package macaroons

import (


const (
	// RootKeyLen is the length of a root key.
	RootKeyLen = 32

var (
	// rootKeyBucketName is the name of the root key store bucket.
	rootKeyBucketName = []byte("macrootkeys")

	// DefaultRootKeyID is the ID of the default root key. The first is
	// just 0, to emulate the memory storage that comes with bakery.
	DefaultRootKeyID = []byte("0")

	// encryptionKeyID is the name of the database key that stores the
	// encryption key, encrypted with a salted + hashed password. The
	// format is 32 bytes of salt, and the rest is encrypted key.
	encryptionKeyID = []byte("enckey")

	// ErrAlreadyUnlocked specifies that the store has already been
	// unlocked.
	ErrAlreadyUnlocked = fmt.Errorf("macaroon store already unlocked")

	// ErrStoreLocked specifies that the store needs to be unlocked with
	// a password.
	ErrStoreLocked = fmt.Errorf("macaroon store is locked")

	// ErrPasswordRequired specifies that a nil password has been passed.
	ErrPasswordRequired = fmt.Errorf("a non-nil password is required")

	// ErrKeyValueForbidden is used when the root key ID uses encryptedKeyID as
	// its value.
	ErrKeyValueForbidden = fmt.Errorf("root key ID value is not allowed")

	// ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound specifies that there is no macaroon root key
	// bucket yet which can/should only happen if the store has been
	// corrupted or was initialized incorrectly.
	ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound = fmt.Errorf("root key bucket not found")

	// ErrEncKeyNotFound specifies that there was no encryption key found
	// even if one was expected to be generated.
	ErrEncKeyNotFound = fmt.Errorf("macaroon encryption key not found")

	// ErrDefaultRootKeyNotFound is returned when the default root key is
	// not found in the DB when it is expected to be.
	ErrDefaultRootKeyNotFound = fmt.Errorf("default root key not found")

// RootKeyStorage implements the bakery.RootKeyStorage interface.
type RootKeyStorage struct {

	encKeyMtx sync.RWMutex
	encKey    *snacl.SecretKey

// NewRootKeyStorage creates a RootKeyStorage instance.
func NewRootKeyStorage(db kvdb.Backend) (*RootKeyStorage, error) {
	// If the store's bucket doesn't exist, create it.
	err := kvdb.Update(db, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		_, err := tx.CreateTopLevelBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		return err
	}, func() {})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Return the DB wrapped in a RootKeyStorage object.
	return &RootKeyStorage{
		Backend: db,
		encKey:  nil,
	}, nil

// CreateUnlock sets an encryption key if one is not already set, otherwise it
// checks if the password is correct for the stored encryption key.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) CreateUnlock(password *[]byte) error {
	defer r.encKeyMtx.Unlock()

	// Check if we've already unlocked the store; return an error if so.
	if r.encKey != nil {
		return ErrAlreadyUnlocked

	// Check if a nil password has been passed; return an error if so.
	if password == nil {
		return ErrPasswordRequired

	return kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound
		dbKey := bucket.Get(encryptionKeyID)
		if len(dbKey) > 0 {
			// We've already stored a key, so try to unlock with
			// the password.
			encKey := &snacl.SecretKey{}
			err := encKey.Unmarshal(dbKey)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			err = encKey.DeriveKey(password)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			r.encKey = encKey
			return nil

		// We haven't yet stored a key, so create a new one.
		encKey, err := snacl.NewSecretKey(
			password, scryptN, scryptR, scryptP,
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = bucket.Put(encryptionKeyID, encKey.Marshal())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		r.encKey = encKey
		return nil
	}, func() {})

// ChangePassword decrypts all the macaroon root keys with the old password and
// then encrypts them again with the new password.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) ChangePassword(oldPw, newPw []byte) error {
	// We need the store to already be unlocked. With this we can make sure
	// that there already is a key in the DB.
	if r.encKey == nil {
		return ErrStoreLocked

