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synced 2025-02-21 22:11:41 +01:00
sqlc is a tool that generates fully type-safe idiomatic code from SQL. The result is Go code can then used execute the queries in the database. The noraml flow looks like: - The developer write some sql that will update the schema in the database: new tables, indices, etc - The developer updates the set of queries that will use the new schema. - `sqlc` generates type-safe interfaces to those queries. - The developer can then write application code that calls the methods generated by sqlc. The tool configuration needs to live in the repo's root and its name is `sqlc.yaml`. LND will support out of the box sqlite and postgres. The sql code needs to be (almost) the same for both engines, so we cannot use custom functions like `ANY` in postgres. The SQLC config file needs to define what is the target engine, we will set postgres but the generated code can be executed by sqlite too. In some specific cases, we will `match and replace` some sql lines to be sure the table definitions are valid for the targeted engine.
349 lines
11 KiB
349 lines
11 KiB
PKG := github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd
ESCPKG := github.com\/lightningnetwork\/lnd
MOBILE_PKG := $(PKG)/mobile
TOOLS_DIR := tools
BTCD_PKG := github.com/btcsuite/btcd
GOACC_PKG := github.com/ory/go-acc
GOIMPORTS_PKG := github.com/rinchsan/gosimports/cmd/gosimports
GO_BIN := ${GOPATH}/bin
BTCD_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/btcd
GOIMPORTS_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/gosimports
GOMOBILE_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/gomobile
GOACC_BIN := $(GO_BIN)/go-acc
IOS_BUILD := $(IOS_BUILD_DIR)/Lndmobile.xcframework
COMMIT := $(shell git describe --tags --dirty)
GOBUILD := go build -v
GOINSTALL := go install -v
GOTEST := go test
GOFILES_NOVENDOR = $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*" -not -name "*pb.go" -not -name "*pb.gw.go" -not -name "*.pb.json.go")
RM := rm -f
CP := cp
MAKE := make
XARGS := xargs -L 1
include make/testing_flags.mk
include make/release_flags.mk
include make/fuzz_flags.mk
DEV_TAGS := $(if ${tags},$(DEV_TAGS) ${tags},$(DEV_TAGS))
# We only return the part inside the double quote here to avoid escape issues
# when calling the external release script. The second parameter can be used to
# add additional ldflags if needed (currently only used for the release).
make_ldflags = $(1) -X $(PKG)/build.Commit=$(COMMIT)
DEV_GCFLAGS := -gcflags "all=-N -l"
DEV_LDFLAGS := -ldflags "$(call make_ldflags)"
# For the release, we want to remove the symbol table and debug information (-s)
# and omit the DWARF symbol table (-w). Also we clear the build ID.
RELEASE_LDFLAGS := $(call make_ldflags, -s -w -buildid=)
# Linting uses a lot of memory, so keep it under control by limiting the number
# of workers if requested.
ifneq ($(workers),)
LINT_WORKERS = --concurrency=$(workers)
DOCKER_TOOLS = docker run --rm -v $$(pwd):/build lnd-tools
GREEN := "\\033[0;32m"
NC := "\\033[0m"
define print
echo $(GREEN)$1$(NC)
default: scratch
all: scratch check install
# ============
# ============
@$(call print, "Installing go-acc.")
cd $(TOOLS_DIR); go install -trimpath -tags=tools $(GOACC_PKG)
@$(call print, "Installing btcd.")
cd $(TOOLS_DIR); go install -trimpath $(BTCD_PKG)
@$(call print, "Installing goimports.")
cd $(TOOLS_DIR); go install -trimpath $(GOIMPORTS_PKG)
# ============
# ============
@$(call print, "Building debug lnd and lncli.")
$(GOBUILD) -tags="$(DEV_TAGS)" -o lnd-debug $(DEV_GCFLAGS) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd
$(GOBUILD) -tags="$(DEV_TAGS)" -o lncli-debug $(DEV_GCFLAGS) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lncli
@$(call print, "Building itest btcd and lnd.")
CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOBUILD) -tags="integration" -o itest/btcd-itest$(EXEC_SUFFIX) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(BTCD_PKG)
CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(ITEST_TAGS)" -o itest/lnd-itest$(EXEC_SUFFIX) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd
@$(call print, "Building itest binary for ${backend} backend.")
CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOTEST) -v ./itest -tags="$(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS) integration $(backend)" -c -o itest/itest.test$(EXEC_SUFFIX)
@$(call print, "Building itest btcd and lnd with race detector.")
CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOBUILD) -tags="integration" -o itest/btcd-itest$(EXEC_SUFFIX) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(BTCD_PKG)
CGO_ENABLED=1 $(GOBUILD) -race -tags="$(ITEST_TAGS)" -o itest/lnd-itest$(EXEC_SUFFIX) $(DEV_LDFLAGS) $(PKG)/cmd/lnd
@$(call print, "Building itest binary for ${backend} backend.")
CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOTEST) -v ./itest -tags="$(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS) integration $(backend)" -c -o itest/itest.test$(EXEC_SUFFIX)
@$(call print, "Installing lnd and lncli.")
$(GOINSTALL) -tags="${tags}" -ldflags="$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" $(PKG)/cmd/lnd
$(GOINSTALL) -tags="${tags}" -ldflags="$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" $(PKG)/cmd/lncli
@$(call print, "Installing release lnd and lncli.")
env CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOINSTALL) -v -trimpath -ldflags="$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -tags="$(RELEASE_TAGS)" $(PKG)/cmd/lnd
env CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOINSTALL) -v -trimpath -ldflags="$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -tags="$(RELEASE_TAGS)" $(PKG)/cmd/lncli
# Make sure the generated mobile RPC stubs don't influence our vendor package
# by removing them first in the clean-mobile target.
release: clean-mobile
@$(call print, "Releasing lnd and lncli binaries.")
./scripts/release.sh build-release "$(VERSION_TAG)" "$(BUILD_SYSTEM)" "$(RELEASE_TAGS)" "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)"
@$(call print, "Building release helper docker image.")
if [ "$(tag)" = "" ]; then echo "Must specify tag=<commit_or_tag>!"; exit 1; fi
docker build -t lnd-release-helper -f make/builder.Dockerfile make/
# Run the actual compilation inside the docker image. We pass in all flags
# that we might want to overwrite in manual tests.
$(DOCKER_RELEASE_HELPER) make release tag="$(tag)" sys="$(sys)" COMMIT="$(COMMIT)"
@$(call print, "Building tools docker image.")
docker build -q -t lnd-tools $(TOOLS_DIR)
scratch: build
# =======
# =======
check: unit itest
ifeq ($(dbbackend),postgres)
# Remove a previous postgres instance if it exists.
docker rm lnd-postgres --force || echo "Starting new postgres container"
# Start a fresh postgres instance. Allow a maximum of 500 connections so
# that multiple lnd instances with a maximum number of connections of 50
# each can run concurrently.
docker run --name lnd-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 6432:5432 -d postgres:13-alpine -N 500
docker logs -f lnd-postgres &
# Wait for the instance to be started.
itest-only: db-instance
@$(call print, "Running integration tests with ${backend} backend.")
rm -rf itest/*.log itest/.logs-*; date
EXEC_SUFFIX=$(EXEC_SUFFIX) scripts/itest_part.sh 0 1 $(TEST_FLAGS) $(ITEST_FLAGS)
itest: build-itest itest-only
itest-race: build-itest-race itest-only
itest-parallel: build-itest db-instance
@$(call print, "Running tests")
rm -rf itest/*.log itest/.logs-*; date
EXEC_SUFFIX=$(EXEC_SUFFIX) echo "$$(seq 0 $$(expr $(ITEST_PARALLELISM) - 1))" | xargs -P $(ITEST_PARALLELISM) -n 1 -I {} scripts/itest_part.sh {} $(NUM_ITEST_TRANCHES) $(TEST_FLAGS) $(ITEST_FLAGS)
@$(call print, "Cleaning old itest processes")
killall lnd-itest || echo "no running lnd-itest process found";
unit: $(BTCD_BIN)
@$(call print, "Running unit tests.")
unit-debug: $(BTCD_BIN)
@$(call print, "Running debug unit tests.")
unit-cover: $(GOACC_BIN)
@$(call print, "Running unit coverage tests.")
@$(call print, "Running unit race tests.")
env CGO_ENABLED=1 GORACE="history_size=7 halt_on_errors=1" $(UNIT_RACE)
unit-bench: $(BTCD_BIN)
@$(call print, "Running benchmark tests.")
# =============
# =============
flakehunter: build-itest
@$(call print, "Flake hunting ${backend} integration tests.")
while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do make itest-only icase='${icase}' backend='${backend}'; done
@$(call print, "Flake hunting unit tests.")
while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do GOTRACEBACK=all $(UNIT) -count=1; done
@$(call print, "Flake hunting ${backend} integration tests in parallel.")
while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do make itest-parallel tranches=1 parallel=${ITEST_PARALLELISM} icase='${icase}' backend='${backend}'; done
# =============
# =============
@$(call print, "Fuzzing packages '$(FUZZPKG)'.")
scripts/fuzz.sh run "$(FUZZPKG)" "$(FUZZ_TEST_RUN_TIME)" "$(FUZZ_NUM_PROCESSES)"
# =========
# =========
@$(call print, "Fixing imports.")
gosimports -w $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR)
@$(call print, "Formatting source.")
gofmt -l -w -s $(GOFILES_NOVENDOR)
fmt-check: fmt
@$(call print, "Checking fmt results.")
if test -n "$$(git status --porcelain)"; then echo "code not formatted correctly, please run `make fmt` again!"; git status; git diff; exit 1; fi
lint: docker-tools
@$(call print, "Linting source.")
