package migration30

import (

	mig24 ""
	mig26 ""
	mig ""

// recordsPerTx specifies the number of records to be migrated in each database
// transaction. In the worst case, each old revocation log is 28,057 bytes.
// 20,000 records would consume 0.56 GB of ram, which is feasible for a modern
// machine.
// NOTE: we could've used more ram but it doesn't help with the speed of the
// migration since the most of the CPU time is used for calculating the output
// indexes.
const recordsPerTx = 20_000

// MigrateRevLogConfig is an interface that defines the config that should be
// passed to the MigrateRevocationLog function.
type MigrateRevLogConfig interface {
	// GetNoAmountData returns true if the amount data of revoked commitment
	// transactions should not be stored in the revocation log.
	GetNoAmountData() bool

// MigrateRevLogConfigImpl implements the MigrationRevLogConfig interface.
type MigrateRevLogConfigImpl struct {
	// NoAmountData if set to true will result in the amount data of revoked
	// commitment transactions not being stored in the revocation log.
	NoAmountData bool

// GetNoAmountData returns true if the amount data of revoked commitment
// transactions should not be stored in the revocation log.
func (c *MigrateRevLogConfigImpl) GetNoAmountData() bool {
	return c.NoAmountData

// MigrateRevocationLog migrates the old revocation logs into the newer format
// and deletes them once finished, with the deletion only happens once ALL the
// old logs have been migrates.
func MigrateRevocationLog(db kvdb.Backend, cfg MigrateRevLogConfig) error {
	log.Infof("Migrating revocation logs, might take a while...")

	var (
		err error

		// finished is used to exit the for loop.
		finished bool

		// total is the number of total records.
		total uint64

		// migrated is the number of already migrated records.
		migrated uint64

	// First of all, read the stats of the revocation logs.
	total, migrated, err = logMigrationStat(db)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Infof("Total logs=%d, migrated=%d", total, migrated)

	// Exit early if the old logs have already been migrated and deleted.
	if total == 0 {
		log.Info("Migration already finished!")
		return nil

	for {
		if finished {
			log.Infof("Migrating old revocation logs finished, " +
				"now checking the migration results...")

		// Process the migration.
		err = kvdb.Update(db, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
			finished, err = processMigration(tx, cfg)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return nil
		}, func() {})
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Each time we finished the above process, we'd read the stats
		// again to understand the current progress.
		total, migrated, err = logMigrationStat(db)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Calculate and log the progress if the progress is less than
		// one.
		progress := float64(migrated) / float64(total) * 100
		if progress >= 100 {

		log.Infof("Migration progress: %.3f%%, still have: %d",
			progress, total-migrated)

	// Before we can safety delete the old buckets, we perform a check to
	// make sure the logs are migrated as expected.
	err = kvdb.Update(db, validateMigration, func() {})
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("validate migration failed: %v", err)

	log.Info("Migration check passed, now deleting the old logs...")

	// Once the migration completes, we can now safety delete the old
	// revocation logs.
	if err := deleteOldBuckets(db); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("deleteOldBuckets err: %v", err)

	log.Info("Old revocation log buckets removed!")
	return nil

// processMigration finds the next un-migrated revocation logs, reads a max
// number of `recordsPerTx` records, converts them into the new revocation logs
// and save them to disk.
func processMigration(tx kvdb.RwTx, cfg MigrateRevLogConfig) (bool, error) {
	openChanBucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(openChannelBucket)

	// If no bucket is found, we can exit early.
	if openChanBucket == nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("root bucket not found")

	// Locate the next migration height.
	locator, err := locateNextUpdateNum(openChanBucket)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("locator got error: %v", err)

	// If the returned locator is nil, we've done migrating the logs.
	if locator == nil {
		return true, nil

	// Read a list of old revocation logs.
	entryMap, err := readOldRevocationLogs(openChanBucket, locator, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("read old logs err: %v", err)

	// Migrate the revocation logs.
	return false, writeRevocationLogs(openChanBucket, entryMap)

// deleteOldBuckets iterates all the channel buckets and deletes the old
// revocation buckets.
func deleteOldBuckets(db kvdb.Backend) error {
	// locators records all the chan buckets found in the database.
	var locators []*updateLocator

	// reader is a helper closure that saves the locator found. Each
	// locator is relatively small(33+32+36+8=109 bytes), assuming 1 GB of
	// ram we can fit roughly 10 million records. Since each record
	// corresponds to a channel, we should have more than enough memory to
	// read them all.
	reader := func(_ kvdb.RwBucket, l *updateLocator) error { // nolint:unparam
		locators = append(locators, l)
		return nil