	// Check if a nil password has been passed; return an error if so.
	if oldPw == nil || newPw == nil {
		return ErrPasswordRequired

	return kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound

		// The encryption key must be present, otherwise we are in the
		// wrong state to change the password.
		encKeyDB := bucket.Get(encryptionKeyID)
		if len(encKeyDB) == 0 {
			return ErrEncKeyNotFound

		// Unmarshal parameters for old encryption key and derive the
		// old key with them.
		encKeyOld := &snacl.SecretKey{}
		err := encKeyOld.Unmarshal(encKeyDB)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		err = encKeyOld.DeriveKey(&oldPw)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Create a new encryption key from the new password.
		encKeyNew, err := snacl.NewSecretKey(
			&newPw, scryptN, scryptR, scryptP,
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// foundDefaultRootKey is used to keep track of if we have
		// found and re-encrypted the default root key so that we can
		// return an error if it is not found.
		var foundDefaultRootKey bool
		err = bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			// Skip the key if it is the encryption key ID since
			// we do not want to re-encrypt this.
			if bytes.Equal(k, encryptionKeyID) {
				return nil

			if bytes.Equal(k, DefaultRootKeyID) {
				foundDefaultRootKey = true

			// Now try to decrypt the root key with the old
			// encryption key, encrypt it with the new one and then
			// store it in the DB.
			decryptedKey, err := encKeyOld.Decrypt(v)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			encryptedKey, err := encKeyNew.Encrypt(decryptedKey)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			return bucket.Put(k, encryptedKey)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !foundDefaultRootKey {
			return ErrDefaultRootKeyNotFound

		// Finally, store the new encryption key parameters in the DB
		// as well.
		err = bucket.Put(encryptionKeyID, encKeyNew.Marshal())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		r.encKey = encKeyNew
		return nil
	}, func() {})

// Get implements the Get method for the bakery.RootKeyStorage interface.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) Get(_ context.Context, id []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	defer r.encKeyMtx.RUnlock()

	if r.encKey == nil {
		return nil, ErrStoreLocked
	var rootKey []byte
	err := kvdb.View(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound
		dbKey := bucket.Get(id)
		if len(dbKey) == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("root key with id %s doesn't exist",

		decKey, err := r.encKey.Decrypt(dbKey)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		rootKey = make([]byte, len(decKey))
		copy(rootKey[:], decKey)
		return nil
	}, func() {
		rootKey = nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return rootKey, nil

// RootKey implements the RootKey method for the bakery.RootKeyStorage
// interface.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) RootKey(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
	defer r.encKeyMtx.RUnlock()

	if r.encKey == nil {
		return nil, nil, ErrStoreLocked
	var rootKey []byte

	// Read the root key ID from the context. If no key is specified in the
	// context, an error will be returned.
	id, err := RootKeyIDFromContext(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if bytes.Equal(id, encryptionKeyID) {
		return nil, nil, ErrKeyValueForbidden

	err = kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound
		dbKey := bucket.Get(id)

		// If there's a root key stored in the bucket, decrypt it and
		// return it.
		if len(dbKey) != 0 {
			decKey, err := r.encKey.Decrypt(dbKey)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			rootKey = make([]byte, len(decKey))
			copy(rootKey[:], decKey[:])
			return nil

		// Otherwise, create a new root key, encrypt it,
		// and store it in the bucket.
		newKey, err := generateAndStoreNewRootKey(bucket, id, r.encKey)
		rootKey = newKey
		return err
	}, func() {
		rootKey = nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return rootKey, id, nil

// GenerateNewRootKey generates a new macaroon root key, replacing the previous
// root key if it existed.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) GenerateNewRootKey() error {
	// We need the store to already be unlocked. With this we can make sure
	// that there already is a key in the DB that can be replaced.
	if r.encKey == nil {
		return ErrStoreLocked
	return kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound

		// The default root key should be created even if it does not
		// yet exist, so we do this separately from the rest of the
		// root keys.
		_, err := generateAndStoreNewRootKey(
			bucket, DefaultRootKeyID, r.encKey,
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Now iterate over all the other root keys that may exist
		// and re-generate each of them.
		return bucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			if bytes.Equal(k, encryptionKeyID) {
				return nil

			if bytes.Equal(k, DefaultRootKeyID) {
				return nil

			_, err := generateAndStoreNewRootKey(
				bucket, k, r.encKey,

			return err
	}, func() {})

