package migration12

import (

	lnwire ""

const (
	// MaxMemoSize is maximum size of the memo field within invoices stored
	// in the database.
	MaxMemoSize = 1024

	// maxReceiptSize is the maximum size of the payment receipt stored
	// within the database along side incoming/outgoing invoices.
	maxReceiptSize = 1024

	// MaxPaymentRequestSize is the max size of a payment request for
	// this invoice.
	// TODO(halseth): determine the max length payment request when field
	// lengths are final.
	MaxPaymentRequestSize = 4096

	memoType        tlv.Type = 0
	payReqType      tlv.Type = 1
	createTimeType  tlv.Type = 2
	settleTimeType  tlv.Type = 3
	addIndexType    tlv.Type = 4
	settleIndexType tlv.Type = 5
	preimageType    tlv.Type = 6
	valueType       tlv.Type = 7
	cltvDeltaType   tlv.Type = 8
	expiryType      tlv.Type = 9
	paymentAddrType tlv.Type = 10
	featuresType    tlv.Type = 11
	invStateType    tlv.Type = 12
	amtPaidType     tlv.Type = 13

var (
	// invoiceBucket is the name of the bucket within the database that
	// stores all data related to invoices no matter their final state.
	// Within the invoice bucket, each invoice is keyed by its invoice ID
	// which is a monotonically increasing uint32.
	invoiceBucket = []byte("invoices")

	// Big endian is the preferred byte order, due to cursor scans over
	// integer keys iterating in order.
	byteOrder = binary.BigEndian

// ContractState describes the state the invoice is in.
type ContractState uint8

// ContractTerm is a companion struct to the Invoice struct. This struct houses
// the necessary conditions required before the invoice can be considered fully
// settled by the payee.
type ContractTerm struct {
	// PaymentPreimage is the preimage which is to be revealed in the
	// occasion that an HTLC paying to the hash of this preimage is
	// extended.
	PaymentPreimage lntypes.Preimage

	// Value is the expected amount of milli-satoshis to be paid to an HTLC
	// which can be satisfied by the above preimage.
	Value lnwire.MilliSatoshi

	// State describes the state the invoice is in.
	State ContractState

	// PaymentAddr is a randomly generated value include in the MPP record
	// by the sender to prevent probing of the receiver.
	PaymentAddr [32]byte

	// Features is the feature vectors advertised on the payment request.
	Features *lnwire.FeatureVector

// Invoice is a payment invoice generated by a payee in order to request
// payment for some good or service. The inclusion of invoices within Lightning
// creates a payment work flow for merchants very similar to that of the
// existing financial system within PayPal, etc.  Invoices are added to the
// database when a payment is requested, then can be settled manually once the
// payment is received at the upper layer. For record keeping purposes,
// invoices are never deleted from the database, instead a bit is toggled
// denoting the invoice has been fully settled. Within the database, all
// invoices must have a unique payment hash which is generated by taking the
// sha256 of the payment preimage.
type Invoice struct {
	// Memo is an optional memo to be stored along side an invoice.  The
	// memo may contain further details pertaining to the invoice itself,
	// or any other message which fits within the size constraints.
	Memo []byte

	// PaymentRequest is an optional field where a payment request created
	// for this invoice can be stored.
	PaymentRequest []byte

	// FinalCltvDelta is the minimum required number of blocks before htlc
	// expiry when the invoice is accepted.
	FinalCltvDelta int32

	// Expiry defines how long after creation this invoice should expire.
	Expiry time.Duration

	// CreationDate is the exact time the invoice was created.
	CreationDate time.Time

	// SettleDate is the exact time the invoice was settled.
	SettleDate time.Time

	// Terms are the contractual payment terms of the invoice. Once all the
	// terms have been satisfied by the payer, then the invoice can be
	// considered fully fulfilled.
	// TODO(roasbeef): later allow for multiple terms to fulfill the final
	// invoice: payment fragmentation, etc.
	Terms ContractTerm

	// AddIndex is an auto-incrementing integer that acts as a
	// monotonically increasing sequence number for all invoices created.
	// Clients can then use this field as a "checkpoint" of sorts when
	// implementing a streaming RPC to notify consumers of instances where
	// an invoice has been added before they re-connected.
	// NOTE: This index starts at 1.
	AddIndex uint64

