package routing

import (


// createPubkey return a new test pubkey.
func createPubkey(id byte) route.Vertex {
	_, secpPub := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes([]byte{id})

	var bytes [33]byte
	copy(bytes[:], secpPub.SerializeCompressed()[:33])

	pubkey := route.Vertex(bytes)
	return pubkey

// mockChannel holds the channel state of a channel in the mock graph.
type mockChannel struct {
	id       uint64
	capacity btcutil.Amount
	balance  lnwire.MilliSatoshi

// mockNode holds a set of mock channels and routing policies for a node in the
// mock graph.
type mockNode struct {
	channels map[route.Vertex]*mockChannel
	baseFee  lnwire.MilliSatoshi
	pubkey   route.Vertex

// newMockNode instantiates a new mock node with a newly generated pubkey.
func newMockNode(id byte) *mockNode {
	pubkey := createPubkey(id)
	return &mockNode{
		channels: make(map[route.Vertex]*mockChannel),
		pubkey:   pubkey,

// fwd simulates an htlc forward through this node. If the from parameter is
// nil, this node is considered to be the sender of the payment. The route
// parameter describes the remaining route from this node onwards. If
// is nil, this node is the final hop.
func (m *mockNode) fwd(from *mockNode, route *hop) (htlcResult, error) {
	next :=

	// Get the incoming channel, if any.
	var inChan *mockChannel
	if from != nil {
		inChan = m.channels[from.pubkey]

	// If there is no next node, this is the final node and we can settle the htlc.
	if next == nil {
		// Update the incoming balance.
		inChan.balance += route.amtToFwd

		return htlcResult{}, nil

	// Check if the outgoing channel has enough balance.
	outChan, ok := m.channels[next.node.pubkey]
	if !ok {
		return htlcResult{},
			fmt.Errorf("%v: unknown next %v",
				m.pubkey, next.node.pubkey)
	if outChan.balance < route.amtToFwd {
		return htlcResult{
			failureSource: m.pubkey,
			failure:       lnwire.NewTemporaryChannelFailure(nil),
		}, nil

	// Htlc can be forwarded, update channel balances.
	outChan.balance -= route.amtToFwd
	if inChan != nil {
		inChan.balance += route.amtToFwd

	// Recursively forward down the given route.
	result, err := next.node.fwd(m,
	if err != nil {
		return htlcResult{}, err

	// Revert balances when a failure occurs.
	if result.failure != nil {
		outChan.balance += route.amtToFwd
		if inChan != nil {
			inChan.balance -= route.amtToFwd

	return result, nil

// mockGraph contains a set of nodes that together for a mocked graph.
type mockGraph struct {
	t      *testing.T
	nodes  map[route.Vertex]*mockNode
	source *mockNode

// newMockGraph instantiates a new mock graph.
func newMockGraph(t *testing.T) *mockGraph {
	return &mockGraph{
		nodes: make(map[route.Vertex]*mockNode),
		t:     t,

// addNode adds the given mock node to the network.
func (m *mockGraph) addNode(node *mockNode) {

	if _, exists := m.nodes[node.pubkey]; exists {
		m.t.Fatal("node already exists")
	m.nodes[node.pubkey] = node

// addChannel adds a new channel between two existing nodes on the network. It
// sets the channel balance to 50/50%.
// Ignore linter error because addChannel isn't yet called with different
// capacities.
// nolint:unparam
func (m *mockGraph) addChannel(id uint64, node1id, node2id byte,
	capacity btcutil.Amount) {

	node1pubkey := createPubkey(node1id)
	node2pubkey := createPubkey(node2id)

	if _, exists := m.nodes[node1pubkey].channels[node2pubkey]; exists {
		m.t.Fatal("channel already exists")
	if _, exists := m.nodes[node2pubkey].channels[node1pubkey]; exists {
		m.t.Fatal("channel already exists")

	m.nodes[node1pubkey].channels[node2pubkey] = &mockChannel{
		capacity: capacity,
		id:       id,
		balance:  lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(capacity / 2),
	m.nodes[node2pubkey].channels[node1pubkey] = &mockChannel{
		capacity: capacity,
		id:       id,
		balance:  lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(capacity / 2),

// forEachNodeChannel calls the callback for every channel of the given node.
// NOTE: Part of the routingGraph interface.
func (m *mockGraph) forEachNodeChannel(nodePub route.Vertex,
	cb func(channel *channeldb.DirectedChannel) error) error {

	// Look up the mock node.
	node, ok := m.nodes[nodePub]
	if !ok {
		return channeldb.ErrGraphNodeNotFound

	// Iterate over all of its channels.
	for peer, channel := range node.channels {
		// Lexicographically sort the pubkeys.
		var node1 route.Vertex
		if bytes.Compare(nodePub[:], peer[:]) == -1 {
			node1 = peer
		} else {
			node1 = nodePub

		peerNode := m.nodes[peer]

		// Call the per channel callback.
		err := cb(
				IsNode1:      nodePub == node1,
				OtherNode:    peer,
				Capacity:     channel.capacity,
				OutPolicySet: true,
				InPolicy: &channeldb.CachedEdgePolicy{
					ToNodePubKey: func() route.Vertex {
						return nodePub
					ToNodeFeatures: lnwire.EmptyFeatureVector(),
					FeeBaseMSat:    peerNode.baseFee,
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// sourceNode returns the source node of the graph.
// NOTE: Part of the routingGraph interface.
func (m *mockGraph) sourceNode() route.Vertex {
	return m.source.pubkey

// fetchNodeFeatures returns the features of the given node.
// NOTE: Part of the routingGraph interface.
func (m *mockGraph) fetchNodeFeatures(nodePub route.Vertex) (
	*lnwire.FeatureVector, error) {

	return lnwire.EmptyFeatureVector(), nil

// FetchAmountPairCapacity returns the maximal capacity between nodes in the
// graph.
// NOTE: Part of the routingGraph interface.
func (m *mockGraph) FetchAmountPairCapacity(nodeFrom, nodeTo route.Vertex,
	amount lnwire.MilliSatoshi) (btcutil.Amount, error) {

	var capacity btcutil.Amount

	cb := func(channel *channeldb.DirectedChannel) error {
		if channel.OtherNode == nodeTo {
			capacity = channel.Capacity

		return nil

	err := m.forEachNodeChannel(nodeFrom, cb)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return capacity, nil

// htlcResult describes the resolution of an htlc. If failure is nil, the htlc
// was settled.
type htlcResult struct {
	failureSource route.Vertex
	failure       lnwire.FailureMessage

// hop describes one hop of a route.
type hop struct {
	node     *mockNode
	amtToFwd lnwire.MilliSatoshi
	next     *hop

// sendHtlc sends out an htlc on the mock network and synchronously returns the
// final resolution of the htlc.
func (m *mockGraph) sendHtlc(route *route.Route) (htlcResult, error) {
	var next *hop

	// Convert the route into a structure that is suitable for recursive
	// processing.
	for i := len(route.Hops) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		routeHop := route.Hops[i]
		node := m.nodes[routeHop.PubKeyBytes]
		next = &hop{
			node:     node,
			next:     next,
			amtToFwd: routeHop.AmtToForward,

	// Create the starting hop instance.
	source := m.nodes[route.SourcePubKey]
	next = &hop{
		node:     source,
		next:     next,
		amtToFwd: route.TotalAmount,

	// Recursively walk the path and obtain the htlc resolution.
	return source.fwd(nil, next)

// Compile-time check for the routingGraph interface.
var _ routingGraph = &mockGraph{}