#!/bin/bash # Simple bash script to build basic lnd tools for all the platforms # we support with the golang cross-compiler. # # Copyright (c) 2016 Company 0, LLC. # Use of this source code is governed by the ISC # license. set -e LND_VERSION_REGEX="lnd version (.+) commit" PKG="github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd" PACKAGE=lnd # Needed for setting file timestamps to get reproducible archives. BUILD_DATE="2020-01-01 00:00:00" BUILD_DATE_STAMP="202001010000.00" # reproducible_tar_gzip creates a reproducible tar.gz file of a directory. This # includes setting all file timestamps and ownership settings uniformly. function reproducible_tar_gzip() { local dir=$1 local tar_cmd=tar # MacOS has a version of BSD tar which doesn't support setting the --mtime # flag. We need gnu-tar, or gtar for short to be installed for this script to # work properly. tar_version=$(tar --version) if [[ ! "$tar_version" =~ "GNU tar" ]]; then if ! command -v "gtar"; then echo "GNU tar is required but cannot be found!" echo "On MacOS please run 'brew install gnu-tar' to install gtar." exit 1 fi # We have gtar installed, use that instead. tar_cmd=gtar fi # Pin down the timestamp time zone. export TZ=UTC find "${dir}" -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -r -z | $tar_cmd \ "--mtime=${BUILD_DATE}" --no-recursion --null --mode=u+rw,go+r-w,a+X \ --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -c -T - | gzip -9n > "${dir}.tar.gz" rm -r "${dir}" } # reproducible_zip creates a reproducible zip file of a directory. This # includes setting all file timestamps. function reproducible_zip() { local dir=$1 # Pin down file name encoding and timestamp time zone. export TZ=UTC # Set the date of each file in the directory that's about to be packaged to # the same timestamp and make sure the same permissions are used everywhere. chmod -R 0755 "${dir}" touch -t "${BUILD_DATE_STAMP}" "${dir}" find "${dir}" -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -r -z | xargs -0r touch \ -t "${BUILD_DATE_STAMP}" find "${dir}" | LC_ALL=C sort -r | zip -o -X -r -@ "${dir}.zip" rm -r "${dir}" } # green prints one line of green text (if the terminal supports it). function green() { echo -e "\e[0;32m${1}\e[0m" } # red prints one line of red text (if the terminal supports it). function red() { echo -e "\e[0;31m${1}\e[0m" } # check_tag_correct makes sure the given git tag is checked out and the git tree # is not dirty. # arguments: function check_tag_correct() { local tag=$1 # For automated builds we can skip this check as they will only be triggered # on tags. if [[ "$SKIP_VERSION_CHECK" -eq "1" ]]; then green "skipping version check, assuming automated build" exit 0 fi # If a tag is specified, ensure that that tag is present and checked out. if [[ $tag != $(git describe --tags) ]]; then red "tag $tag not checked out" exit 1 fi # Build lnd to extract version. go build ${PKG}/cmd/lnd # Extract version command output. lnd_version_output=$(./lnd --version) # Use a regex to isolate the version string. if [[ $lnd_version_output =~ $LND_VERSION_REGEX ]]; then # Prepend 'v' to match git tag naming scheme. lnd_version="v${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" green "version: $lnd_version" # If tag contains a release candidate suffix, append this suffix to the # lnd reported version before we compare. RC_REGEX="-rc[0-9]+$" if [[ $tag =~ $RC_REGEX ]]; then lnd_version+=${BASH_REMATCH[0]} fi # Match git tag with lnd version. if [[ $tag != "${lnd_version}" ]]; then red "lnd version $lnd_version does not match tag $tag" exit 1 fi else red "malformed lnd version output" exit 1 fi } # build_release builds the actual release binaries. # arguments: # function build_release() { local tag=$1 local sys=$2 local buildtags=$3 local ldflags=$4 local goversion=$5 # Check if the active Go version matches the specified Go version. active_go_version=$(go version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/go//') if [ "$active_go_version" != "$goversion" ]; then echo "Error: active Go version ($active_go_version) does not match \ required Go version ($goversion)." exit 1 fi echo "Building release for tag $tag with Go version $goversion" green " - Packaging vendor" go mod vendor reproducible_tar_gzip vendor maindir=$PACKAGE-$tag mkdir -p $maindir mv vendor.tar.gz "${maindir}/" # Don't use tag in source directory, otherwise our file names get too long and # tar starts to package them non-deterministically. package_source="${PACKAGE}-source" # The git archive command doesn't support setting timestamps and file # permissions. That's why we unpack the tar again, then use our reproducible # method to create the final archive. git archive -o "${maindir}/${package_source}.tar" HEAD cd "${maindir}" mkdir -p ${package_source} tar -xf "${package_source}.tar" -C ${package_source} rm "${package_source}.tar" reproducible_tar_gzip ${package_source} mv "${package_source}.tar.gz" "${package_source}-$tag.tar.gz" for i in $sys; do os=$(echo $i | cut -f1 -d-) arch=$(echo $i | cut -f2 -d-) arm= if [[ $arch == "armv6" ]]; then arch=arm arm=6 elif [[ $arch == "armv7" ]]; then arch=arm arm=7 fi dir="${PACKAGE}-${i}-${tag}" mkdir "${dir}" pushd "${dir}" green " - Building: ${os} ${arch} ${arm} with build tags '${buildtags}'" env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$os GOARCH=$arch GOARM=$arm go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="${ldflags}" -tags="${buildtags}" ${PKG}/cmd/lnd env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$os GOARCH=$arch GOARM=$arm go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="${ldflags}" -tags="${buildtags}" ${PKG}/cmd/lncli popd # Add the hashes for the individual binaries as well for easy verification # of a single installed binary. shasum -a 256 "${dir}/"* >> "manifest-$tag.txt" if [[ $os == "windows" ]]; then reproducible_zip "${dir}" else reproducible_tar_gzip "${dir}" fi done # Add the hash of the packages too, then sort by the second column (name). shasum -a 256 lnd-* vendor* >> "manifest-$tag.txt" LC_ALL=C sort -k2 -o "manifest-$tag.txt" "manifest-$tag.txt" cat "manifest-$tag.txt" } # usage prints the usage of the whole script. function usage() { red "Usage: " red "release.sh check-tag " red "release.sh build-release " } # Whatever sub command is passed in, we need at least 2 arguments. if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage exit 1 fi # Extract the sub command and remove it from the list of parameters by shifting # them to the left. SUBCOMMAND=$1 shift # Call the function corresponding to the specified sub command or print the # usage if the sub command was not found. case $SUBCOMMAND in check-tag) green "Checking if version tag exists" check_tag_correct "$@" ;; build-release) green "Building release" build_release "$@" ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac