In the process of moving to use the new package, we no longer need to
fetch the outpoint directly, and instead only need to pass the funding
transaction into the new verification logic.
In this commit, we update the router and link to support users
updating the max HTLC policy for their channels. By updating these internal
systems before updating the RPC server and lncli, we protect users from
being shown an option that doesn't actually work.
The policy update logic that resided part in the gossiper and
part in the rpc server is extracted into its own object.
This prepares for additional validation logic to be added for policy
updates that would otherwise make the gossiper heavier.
It is also a small first step towards separation of our own channel data
from the rest of the graph.
Extends the invalid payment details failure with the new accept height
field. This allows sender to distinguish between a genuine invalid
details situation and a delay caused by intermediate nodes.
Currently the underlying array backing the hop's TLVRecords is modified
when combining custom records with the primitive forwarding info. This
commit uses a fresh slice to prevent modifications from mutating the
hop itself.
This commit modifies paymentLifecycle so that it not only feeds
failures into mission control, but successes as well.
This allows for more accurate probability estimates. Previously,
the success probability for a successful pair and a pair with
no history was equal. There was no force that pushed towards
previously successful routes.
In this commit, we extend the path finding to be able to recognize when
a node needs the new TLV format, or the legacy format based on the
feature bits they expose. We also extend the `LightningPayment` struct
to allow the caller to specify an arbitrary set of TLV records which can
be used for a number of use-cases including various variants of
spontaneous payments.
In this commit, we extend the Hop struct to carry an arbitrary set of
TLV values, and add a new field that allows us to distinguish between
the modern and legacy TLV payload.
We add a new `PackPayload` method that will be used to encode the
combined required routing TLV fields along any set of TLV fields that
were specified as part of path finding.
Finally, the `ToSphinxPath` has been extended to be able to recognize if
a hop needs the modern, or legacy payload.
This commit overhauls the interpretation of failed payments. It changes
the interpretation rules so that we always apply the strongest possible
set of penalties, without making assumptions that would hurt good nodes.
Main changes are:
- Apply different rule sets for intermediate and final nodes. Both types
of nodes have different sets of failures that we expect. Penalize nodes
that send unexpected failure messages.
- Distinguish between direct payments and multi-hop payments. For direct
payments, we can infer more about the performance of our peer because we
trust ourselves.
- In many cases it is impossible for the sender to determine which of
the two nodes in a pair is responsible for the failure. In this
situation, we now penalize bidirectionally. This does not hurt the good
node of the pair, because only its connection to a bad node is
- Previously we always penalized the outgoing connection of the
reporting node. This is incorrect for policy related failures. For
policy related failures, it could also be that the reporting node
received a wrongly crafted htlc from its predecessor. By penalizing the
incoming channel, we surely hit the responsible node.
- FailExpiryTooSoon is a failure that could have been caused by any node
up to the reporting node by delaying forwarding of the htlc. We don't
know which node is responsible, therefore we now penalize all node pairs
in the route.
When an undecryptable failure comes back for a payment attempt, we
previously only penalized our own outgoing connection. However,
any node could have caused this failure. It is therefore better to
penalize all node connections along the route. Then at least we know for
sure that we will hit the responsible node.
This commit updates existing tests to not rely on mission control for
pruning of local channels. Information about local channels should
already be up to date before path finding starts. If not, the problem
should be fixed where bandwidth hints are set up.
This commit moves the payment outcome interpretation logic into a
separate file. Also, mission control isn't updated directly anymore, but
results are stored in an interpretedResult struct. This allows the
mission control state to be locked for a minimum amount of time and
makes it easier to unit test the result interpretation.
This commit converts several functions from returning a bool and a
failure reason to a nillable failure reason as return parameter. This
will take away confusion about the interpretation of the two separate
Previously mission control tracked failures on a per node, per channel basis.
This commit changes this to tracking on the level of directed node pairs. The goal
of moving to this coarser-grained level is to reduce the number of required
payment attempts without compromising payment reliability.
Align naming better with the lightning spec. Not the full name of the
failure (FailIncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails) is used, because this
would cause too many long lines in the code.
This commit adds the BlockPadding value (currently 3) to sendpayment
calls so that if some blocks are mined while the htlc is in-flight, the
exit hop won't reject it.
The current approach iterates all channels in the graph in order to
filter those in need. This approach is time consuming, several seconds
on my mobile device for ~40,000 channels, while during this time the
db is locked in a transaction.
The proposed change is to use an existing functionality that utilize the
fact that channel update are saved indexed by date. This method enables
us to go over only a small subset of the channels, only those that
were updated before the "channel expiry" time and further filter
them for our need.
The same graph that took several seconds to prune was pruned, after
the change, in several milliseconds.
In addition for testing purposes I added Initiator field to the
testChannel structure to reflect the channeldEdgePolicy direction.
If nodes return a channel policy related failure, they may get a second
chance. Our graph may not be up to date. Previously this logic was
contained in the payment session.
This commit moves that into global mission control and thereby removes
the last mission control state that was kept on the payment level.
Because mission control is not aware of the relation between payment
attempts and payments, the second chance logic is no longer based
tracking second chances given per payment.
Instead a time based approach is used. If a node reports a policy
failure that prevents forwarding to its peer, it will get a second
chance. But it will get it only if the previous second chance was
long enough ago.
Also those second chances are no longer dependent on whether an
associated channel update is valid. It will get the second chance
regardless, to prevent creating a dependency between mission control and
the graph. This would interfer with (future) replay of history, because
the graph may not be the same anymore at that point.
This commit adds the pubkeyIndices map to the distanceHeap to avoid
duplicate entries on the heap. This happened in the earlier iteration
of the findPath algorithm and would cause the driving loop to
evaluate already evaluated entries when there was no need.