// SetRootKey sets the default macaroon root key, replacing the previous root
// key if it existed.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) SetRootKey(rootKey []byte) error {
	if r.encKey == nil {
		return ErrStoreLocked
	if len(rootKey) != RootKeyLen {
		return fmt.Errorf("root key must be %v bytes",

	encryptedKey, err := r.encKey.Encrypt(rootKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)
		if bucket == nil {
			return ErrRootKeyBucketNotFound

		return bucket.Put(DefaultRootKeyID, encryptedKey)
	}, func() {})

// Close closes the underlying database and zeroes the encryption key stored
// in memory.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) Close() error {
	defer r.encKeyMtx.Unlock()

	if r.encKey != nil {
		r.encKey = nil

	// Since we're not responsible for _creating_ the connection to our DB
	// backend, we also shouldn't close it. This should be handled
	// externally as to not interfere with remote DB connections in case we
	// need to open/close the store twice as happens in the password change
	// case.
	return nil

// generateAndStoreNewRootKey creates a new random RootKeyLen-byte root key,
// encrypts it with the given encryption key and stores it in the bucket.
// Any previously set key will be overwritten.
func generateAndStoreNewRootKey(bucket walletdb.ReadWriteBucket, id []byte,
	key *snacl.SecretKey) ([]byte, error) {

	rootKey := make([]byte, RootKeyLen)
	if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, rootKey); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	encryptedKey, err := key.Encrypt(rootKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return rootKey, bucket.Put(id, encryptedKey)

// ListMacaroonIDs returns all the root key ID values except the value of
// encryptedKeyID.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) ListMacaroonIDs(_ context.Context) ([][]byte, error) {
	defer r.encKeyMtx.RUnlock()

	// Check it's unlocked.
	if r.encKey == nil {
		return nil, ErrStoreLocked

	var rootKeySlice [][]byte

	// Read all the items in the bucket and append the keys, which are the
	// root key IDs we want.
	err := kvdb.View(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RTx) error {
		// appendRootKey is a function closure that appends root key ID
		// to rootKeySlice.
		appendRootKey := func(k, _ []byte) error {
			// Only append when the key value is not encryptedKeyID.
			if !bytes.Equal(k, encryptionKeyID) {
				rootKeySlice = append(rootKeySlice, k)
			return nil

		return tx.ReadBucket(rootKeyBucketName).ForEach(appendRootKey)
	}, func() {
		rootKeySlice = nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return rootKeySlice, nil

// DeleteMacaroonID removes one specific root key ID. If the root key ID is
// found and deleted, it will be returned.
func (r *RootKeyStorage) DeleteMacaroonID(
	_ context.Context, rootKeyID []byte) ([]byte, error) {

	defer r.encKeyMtx.RUnlock()

	// Check it's unlocked.
	if r.encKey == nil {
		return nil, ErrStoreLocked

	// Check the rootKeyID is not empty.
	if len(rootKeyID) == 0 {
		return nil, ErrMissingRootKeyID

	// Deleting encryptedKeyID or DefaultRootKeyID is not allowed.
	if bytes.Equal(rootKeyID, encryptionKeyID) ||
		bytes.Equal(rootKeyID, DefaultRootKeyID) {

		return nil, ErrDeletionForbidden

	var rootKeyIDDeleted []byte
	err := kvdb.Update(r.Backend, func(tx kvdb.RwTx) error {
		bucket := tx.ReadWriteBucket(rootKeyBucketName)

		// Check the key can be found. If not, return nil.
		if bucket.Get(rootKeyID) == nil {
			return nil

		// Once the key is found, we do the deletion.
		if err := bucket.Delete(rootKeyID); err != nil {
			return err
		rootKeyIDDeleted = rootKeyID

		return nil
	}, func() {
		rootKeyIDDeleted = nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return rootKeyIDDeleted, nil