package lncfg

// Tor holds the configuration options for the daemon's connection to tor.
type Tor struct {
	Active                      bool   `long:"active" description:"Allow outbound and inbound connections to be routed through Tor"`
	SOCKS                       string `long:"socks" description:"The host:port that Tor's exposed SOCKS5 proxy is listening on"`
	DNS                         string `long:"dns" description:"The DNS server as host:port that Tor will use for SRV queries - NOTE must have TCP resolution enabled"`
	StreamIsolation             bool   `long:"streamisolation" description:"Enable Tor stream isolation by randomizing user credentials for each connection."`
	SkipProxyForClearNetTargets bool   `long:"skip-proxy-for-clearnet-targets" description:"Allow the node to establish direct connections to services not running behind Tor."`
	Control                     string `long:"control" description:"The host:port that Tor is listening on for Tor control connections"`
	TargetIPAddress             string `long:"targetipaddress" description:"IP address that Tor should use as the target of the hidden service"`
	Password                    string `long:"password" description:"The password used to arrive at the HashedControlPassword for the control port. If provided, the HASHEDPASSWORD authentication method will be used instead of the SAFECOOKIE one."`
	V2                          bool   `long:"v2" description:"Automatically set up a v2 onion service to listen for inbound connections"`
	V3                          bool   `long:"v3" description:"Automatically set up a v3 onion service to listen for inbound connections"`
	PrivateKeyPath              string `long:"privatekeypath" description:"The path to the private key of the onion service being created"`
	EncryptKey                  bool   `long:"encryptkey" description:"Encrypts the Tor private key file on disk"`
	WatchtowerKeyPath           string `long:"watchtowerkeypath" description:"The path to the private key of the watchtower onion service being created"`