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This commit was previously split into the following parts to ease review: - 2d746f68: replace imports - 4008f0fd: use ecdsa.Signature - 849e33d1: remove btcec.S256() - b8f6ebbd: use v2 library correctly - fa80bca9: bump go modules
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package itest
import (
// testSendPaymentAMPInvoice tests that we can send an AMP payment to a
// specified AMP invoice using SendPaymentV2.
func testSendPaymentAMPInvoice(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
t.t.Run("native payaddr", func(t *testing.T) {
tt := newHarnessTest(t, net)
testSendPaymentAMPInvoiceCase(net, tt, false)
t.t.Run("external payaddr", func(t *testing.T) {
tt := newHarnessTest(t, net)
testSendPaymentAMPInvoiceCase(net, tt, true)
func testSendPaymentAMPInvoiceCase(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest,
useExternalPayAddr bool) {
ctxb := context.Background()
ctx := newMppTestContext(t, net)
defer ctx.shutdownNodes()
// Subscribe to bob's invoices. Do this early in the test to make sure
// that the subscription has actually been completed when we add an
// invoice. Otherwise the notification will be missed.
req := &lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription{}
ctxc, cancelSubscription := context.WithCancel(ctxb)
bobInvoiceSubscription, err := ctx.bob.SubscribeInvoices(ctxc, req)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
defer cancelSubscription()
const paymentAmt = btcutil.Amount(300000)
// Set up a network with three different paths Alice <-> Bob. Channel
// capacities are set such that the payment can only succeed if (at
// least) three paths are used.
// _ Eve _
// / \
// Alice -- Carol ---- Bob
// \ /
// \__ Dave ____/
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.carol, 235000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.dave, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.dave, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.eve, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.eve, 135000)
defer ctx.closeChannels()
addInvoiceResp, err := ctx.bob.AddInvoice(context.Background(), &lnrpc.Invoice{
Value: int64(paymentAmt),
IsAmp: true,
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Ensure we get a notification of the invoice being added by Bob.
rpcInvoice, err := bobInvoiceSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.False(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_OPEN, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
require.Equal(t.t, 0, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
// Increase Dave's fee to make the test deterministic. Otherwise it
// would be unpredictable whether pathfinding would go through Charlie
// or Dave for the first shard.
_, err = ctx.dave.UpdateChannelPolicy(
Scope: &lnrpc.PolicyUpdateRequest_Global{Global: true},
BaseFeeMsat: 500000,
FeeRate: 0.001,
TimeLockDelta: 40,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("dave policy update: %v", err)
// Generate an external payment address when attempting to pseudo-reuse
// an AMP invoice. When using an external payment address, we'll also
// expect an extra invoice to appear in the ListInvoices response, since
// a new invoice will be JIT inserted under a different payment address
// than the one in the invoice.
var (
expNumInvoices = 1
externalPayAddr []byte
if useExternalPayAddr {
expNumInvoices = 2
externalPayAddr = make([]byte, 32)
_, err = rand.Read(externalPayAddr)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
payment := sendAndAssertSuccess(
t, ctx.alice, &routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest{
PaymentRequest: addInvoiceResp.PaymentRequest,
PaymentAddr: externalPayAddr,
TimeoutSeconds: 60,
FeeLimitMsat: noFeeLimitMsat,
// Check that Alice split the payment in at least three shards. Because
// the hand-off of the htlc to the link is asynchronous (via a mailbox),
// there is some non-determinism in the process. Depending on whether
// the new pathfinding round is started before or after the htlc is
// locked into the channel, different sharding may occur. Therefore we
// can only check if the number of shards isn't below the theoretical
// minimum.
succeeded := 0
for _, htlc := range payment.Htlcs {
if htlc.Status == lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_SUCCEEDED {
const minExpectedShards = 3
if succeeded < minExpectedShards {
t.Fatalf("expected at least %v shards, but got %v",
minExpectedShards, succeeded)
// When an external payment address is supplied, we'll get an extra
// notification for the JIT inserted invoice, since it differs from the
// original.
if useExternalPayAddr {
_, err = bobInvoiceSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// There should now be a settle event for the invoice.
rpcInvoice, err = bobInvoiceSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Also fetch Bob's invoice from ListInvoices and assert it is equal to
// the one received via the subscription.
invoiceResp, err := ctx.bob.ListInvoices(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest{},
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.Equal(t.t, expNumInvoices, len(invoiceResp.Invoices))
assertInvoiceEqual(t.t, rpcInvoice, invoiceResp.Invoices[expNumInvoices-1])
// Assert that the invoice is settled for the total payment amount and
// has the correct payment address.
require.True(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_SETTLED, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt*1000), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
// Finally, assert that the same set id is recorded for each htlc, and
// that the preimage hash pair is valid.
var setID []byte
require.Equal(t.t, succeeded, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
for _, htlc := range rpcInvoice.Htlcs {
require.NotNil(t.t, htlc.Amp)
if setID == nil {
setID = make([]byte, 32)
copy(setID, htlc.Amp.SetId)
require.Equal(t.t, setID, htlc.Amp.SetId)
// Parse the child hash and child preimage, and assert they are
// well-formed.
childHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(htlc.Amp.Hash)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
childPreimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(htlc.Amp.Preimage)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Assert that the preimage actually matches the hashes.
validPreimage := childPreimage.Matches(childHash)
require.True(t.t, validPreimage)
// The set ID we extract above should be shown in the final settled
// state.
ampState := rpcInvoice.AmpInvoiceState[hex.EncodeToString(setID)]
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_SETTLED, ampState.State)
// testSendPaymentAMPInvoiceRepeat tests that it's possible to pay an AMP
// invoice multiple times by having the client generate a new setID each time.
func testSendPaymentAMPInvoiceRepeat(net *lntest.NetworkHarness,
t *harnessTest) {
// In this basic test, we'll only need two nodes as we want to
// primarily test the recurring payment feature. So we'll re-use the
carol := net.NewNode(t.t, "Carol", nil)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, carol)
// Send Carol enough coins to be able to open a channel to Dave.
net.SendCoins(t.t, btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, carol)
dave := net.NewNode(t.t, "Dave", nil)
defer shutdownAndAssert(net, t, dave)
// Before we start the test, we'll ensure both sides are connected to
// the funding flow can properly be executed.
net.EnsureConnected(t.t, carol, dave)
// Set up an invoice subscription so we can be notified when Dave
// receives his repeated payments.
req := &lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription{}
ctxb := context.Background()
ctxc, cancelSubscription := context.WithCancel(ctxb)
invSubscription, err := dave.SubscribeInvoices(ctxc, req)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
defer cancelSubscription()
// Establish a channel between Carol and Dave.
chanAmt := btcutil.Amount(100_000)
chanPoint := openChannelAndAssert(
t, net, carol, dave,
Amt: chanAmt,
err = carol.WaitForNetworkChannelOpen(chanPoint)
require.NoError(t.t, err, "carol didn't report channel")
err = dave.WaitForNetworkChannelOpen(chanPoint)
require.NoError(t.t, err, "dave didn't report channel")
// Create an AMP invoice of a trivial amount, that we'll pay repeatedly
// in this integration test.
paymentAmt := 10000
addInvoiceResp, err := dave.AddInvoice(ctxb, &lnrpc.Invoice{
Value: int64(paymentAmt),
IsAmp: true,
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// We should get an initial notification that the HTLC has been added.
rpcInvoice, err := invSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.False(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_OPEN, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
require.Equal(t.t, 0, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
// Now we'll use Carol to pay the invoice that Dave created.
_ = sendAndAssertSuccess(
t, carol, &routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest{
PaymentRequest: addInvoiceResp.PaymentRequest,
TimeoutSeconds: 60,
FeeLimitMsat: noFeeLimitMsat,
// Dave should get a notification that the invoice has been settled.
invoiceNtfn, err := invSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// The notification should signal that the invoice is now settled, and
// should also include the set ID, and show the proper amount paid.
require.True(t.t, invoiceNtfn.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_SETTLED, invoiceNtfn.State)
require.Equal(t.t, paymentAmt, int(invoiceNtfn.AmtPaidSat))
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(invoiceNtfn.AmpInvoiceState))
var firstSetID []byte
for setIDStr, ampState := range invoiceNtfn.AmpInvoiceState {
firstSetID, _ = hex.DecodeString(setIDStr)
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_SETTLED, ampState.State)
// Pay the invoice again, we should get another notification that Dave
// has received another payment.
