Conner Fromknecht 440ae7818a
watchtower/wtmock/client_db: adjust mock clientdb behavior
In advance of the upcoming wtdb.ClientDB, we'll modify the behavior
of the mockdb to be more like the final bbolt backed one, and assert
that all or our tests are still passing.
2019-05-23 20:48:23 -07:00

304 lines
8.5 KiB

package wtmock
import (
type towerPK [33]byte
// ClientDB is a mock, in-memory database or testing the watchtower client
// behavior.
type ClientDB struct {
nextTowerID uint64 // to be used atomically
mu sync.Mutex
sweepPkScripts map[lnwire.ChannelID][]byte
activeSessions map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession
towerIndex map[towerPK]wtdb.TowerID
towers map[wtdb.TowerID]*wtdb.Tower
nextIndex uint32
indexes map[wtdb.TowerID]uint32
// NewClientDB initializes a new mock ClientDB.
func NewClientDB() *ClientDB {
return &ClientDB{
sweepPkScripts: make(map[lnwire.ChannelID][]byte),
activeSessions: make(map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession),
towerIndex: make(map[towerPK]wtdb.TowerID),
towers: make(map[wtdb.TowerID]*wtdb.Tower),
indexes: make(map[wtdb.TowerID]uint32),
// CreateTower initializes a database entry with the given lightning address. If
// the tower exists, the address is append to the list of all addresses used to
// that tower previously.
func (m *ClientDB) CreateTower(lnAddr *lnwire.NetAddress) (*wtdb.Tower, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
var towerPubKey towerPK
copy(towerPubKey[:], lnAddr.IdentityKey.SerializeCompressed())
var tower *wtdb.Tower
towerID, ok := m.towerIndex[towerPubKey]
if ok {
tower = m.towers[towerID]
} else {
towerID = wtdb.TowerID(atomic.AddUint64(&m.nextTowerID, 1))
tower = &wtdb.Tower{
ID: wtdb.TowerID(towerID),
IdentityKey: lnAddr.IdentityKey,
Addresses: []net.Addr{lnAddr.Address},
m.towerIndex[towerPubKey] = towerID
m.towers[towerID] = tower
return copyTower(tower), nil
// LoadTower retrieves a tower by its tower ID.
func (m *ClientDB) LoadTower(towerID wtdb.TowerID) (*wtdb.Tower, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if tower, ok := m.towers[towerID]; ok {
return copyTower(tower), nil
return nil, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound
// MarkBackupIneligible records that particular commit height is ineligible for
// backup. This allows the client to track which updates it should not attempt
// to retry after startup.
func (m *ClientDB) MarkBackupIneligible(chanID lnwire.ChannelID, commitHeight uint64) error {
return nil
// ListClientSessions returns the set of all client sessions known to the db.
func (m *ClientDB) ListClientSessions() (map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
sessions := make(map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession)
for _, session := range m.activeSessions {
sessions[session.ID] = session
return sessions, nil
// CreateClientSession records a newly negotiated client session in the set of
// active sessions. The session can be identified by its SessionID.
func (m *ClientDB) CreateClientSession(session *wtdb.ClientSession) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// Ensure that we aren't overwriting an existing session.
if _, ok := m.activeSessions[session.ID]; ok {
return wtdb.ErrClientSessionAlreadyExists
// Ensure that a session key index has been reserved for this tower.
keyIndex, ok := m.indexes[session.TowerID]
if !ok {
return wtdb.ErrNoReservedKeyIndex
// Ensure that the session's index matches the reserved index.
if keyIndex != session.KeyIndex {
return wtdb.ErrIncorrectKeyIndex
// Remove the key index reservation for this tower. Once committed, this
// permits us to create another session with this tower.
delete(m.indexes, session.TowerID)
m.activeSessions[session.ID] = &wtdb.ClientSession{
ID: session.ID,
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
SeqNum: session.SeqNum,
TowerLastApplied: session.TowerLastApplied,
TowerID: session.TowerID,
KeyIndex: session.KeyIndex,
Policy: session.Policy,
RewardPkScript: cloneBytes(session.RewardPkScript),
CommittedUpdates: make([]wtdb.CommittedUpdate, 0),
AckedUpdates: make(map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID),
return nil
// NextSessionKeyIndex reserves a new session key derivation index for a
// particular tower id. The index is reserved for that tower until
// CreateClientSession is invoked for that tower and index, at which point a new
// index for that tower can be reserved. Multiple calls to this method before
// CreateClientSession is invoked should return the same index.
