxConfirmed.
require.Equal(t, TxConfirmed, result.Event)
require.Equal(t, tx1, result.Tx)
// No error should be set.
require.Nil(t, result.Err)
require.Equal(t, requestID1, result.requestID)
// Now check the replaced tx result.
select {
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for subscriberReplaced")
case result := <-subscriberReplaced:
// We expect the result to be TxReplaced.
require.Equal(t, TxReplaced, result.Event)
// The new tx and old tx should be properly set.
require.NotEqual(t, tx2, result.Tx)
require.Equal(t, tx2, result.ReplacedTx)
// No error should be set.
require.Nil(t, result.Err)
require.Equal(t, requestID2, result.requestID)