_ = sendAndAssertSuccess(
t, carol, &routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest{
PaymentRequest: addInvoiceResp.PaymentRequest,
TimeoutSeconds: 60,
FeeLimitMsat: noFeeLimitMsat,
// Dave should get another notification.
invoiceNtfn, err = invSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// The invoice should still be shown as settled, and also include the
// information about this newly generated setID, showing 2x the amount
// paid.
require.True(t.t, invoiceNtfn.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, paymentAmt*2, int(invoiceNtfn.AmtPaidSat))
var secondSetID []byte
for setIDStr, ampState := range invoiceNtfn.AmpInvoiceState {
secondSetID, _ = hex.DecodeString(setIDStr)
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_SETTLED, ampState.State)
// The returned invoice should only include a single HTLC since we
// return the "projected" sub-invoice for a given setID.
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(invoiceNtfn.Htlcs))
// However the AMP state index should show that there've been two
// repeated payments to this invoice so far.
require.Equal(t.t, 2, len(invoiceNtfn.AmpInvoiceState))
// Now we'll look up the invoice using the new LookupInvoice2 RPC call
// by the set ID of each of the invoices.
subInvoice1, err := dave.LookupInvoiceV2(ctxb, &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg{
InvoiceRef: &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg_SetId{
SetId: firstSetID,
LookupModifier: invoicesrpc.LookupModifier_HTLC_SET_ONLY,
require.Nil(t.t, err)
subInvoice2, err := dave.LookupInvoiceV2(ctxb, &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg{
InvoiceRef: &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg_SetId{
SetId: secondSetID,
LookupModifier: invoicesrpc.LookupModifier_HTLC_SET_ONLY,
require.Nil(t.t, err)
// Each invoice should only show a single HTLC present, as we passed
// the HTLC set only modifier.
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(subInvoice1.Htlcs))
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(subInvoice2.Htlcs))
// If we look up the same invoice, by its payment address, but now with
// the HTLC blank modifier, then none of them should be returned.
rootInvoice, err := dave.LookupInvoiceV2(ctxb, &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg{
InvoiceRef: &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg_PaymentAddr{
PaymentAddr: addInvoiceResp.PaymentAddr,
LookupModifier: invoicesrpc.LookupModifier_HTLC_SET_BLANK,
require.Nil(t.t, err)
require.Equal(t.t, 0, len(rootInvoice.Htlcs))
// If we look up the same invoice, by its payment address, but without
// that modified, then we should get all the relevant HTLCs.
rootInvoice, err = dave.LookupInvoiceV2(ctxb,
InvoiceRef: &invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg_PaymentAddr{
PaymentAddr: addInvoiceResp.PaymentAddr,
require.Nil(t.t, err)
require.Equal(t.t, 2, len(rootInvoice.Htlcs))
// Finally, we'll test that if we subscribe for notifications of
// settled invoices, we get a backlog, which includes the invoice we
// settled last (since you can only fetch from index 1 onwards), and
// only the relevant set of HTLCs.
req = &lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription{
SettleIndex: 1,
ctxc, cancelSubscription2 := context.WithCancel(ctxb)
invSub2, err := dave.SubscribeInvoices(ctxc, req)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
defer cancelSubscription2()
// The first invoice we get back should match the state of the invoice
// after our second payment: amt updated, but only a single HTLC shown
// through.
backlogInv, _ := invSub2.Recv()
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(backlogInv.Htlcs))
require.Equal(t.t, 2, len(backlogInv.AmpInvoiceState))
require.True(t.t, backlogInv.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, paymentAmt*2, int(backlogInv.AmtPaidSat))
// testSendPaymentAMP tests that we can send an AMP payment to a specified
// destination using SendPaymentV2.
func testSendPaymentAMP(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
ctxb := context.Background()
ctx := newMppTestContext(t, net)
defer ctx.shutdownNodes()
const paymentAmt = btcutil.Amount(300000)
// Set up a network with three different paths Alice <-> Bob. Channel
// capacities are set such that the payment can only succeed if (at
// least) three paths are used.
// _ Eve _
// / \
// Alice -- Carol ---- Bob
// \ /
// \__ Dave ____/
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.carol, 235000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.dave, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.dave, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.eve, ctx.bob, 135000)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.eve, 135000)
defer ctx.closeChannels()
// Increase Dave's fee to make the test deterministic. Otherwise it
// would be unpredictable whether pathfinding would go through Charlie
// or Dave for the first shard.
_, err := ctx.dave.UpdateChannelPolicy(
Scope: &lnrpc.PolicyUpdateRequest_Global{Global: true},
BaseFeeMsat: 500000,
FeeRate: 0.001,
TimeLockDelta: 40,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("dave policy update: %v", err)
payment := sendAndAssertSuccess(
t, ctx.alice, &routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest{
Dest: ctx.bob.PubKey[:],
Amt: int64(paymentAmt),
FinalCltvDelta: chainreg.DefaultBitcoinTimeLockDelta,
TimeoutSeconds: 60,
FeeLimitMsat: noFeeLimitMsat,
Amp: true,
// Check that Alice split the payment in at least three shards. Because
// the hand-off of the htlc to the link is asynchronous (via a mailbox),
// there is some non-determinism in the process. Depending on whether
// the new pathfinding round is started before or after the htlc is
// locked into the channel, different sharding may occur. Therefore we
// can only check if the number of shards isn't below the theoretical
// minimum.
succeeded := 0
for _, htlc := range payment.Htlcs {
if htlc.Status == lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_SUCCEEDED {
const minExpectedShards = 3
if succeeded < minExpectedShards {
t.Fatalf("expected at least %v shards, but got %v",
minExpectedShards, succeeded)
// Fetch Bob's invoices.
invoiceResp, err := ctx.bob.ListInvoices(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest{},
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// There should only be one invoice.
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(invoiceResp.Invoices))
rpcInvoice := invoiceResp.Invoices[0]
// Assert that the invoice is settled for the total payment amount and
// has the correct payment address.
require.True(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_SETTLED, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt*1000), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
// Finally, assert that the same set id is recorded for each htlc, and
// that the preimage hash pair is valid.
var setID []byte
require.Equal(t.t, succeeded, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
for _, htlc := range rpcInvoice.Htlcs {
require.NotNil(t.t, htlc.Amp)
if setID == nil {
setID = make([]byte, 32)
copy(setID, htlc.Amp.SetId)
require.Equal(t.t, setID, htlc.Amp.SetId)
// Parse the child hash and child preimage, and assert they are
// well-formed.
childHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(htlc.Amp.Hash)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
childPreimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(htlc.Amp.Preimage)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Assert that the preimage actually matches the hashes.
validPreimage := childPreimage.Matches(childHash)
require.True(t.t, validPreimage)
// The set ID we extract above should be shown in the final settled
// state.
ampState := rpcInvoice.AmpInvoiceState[hex.EncodeToString(setID)]
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.InvoiceHTLCState_SETTLED, ampState.State)
func testSendToRouteAMP(net *lntest.NetworkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
ctxb := context.Background()
ctx := newMppTestContext(t, net)
defer ctx.shutdownNodes()
const (
paymentAmt = btcutil.Amount(300000)
numShards = 3
shardAmt = paymentAmt / numShards
chanAmt = shardAmt * 3 / 2
// Set up a network with three different paths Alice <-> Bob.
// _ Eve _
// / \
// Alice -- Carol ---- Bob
// \ /
// \__ Dave ____/
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.bob, chanAmt)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.dave, ctx.bob, chanAmt)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.dave, chanAmt)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.eve, ctx.bob, chanAmt)
ctx.openChannel(ctx.carol, ctx.eve, chanAmt)
// Since the channel Alice-> Carol will have to carry two
// shards, we make it larger.
ctx.openChannel(ctx.alice, ctx.carol, chanAmt+shardAmt)
defer ctx.closeChannels()
// Subscribe to bob's invoices.
req := &lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription{}
ctxc, cancelSubscription := context.WithCancel(ctxb)
bobInvoiceSubscription, err := ctx.bob.SubscribeInvoices(ctxc, req)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
defer cancelSubscription()
// We'll send shards along three routes from Alice.
