# The example configuration file for the protolint is located here: # https://github.com/yoheimuta/protolint/blob/master/_example/config/.protolint.yaml --- # Lint directives. lint: # Linter rules. # Run `protolint list` to see all available rules. rules: # Determines whether or not to include the default set of linters. no_default: true # Set the default to all linters. This option works the other way around as no_default does. # If you want to enable this option, delete the comment out below and no_default. # all_default: true. # The specific linters to add. add: - MESSAGE_NAMES_UPPER_CAMEL_CASE - MAX_LINE_LENGTH - INDENT - FILE_NAMES_LOWER_SNAKE_CASE - IMPORTS_SORTED - PACKAGE_NAME_LOWER_CASE - ORDER - SERVICES_HAVE_COMMENT - RPCS_HAVE_COMMENT - PROTO3_FIELDS_AVOID_REQUIRED - PROTO3_GROUPS_AVOID - SYNTAX_CONSISTENT - RPC_NAMES_CASE - QUOTE_CONSISTENT # Linter rules option. rules_option: # MAX_LINE_LENGTH rule option. max_line_length: # Enforces a maximum line length. max_chars: 80 # Specifies the character count for tab characters. tab_chars: 2 # INDENT rule option. indent: # Available styles are 4(4-spaces), 2(2-spaces) or tab. style: 4 # Specifies if it should stop considering and inserting new lines at the appropriate positions. # when the inner elements are on the same line. Default is false. not_insert_newline: true # QUOTE_CONSISTENT rule option. quote_consistent: # Available quote are "double" or "single". quote: double # ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_ZERO_VALUE_END_WITH rule option. enum_field_names_zero_value_end_with: suffix: INVALID # SERVICE_NAMES_END_WITH rule option. service_names_end_with: text: Service # REPEATED_FIELD_NAMES_PLURALIZED rule option. ## The spec for each rules follows the implementation of https://github.com/gertd/go-pluralize. ## Plus, you can refer to this rule's test code. repeated_field_names_pluralized: uncountable_rules: - paper irregular_rules: Irregular: Regular