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package routing
import (
// paymentSession is used during an HTLC routings session to prune the local
// chain view in response to failures, and also report those failures back to
// missionControl. The snapshot copied for this session will only ever grow,
// and will now be pruned after a decay like the main view within mission
// control. We do this as we want to avoid the case where we continually try a
// bad edge or route multiple times in a session. This can lead to an infinite
// loop if payment attempts take long enough. An additional set of edges can
// also be provided to assist in reaching the payment's destination.
type paymentSession struct {
pruneViewSnapshot graphPruneView
additionalEdges map[Vertex][]*channeldb.ChannelEdgePolicy
bandwidthHints map[uint64]lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// errFailedFeeChans is a map of the short channel IDs that were the
// source of policy related routing failures during this payment attempt.
// We'll use this map to prune out channels when the first error may not
// require pruning, but any subsequent ones do.
errFailedPolicyChans map[edgeLocator]struct{}
mc *missionControl
haveRoutes bool
preBuiltRoutes []*Route
// ReportVertexFailure adds a vertex to the graph prune view after a client
// reports a routing failure localized to the vertex. The time the vertex was
// added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the shared view after a period of
// vertexDecay. However, the vertex will remain pruned for the *local* session.
// This ensures we don't retry this vertex during the payment attempt.
func (p *paymentSession) ReportVertexFailure(v Vertex) {
log.Debugf("Reporting vertex %v failure to Mission Control", v)
// First, we'll add the failed vertex to our local prune view snapshot.
p.pruneViewSnapshot.vertexes[v] = struct{}{}
// With the vertex added, we'll now report back to the global prune
// view, with this new piece of information so it can be utilized for
// new payment sessions.
p.mc.failedVertexes[v] = time.Now()
// ReportChannelFailure adds a channel to the graph prune view. The time the
// channel was added is noted, as it'll be pruned from the global view after a
// period of edgeDecay. However, the edge will remain pruned for the duration
// of the *local* session. This ensures that we don't flap by continually
// retrying an edge after its pruning has expired.
// TODO(roasbeef): also add value attempted to send and capacity of channel
func (p *paymentSession) ReportEdgeFailure(e *edgeLocator) {
log.Debugf("Reporting edge %v failure to Mission Control", e)
// First, we'll add the failed edge to our local prune view snapshot.
p.pruneViewSnapshot.edges[*e] = struct{}{}
// With the edge added, we'll now report back to the global prune view,
// with this new piece of information so it can be utilized for new
// payment sessions.
p.mc.failedEdges[*e] = time.Now()
// ReportChannelPolicyFailure handles a failure message that relates to a
// channel policy. For these types of failures, the policy is updated and we
// want to keep it included during path finding. This function does mark the
// edge as 'policy failed once'. The next time it fails, the whole node will be
// pruned. This is to prevent nodes from keeping us busy by continuously sending
// new channel updates.
func (p *paymentSession) ReportEdgePolicyFailure(
errSource Vertex, failedEdge *edgeLocator) {
// Check to see if we've already reported a policy related failure for
// this channel. If so, then we'll prune out the vertex.
_, ok := p.errFailedPolicyChans[*failedEdge]
if ok {
// TODO(joostjager): is this aggresive pruning still necessary?
// Just pruning edges may also work unless there is a huge
// number of failing channels from that node?
// Finally, we'll record a policy failure from this node and move on.
p.errFailedPolicyChans[*failedEdge] = struct{}{}
// RequestRoute returns a route which is likely to be capable for successfully
// routing the specified HTLC payment to the target node. Initially the first
// set of paths returned from this method may encounter routing failure along
// the way, however as more payments are sent, mission control will start to
// build an up to date view of the network itself. With each payment a new area
// will be explored, which feeds into the recommendations made for routing.
// NOTE: This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (p *paymentSession) RequestRoute(payment *LightningPayment,
height uint32, finalCltvDelta uint16) (*Route, error) {
switch {
// If we have a set of pre-built routes, then we'll just pop off the
// next route from the queue, and use it directly.
case p.haveRoutes && len(p.preBuiltRoutes) > 0:
nextRoute := p.preBuiltRoutes[0]
p.preBuiltRoutes[0] = nil // Set to nil to avoid GC leak.
p.preBuiltRoutes = p.preBuiltRoutes[1:]
return nextRoute, nil
// If we were instantiated with a set of pre-built routes, and we've
// run out, then we'll return a terminal error.
case p.haveRoutes && len(p.preBuiltRoutes) == 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pre-built routes exhausted")
// Otherwise we actually need to perform path finding, so we'll obtain
// our current prune view snapshot. This view will only ever grow
// during the duration of this payment session, never shrinking.
pruneView := p.pruneViewSnapshot
log.Debugf("Mission Control session using prune view of %v "+
"edges, %v vertexes", len(pruneView.edges),
// TODO(roasbeef): sync logic amongst dist sys
// Taking into account this prune view, we'll attempt to locate a path
// to our destination, respecting the recommendations from
// missionControl.
path, err := findPath(
graph: p.mc.graph,
additionalEdges: p.additionalEdges,
bandwidthHints: p.bandwidthHints,
ignoredNodes: pruneView.vertexes,
ignoredEdges: pruneView.edges,
feeLimit: payment.FeeLimit,
outgoingChannelID: payment.OutgoingChannelID,
p.mc.selfNode, payment.Target, payment.Amount,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// With the next candidate path found, we'll attempt to turn this into
// a route by applying the time-lock and fee requirements.
sourceVertex := Vertex(p.mc.selfNode.PubKeyBytes)
route, err := newRoute(
payment.Amount, payment.FeeLimit, sourceVertex, path, height,
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): return which edge/vertex didn't work
// out
return nil, err
return route, err