sendRoutes := [numShards][]*lntest.HarnessNode{
{ctx.carol, ctx.bob},
{ctx.dave, ctx.bob},
{ctx.carol, ctx.eve, ctx.bob},
payAddr := make([]byte, 32)
_, err = rand.Read(payAddr)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
setID := make([]byte, 32)
_, err = rand.Read(setID)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
var sharer amp.Sharer
sharer, err = amp.NewSeedSharer()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
childPreimages := make(map[lntypes.Preimage]uint32)
responses := make(chan *lnrpc.HTLCAttempt, len(sendRoutes))
// Define a closure for sending each of the three shards.
sendShard := func(i int, hops []*lntest.HarnessNode) {
// Build a route for the specified hops.
r, err := ctx.buildRoute(ctxb, shardAmt, ctx.alice, hops)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to build route: %v", err)
// Set the MPP records to indicate this is a payment shard.
hop := r.Hops[len(r.Hops)-1]
hop.TlvPayload = true
hop.MppRecord = &lnrpc.MPPRecord{
PaymentAddr: payAddr,
TotalAmtMsat: int64(paymentAmt * 1000),
var child *amp.Child
if i < len(sendRoutes)-1 {
var left amp.Sharer
left, sharer, err = sharer.Split()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
child = left.Child(uint32(i))
} else {
child = sharer.Child(uint32(i))
childPreimages[child.Preimage] = child.Index
hop.AmpRecord = &lnrpc.AMPRecord{
RootShare: child.Share[:],
SetId: setID,
ChildIndex: child.Index,
// Send the shard.
sendReq := &routerrpc.SendToRouteRequest{
PaymentHash: child.Hash[:],
Route: r,
// We'll send all shards in their own goroutine, since SendToRoute will
// block as long as the payment is in flight.
go func() {
ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, defaultTimeout)
resp, err := ctx.alice.RouterClient.SendToRouteV2(ctxt, sendReq)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to send payment: %v", err)
responses <- resp
// Send the first shard, this cause Bob to JIT add an invoice.
sendShard(0, sendRoutes[0])
// Ensure we get a notification of the invoice being added by Bob.
rpcInvoice, err := bobInvoiceSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.False(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_OPEN, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(0), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
require.Equal(t.t, payAddr, rpcInvoice.PaymentAddr)
require.Equal(t.t, 0, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
sendShard(1, sendRoutes[1])
sendShard(2, sendRoutes[2])
// Assert that all of the child preimages are unique.
require.Equal(t.t, len(sendRoutes), len(childPreimages))
// Make a copy of the childPreimages map for validating the resulting
// invoice.
childPreimagesCopy := make(map[lntypes.Preimage]uint32)
for preimage, childIndex := range childPreimages {
childPreimagesCopy[preimage] = childIndex
// Wait for all responses to be back, and check that they all
// succeeded.
for range sendRoutes {
var resp *lnrpc.HTLCAttempt
select {
case resp = <-responses:
case <-time.After(defaultTimeout):
t.Fatalf("response not received")
if resp.Failure != nil {
t.Fatalf("received payment failure : %v", resp.Failure)
preimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(resp.Preimage)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Assert that the response includes one of our child preimages.
_, ok := childPreimages[preimage]
require.True(t.t, ok)
// Remove this preimage from out set so that we ensure all
// responses have a unique child preimage.
delete(childPreimages, preimage)
childPreimages = childPreimagesCopy
// There should now be a settle event for the invoice.
rpcInvoice, err = bobInvoiceSubscription.Recv()
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Also fetch Bob's invoice from ListInvoices and assert it is equal to
// the one received via the subscription.
invoiceResp, err := ctx.bob.ListInvoices(
ctxb, &lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest{},
require.NoError(t.t, err)
require.Equal(t.t, 1, len(invoiceResp.Invoices))
assertInvoiceEqual(t.t, rpcInvoice, invoiceResp.Invoices[0])
// Assert that the invoice is settled for the total payment amount and
// has the correct payment address.
require.True(t.t, rpcInvoice.Settled) // nolint:staticcheck
require.Equal(t.t, lnrpc.Invoice_SETTLED, rpcInvoice.State)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t.t, int64(paymentAmt*1000), rpcInvoice.AmtPaidMsat)
require.Equal(t.t, payAddr, rpcInvoice.PaymentAddr)
// Finally, assert that the proper set id is recorded for each htlc, and
// that the preimage hash pair is valid.
require.Equal(t.t, numShards, len(rpcInvoice.Htlcs))
for _, htlc := range rpcInvoice.Htlcs {
require.NotNil(t.t, htlc.Amp)
require.Equal(t.t, setID, htlc.Amp.SetId)
// Parse the child hash and child preimage, and assert they are
// well-formed.
childHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(htlc.Amp.Hash)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
childPreimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(htlc.Amp.Preimage)
require.NoError(t.t, err)
// Assert that the preimage actually matches the hashes.
validPreimage := childPreimage.Matches(childHash)
require.True(t.t, validPreimage)
// Assert that the HTLC includes one of our child preimages.
childIndex, ok := childPreimages[childPreimage]
require.True(t.t, ok)
// Assert that the correct child index is reflected.
require.Equal(t.t, childIndex, htlc.Amp.ChildIndex)
// Remove this preimage from our set so that we ensure all HTLCs
// have a unique child preimage.
delete(childPreimages, childPreimage)
// assertInvoiceEqual asserts that two lnrpc.Invoices are equivalent. A custom
// comparison function is defined for these tests, since proto message returned
// from unary and streaming RPCs (as of protobuf 1.23.0 and grpc 1.29.1) aren't
// consistent with the private fields set on the messages. As a result, we avoid
// using require.Equal and test only the actual data members.
func assertInvoiceEqual(t *testing.T, a, b *lnrpc.Invoice) {
// Ensure the HTLCs are sorted properly before attempting to compare.
sort.Slice(a.Htlcs, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.Htlcs[i].ChanId < a.Htlcs[j].ChanId
sort.Slice(b.Htlcs, func(i, j int) bool {
return b.Htlcs[i].ChanId < b.Htlcs[j].ChanId
require.Equal(t, a.Memo, b.Memo)
require.Equal(t, a.RPreimage, b.RPreimage)
require.Equal(t, a.RHash, b.RHash)
require.Equal(t, a.Value, b.Value)
require.Equal(t, a.ValueMsat, b.ValueMsat)
require.Equal(t, a.CreationDate, b.CreationDate)
require.Equal(t, a.SettleDate, b.SettleDate)
require.Equal(t, a.PaymentRequest, b.PaymentRequest)
require.Equal(t, a.DescriptionHash, b.DescriptionHash)
require.Equal(t, a.Expiry, b.Expiry)
require.Equal(t, a.FallbackAddr, b.FallbackAddr)
require.Equal(t, a.CltvExpiry, b.CltvExpiry)
require.Equal(t, a.RouteHints, b.RouteHints)
require.Equal(t, a.Private, b.Private)
require.Equal(t, a.AddIndex, b.AddIndex)
require.Equal(t, a.SettleIndex, b.SettleIndex)
require.Equal(t, a.AmtPaidSat, b.AmtPaidSat)
require.Equal(t, a.AmtPaidMsat, b.AmtPaidMsat)
require.Equal(t, a.State, b.State)
require.Equal(t, a.Features, b.Features)
require.Equal(t, a.IsKeysend, b.IsKeysend)
require.Equal(t, a.PaymentAddr, b.PaymentAddr)
require.Equal(t, a.IsAmp, b.IsAmp)
require.Equal(t, len(a.Htlcs), len(b.Htlcs))
for i := range a.Htlcs {
htlcA, htlcB := a.Htlcs[i], b.Htlcs[i]
require.Equal(t, htlcA.ChanId, htlcB.ChanId)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.HtlcIndex, htlcB.HtlcIndex)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.AmtMsat, htlcB.AmtMsat)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.AcceptHeight, htlcB.AcceptHeight)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.AcceptTime, htlcB.AcceptTime)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.ResolveTime, htlcB.ResolveTime)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.ExpiryHeight, htlcB.ExpiryHeight)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.State, htlcB.State)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.CustomRecords, htlcB.CustomRecords)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.MppTotalAmtMsat, htlcB.MppTotalAmtMsat)
require.Equal(t, htlcA.Amp, htlcB.Amp)