	// remover is a helper closure that removes the old revocation log
	// bucket under the specified chan bucket by the given locator.
	remover := func(rootBucket kvdb.RwBucket, l *updateLocator) error {
		chanBucket, err := l.locateChanBucket(rootBucket)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return chanBucket.DeleteNestedBucket(

	// Perform the deletion in one db transaction. This should not cause
	// any memory issue as the deletion doesn't load any data from the
	// buckets.
	return kvdb.Update(db, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		openChanBucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(openChannelBucket)

		// Exit early if there's no bucket.
		if openChanBucket == nil {
			return nil

		// Iterate the buckets to find all the locators.
		err := iterateBuckets(openChanBucket, nil, reader)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Iterate the locators and delete all the old revocation log
		// buckets.
		for _, l := range locators {
			err := remover(openChanBucket, l)
			// If the bucket doesn't exist, we can exit safety.
			if err != nil && err != kvdb.ErrBucketNotFound {
				return err

		return nil
	}, func() {})

// writeRevocationLogs unwraps the entryMap and writes the new revocation logs.
func writeRevocationLogs(openChanBucket kvdb.RwBucket,
	entryMap logEntries) error {

	for locator, logs := range entryMap {
		// Find the channel bucket.
		chanBucket, err := locator.locateChanBucket(openChanBucket)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("locateChanBucket err: %v", err)

		// Create the new log bucket.
		logBucket, err := chanBucket.CreateBucketIfNotExists(
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("create log bucket err: %v", err)

		// Write the new logs.
		for _, entry := range logs {
			var b bytes.Buffer
			err := serializeRevocationLog(&b, entry.log)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			logEntrykey := mig24.MakeLogKey(entry.commitHeight)
			err = logBucket.Put(logEntrykey[:], b.Bytes())
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("putRevocationLog err: %v",

	return nil

// logMigrationStat reads the buckets to provide stats over current migration
// progress. The returned values are the numbers of total records and already
// migrated records.
func logMigrationStat(db kvdb.Backend) (uint64, uint64, error) {
	var (
		err error

		// total is the number of total records.
		total uint64

		// unmigrated is the number of unmigrated records.
		unmigrated uint64

	err = kvdb.Update(db, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		total, unmigrated, err = fetchLogStats(tx)
		return err
	}, func() {})

	log.Debugf("Total logs=%d, unmigrated=%d", total, unmigrated)
	return total, total - unmigrated, err

// fetchLogStats iterates all the chan buckets to provide stats about the logs.
// The returned values are num of total records, and num of un-migrated
// records.
func fetchLogStats(tx kvdb.RwTx) (uint64, uint64, error) {
	var (
		total           uint64
		totalUnmigrated uint64

	openChanBucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(openChannelBucket)

	// If no bucket is found, we can exit early.
	if openChanBucket == nil {
		return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("root bucket not found")

	// counter is a helper closure used to count the number of records
	// based on the given bucket.
	counter := func(chanBucket kvdb.RwBucket, bucket []byte) uint64 {
		// Read the sub-bucket level 4.
		logBucket := chanBucket.NestedReadBucket(bucket)

		// Exit early if we don't have the bucket.
		if logBucket == nil {
			return 0

		// Jump to the end of the cursor.
		key, _ := logBucket.ReadCursor().Last()

		// Since the CommitHeight is a zero-based monotonically
		// increased index, its value plus one reflects the total
		// records under this chan bucket.
		lastHeight := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(key) + 1

		return lastHeight

	// countTotal is a callback function used to count the total number of
	// records.
	countTotal := func(chanBucket kvdb.RwBucket, l *updateLocator) error {
		total += counter(chanBucket, revocationLogBucketDeprecated)
		return nil

	// countUnmigrated is a callback function used to count the total
	// number of un-migrated records.
	countUnmigrated := func(chanBucket kvdb.RwBucket,
		l *updateLocator) error {

		totalUnmigrated += counter(
			chanBucket, revocationLogBucketDeprecated,
		return nil

	// Locate the next migration height.
	locator, err := locateNextUpdateNum(openChanBucket)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("locator got error: %v", err)

	// If the returned locator is not nil, we still have un-migrated
	// records so we need to count them. Otherwise we've done migrating the
	// logs.
	if locator != nil {
		err = iterateBuckets(openChanBucket, locator, countUnmigrated)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, 0, err

