s/[0-9a-f]{64}\:[[:digit:]]+/<chan_point>/g s/short_chan_id=[[:digit:]]+/short_chan_id=<cid>/g s/[0-9a-f]{16,}/<hex>/g s/[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\:[[:digit:]]+/<ip>/g s/[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}\.[[:digit:]]{3}/<time>/g s/[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}T[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}\.[[:digit:]]{1,18}Z/<time>/g s/[[:digit:]]+\:[[:digit:]]+\:[[:digit:]]+/<chan>/g s/[[:digit:]]+ mSAT/<amt>/g s/\-?[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]{0,8})? BTC/<amt>/g s/([fee|minimum])=[[:digit:]]+/\1=<amt>/g s/funder balance too small \(\-?[[:digit:]]+\)/funder balance too small (<amt>)/g s/HTLC ID = [[:digit:]]+/HTLC ID = <id>/g s/height=[[:digit:]]+/height=<height>/g s/collecting result for shard [[:digit:]]+/collecting result for shard <number>/g s/sending attempt [[:digit:]]+/sending attempt <number>/g s/Unable to rewind chain from height [[:digit:]]+ to height -?[[:digit:]]+/Unable to rewind chain from height <height> to height <height>/g s/NTFN: unable to get missed blocks: starting height [[:digit:]]+ is greater than ending height [[:digit:]]+/NTFN: unable to get missed blocks: starting height <height> is greater than ending height <height>/g s/BTCN: Broadcast attempt failed: rejected by <ip>: replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient fee rate: needs more than [[:digit:]]+, has [[:digit:]]+/BTCN: Broadcast attempt failed: rejected by <ip>: replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient fee rate: needs more than <amt>, has <amt>/g s/pid=[[:digit:]]+/pid=<pid>/g s/connid=[[:digit:]]+/connid=<id>/g s/sync failed with local data loss: remote believes our tail height is [[:digit:]]+, while we have [[:digit:]]+/sync failed with local data loss: remote believes our tail height is <height>, while we have <height>/g s/sync failed: remote believes our tail height is [[:digit:]]+, while we have [[:digit:]]+/sync failed: remote believes our tail height is <height>, while we have <height>/g s/sync failed: remote's next commit height is [[:digit:]]+, while we believe it is [[:digit:]]+/sync failed: remote's next commit height is <height>, while we believe it is <height>/g s/replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient absolute fee: needs [[:digit:]]+, has [[:digit:]]+/replacement transaction <hex> has an insufficient absolute fee: needs <amt>, has <amt>/g s/Rescan for [[:digit:]]+ addresses/Rescan for <num> addresses/g s/unable to get hash from block with height [[:digit:]]+/unable to get hash from block with height <height>/g