#!/bin/bash # Let's work with absolute paths only, we run in the itest directory itself. WORKDIR=$(pwd)/itest TRANCHE=$1 NUM_TRANCHES=$2 # Shift the passed parameters by two, giving us all remaining testing flags in # the $@ special variable. shift shift # Windows insists on having the .exe suffix for an executable, we need to add # that here if necessary. EXEC="$WORKDIR"/itest.test"$EXEC_SUFFIX" LND_EXEC="$WORKDIR"/lnd-itest"$EXEC_SUFFIX" BTCD_EXEC="$WORKDIR"/btcd-itest"$EXEC_SUFFIX" export GOCOVERDIR="$WORKDIR/cover" mkdir -p "$GOCOVERDIR" echo $EXEC -test.v "$@" -logoutput -logdir=.logs-tranche$TRANCHE -lndexec=$LND_EXEC -btcdexec=$BTCD_EXEC -splittranches=$NUM_TRANCHES -runtranche=$TRANCHE # Exit code 255 causes the parallel jobs to abort, so if one part fails the # other is aborted too. cd "$WORKDIR" || exit 255 $EXEC -test.v "$@" -logoutput -logdir=.logs-tranche$TRANCHE -lndexec=$LND_EXEC -btcdexec=$BTCD_EXEC -splittranches=$NUM_TRANCHES -runtranche=$TRANCHE || exit 255