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synced 2025-03-13 19:16:56 +01:00
In this commit, a new backwards compatibility test is added. See the added README.md file in this commit for all the info.
337 lines
8.9 KiB
337 lines
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# DIR is set to the directory of this script.
DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "$DIR/.env"
# Global variable to keep track of which Bob container to use.
# Once Bob is upgraded to the PR version, this variable must
# be updated to 'bob-pr'.
# upgrade_bob shuts down the stable Bob container, upgrades the
# compose variables to use the PR version of Bob, rebuilds the
# Bob container, and starts the PR version of Bob.
function upgrade_bob() {
# Shutdown Bob.
compose_stop bob
# Upgrade the compose variables so that the Bob configuration
# is swapped out for the PR version.
export BOB=bob-pr
# Force the rebuild of the Bob container.
compose_rebuild bob-pr
# This should now start with the new version of Bob.
compose_start bob-pr
# wait_for_nodes waits for all the nodes in the argument list to
# start.
function wait_for_nodes() {
local nodes=("$@")
for node in "${nodes[@]}"; do
wait_for_node $node
echo "🏎️ All nodes have started!"
# wait_for_node waits for the given node in the cluster to start, with a timeout.
wait_for_node() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: wait_for_node requires exactly 1 argument (node)"
echo "Usage: wait_for_node <node>"
return 1
local node="$1"
local start_time=$(date +%s)
echo -n "⌛ Waiting for $node to start (timeout: ${TIMEOUT}s)"
while ! $node getinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -q identity_pubkey; do
echo -n "."
sleep 0.5
# Check if timeout has been reached
local elapsed_time=$(( $(date +%s) - start_time ))
if [[ $elapsed_time -ge $TIMEOUT ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: Timeout after $TIMEOUT seconds waiting for $node to start"
return 1
echo "✅ $node has started"
# do_for is a generic function to execute a command for a set of nodes.
do_for() {
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: do_for requires at least 2 arguments (function and nodes)"
echo "Usage: do_for <function> [node1] [node2] [node3]..."
return 1
local func="$1"
local nodes=("$@")
for node in "${nodes[@]}"; do
"$func" "$node"
# setup_network sets up the basic A <> B <> C <> D network.
function setup_network() {
wait_for_nodes alice bob charlie dave
do_for fund_node alice bob charlie dave
mine 6
connect_nodes alice bob
connect_nodes bob charlie
connect_nodes charlie dave
open_channel alice bob
open_channel bob charlie
open_channel charlie dave
echo "Set up network: Alice <-> Bob <-> Charlie <-> Dave"
mine 7
wait_graph_sync alice 3
wait_graph_sync bob 3
wait_graph_sync charlie 3
wait_graph_sync dave 3
# fund_node funds the specified node with 5 BTC.
function fund_node() {
local node="$1"
ADDR=$( $node newaddress p2wkh | jq .address -r)
bitcoin sendtoaddress "$ADDR" 5 > /dev/null
echo "💰 Funded $node with 5 BTC"
# connect_nodes connects two specified nodes.
function connect_nodes() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: connect_nodes requires exactly 2 arguments (node1 and node2)"
echo "Usage: connect_nodes <node1> <node2>"
return 1
local node1="$1"
local node2="$2"
echo -ne "📞 Connecting $node1 to $node2...\r"
KEY_2=$( $node2 getinfo | jq .identity_pubkey -r)
$node1 connect "$KEY_2"@$node2:9735 > /dev/null
echo -ne " \r"
echo "📞 Connected $node1 to $node2"
# open_channel opens a channel between two specified nodes.
function open_channel() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: open_channel requires exactly 2 arguments (node1 and node2)"
echo "Usage: open_channel <node1> <node2>"
return 1
local node1="$1"
local node2="$2"
KEY_2=$( $node2 getinfo | jq .identity_pubkey -r)
$node1 openchannel --node_key "$KEY_2" --local_amt 15000000 --push_amt 7000000 > /dev/null
echo "🔗 Opened channel between $node1 and $node2"
# Function to check if a node's graph has the expected number of channels
wait_graph_sync() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: graph_synced requires exactly 2 arguments (node and num_chans)"
echo "Usage: graph_synced <node> <num_chans>"
return 1
local node="$1"
local num_chans="$2"
while :; do
num_channels=$($node getnetworkinfo | jq -r '.num_channels')
# Ensure num_channels is a valid number before proceeding
if [[ "$num_channels" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo -ne "⌛ $node sees $num_channels channels...\r"
if [[ "$num_channels" -eq num_chans ]]; then
echo "👀 $node sees all the channels!"
