mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:48:19 +01:00
With this we allow the linter to only look at recent changes, since everything between that old commit and this most recent one has been linted correctly anyway.
312 lines
7.7 KiB
312 lines
7.7 KiB
# If you change this please also update GO_VERSION in Makefile (then run
# `make lint` to see where else it needs to be updated as well).
go: "1.22.6"
# Abort after 10 minutes.
timeout: 10m
- autopilotrpc
- chainrpc
- dev
- invoicesrpc
- neutrinorpc
- peersrpc
- signrpc
- walletrpc
- watchtowerrpc
- kvdb_etcd
- kvdb_postgres
- kvdb_sqlite
- integration
type: "module"
description: "Custom lll linter with 'S' log line exclusion."
# Max line length, lines longer will be reported.
line-length: 80
# Tab width in spaces.
tab-width: 8
# The regex that we will use to detect the start of an `S` log line.
log-regex: "^\\s*.*(L|l)og\\.(Info|Debug|Trace|Warn|Error|Critical)S\\("
# Check for incorrect fmt.Errorf error wrapping.
errorf: true
# Don't report about shadowed variables
check-shadowing: false
# simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option, true by default
simplify: true
json: snake
multi-func: true
multi-if: true
- G402 # Look for bad TLS connection settings.
- G306 # Poor file permissions used when writing to a new file.
- G601 # Implicit memory aliasing in for loop.
checks: ["-SA1019"]
# Checks the number of lines in a function.
# If lower than 0, disable the check.
lines: 200
# Checks the number of statements in a function.
statements: 80
# Tokens count to trigger issue.
threshold: 200
# Minimal complexity of if statements to report.
min-complexity: 10
# Size of the block (including return statement that is still "OK")
# so no return split required.
block-size: 3
# List of numbers to exclude from analysis.
# The numbers should be written as string.
# Values always ignored: "1", "1.0", "0" and "0.0"
# Default: []
- '0666'
- '0755'
# List of function patterns to exclude from analysis.
# Values always ignored: `time.Date`
# Default: []
- 'math.*'
- 'strconv.ParseInt'
- 'errors.Wrap'
replace-local: true
# See go.mod for the explanation why these are needed.
- github.com/ulikunitz/xz
- github.com/gogo/protobuf
- google.golang.org/protobuf
- github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/sqldb
enable-all: true
# We instead use our own custom line length linter called `ll` since
# then we can ignore log lines.
- lll
# Global variables are used in many places throughout the code base.
- gochecknoglobals
# We want to allow short variable names.
- varnamelen
# We want to allow TODOs.
- godox
# Instances of table driven tests that don't pre-allocate shouldn't trigger
# the linter.
- prealloc
# Init functions are used by loggers throughout the codebase.
- gochecknoinits
# Deprecated linters. See https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/.
- bodyclose
- contextcheck
- nilerr
- noctx
- rowserrcheck
- sqlclosecheck
- tparallel
- unparam
- wastedassign
# Disable gofumpt as it has weird behavior regarding formatting multiple
# lines for a function which is in conflict with our contribution
# guidelines. See https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt/issues/235.
- gofumpt
# Disable whitespace linter as it has conflict rules against our
# contribution guidelines. See https://github.com/bombsimon/wsl/issues/109.
# TODO(yy): bring it back when the above issue is fixed.
- wsl
# Allow using default empty values.
- exhaustruct
# Allow exiting case select faster by putting everything in default.
- exhaustive
# Allow tests to be put in the same package.
- testpackage
# Don't run the cognitive related linters.
- gocognit
- gocyclo
- maintidx
- cyclop
# Allow customized interfaces to be returned from functions.
- ireturn
# Disable too many blank identifiers check. We won't be able to run this
# unless a large refactor has been applied to old code.
- dogsled
# We don't wrap errors.
- wrapcheck
# Allow dynamic errors.
- goerr113
# We use ErrXXX instead.
- errname
# Disable nil check to allow returning multiple nil values.
- nilnil
# We often split tests into separate test functions. If we are forced to
# call t.Helper() within those functions, we lose the information where
# exactly a test failed in the generated failure stack trace.
- thelper
# The linter is too aggressive and doesn't add much value since reviewers
# will also catch magic numbers that make sense to extract.
- gomnd
# Some of the tests cannot be parallelized. On the other hand, we don't
# gain much performance with this check so we disable it for now until
# unit tests become our CI bottleneck.
- paralleltest
# New linters that we haven't had time to address yet.
- testifylint
- perfsprint
- inamedparam
- copyloopvar
- tagalign
- protogetter
- revive
- depguard
- gosmopolitan
- intrange
- goconst
# Deprecated linters that have been replaced by newer ones.
- deadcode
- exhaustivestruct
- ifshort
- golint
- interfacer
- varcheck
- nosnakecase
- scopelint
- structcheck
- maligned
# Only show newly introduced problems.
new-from-rev: 03eab4db64540aa5f789c617793e4459f4ba9e78
# Skip autogenerated files for mobile and gRPC as well as copied code for
# internal use.
- "mobile\\/.*generated\\.go"
- "\\.pb\\.go$"
- "\\.pb\\.gw\\.go$"
- "internal\\/musig2v040"
- channeldb/migration_01_to_11
- channeldb/migration/lnwire21
# Exclude gosec from running for tests so that tests with weak randomness
# (math/rand) will pass the linter.
- path: _test\.go
- gosec
- funlen
- revive
# Allow duplications in tests so it's easier to follow a single unit
# test.
- dupl
- path: mock*
- revive
# forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail
# if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to
# check the convert.
- forcetypeassert
- path: test*
- gosec
- funlen
# Allow duplicated code and fmt.Printf() in DB migrations.
- path: channeldb/migration*
- dupl
- forbidigo
- godot
# Allow duplicated code and fmt.Printf() in DB migration tests.
- path: channeldb/migtest
- dupl
- forbidigo
- godot
# Allow fmt.Printf() in commands.
- path: cmd/commands/*
- forbidigo
# Allow fmt.Printf() in config parsing.
- path: config\.go
- forbidigo
- path: lnd\.go
- forbidigo
- path: lnmock/*
# forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail
# if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to
# check the convert.
- forcetypeassert
- path: mock*
# forcetypeassert is skipped for the mock because the test would fail
# if the returned value doesn't match the type, so there's no need to
# check the convert.
- forcetypeassert