// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: // sqlc v1.25.0 // source: invoices.sql package sqlc import ( "context" "database/sql" "time" ) const clearKVInvoiceHashIndex = `-- name: ClearKVInvoiceHashIndex :exec DELETE FROM invoice_payment_hashes ` func (q *Queries) ClearKVInvoiceHashIndex(ctx context.Context) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, clearKVInvoiceHashIndex) return err } const deleteCanceledInvoices = `-- name: DeleteCanceledInvoices :execresult DELETE FROM invoices WHERE state = 2 ` func (q *Queries) DeleteCanceledInvoices(ctx context.Context) (sql.Result, error) { return q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteCanceledInvoices) } const deleteInvoice = `-- name: DeleteInvoice :execresult DELETE FROM invoices WHERE ( id = $1 OR $1 IS NULL ) AND ( hash = $2 OR $2 IS NULL ) AND ( settle_index = $3 OR $3 IS NULL ) AND ( payment_addr = $4 OR $4 IS NULL ) ` type DeleteInvoiceParams struct { AddIndex sql.NullInt64 Hash []byte SettleIndex sql.NullInt64 PaymentAddr []byte } func (q *Queries) DeleteInvoice(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteInvoiceParams) (sql.Result, error) { return q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteInvoice, arg.AddIndex, arg.Hash, arg.SettleIndex, arg.PaymentAddr, ) } const filterInvoices = `-- name: FilterInvoices :many SELECT invoices.id, invoices.hash, invoices.preimage, invoices.settle_index, invoices.settled_at, invoices.memo, invoices.amount_msat, invoices.cltv_delta, invoices.expiry, invoices.payment_addr, invoices.payment_request, invoices.payment_request_hash, invoices.state, invoices.amount_paid_msat, invoices.is_amp, invoices.is_hodl, invoices.is_keysend, invoices.created_at FROM invoices WHERE ( id >= $1 OR $1 IS NULL ) AND ( id <= $2 OR $2 IS NULL ) AND ( settle_index >= $3 OR $3 IS NULL ) AND ( settle_index <= $4 OR $4 IS NULL ) AND ( state = $5 OR $5 IS NULL ) AND ( created_at >= $6 OR $6 IS NULL ) AND ( created_at < $7 OR $7 IS NULL ) AND ( CASE WHEN $8 = TRUE THEN (state = 0 OR state = 3) ELSE TRUE END ) ORDER BY CASE WHEN $9 = FALSE OR $9 IS NULL THEN id ELSE NULL END ASC, CASE WHEN $9 = TRUE THEN id ELSE NULL END DESC LIMIT $11 OFFSET $10 ` type FilterInvoicesParams struct { AddIndexGet sql.NullInt64 AddIndexLet sql.NullInt64 SettleIndexGet sql.NullInt64 SettleIndexLet sql.NullInt64 State sql.NullInt16 CreatedAfter sql.NullTime CreatedBefore sql.NullTime PendingOnly interface{} Reverse interface{} NumOffset int32 NumLimit int32 } func (q *Queries) FilterInvoices(ctx context.Context, arg FilterInvoicesParams) ([]Invoice, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, filterInvoices, arg.AddIndexGet, arg.AddIndexLet, arg.SettleIndexGet, arg.SettleIndexLet, arg.State, arg.CreatedAfter, arg.CreatedBefore, arg.PendingOnly, arg.Reverse, arg.NumOffset, arg.NumLimit, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []Invoice for rows.Next() { var i Invoice if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Hash, &i.Preimage, &i.SettleIndex, &i.SettledAt, &i.Memo, &i.AmountMsat, &i.CltvDelta, &i.Expiry, &i.PaymentAddr, &i.PaymentRequest, &i.PaymentRequestHash, &i.State, &i.AmountPaidMsat, &i.IsAmp, &i.IsHodl, &i.IsKeysend, &i.CreatedAt, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getInvoice = `-- name: GetInvoice :many SELECT i.id, i.hash, i.preimage, i.settle_index, i.settled_at, i.memo, i.amount_msat, i.cltv_delta, i.expiry, i.payment_addr, i.payment_request, i.payment_request_hash, i.state, i.amount_paid_msat, i.is_amp, i.is_hodl, i.is_keysend, i.created_at FROM invoices i LEFT JOIN amp_sub_invoices a ON i.id = a.invoice_id AND ( a.set_id = $1 OR $1 IS NULL ) WHERE ( i.id = $2 OR $2 IS NULL ) AND ( i.hash = $3 OR $3 IS NULL ) AND ( i.payment_addr = $4 OR $4 IS NULL ) GROUP BY i.id LIMIT 2 ` type GetInvoiceParams struct { SetID []byte AddIndex sql.NullInt64 Hash []byte PaymentAddr []byte } // This method may return more than one invoice if filter using multiple fields // from different invoices. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that // we bubble up an error in those cases. func (q *Queries) GetInvoice(ctx context.Context, arg GetInvoiceParams) ([]Invoice, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getInvoice, arg.SetID, arg.AddIndex, arg.Hash, arg.PaymentAddr, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []Invoice for rows.Next() { var i Invoice if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Hash, &i.Preimage, &i.SettleIndex, &i.SettledAt, &i.Memo, &i.AmountMsat, &i.CltvDelta, &i.Expiry, &i.PaymentAddr, &i.PaymentRequest, &i.PaymentRequestHash, &i.State, &i.AmountPaidMsat, &i.IsAmp, &i.IsHodl, &i.IsKeysend, &i.CreatedAt, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getInvoiceByHash = `-- name: GetInvoiceByHash :one SELECT i.id, i.hash, i.preimage, i.settle_index, i.settled_at, i.memo, i.amount_msat, i.cltv_delta, i.expiry, i.payment_addr, i.payment_request, i.payment_request_hash, i.state, i.amount_paid_msat, i.is_amp, i.is_hodl, i.is_keysend, i.created_at FROM invoices i WHERE i.hash = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetInvoiceByHash(ctx context.Context, hash []byte) (Invoice, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getInvoiceByHash, hash) var i Invoice err := row.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Hash, &i.Preimage, &i.SettleIndex, &i.SettledAt, &i.Memo, &i.AmountMsat, &i.CltvDelta, &i.Expiry, &i.PaymentAddr, &i.PaymentRequest, &i.PaymentRequestHash, &i.State, &i.AmountPaidMsat, &i.IsAmp, &i.IsHodl, &i.IsKeysend, &i.CreatedAt, ) return i, err } const getInvoiceBySetID = `-- name: GetInvoiceBySetID :many SELECT i.id, i.hash, i.preimage, i.settle_index, i.settled_at, i.memo, i.amount_msat, i.cltv_delta, i.expiry, i.payment_addr, i.payment_request, i.payment_request_hash, i.state, i.amount_paid_msat, i.is_amp, i.is_hodl, i.is_keysend, i.created_at FROM invoices i INNER JOIN amp_sub_invoices a ON i.id = a.invoice_id AND a.set_id = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetInvoiceBySetID(ctx context.Context, setID []byte) ([]Invoice, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getInvoiceBySetID, setID) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []Invoice for rows.Next() { var i Invoice if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Hash, &i.Preimage, &i.SettleIndex, &i.SettledAt, &i.Memo, &i.AmountMsat, &i.CltvDelta, &i.Expiry, &i.PaymentAddr, &i.PaymentRequest, &i.PaymentRequestHash, &i.State, &i.AmountPaidMsat, &i.IsAmp, &i.IsHodl, &i.IsKeysend, &i.CreatedAt, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getInvoiceFeatures = `-- name: GetInvoiceFeatures :many SELECT feature, invoice_id FROM invoice_features WHERE invoice_id = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetInvoiceFeatures(ctx context.Context, invoiceID int64) ([]InvoiceFeature, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getInvoiceFeatures, invoiceID) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []InvoiceFeature for rows.Next() { var i InvoiceFeature if err := rows.Scan(&i.Feature, &i.InvoiceID); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getInvoiceHTLCCustomRecords = `-- name: GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecords :many SELECT ihcr.htlc_id, key, value FROM invoice_htlcs ih JOIN invoice_htlc_custom_records ihcr ON ih.id=ihcr.htlc_id WHERE ih.invoice_id = $1 ` type GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordsRow struct { HtlcID int64 Key int64 Value []byte } func (q *Queries) GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecords(ctx context.Context, invoiceID int64) ([]GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordsRow, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getInvoiceHTLCCustomRecords, invoiceID) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordsRow for rows.Next() { var i GetInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordsRow if err := rows.Scan(&i.HtlcID, &i.Key, &i.Value); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getInvoiceHTLCs = `-- name: GetInvoiceHTLCs :many SELECT id, chan_id, htlc_id, amount_msat, total_mpp_msat, accept_height, accept_time, expiry_height, state, resolve_time, invoice_id FROM invoice_htlcs WHERE invoice_id = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetInvoiceHTLCs(ctx context.Context, invoiceID int64) ([]InvoiceHtlc, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getInvoiceHTLCs, invoiceID) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []InvoiceHtlc