package chanfitness

import (


// testNow is the current time tests will use.
var testNow = time.Unix(1592465134, 0)

// TestStartStoreError tests the starting of the store in cases where the setup
// functions fail. It does not test the mechanics of consuming events because
// these are covered in a separate set of tests.
func TestStartStoreError(t *testing.T) {
	// Ok and erroring subscribe functions are defined here to de-clutter
	// tests.
	okSubscribeFunc := func() (subscribe.Subscription, error) {
		return newMockSubscription(t), nil

	errSubscribeFunc := func() (subscribe.Subscription, error) {
		return nil, errors.New("intentional test err")

	tests := []struct {
		name          string
		ChannelEvents func() (subscribe.Subscription, error)
		PeerEvents    func() (subscribe.Subscription, error)
		GetChannels   func() ([]*channeldb.OpenChannel, error)
			name:          "Channel events fail",
			ChannelEvents: errSubscribeFunc,
			name:          "Peer events fail",
			ChannelEvents: okSubscribeFunc,
			PeerEvents:    errSubscribeFunc,
			name:          "Get open channels fails",
			ChannelEvents: okSubscribeFunc,
			PeerEvents:    okSubscribeFunc,
			GetChannels: func() ([]*channeldb.OpenChannel, error) {
				return nil, errors.New("intentional test err")

	for _, test := range tests {
		test := test

		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			clock := clock.NewTestClock(testNow)

			store := NewChannelEventStore(&Config{
				SubscribeChannelEvents: test.ChannelEvents,
				SubscribePeerEvents:    test.PeerEvents,
				GetOpenChannels:        test.GetChannels,
				Clock:                  clock,

			err := store.Start()
			// Check that we receive an error, because the test only
			// checks for error cases.
			if err == nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected error on startup, got: nil")

// TestMonitorChannelEvents tests the store's handling of channel and peer
// events. It tests for the unexpected cases where we receive a channel open for
// an already known channel and but does not test for closing an unknown channel
// because it would require custom logic in the test to prevent iterating
// through an eventLog which does not exist. This test does not test handling
// of uptime and lifespan requests, as they are tested in their own tests.
func TestMonitorChannelEvents(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		pubKey = btcec.NewPublicKey(

		chan1 = wire.OutPoint{Index: 1}
		chan2 = wire.OutPoint{Index: 2}

	peer1, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(pubKey.SerializeCompressed())
	require.NoError(t, err)

	t.Run("peer comes online after channel open", func(t *testing.T) {
		gen := func(ctx *chanEventStoreTestCtx) {
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)

		testEventStore(t, gen, peer1, 1)

	t.Run("duplicate channel open events", func(t *testing.T) {
		gen := func(ctx *chanEventStoreTestCtx) {
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)

		testEventStore(t, gen, peer1, 1)

	t.Run("peer online before channel created", func(t *testing.T) {
		gen := func(ctx *chanEventStoreTestCtx) {
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)

		testEventStore(t, gen, peer1, 1)

	t.Run("multiple channels for peer", func(t *testing.T) {
		gen := func(ctx *chanEventStoreTestCtx) {
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)

			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, false)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan2)

		testEventStore(t, gen, peer1, 2)

	t.Run("multiple channels for peer, one closed", func(t *testing.T) {
		gen := func(ctx *chanEventStoreTestCtx) {
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan1)

			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, false)
			ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pubKey, chan2)

			ctx.closeChannel(chan1, pubKey)
			ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)

		testEventStore(t, gen, peer1, 1)

// testEventStore creates a new test contexts, generates a set of events for it
// and tests that it has the number of channels we expect.
func testEventStore(t *testing.T, generateEvents func(*chanEventStoreTestCtx),
	peer route.Vertex, expectedChannels int) {

	testCtx := newChanEventStoreTestCtx(t)


	// Shutdown the store so that we can safely access the maps in our event
	// store.

	// Get our peer and check that it has the channels we expect.
	monitor, ok :=[peer]
	require.True(t, ok)

	require.Equal(t, expectedChannels, monitor.channelCount())

// TestStoreFlapCount tests flushing of flap counts to disk on timer ticks and
// on store shutdown.
func TestStoreFlapCount(t *testing.T) {
	testCtx := newChanEventStoreTestCtx(t)

	pubkey, _, _ := testCtx.createChannel()
	testCtx.peerEvent(pubkey, false)

	// Now, we tick our flap count ticker. We expect our main goroutine to
	// flush our tick count to disk.

