Pass htlc amount down to the channel so that we don't need to rely
on minHtlc (and pad it when the channel sets a 0 min htlc). Update
test to just check some sane values since we're no longer relying
on minHtlc amount at all.
This allows a caller to ensure to optimistically shut down the link
if the channel is clean. If the channel is not clean, an error is
returned and the link continues functioning as normal. The caller
should also call RemoveLink to ensure that the link isn't seen as
usable within the switch.
Until now, clients of SubscribeHTLCEvents didn't have access to the settled preimage. The API allows to intercept forward event and to be updated on forward events however the forward+settle event does not include the payment preimage. This pr changes allows it.
In this commit we implement a wrapper arround the switch, called
InterceptableSwitch. This kind of wrapper behaves like a proxy which
intercepts forwarded packets and allows an external interceptor to
signal if it is interested to hold this forward and resolve it
manually later or let the switch execute its default behavior.
This infrastructure allows the RPC layer to expose interceptor
registration API to the user and by that enable the implementation
of custom routing behavior.
This commit extends the link with a new synchronous delivery point for
local UpdateAddHTLC messages. The switch method SendHTLC is updated to
use this delivery point and thereby becomes a synchronous call.
For MPP payments, synchronous hand-off is important. Otherwise the next
pathfinding round could start without the channel balance updated yet.
In this commit, a htlcNotifier interface is added to allow for easy
unit testing. Instances of the HtlcNotifier are added to the server,
switch and link.
This commit repalces the htlcResolution struct with an interface.
This interface is implemeted by failure, settle and accept resolution
structs. Only settles and fails are exported because the existing
code that handles htlc resolutions uses a nil resolution to indicate
that a htlc was accepted. The accept resolution is used internally
to report on the resolution result of the accepted htlc, but a nil
resolution is surfaced. Further refactoring of all the functions
that call NotifyExitHopHtlc to handle a htlc accept case (rather than
having a nil check) is required.
Update the ChannelLink interface to specifically
return the LinkError struct. This error implements
the ClearTextError interface, so will be picked
up as a routing realted error by the router.
With LinkErrors implemented, the switch now
returns a LinkError for all failures on our
incoming/outgoing link and ForwardingError when
the failure occurs down the line.
This commit renames HodlEvent to HtlcResolution
to better reflect the fact that the struct is
only used for htlc settles and cancels, and that
it is not specifically used for hodl invoices.
In this commit, we update the tower+link logic to tag a commitment as
the new (tweakless) format if it applies. In order to do this, the
BackupTask method has gained an additional parameter to indicate the
type of commitment that we're attempting to upload. This new tweakless
bool is then threaded through all the way to back up task creation to
ensure that we make the proper input.Input.
Finally, we've added a new test case for each existing test case to test
each case w/ and w/o the tweakless modifier.
Currently the invoice registry cannot tell apart the htlcs that pay to
an invoice. Because htlcs may also be replayed on startup, it isn't
possible to determine the total amount paid to an invoice.
This commit is a first step towards fixing that. It reports the circuit
keys of htlcs to the invoice registry, which forms the basis for
accurate invoice accounting.
In this commit, we update the `HopIterator` to gain awareness of the new
TLV hop payload. The default `HopIterator` will now hide the details of
the TLV from the caller, and return the same `ForwardingInfo` struct in
a uniform manner. We also add a new method: `ExtraOnionBlob` to allow
the caller to obtain the raw EOB (the serialized TLV stream) to pass
Within the link, we'll now pass the EOB information into the invoice
registry. This allows the registry to parse out any additional
information from the EOB that it needs to settle the payment, such as a
preimage shard in the AMP case.
This commit is the final step in making the link unaware of invoices. It
now purely offers the htlc to the invoice registry and follows
instructions from the invoice registry about how and when to respond to
the htlc.
The change also fixes a bug where upon restart, hodl htlcs were
subjected to the invoice minimum cltv delta requirement again. If the
block height has increased in the mean while, the htlc would be canceled
Furthermore the invoice registry interaction is aligned between link and
contract resolvers.
This commit modifies the invoice registry to handle invoices for which
the preimage is not known yet (hodl invoices). In that case, the
resolution channel passed in from links and resolvers is stored until we
either learn the preimage or want to cancel the htlc.
This commit detaches signaling the invoice registry that an htlc was
locked in from the actually settling of the htlc.
It is a preparation for hodl invoices.
This function will be used in the switch to retrieve the channel point for a link,
allowing the switch to retrieve individual channels from the database.
In this commit, we modify the InvoiceDatabase slightly to allow the link
to record what the final payment about for an invoice was. It may be the
case that the invoice actually had no specified value, or that the payer
paid more than necessary. As a result, it's important that our on-disk
records properly reflect this.
To fix this issue, the SettleInvoice method now also accepts the final
amount paid.
In this commit, we modify the existing logic that would attempt to read
the min CLTV information from the invoice directly. With this route, we
avoid any sort of DB index modifications, as this information is already
stored within the payment request, which is already available to the
outside callers. By modifying the InvoiceDatabase interface, we avoid
having to make the switch aware of what the "primary" chain is.
In this commit, we extend the existing HtlcSatifiesPolicy method to also
accept timelock and height information. This is required as an upcoming
commit will fix an existing bug in the forwarding logic wherein we use
the time lock policies of the incoming node rather than that of the
outgoing node.
In this commit, we fix a very old, lingering bug within the link. When
accepting an HTLC we are meant to validate the fee against the
constraints of the *outgoing* link. This is due to the fact that we're
offering a payment transit service on our outgoing link. Before this
commit, we would use the policies of the *incoming* link. This would at
times lead to odd routing errors as we would go to route, get an error
update and then route again, repeating the process.
With this commit, we'll properly use the incoming link for timelock
related constraints, and the outgoing link for fee related constraints.
We do this by introducing a new HtlcSatisfiesPolicy method in the link.
This method should return a non-nil error if the link can carry the HTLC
as it satisfies its current forwarding policy. We'll use this method now
at *forwarding* time to ensure that we only forward to links that
actually accept the policy. This fixes a number of bugs that existed
before that could result in a link accepting an HTLC that actually
violated its policy. In the case that the policy is violated for *all*
links, we take care to return the error returned by the *target* link so
the caller can update their sending accordingly.
In this commit, we also remove the prior linkControl channel in the
channelLink. Instead, of sending a message to update the internal link
policy, we'll use a mutex in place. This simplifies the code, and also
adds some necessary refactoring in anticipation of the next follow up
In this commit, add a new argument to the SendMessage method to allow
callers to request that the method block until the message has been sent
on the socket to the remote peer.
In this commit, we extend the switch as is, to record details
concerning settled payment circuits. To do this, we introduce a new
interface to the package: the ForwardingLog. This is a tiny interface
that simply lets us abstract away the details of the storage backing of
the forwarding log.
Each time we receive a successful HTLC settle, we’ll log the full
details (chans, fees, time) as a pending forwarding log entry. Every 15
seconds, we’ll then batch flush out these entries to disk. When we’re
exiting, we’ll try to flush out all entries to ensure everything gets
recorded to disk.