$(DOCKER_TOOLS) golangci-lint run -v $(LINT_WORKERS)
@$(call print, "Listing commands.")
@$(MAKE) -qp | \
awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^$$#\/\t=]*:([^=]|$$)/ {split($$1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}' | \
grep -v Makefile | \
@$(call print, "Generating sql models and queries in Go")
sqlc-check: sqlc
@$(call print, "Verifying sql code generation.")
if test -n "$$(git status --porcelain '*.go')"; then echo "SQL models not properly generated!"; git status --porcelain '*.go'; exit 1; fi
@$(call print, "Compiling protos.")
cd ./lnrpc; ./gen_protos_docker.sh
@$(call print, "Formatting protos.")
cd ./lnrpc; find . -name "*.proto" | xargs clang-format --style=file -i
rpc-check: rpc
@$(call print, "Verifying protos.")
cd ./lnrpc; ../scripts/check-rest-annotations.sh
if test -n "$$(git status --porcelain)"; then echo "Protos not properly formatted or not compiled with v3.4.0"; git status; git diff; exit 1; fi
@$(call print, "Compiling JSON/WASM stubs.")
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm $(GOBUILD) -tags="$(WASM_RELEASE_TAGS)" $(PKG)/lnrpc/...
@$(call print, "Making sure every flag has an example in the sample-lnd.conf file")
for flag in $$(GO_FLAGS_COMPLETION=1 go run -tags="$(RELEASE_TAGS)" $(PKG)/cmd/lnd -- | grep -v help | cut -c3-); do if ! grep -q $$flag sample-lnd.conf; then echo "Command line flag --$$flag not added to sample-lnd.conf"; exit 1; fi; done
@$(call print, "Creating mobile RPC from protos.")
cd ./lnrpc; COMPILE_MOBILE=1 SUBSERVER_PREFIX=1 ./gen_protos_docker.sh
@$(call print, "Re-creating vendor directory.")
rm -r vendor/; go mod vendor
apple: mobile-rpc
@$(call print, "Building iOS and macOS cxframework ($(IOS_BUILD)).")
mkdir -p $(IOS_BUILD_DIR)
$(GOMOBILE_BIN) bind -target=ios,iossimulator,macos -tags="mobile $(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS)" -ldflags "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -v -o $(IOS_BUILD) $(MOBILE_PKG)
ios: mobile-rpc
@$(call print, "Building iOS cxframework ($(IOS_BUILD)).")
mkdir -p $(IOS_BUILD_DIR)
$(GOMOBILE_BIN) bind -target=ios,iossimulator -tags="mobile $(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS)" -ldflags "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -v -o $(IOS_BUILD) $(MOBILE_PKG)
macos: mobile-rpc
@$(call print, "Building macOS cxframework ($(IOS_BUILD)).")
mkdir -p $(IOS_BUILD_DIR)
$(GOMOBILE_BIN) bind -target=macos -tags="mobile $(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS)" -ldflags "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -v -o $(IOS_BUILD) $(MOBILE_PKG)
android: mobile-rpc
@$(call print, "Building Android library ($(ANDROID_BUILD)).")
$(GOMOBILE_BIN) bind -target=android -androidapi 21 -tags="mobile $(DEV_TAGS) $(RPC_TAGS)" -ldflags "$(RELEASE_LDFLAGS)" -v -o $(ANDROID_BUILD) $(MOBILE_PKG)
mobile: ios android
@$(call print, "Cleaning source.$(NC)")
$(RM) ./lnd-debug ./lncli-debug
$(RM) ./lnd-itest ./lncli-itest
$(RM) -r ./vendor .vendor-new
@$(call print, "Cleaning autogenerated mobile RPC stubs.")
$(RM) -r mobile/build
$(RM) mobile/*_generated.go
.PHONY: all \
btcd \
default \
build \
install \
scratch \
check \
itest-only \
itest \
unit \
unit-debug \
unit-cover \
unit-race \
flakehunter \
flake-unit \
fmt \
lint \
list \
rpc \
rpc-format \
rpc-check \
rpc-js-compile \
mobile-rpc \
vendor \
ios \
android \
mobile \