Since we now have a scripted check that makes sure the Golang version is
synced throughout all files, it is important that the main version in
the Makefile is changed, then all other versions can be detected by that
Bump all build go versions to v1.21.0
Bump the minimum build package version to v1.19.0
Debian "buster" is not longer supported. Security updates have been
discontinued since June 30th 2022. We will build using the latest
version, "bookworm".
As usual, we keep with the last two Go versions, which means the last
year of Go release (they release every 6 months or so).
This change means we can now use the type params (generics) in the
There was a recent change merged into btcd that isn't backward
compatible with older RPC clients. To make sure our docker quick
start example still works, we need to pin down btcd to the version
that is still compatible with lnd.
This commit revamps the existing docker configuration to allow for
developer’s to easily bring up/down a Lightning Network testbed
Configuration related bugs within the prior swarm set up have been
fixed. The launched lnd nodes are now able to properly communicate with
the primary btcd node over RPC. The auto-generated RPC script has been
scrapped in favor of hard-coding a developer-only set of RPC
credentials. With this change, it’s now possible to add/remove
additional lnd nodes in order to test more complex scenarios.
Additionally, the containers now build off of the latest Go version
This commit adds two Dockerfiles, along with a docker-compose file
which links the two docker files together allowing for single-command
Using the docker-compose file, two containers are deployed. One running
btcd, and the other running lnd. Both containers share the same shared
volume mounted to the file system in order to allow land to read btcd’s
certificates for the TLS RPC connections.
Additionally, the btcd instance comes will an automatic RPC
configuration generated allowing one to use btcctl out of the box via
calls to “docker-compose exec btcctl …”.