package netann

import (


// HostAnnouncerConfig is the main config for the HostAnnouncer.
type HostAnnouncerConfig struct {
	// Hosts is the set of hosts we should watch for IP changes.
	Hosts []string

	// RefreshTicker ticks each time we should check for any address
	// changes.
	RefreshTicker ticker.Ticker

	// LookupHost performs DNS resolution on a given host and returns its
	// addresses.
	LookupHost func(string) (net.Addr, error)

	// AdvertisedIPs is the set of IPs that we've already announced with
	// our current NodeAnnouncement. This set will be constructed to avoid
	// unnecessary node NodeAnnouncement updates.
	AdvertisedIPs map[string]struct{}

	// AnnounceNewIPs announces a new set of IP addresses for the backing
	// Lightning node. The first set of addresses is the new set of
	// addresses that we should advertise, while the other set are the
	// stale addresses that we should no longer advertise.
	AnnounceNewIPs func([]net.Addr, map[string]struct{}) error

// HostAnnouncer is a sub-system that allows a user to specify a set of hosts
// for lnd that will be continually resolved to notice any IP address changes.
// If the target IP address for a host changes, then we'll generate a new
// NodeAnnouncement that includes these new IPs.
type HostAnnouncer struct {
	cfg HostAnnouncerConfig

	quit chan struct{}
	wg   sync.WaitGroup

	startOnce sync.Once
	stopOnce  sync.Once

// NewHostAnnouncer returns a new instance of the HostAnnouncer.
func NewHostAnnouncer(cfg HostAnnouncerConfig) *HostAnnouncer {
	return &HostAnnouncer{
		cfg:  cfg,
		quit: make(chan struct{}),

// Start starts the HostAnnouncer.
func (h *HostAnnouncer) Start() error {
	h.startOnce.Do(func() {
		go h.hostWatcher()

	return nil

// Stop signals the HostAnnouncer for a graceful stop.
func (h *HostAnnouncer) Stop() error {
	h.stopOnce.Do(func() {
		log.Info("HostAnnouncer shutting down")

	return nil

// hostWatcher periodically attempts to resolve the IP for each host, updating
// them if they change within the interval.
func (h *HostAnnouncer) hostWatcher() {
	defer h.wg.Done()

	ipMapping := make(map[string]net.Addr)
	refreshHosts := func() {

		// We'll now run through each of our hosts to check if they had
		// their backing IPs changed. If so, we'll want to re-announce
		// them.
		var addrsToUpdate []net.Addr
		addrsToRemove := make(map[string]struct{})
		for _, host := range h.cfg.Hosts {
			newAddr, err := h.cfg.LookupHost(host)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("unable to resolve IP for "+
					"host %v: %v", host, err)

			// If nothing has changed since the last time we
			// checked, then we don't need to do any updates.
			oldAddr, oldAddrFound := ipMapping[host]
			if oldAddrFound && oldAddr.String() == newAddr.String() {

			// Update the IP mapping now, as if this is the first
			// time then we don't need to send a new announcement.
			ipMapping[host] = newAddr

			// If this IP has already been announced, then we'll
			// skip it to avoid triggering an unnecessary node
			// announcement update.
			_, ipAnnounced := h.cfg.AdvertisedIPs[newAddr.String()]
			if ipAnnounced {

			// If we've reached this point, then the old address
			// was found, and the new address we just looked up
			// differs from the old one.
			log.Debugf("IP change detected! %v: %v -> %v", host,
				oldAddr, newAddr)

			// If we had already advertised an addr for this host,
			// then we'll need to remove that old stale address.
			if oldAddr != nil {
				addrsToRemove[oldAddr.String()] = struct{}{}

			addrsToUpdate = append(addrsToUpdate, newAddr)

		// If we don't have any addresses to update, then we can skip
		// things around until the next round.
		if len(addrsToUpdate) == 0 {
			log.Debugf("No IP changes detected for hosts: %v",

		// Now that we know the set of IPs we need to update, we'll do
		// them all in a single batch.
		err := h.cfg.AnnounceNewIPs(addrsToUpdate, addrsToRemove)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("unable to announce new IPs: %v", err)



	for {
		select {
		case <-h.cfg.RefreshTicker.Ticks():
			log.Debugf("HostAnnouncer checking for any IP " +


		case <-h.quit:

// NodeAnnUpdater describes a function that's able to update our current node
// announcement on disk. It returns the updated node announcement given a set
// of updates to be applied to the current node announcement.
type NodeAnnUpdater func(refresh bool, modifier ...NodeAnnModifier,
) (lnwire.NodeAnnouncement, error)

// IPAnnouncer is a factory function that generates a new function that uses
// the passed annUpdater function to to announce new IP changes for a given
// host.
func IPAnnouncer(annUpdater NodeAnnUpdater) func([]net.Addr, map[string]struct{}) error {
	return func(newAddrs []net.Addr, oldAddrs map[string]struct{}) error {
		_, err := annUpdater(true, func(currentNodeAnn *lnwire.NodeAnnouncement) {
			// To ensure we don't duplicate any addresses, we'll
			// filter out the same of addresses we should no longer
			// advertise.
			filteredAddrs := make(
				[]net.Addr, 0, len(currentNodeAnn.Addresses),
			for _, addr := range currentNodeAnn.Addresses {
				if _, ok := oldAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {

				filteredAddrs = append(filteredAddrs, addr)

			filteredAddrs = append(filteredAddrs, newAddrs...)
			currentNodeAnn.Addresses = filteredAddrs
		return err