//go:build neutrino
// +build neutrino

package lntest

import (


// NeutrinoBackendConfig is an implementation of the BackendConfig interface
// backed by a neutrino node.
type NeutrinoBackendConfig struct {
	minerAddr string

// A compile time assertion to ensure NeutrinoBackendConfig meets the
// BackendConfig interface.
var _ node.BackendConfig = (*NeutrinoBackendConfig)(nil)

// GenArgs returns the arguments needed to be passed to LND at startup for
// using this node as a chain backend.
func (b NeutrinoBackendConfig) GenArgs() []string {
	var args []string
	args = append(args, "--bitcoin.node=neutrino")
	args = append(args, "--neutrino.connect="+b.minerAddr)
	// We enable validating channels so that we can obtain the outpoint for
	// channels within the graph and make certain assertions based on them.
	args = append(args, "--neutrino.validatechannels")
	args = append(args, "--neutrino.broadcasttimeout=1s")
	return args

// ConnectMiner is called to establish a connection to the test miner.
func (b NeutrinoBackendConfig) ConnectMiner() error {
	return nil

// DisconnectMiner is called to disconnect the miner.
func (b NeutrinoBackendConfig) DisconnectMiner() error {
	return fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")

// Credentials returns the rpc username, password and host for the backend.
// For neutrino, we return an error because there is no rpc client available.
func (b NeutrinoBackendConfig) Credentials() (string, string, string, error) {
	return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")

// Name returns the name of the backend type.
func (b NeutrinoBackendConfig) Name() string {
	return NeutrinoBackendName

// NewBackend starts and returns a NeutrinoBackendConfig for the node.
func NewBackend(miner string, _ *chaincfg.Params) (
	*NeutrinoBackendConfig, func() error, error) {

	bd := &NeutrinoBackendConfig{
		minerAddr: miner,

	cleanUp := func() error { return nil }
	return bd, cleanUp, nil