	// Count the total number of records by supplying a nil locator.
	err = iterateBuckets(openChanBucket, nil, countTotal)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, 0, err

	return total, totalUnmigrated, err

// logEntry houses the info needed to write a new revocation log.
type logEntry struct {
	log          *RevocationLog
	commitHeight uint64
	ourIndex     uint32
	theirIndex   uint32
	locator      *updateLocator

// logEntries maps a bucket locator to a list of entries under that bucket.
type logEntries map[*updateLocator][]*logEntry

// result is made of two channels that's used to send back the constructed new
// revocation log or an error.
type result struct {
	newLog  chan *logEntry
	errChan chan error

// readOldRevocationLogs finds a list of old revocation logs and converts them
// into the new revocation logs.
func readOldRevocationLogs(openChanBucket kvdb.RwBucket,
	locator *updateLocator, cfg MigrateRevLogConfig) (logEntries, error) {

	entries := make(logEntries)
	results := make([]*result, 0)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	// collectLogs is a helper closure that reads all newly created
	// revocation logs sent over the result channels.
	// NOTE: the order of the logs cannot be guaranteed, which is fine as
	// boltdb will take care of the orders when saving them.
	collectLogs := func() error {

		for _, r := range results {
			select {
			case entry := <-r.newLog:
				entries[entry.locator] = append(
					entries[entry.locator], entry,

			case err := <-r.errChan:
				return err

		return nil

	// createLog is a helper closure that constructs a new revocation log.
	// NOTE: used as a goroutine.
	createLog := func(chanState *mig26.OpenChannel,
		c mig.ChannelCommitment, l *updateLocator, r *result) {

		defer wg.Done()

		// Find the output indexes.
		ourIndex, theirIndex, err := findOutputIndexes(chanState, &c)
		if err != nil {
			r.errChan <- err

		// Convert the old logs into the new logs. We do this early in
		// the read tx so the old large revocation log can be set to
		// nil here so save us some memory space.
		newLog, err := convertRevocationLog(
			&c, ourIndex, theirIndex, cfg.GetNoAmountData(),
		if err != nil {
			r.errChan <- err
		// Create the entry that will be used to create the new log.
		entry := &logEntry{
			log:          newLog,
			commitHeight: c.CommitHeight,
			ourIndex:     ourIndex,
			theirIndex:   theirIndex,
			locator:      l,

		r.newLog <- entry

	// innerCb is the stepping function used when iterating the old log
	// bucket.
	innerCb := func(chanState *mig26.OpenChannel, l *updateLocator,
		_, v []byte) error {

		reader := bytes.NewReader(v)
		c, err := mig.DeserializeChanCommit(reader)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		r := &result{
			newLog:  make(chan *logEntry, 1),
			errChan: make(chan error, 1),
		results = append(results, r)

		// We perform the log creation in a goroutine as it takes some
		// time to compute and find output indexes.
		go createLog(chanState, c, l, r)

		// Check the records read so far and signals exit when we've
		// reached our memory cap.
		if len(results) >= recordsPerTx {
			return errExit

		return nil

	// cb is the callback function to be used when iterating the buckets.
	cb := func(chanBucket kvdb.RwBucket, l *updateLocator) error {
		// Read the open channel.
		c := &mig26.OpenChannel{}
		err := mig26.FetchChanInfo(chanBucket, c, false)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch chan info: %v", err)

		err = fetchChanRevocationState(chanBucket, c)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch revocation "+
				"state: %v", err)

		// Read the sub-bucket level 4.
		logBucket := chanBucket.NestedReadBucket(
		// Exit early if we don't have the old bucket.
		if logBucket == nil {
			return nil

		// Init the map key when needed.
		_, ok := entries[l]
		if !ok {
			entries[l] = make([]*logEntry, 0, recordsPerTx)

		return iterator(
			logBucket, locator.nextHeight,
			func(k, v []byte) error {
				// Reset the nextHeight for following chan
				// buckets.
				locator.nextHeight = nil
				return innerCb(c, l, k, v)

	err := iterateBuckets(openChanBucket, locator, cb)
	// If there's an error and it's not exit signal, we won't collect the
	// logs from the result channels.
	if err != nil && err != errExit {
		return nil, err

	// Otherwise, collect the logs.
	err = collectLogs()

	return entries, err

// convertRevocationLog uses the fields `CommitTx` and `Htlcs` from a
// ChannelCommitment to construct a revocation log entry.
func convertRevocationLog(commit *mig.ChannelCommitment,
	ourOutputIndex, theirOutputIndex uint32,
	noAmtData bool) (*RevocationLog, error) {

	// Sanity check that the output indexes can be safely converted.
	if ourOutputIndex > math.MaxUint16 {
		return nil, ErrOutputIndexTooBig
	if theirOutputIndex > math.MaxUint16 {
		return nil, ErrOutputIndexTooBig

	rl := &RevocationLog{
		OurOutputIndex:   uint16(ourOutputIndex),
		TheirOutputIndex: uint16(theirOutputIndex),
		CommitTxHash:     commit.CommitTx.TxHash(),
		HTLCEntries:      make([]*HTLCEntry, 0, len(commit.Htlcs)),

	if !noAmtData {
		rl.TheirBalance = &commit.RemoteBalance
		rl.OurBalance = &commit.LocalBalance

	for _, htlc := range commit.Htlcs {
		// Skip dust HTLCs.
		if htlc.OutputIndex < 0 {

		// Sanity check that the output indexes can be safely
		// converted.
		if htlc.OutputIndex > math.MaxUint16 {
			return nil, ErrOutputIndexTooBig

		entry := &HTLCEntry{
			RHash:         htlc.RHash,
			RefundTimeout: htlc.RefundTimeout,
			Incoming:      htlc.Incoming,
			OutputIndex:   uint16(htlc.OutputIndex),
			Amt:           htlc.Amt.ToSatoshis(),
		rl.HTLCEntries = append(rl.HTLCEntries, entry)

	return rl, nil

// validateMigration checks that the data saved in the new buckets match those
// saved in the old buckets. It does so by checking the last keys saved in both
// buckets can match, given the assumption that the `CommitHeight` is
// monotonically increased value so the last key represents the total number of
// records saved.
func validateMigration(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
	openChanBucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(openChannelBucket)

	// If no bucket is found, we can exit early.
	if openChanBucket == nil {
		return nil

	// exitWithErr is a helper closure that prepends an error message with
	// the locator info.
	exitWithErr := func(l *updateLocator, msg string) error {
		return fmt.Errorf("unmatched records found under <nodePub=%x"+
			", chainHash=%x, fundingOutpoint=%x>: %v", l.nodePub,
			l.chainHash, l.fundingOutpoint, msg)

	// cb is the callback function to be used when iterating the buckets.
	cb := func(chanBucket kvdb.RwBucket, l *updateLocator) error {
		// Read both the old and new revocation log buckets.
		oldBucket := chanBucket.NestedReadBucket(
		newBucket := chanBucket.NestedReadBucket(revocationLogBucket)

		// Exit early if the old bucket is nil.
		// NOTE: the new bucket may not be nil here as new logs might
		// have been created using lnd@v0.15.0.
		if oldBucket == nil {
			return nil

		// Return an error if the expected new bucket cannot be found.
		if newBucket == nil {
			return exitWithErr(l, "expected new bucket")

		// Acquire the cursors.
		oldCursor := oldBucket.ReadCursor()
		newCursor := newBucket.ReadCursor()

		// Jump to the end of the cursors to do a quick check.
		newKey, _ := oldCursor.Last()
		oldKey, _ := newCursor.Last()

		// We expected the CommitHeights to be matched for nodes prior
		// to v0.15.0.
		if bytes.Equal(newKey, oldKey) {
			return nil

		// If the keys do not match, it's likely the node is running
		// v0.15.0 and have new logs created. In this case, we will
		// validate that every record in the old bucket can be found in
		// the new bucket.
		oldKey, _ = oldCursor.First()

		for {
			// Try to locate the old key in the new bucket and we
			// expect it to be found.
			newKey, _ := newCursor.Seek(oldKey)

			// If the old key is not found in the new bucket,
			// return an error.
			// NOTE: because Seek will return the next key when the
			// passed key cannot be found, we need to compare the
			// keys to deicde whether the old key is found or not.
			if !bytes.Equal(newKey, oldKey) {
				errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("old bucket has "+
					"CommitHeight=%v cannot be found in "+
					"new bucket", oldKey)
				return exitWithErr(l, errMsg)

			// Otherwise, keep iterating the old bucket.
			oldKey, _ = oldCursor.Next()

			// If we've done iterating, all keys have been matched
			// and we can safely exit.
			if oldKey == nil {
				return nil

	return iterateBuckets(openChanBucket, nil, cb)