break # Exit loop when num_channels reaches num_chans
sleep 1
# send_payment attempts to send a payment between two specified nodes.
send_payment() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: send_payment requires exactly 2 arguments (from_node and to_node)"
echo "Usage: send_payment <from_node> <to_node>"
return 1
local from_node="$1"
local to_node="$2"
# Generate invoice and capture error output
local invoice_output
if ! invoice_output=$($to_node addinvoice 10000 2>&1); then
echo "❌ Error: Failed to generate invoice from $to_node"
echo "📜 Details: $invoice_output"
return 1
# Extract payment request
local PAY_REQ
PAY_REQ=$(echo "$invoice_output" | jq -r '.payment_request')
# Ensure invoice creation was successful
if [[ -z "$PAY_REQ" || "$PAY_REQ" == "null" ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: Invoice response did not contain a valid payment request."
echo "📜 Raw Response: $invoice_output"
return 1
# Send payment and capture error output
local payment_output
if ! payment_output=$($from_node payinvoice --force "$PAY_REQ" 2>&1); then
echo "❌ Error: Payment failed from $from_node to $to_node"
echo "📜 Details: $payment_output"
return 1
echo "💸 Payment sent from $from_node to $to_node"
# print_version prints the commit hash that the given node is running.
print_version() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: print_version requires exactly 1 argument (node)"
echo "Usage: print_version <node>"
return 1
local node="$1"
# Get the commit hash
local commit_hash
commit_hash=$($node version 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.lnd.commit_hash' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
# Ensure commit hash is retrieved
if [[ -z "$commit_hash" || "$commit_hash" == "null" ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: Could not retrieve commit hash for $node"
return 1
echo "ℹ️ $node is running on commit $commit_hash"
# wait_for_active_chans waits for a node to have the expected number of active channels.
wait_for_active_chans() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "❌ Error: wait_for_active_chans requires exactly 2 arguments (node and expected_active_channels)"
echo "Usage: wait_for_active_chans <node> <num_channels>"
return 1
local node="$1"
local expected_channels="$2"
echo "🟠 Waiting for $node to have exactly $expected_channels active channels..."
while :; do
# Get the active channel count
local active_count
active_count=$($node --network=regtest listchannels 2>/dev/null | jq '[.channels[] | select(.active == true)] | length')
# Ensure active_count is a valid number
if [[ "$active_count" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo -ne "⌛ $node sees $active_count active channels...\r"
# Exit loop only if the expected number of channels is active
if [[ "$active_count" -eq "$expected_channels" ]]; then
sleep 1
echo "🟢 $node now has exactly $expected_channels active channels!"
# mine mines a number of blocks on the regtest network. If no
# argument is provided, it defaults to 6 blocks.
function mine() {
bitcoin generatetoaddress "$NUMBLOCKS" "$(bitcoin getnewaddress "" legacy)" > /dev/null
# setup_bitcoin performs various operations on the regtest bitcoind node
# so that it is ready to be used by the Lightning nodes and so that it can
# be used to fund the nodes.
function setup_bitcoin() {
echo "🔗 Setting up Bitcoin node"
bitcoin createwallet miner > /dev/null
ADDR_BTC=$(bitcoin getnewaddress "" legacy)
bitcoin generatetoaddress 106 "$ADDR_BTC" > /dev/null
bitcoin getbalance > /dev/null
echo "🔗 Bitcoin node is set up"
function bitcoin() {
docker exec -i -u bitcoin bitcoind bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=lightning -rpcpassword=lightning "$@"
function alice() {
docker exec -i alice lncli --network regtest "$@"
function bob() {
docker exec -i "$BOB" lncli --network regtest "$@"
function bob-pr() {
docker exec -i bob-pr lncli --network regtest "$@"
function charlie() {
docker exec -i charlie lncli --network regtest "$@"
function dave() {
docker exec -i dave lncli --network regtest "$@"