	// Since we just tracked a offline event, we expect a single flap for
	// our peer.
	expectedUpdate := peerFlapCountMap{
		pubkey: {
			Count:    1,
			LastFlap: testCtx.clock.Now(),


	// Create three events for out peer, online/offline/online.
	testCtx.peerEvent(pubkey, true)
	testCtx.peerEvent(pubkey, false)
	testCtx.peerEvent(pubkey, true)

	// Trigger another write.

	// Since we have processed 3 more events for our peer, we update our
	// expected online map to have a flap count of 4 for this peer.
	expectedUpdate[pubkey] = &channeldb.FlapCount{
		Count:    4,
		LastFlap: testCtx.clock.Now(),


// TestGetChanInfo tests the GetChanInfo function for the cases where a channel
// is known and unknown to the store.
func TestGetChanInfo(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := newChanEventStoreTestCtx(t)

	// Make a note of the time that our mocked clock starts on.
	now := ctx.clock.Now()

	// Create mock vars for a channel but do not add them to our store yet.
	peer, pk, channel := ctx.newChannel()

	// Send an online event for our peer, although we do not yet have an
	// open channel.
	ctx.peerEvent(peer, true)

	// Try to get info for a channel that has not been opened yet, we
	// expect to get an error.
	_, err :=, peer)
	require.Equal(t, ErrChannelNotFound, err)

	// Now we send our store a notification that a channel has been opened.
	ctx.sendChannelOpenedUpdate(pk, channel)

	// Wait for our channel to be recognized by our store. We need to wait
	// for the channel to be created so that we do not update our time
	// before the channel open is processed.
	require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
		_, err =, peer)
		return err == nil
	}, timeout, time.Millisecond*20)

	// Increment our test clock by an hour.
	now = now.Add(time.Hour)

	// At this stage our channel has been open and online for an hour.
	info, err :=, peer)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour, info.Lifetime)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour, info.Uptime)

	// Now we send a peer offline event for our channel.
	ctx.peerEvent(peer, false)

	// Since we have not bumped our mocked time, our uptime calculations
	// should be the same, even though we've just processed an offline
	// event.
	info, err =, peer)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour, info.Lifetime)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour, info.Uptime)

	// Progress our time again. This time, our peer is currently tracked as
	// being offline, so we expect our channel info to reflect that the peer
	// has been offline for this period.
	now = now.Add(time.Hour)

	info, err =, peer)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour*2, info.Lifetime)
	require.Equal(t, time.Hour, info.Uptime)


// TestFlapCount tests querying the store for peer flap counts, covering the
// case where the peer is tracked in memory, and the case where we need to
// lookup the peer on disk.
func TestFlapCount(t *testing.T) {
	clock := clock.NewTestClock(testNow)

	var (
		peer          = route.Vertex{9, 9, 9}
		peerFlapCount = 3
		lastFlap      = clock.Now()

	// Create a test context with one peer's flap count already recorded,
	// which mocks it already having its flap count stored on disk.
	ctx := newChanEventStoreTestCtx(t)
	ctx.flapUpdates[peer] = &channeldb.FlapCount{
		Count:    uint32(peerFlapCount),
		LastFlap: lastFlap,


	// Create test variables for a peer and channel, but do not add it to
	// our store yet.
	peer1 := route.Vertex{1, 2, 3}

	// First, query for a peer that we have no record of in memory or on
	// disk and confirm that we indicate that the peer was not found.
	_, ts, err :=
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Nil(t, ts)

	// Send an online event for our peer.
	ctx.peerEvent(peer1, true)

	// Assert that we now find a record of the peer with flap count = 1.
	count, ts, err :=
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, lastFlap, *ts)
	require.Equal(t, 1, count)

	// Make a request for our peer that not tracked in memory, but does
	// have its flap count stored on disk.
	count, ts, err =
	require.NoError(t, err)
	require.Equal(t, lastFlap, *ts)
	require.Equal(t, peerFlapCount, count)