for rows.Next() { var i InvoiceHtlc if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.ChanID, &i.HtlcID, &i.AmountMsat, &i.TotalMppMsat, &i.AcceptHeight, &i.AcceptTime, &i.ExpiryHeight, &i.State, &i.ResolveTime, &i.InvoiceID, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getKVInvoicePaymentHashByAddIndex = `-- name: GetKVInvoicePaymentHashByAddIndex :one SELECT hash FROM invoice_payment_hashes WHERE add_index = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetKVInvoicePaymentHashByAddIndex(ctx context.Context, addIndex int64) ([]byte, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getKVInvoicePaymentHashByAddIndex, addIndex) var hash []byte err := row.Scan(&hash) return hash, err } const insertInvoice = `-- name: InsertInvoice :one INSERT INTO invoices ( hash, preimage, memo, amount_msat, cltv_delta, expiry, payment_addr, payment_request, payment_request_hash, state, amount_paid_msat, is_amp, is_hodl, is_keysend, created_at ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15 ) RETURNING id ` type InsertInvoiceParams struct { Hash []byte Preimage []byte Memo sql.NullString AmountMsat int64 CltvDelta sql.NullInt32 Expiry int32 PaymentAddr []byte PaymentRequest sql.NullString PaymentRequestHash []byte State int16 AmountPaidMsat int64 IsAmp bool IsHodl bool IsKeysend bool CreatedAt time.Time } func (q *Queries) InsertInvoice(ctx context.Context, arg InsertInvoiceParams) (int64, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, insertInvoice, arg.Hash, arg.Preimage, arg.Memo, arg.AmountMsat, arg.CltvDelta, arg.Expiry, arg.PaymentAddr, arg.PaymentRequest, arg.PaymentRequestHash, arg.State, arg.AmountPaidMsat, arg.IsAmp, arg.IsHodl, arg.IsKeysend, arg.CreatedAt, ) var id int64 err := row.Scan(&id) return id, err } const insertInvoiceFeature = `-- name: InsertInvoiceFeature :exec INSERT INTO invoice_features ( invoice_id, feature ) VALUES ( $1, $2 ) ` type InsertInvoiceFeatureParams struct { InvoiceID int64 Feature int32 } func (q *Queries) InsertInvoiceFeature(ctx context.Context, arg InsertInvoiceFeatureParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, insertInvoiceFeature, arg.InvoiceID, arg.Feature) return err } const insertInvoiceHTLC = `-- name: InsertInvoiceHTLC :one INSERT INTO invoice_htlcs ( htlc_id, chan_id, amount_msat, total_mpp_msat, accept_height, accept_time, expiry_height, state, resolve_time, invoice_id ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10 ) RETURNING id ` type InsertInvoiceHTLCParams struct { HtlcID int64 ChanID string AmountMsat int64 TotalMppMsat sql.NullInt64 AcceptHeight int32 AcceptTime time.Time ExpiryHeight int32 State int16 ResolveTime sql.NullTime InvoiceID int64 } func (q *Queries) InsertInvoiceHTLC(ctx context.Context, arg InsertInvoiceHTLCParams) (int64, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, insertInvoiceHTLC, arg.HtlcID, arg.ChanID, arg.AmountMsat, arg.TotalMppMsat, arg.AcceptHeight, arg.AcceptTime, arg.ExpiryHeight, arg.State, arg.ResolveTime, arg.InvoiceID, ) var id int64 err := row.Scan(&id) return id, err } const insertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecord = `-- name: InsertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecord :exec INSERT INTO invoice_htlc_custom_records ( key, value, htlc_id ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ` type InsertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordParams struct { Key int64 Value []byte HtlcID int64 } func (q *Queries) InsertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecord(ctx context.Context, arg InsertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecordParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, insertInvoiceHTLCCustomRecord, arg.Key, arg.Value, arg.HtlcID) return err } const insertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndex = `-- name: InsertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndex :exec INSERT INTO invoice_payment_hashes ( id, add_index ) VALUES ( $1, $2 ) ` type InsertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndexParams struct { ID int64 AddIndex int64 } func (q *Queries) InsertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndex(ctx context.Context, arg InsertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndexParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, insertKVInvoiceKeyAndAddIndex, arg.ID, arg.AddIndex) return err } const insertMigratedInvoice = `-- name: InsertMigratedInvoice :one INSERT INTO invoices ( hash, preimage, settle_index, settled_at, memo, amount_msat, cltv_delta, expiry, payment_addr, payment_request, payment_request_hash, state, amount_paid_msat, is_amp, is_hodl, is_keysend, created_at ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17 ) RETURNING id ` type InsertMigratedInvoiceParams struct { Hash []byte Preimage []byte SettleIndex sql.NullInt64 SettledAt sql.NullTime Memo sql.NullString AmountMsat int64 CltvDelta sql.NullInt32 Expiry int32 PaymentAddr []byte PaymentRequest sql.NullString PaymentRequestHash []byte State int16 AmountPaidMsat int64 IsAmp bool IsHodl bool IsKeysend bool CreatedAt time.Time } func (q *Queries) InsertMigratedInvoice(ctx context.Context, arg InsertMigratedInvoiceParams) (int64, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, insertMigratedInvoice, arg.Hash, arg.Preimage, arg.SettleIndex, arg.SettledAt, arg.Memo, arg.AmountMsat, arg.CltvDelta, arg.Expiry, arg.PaymentAddr, arg.PaymentRequest, arg.PaymentRequestHash, arg.State, arg.AmountPaidMsat, arg.IsAmp, arg.IsHodl, arg.IsKeysend, arg.CreatedAt, ) var id int64 err := row.Scan(&id) return id, err } const nextInvoiceSettleIndex = `-- name: NextInvoiceSettleIndex :one UPDATE invoice_sequences SET current_value = current_value + 1 WHERE name = 'settle_index' RETURNING current_value ` func (q *Queries) NextInvoiceSettleIndex(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, nextInvoiceSettleIndex) var current_value int64 err := row.Scan(¤t_value) return current_value, err } const setKVInvoicePaymentHash = `-- name: SetKVInvoicePaymentHash :exec UPDATE invoice_payment_hashes SET hash = $2 WHERE id = $1 ` type SetKVInvoicePaymentHashParams struct { ID int64 Hash []byte } func (q *Queries) SetKVInvoicePaymentHash(ctx context.Context, arg SetKVInvoicePaymentHashParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, setKVInvoicePaymentHash, arg.ID, arg.Hash) return err } const updateInvoiceAmountPaid = `-- name: UpdateInvoiceAmountPaid :execresult UPDATE invoices SET amount_paid_msat = $2 WHERE id = $1 ` type UpdateInvoiceAmountPaidParams struct { ID int64 AmountPaidMsat int64 } func (q *Queries) UpdateInvoiceAmountPaid(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateInvoiceAmountPaidParams) (sql.Result, error) { return q.db.ExecContext(ctx, updateInvoiceAmountPaid, arg.ID, arg.AmountPaidMsat) } const updateInvoiceHTLC = `-- name: UpdateInvoiceHTLC :exec UPDATE invoice_htlcs SET state=$4, resolve_time=$5 WHERE htlc_id = $1 AND chan_id = $2 AND invoice_id = $3 ` type UpdateInvoiceHTLCParams struct { HtlcID int64 ChanID string InvoiceID int64 State int16 ResolveTime sql.NullTime } func (q *Queries) UpdateInvoiceHTLC(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateInvoiceHTLCParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, updateInvoiceHTLC, arg.HtlcID, arg.ChanID, arg.InvoiceID, arg.State, arg.ResolveTime, ) return err } const updateInvoiceHTLCs = `-- name: UpdateInvoiceHTLCs :exec UPDATE invoice_htlcs SET state=$2, resolve_time=$3 WHERE invoice_id = $1 AND resolve_time IS NULL ` type UpdateInvoiceHTLCsParams struct { InvoiceID int64 State int16 ResolveTime sql.NullTime } func (q *Queries) UpdateInvoiceHTLCs(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateInvoiceHTLCsParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, updateInvoiceHTLCs, arg.InvoiceID, arg.State, arg.ResolveTime) return err } const updateInvoiceState = `-- name: UpdateInvoiceState :execresult UPDATE invoices SET state = $2, preimage = COALESCE(preimage, $3), settle_index = COALESCE(settle_index, $4), settled_at = COALESCE(settled_at, $5) WHERE id = $1 ` type UpdateInvoiceStateParams struct { ID int64 State int16 Preimage []byte SettleIndex sql.NullInt64 SettledAt sql.NullTime } func (q *Queries) UpdateInvoiceState(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateInvoiceStateParams) (sql.Result, error) { return q.db.ExecContext(ctx, updateInvoiceState, arg.ID, arg.State, arg.Preimage, arg.SettleIndex, arg.SettledAt, ) }