	// SettleIndex is an auto-incrementing integer that acts as a
	// monotonically increasing sequence number for all settled invoices.
	// Clients can then use this field as a "checkpoint" of sorts when
	// implementing a streaming RPC to notify consumers of instances where
	// an invoice has been settled before they re-connected.
	// NOTE: This index starts at 1.
	SettleIndex uint64

	// AmtPaid is the final amount that we ultimately accepted for pay for
	// this invoice. We specify this value independently as it's possible
	// that the invoice originally didn't specify an amount, or the sender
	// overpaid.
	AmtPaid lnwire.MilliSatoshi

	// Htlcs records all htlcs that paid to this invoice. Some of these
	// htlcs may have been marked as canceled.
	Htlcs []byte

// LegacyDeserializeInvoice decodes an invoice from the passed io.Reader using
// the pre-TLV serialization.
func LegacyDeserializeInvoice(r io.Reader) (Invoice, error) {
	var err error
	invoice := Invoice{}

	// TODO(roasbeef): use read full everywhere
	invoice.Memo, err = wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, MaxMemoSize, "")
	if err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	_, err = wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, maxReceiptSize, "")
	if err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	invoice.PaymentRequest, err = wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, MaxPaymentRequestSize, "")
	if err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &invoice.FinalCltvDelta); err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	var expiry int64
	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &expiry); err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	invoice.Expiry = time.Duration(expiry)

	birthBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 300, "birth")
	if err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	if err := invoice.CreationDate.UnmarshalBinary(birthBytes); err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	settledBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 300, "settled")
	if err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	if err := invoice.SettleDate.UnmarshalBinary(settledBytes); err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage[:]); err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	var scratch [8]byte
	if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, scratch[:]); err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	invoice.Terms.Value = lnwire.MilliSatoshi(byteOrder.Uint64(scratch[:]))

	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &invoice.Terms.State); err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &invoice.AddIndex); err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &invoice.SettleIndex); err != nil {
		return invoice, err
	if err := binary.Read(r, byteOrder, &invoice.AmtPaid); err != nil {
		return invoice, err

	invoice.Htlcs, err = deserializeHtlcs(r)
	if err != nil {
		return Invoice{}, err

	return invoice, nil

// deserializeHtlcs reads a list of invoice htlcs from a reader and returns it
// as a flattened byte slice.
func deserializeHtlcs(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	_, err := io.Copy(&b, r)
	return b.Bytes(), err

// SerializeInvoice serializes an invoice to a writer.
// nolint: dupl
func SerializeInvoice(w io.Writer, i *Invoice) error {
	creationDateBytes, err := i.CreationDate.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	settleDateBytes, err := i.SettleDate.MarshalBinary()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var fb bytes.Buffer
	err = i.Terms.Features.EncodeBase256(&fb)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	featureBytes := fb.Bytes()

	preimage := [32]byte(i.Terms.PaymentPreimage)
	value := uint64(i.Terms.Value)
	cltvDelta := uint32(i.FinalCltvDelta)
	expiry := uint64(i.Expiry)

	amtPaid := uint64(i.AmtPaid)
	state := uint8(i.Terms.State)

	tlvStream, err := tlv.NewStream(
		// Memo and payreq.
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(memoType, &i.Memo),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(payReqType, &i.PaymentRequest),

		// Add/settle metadata.
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(createTimeType, &creationDateBytes),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(settleTimeType, &settleDateBytes),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(addIndexType, &i.AddIndex),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(settleIndexType, &i.SettleIndex),

		// Terms.
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(preimageType, &preimage),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(valueType, &value),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(cltvDeltaType, &cltvDelta),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(expiryType, &expiry),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(paymentAddrType, &i.Terms.PaymentAddr),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(featuresType, &featureBytes),

		// Invoice state.
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(invStateType, &state),
		tlv.MakePrimitiveRecord(amtPaidType, &amtPaid),
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var b bytes.Buffer
	if err = tlvStream.Encode(&b); err != nil {
		return err

	err = binary.Write(w, byteOrder, uint64(b.Len()))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, err = w.Write(b.Bytes()); err != nil {
		return err

	return serializeHtlcs(w, i.Htlcs)

// serializeHtlcs writes a serialized list of invoice htlcs into a writer.
func serializeHtlcs(w io.Writer, htlcs []byte) error {
	_, err := w.Write(htlcs)
	return err