#!/bin/bash # This script performs different checks on the sample-lnd.conf file: # 1. Checks that all relevant options of lnd are included. # 2. Verifies that defaults are labeled if there are also further examples. # 3. Checks that all default values of lnd are mentioned correctly, including # empty defaults and booleans which are set to false by default. set -e TAGS="$1" CONF_FILE=${2:-sample-lnd.conf} # We are reading the default values of lnd from lnd --help. To avoid formatting # issues the width of the terminal is set to 240. This needs a workaround for # CI where we don't have an interactive terminal. if [ -t 0 ]; then stty cols 240 LND_HELP="$(go run -tags="$TAGS" \ github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/cmd/lnd --help)"" --end" else tmux new-session -d -s simulated-terminal -x 240 -y 9999 tmux send-keys -t simulated-terminal.0 "go run -tags=\"$TAGS\" \ github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/cmd/lnd --help; tmux wait -S run" ENTER tmux wait-for run LND_HELP="$(tmux capture-pane -t simulated-terminal.0 -p)"" --end" tmux kill-session -t simulated-terminal fi # LND_OPTIONS is a list of all options of lnd including the equal sign, which # is needed to distinguish between booleans and other variables. # It is created by reading the first two columns of lnd --help. LND_OPTIONS="$(go run -tags="$TAGS" \ github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/cmd/lnd --help | \ awk '{ option=""; if ($1 ~ /^--/){option=$1}; if ($2 ~ /^--/){option=$2}; if (match(option, /--[^=]+[=]*/) && substr(option, length(option)) != "-") {printf "%s ", substr(option, RSTART, RLENGTH)} } END { printf "%s", "--end"}')" # OPTIONS_NO_CONF is a list of all options without any expected entries in # sample-lnd.conf. There's no validation needed for these options. OPTIONS_NO_CONF="help lnddir configfile version litecoin.signet \ litecoin.signetchallenge litecoin.signetseednode end" # OPTIONS_NO_LND_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHECK is a list of options with default values # set, but there aren't any returned defaults by lnd --help. Defaults have to be # included in sample-lnd.conf but no further checks are performed. OPTIONS_NO_LND_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHECK="adminmacaroonpath readonlymacaroonpath \ invoicemacaroonpath rpclisten restlisten listen backupfilepath maxchansize \ bitcoin.chaindir bitcoin.defaultchanconfs bitcoin.defaultremotedelay \ bitcoin.dnsseed litecoin.chaindir litecoin.dnsseed \ signrpc.signermacaroonpath walletrpc.walletkitmacaroonpath \ chainrpc.notifiermacaroonpath routerrpc.routermacaroonpath" # EXITCODE is returned at the end after all checks are performed and set to 1 # if a validation error occurs. COUNTER counts the checked options. EXITCODE=0 COUNTER=0 for OPTION in $LND_OPTIONS; do # Determination of the clean name of the option without leading -- and # possible = at the end. OPTION_NAME=${OPTION##--} OPTION_NAME=${OPTION_NAME%=} # Skip if there is no expected entry in sample-lnd.conf. echo "$OPTIONS_NO_CONF" | grep -qw $OPTION_NAME && continue COUNTER=$((COUNTER+1)) # Determine the default value of lnd. If the option has no equal sign, # it is boolean and set to false. # For other options we grep the text between the current option and the next # option from LND_HELP. The default value is given in brackets (default: xx) # In the case of durations expressed in hours or minutes, the indications of # '0m0s' and '0s' are removed, as they provide redundant information. # HOME and HOSTNAME are replaced with general values. if [[ "$OPTION" == *"="* ]]; then OPTION_NEXT="$(echo "$LND_OPTIONS" | sed -E -e "s/.*$OPTION //" \ -e "s/([^ ]*).*/\1/")" DEFAULT_VALUE_LND="$(echo $LND_HELP | \ sed -E -e "s/.*--${OPTION##--}//" \ -e "s/--${OPTION_NEXT##--}.*//" \ -e '/(default:.*)/ {' \ -e 's/.*\(default: ([^)]*)\).*/\1/' -e 't end' -e '}' \ -e 's/.*//' -e ':end' \ -e "s#m0s#m#g" \ -e "s#h0m#h#g" \ -e "s#$HOME/Library/Application Support/Lnd#~/.lnd#g" \ -e "s#$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin#~/.bitcoin#g" \ -e "s#$HOME/Library/Application Support/Btcd#~/.btcd#g" \ -e "s#$HOME/Library/Application Support/Ltcd#~/.ltcd#g" \ -e "s#$HOME/Library/Application Support/Litecoin#~/.litecoin#g" \ -e "s#$HOME#~#g" \ -e "s#$HOSTNAME#example.com#g")" else DEFAULT_VALUE_LND="false" fi # An option is considered included in the sample-lnd.conf if there is # a match of the following regex. OPTION_REGEX="^;[ ]*$OPTION_NAME=[^ ]*$" # Perform the different checks now. If one fails we move to # the next option. # 1. check if the option is included in the sample-lnd.conf. if [ $(grep -c "$OPTION_REGEX" $CONF_FILE) -eq 0 ]; then echo "Option $OPTION_NAME: no default or example included in \ sample-lnd.conf" EXITCODE=1 continue fi # Skip if no default value check should be performed. echo "$OPTIONS_NO_LND_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHECK" | grep -wq $OPTION_NAME && continue # 2. Check that the default value is labeled if it is included multiple # times. if [ $(grep -c "$OPTION_REGEX" $CONF_FILE) -ge 2 ]; then # For one option there has to be a preceding line "; Default:" # If it matches we grep the default value from the file. if grep -A 1 "^; Default:" $CONF_FILE | grep -q "$OPTION_REGEX"; then DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF="$(grep -A 1 "^; Default:" $CONF_FILE | \ grep "$OPTION_REGEX" | cut -d= -f2)" else echo "Option $OPTION_NAME: mentioned multiple times in \ sample-lnd.conf but without a default value" EXITCODE=1 continue fi else # If there is only one entry in sample-lnd.conf we grep the default # value. DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF=$(grep "$OPTION_REGEX" $CONF_FILE | cut -d= -f2) fi # 3. Compare the default value of lnd --help with the value in the # sample-lnd.conf file. If lnd doesn't provide a default value, it is # allowed for the value in the file to be '0' or '0s'. if [ ! "$DEFAULT_VALUE_LND" == "$DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF" ]; then if [ -z "$DEFAULT_VALUE_LND" ] && [ "$DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF" == "0" ]; then true elif [ -z "$DEFAULT_VALUE_LND" ] && \ [ "$DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF" == "0s" ]; then true else echo "Option $OPTION_NAME: defaults don't match - sample-lnd.conf: \ '$DEFAULT_VALUE_CONF', lnd: '$DEFAULT_VALUE_LND'" EXITCODE=1 continue fi fi done echo "$COUNTER options were checked" exit $EXITCODE