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synced 2025-03-19 21:15:18 +01:00
This commit provides the scaffolding for using the new sql stores. The new interfaces, structs and methods are in sync with other projects like Taproot Assets. - Transactional Queries: the sqldb package defines the interfaces required to execute transactional queries to our storage interface. - Migration Files Embedded: the migration files are embedded into the binary. - Database Migrations: I kept the use of 'golang-migrate' to ensure our codebase remains in sync with the other projects, but can be changed. - Build Flags for Conditional DB Target: flexibility to specify our database target at compile-time based on the build flags in the same way we do with our kv stores. - Update modules: ran `go mod tidy`.
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package sqldb
import (
prand "math/rand"
var (
// DefaultStoreTimeout is the default timeout used for any interaction
// with the storage/database.
DefaultStoreTimeout = time.Second * 10
const (
// DefaultNumTxRetries is the default number of times we'll retry a
// transaction if it fails with an error that permits transaction
// repetition.
DefaultNumTxRetries = 10
// DefaultRetryDelay is the default delay between retries. This will be
// used to generate a random delay between 0 and this value.
DefaultRetryDelay = time.Millisecond * 50
// TxOptions represents a set of options one can use to control what type of
// database transaction is created. Transaction can wither be read or write.
type TxOptions interface {
// ReadOnly returns true if the transaction should be read only.
ReadOnly() bool
// BatchedTx is a generic interface that represents the ability to execute
// several operations to a given storage interface in a single atomic
// transaction. Typically, Q here will be some subset of the main sqlc.Querier
// interface allowing it to only depend on the routines it needs to implement
// any additional business logic.
type BatchedTx[Q any] interface {
// ExecTx will execute the passed txBody, operating upon generic
// parameter Q (usually a storage interface) in a single transaction.
// The set of TxOptions are passed in order to allow the caller to
// specify if a transaction should be read-only and optionally what
// type of concurrency control should be used.
ExecTx(ctx context.Context, txOptions TxOptions,
txBody func(Q) error) error
// Tx represents a database transaction that can be committed or rolled back.
type Tx interface {
// Commit commits the database transaction, an error should be returned
// if the commit isn't possible.
Commit() error
// Rollback rolls back an incomplete database transaction.
// Transactions that were able to be committed can still call this as a
// noop.
Rollback() error
// QueryCreator is a generic function that's used to create a Querier, which is
// a type of interface that implements storage related methods from a database
// transaction. This will be used to instantiate an object callers can use to
// apply multiple modifications to an object interface in a single atomic
// transaction.
type QueryCreator[Q any] func(*sql.Tx) Q
// BatchedQuerier is a generic interface that allows callers to create a new
// database transaction based on an abstract type that implements the TxOptions
// interface.
type BatchedQuerier interface {
// Querier is the underlying query source, this is in place so we can
// pass a BatchedQuerier implementation directly into objects that
// create a batched version of the normal methods they need.
// BeginTx creates a new database transaction given the set of
// transaction options.
BeginTx(ctx context.Context, options TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error)
// txExecutorOptions is a struct that holds the options for the transaction
// executor. This can be used to do things like retry a transaction due to an
// error a certain amount of times.
type txExecutorOptions struct {
numRetries int
retryDelay time.Duration
// defaultTxExecutorOptions returns the default options for the transaction
// executor.
func defaultTxExecutorOptions() *txExecutorOptions {
return &txExecutorOptions{
numRetries: DefaultNumTxRetries,
retryDelay: DefaultRetryDelay,
// randRetryDelay returns a random retry delay between 0 and the configured max
// delay.
func (t *txExecutorOptions) randRetryDelay() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(prand.Int63n(int64(t.retryDelay))) //nolint:gosec
// TxExecutorOption is a functional option that allows us to pass in optional
// argument when creating the executor.
type TxExecutorOption func(*txExecutorOptions)
// WithTxRetries is a functional option that allows us to specify the number of
// times a transaction should be retried if it fails with a repeatable error.
func WithTxRetries(numRetries int) TxExecutorOption {
return func(o *txExecutorOptions) {
o.numRetries = numRetries
// WithTxRetryDelay is a functional option that allows us to specify the delay
// to wait before a transaction is retried.
func WithTxRetryDelay(delay time.Duration) TxExecutorOption {
return func(o *txExecutorOptions) {
o.retryDelay = delay
// TransactionExecutor is a generic struct that abstracts away from the type of
// query a type needs to run under a database transaction, and also the set of
// options for that transaction. The QueryCreator is used to create a query
// given a database transaction created by the BatchedQuerier.
type TransactionExecutor[Query any] struct {
createQuery QueryCreator[Query]
opts *txExecutorOptions
// NewTransactionExecutor creates a new instance of a TransactionExecutor given
// a Querier query object and a concrete type for the type of transactions the
// Querier understands.
func NewTransactionExecutor[Querier any](db BatchedQuerier,
createQuery QueryCreator[Querier],
opts ...TxExecutorOption) *TransactionExecutor[Querier] {
txOpts := defaultTxExecutorOptions()
for _, optFunc := range opts {
return &TransactionExecutor[Querier]{
BatchedQuerier: db,
createQuery: createQuery,
opts: txOpts,
// ExecTx is a wrapper for txBody to abstract the creation and commit of a db
// transaction. The db transaction is embedded in a `*Queries` that txBody
// needs to use when executing each one of the queries that need to be applied
// atomically. This can be used by other storage interfaces to parameterize the
// type of query and options run, in order to have access to batched operations
// related to a storage object.
func (t *TransactionExecutor[Q]) ExecTx(ctx context.Context,
txOptions TxOptions, txBody func(Q) error) error {
waitBeforeRetry := func(attemptNumber int) {
retryDelay := t.opts.randRetryDelay()
log.Tracef("Retrying transaction due to tx serialization "+
"error, attempt_number=%v, delay=%v", attemptNumber,
// Before we try again, we'll wait with a random backoff based
// on the retry delay.
for i := 0; i < t.opts.numRetries; i++ {
// Create the db transaction.
tx, err := t.BatchedQuerier.BeginTx(ctx, txOptions)
if err != nil {
dbErr := MapSQLError(err)
if IsSerializationError(dbErr) {
// Nothing to roll back here, since we didn't
// even get a transaction yet.
return dbErr
// Rollback is safe to call even if the tx is already closed,
// so if the tx commits successfully, this is a no-op.
defer func() {
_ = tx.Rollback()
if err := txBody(t.createQuery(tx)); err != nil {
dbErr := MapSQLError(err)
if IsSerializationError(dbErr) {
// Roll back the transaction, then pop back up
// to try once again.
_ = tx.Rollback()
return dbErr
// Commit transaction.
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
dbErr := MapSQLError(err)
if IsSerializationError(dbErr) {
// Roll back the transaction, then pop back up
// to try once again.
_ = tx.Rollback()
return dbErr
return nil
// If we get to this point, then we weren't able to successfully commit
// a tx given the max number of retries.
return ErrRetriesExceeded
// BaseDB is the base database struct that each implementation can embed to
// gain some common functionality.
type BaseDB struct {
// BeginTx wraps the normal sql specific BeginTx method with the TxOptions
// interface. This interface is then mapped to the concrete sql tx options
// struct.
func (s *BaseDB) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error) {
sqlOptions := sql.TxOptions{
ReadOnly: opts.ReadOnly(),
return s.DB.BeginTx(ctx, &sqlOptions)