func (m *ClientDB) NextSessionKeyIndex(towerID wtdb.TowerID) (uint32, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if index, ok := m.indexes[towerID]; ok {
return index, nil
index := m.nextIndex
m.indexes[towerID] = index
return index, nil
// CommitUpdate persists the CommittedUpdate provided in the slot for (session,
// seqNum). This allows the client to retransmit this update on startup.
func (m *ClientDB) CommitUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID,
update *wtdb.CommittedUpdate) (uint16, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// Fail if session doesn't exist.
session, ok := m.activeSessions[*id]
if !ok {
return 0, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound
// Check if an update has already been committed for this state.
for _, dbUpdate := range session.CommittedUpdates {
if dbUpdate.SeqNum == update.SeqNum {
// If the breach hint matches, we'll just return the
// last applied value so the client can retransmit.
if dbUpdate.Hint == update.Hint {
return session.TowerLastApplied, nil
// Otherwise, fail since the breach hint doesn't match.
return 0, wtdb.ErrUpdateAlreadyCommitted
// Sequence number must increment.
if update.SeqNum != session.SeqNum+1 {
return 0, wtdb.ErrCommitUnorderedUpdate
// Save the update and increment the sequence number.
session.CommittedUpdates = append(session.CommittedUpdates, *update)
return session.TowerLastApplied, nil
// AckUpdate persists an acknowledgment for a given (session, seqnum) pair. This
// removes the update from the set of committed updates, and validates the
// lastApplied value returned from the tower.
func (m *ClientDB) AckUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID, seqNum, lastApplied uint16) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// Fail if session doesn't exist.
session, ok := m.activeSessions[*id]
if !ok {
return wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound
// Ensure the returned last applied value does not exceed the highest
// allocated sequence number.
if lastApplied > session.SeqNum {
return wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied
// Ensure the last applied value isn't lower than a previous one sent by
// the tower.
if lastApplied < session.TowerLastApplied {
return wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion
// Retrieve the committed update, failing if none is found. We should
// only receive acks for state updates that we send.
updates := session.CommittedUpdates
for i, update := range updates {
if update.SeqNum != seqNum {
// Remove the committed update from disk and mark the update as
// acked. The tower last applied value is also recorded to send
// along with the next update.
copy(updates[:i], updates[i+1:])
updates[len(updates)-1] = wtdb.CommittedUpdate{}
session.CommittedUpdates = updates[:len(updates)-1]
session.AckedUpdates[seqNum] = update.BackupID
session.TowerLastApplied = lastApplied
return nil
return wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound
// FetchChanPkScripts returns the set of sweep pkscripts known for all channels.
// This allows the client to cache them in memory on startup.
func (m *ClientDB) FetchChanPkScripts() (map[lnwire.ChannelID][]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
sweepPkScripts := make(map[lnwire.ChannelID][]byte)
for chanID, pkScript := range m.sweepPkScripts {
sweepPkScripts[chanID] = cloneBytes(pkScript)
return sweepPkScripts, nil
// AddChanPkScript sets a pkscript or sweeping funds from the channel or chanID.
func (m *ClientDB) AddChanPkScript(chanID lnwire.ChannelID, pkScript []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := m.sweepPkScripts[chanID]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("pkscript for %x already exists", pkScript)
m.sweepPkScripts[chanID] = cloneBytes(pkScript)
return nil
func cloneBytes(b []byte) []byte {
if b == nil {
return nil
bb := make([]byte, len(b))
copy(bb, b)
return bb
func copyTower(tower *wtdb.Tower) *wtdb.Tower {
t := &wtdb.Tower{
ID: tower.ID,
IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey,
Addresses: make([]net.Addr, len(tower.Addresses)),
copy(t.Addresses, tower.Addresses)
return t