Refresh channel memory state whenever the short channel id is refreshed.
This is to make the in-memory channel consistent with the disk data.
This commit modifies the FetchPayment method to return MPPayment structs
converted from the legacy on-disk format. This allows us to attach the
HTLCs to the events given to clients subscribing to the outcome of an
This commit also bubbles up to the routerrpc/router_server, by
populating HTLCAttempts in the response and extracting the legacy route
field from the HTLCAttempts.
In this commit, we convert the existing `channeldb.ChannelType` type
into a _bit field_. This doesn't require us to change the current
serialization or interpretation or the type as it is, since all the
current defined values us a distinct bit. This PR lays the ground work
for any future changes that may introduce new channel types (like anchor
outputs), and also any changes that may modify the existing invariants
around channels (if we're the initiator, we always have the funding
This commit removes the migrations from channeldb and references those
in the migrations_01_to_11 package. This creates a one-way dependency on
the migrations. Future changes to channeldb won't be able to break
migrations anymore.
This commit is a direct copy of the complete channeldb package. It only
changes the package declaration at the top of every file. We make this
full copy so that review can be focused on the actual changes made.
Otherwise changes may drown in all the file moves.
Linting for the new package is disabled, as it contains lots of
pre-existing issues.
In this commit, we update the channel state machine to be aware of
tweakless commits. In several areas, we'll now check the channel's type
to see if it's `SingleFunderTweakless`. If so, then we'll opt to use the
remote party's non-delay based point directly in the script, skipping
any additional cryptographic operations. Along the way we move the
`validateCommitmentSanity` method to be defined _before_ it's used as is
cutomary within the codebase.
Notably, within the `NewUnilateralCloseSummary` method, we'll now _blank
out_ the `SingleTweak` value if the commitment is tweakless. This
indicates to callers the witness type they should map to, as the value
isn't needed at all any longer when sweeping a non-delay output.
We also update the signing+verification tests to also test that we're
able to properly generate a valid witness for the new tweakless
commitment format.
In this commit, we define a new channel type: SingleFunderTweakless.
We'll use this channel type to denote channels with commitments that
don't tweak the remote party's key in their non-delay output.
channeldb: Fix dropped error and wrap with context
channeldb: Fix empty error condition in waitingproof test
channeldb: Fix empty error condition in codec
channeldb: Wrap error in context
In this commit, we ensure that the test for migration 9 uses the same
encoding/decoding functions as was present in the repo when the
migration was first added. Otherwise, the test will fail as it'll try to
use the decoding functions of master (migration 10 and onwards) rather
than the decoding function of migration 9.
In this commit, we fix an issue that was recently introduced as a result
of migration #10. The new TLV format ended up modifying the
serialization functions called in `serializePaymentAttemptInfo`.
Migration #9, also used this `serializePaymentAttemptInfo` method to
serialize the _new_ (pre TLV, but new payment attempt structure) routes
into the database during its migration. However, migration #10 failed to
copy over the existing unmodified `serializePaymentAttemptInfo` method
into the legacy serialization for migration #9. As a result, once
migration #9 was run, the routes/payments were serialized using the
_new_ format, rather than the format used for v0.7.1. This then lead to
de-serialization either failing, or causing partial payment corruption
as migration #10 was expecting the "legacy" format (no TLV info).
We fix this issue by adding a new fully enclosed
`serializePaymentAttemptInfoMigration9`method that will be used for
migration #9. Note that our tests didn't catch this, as they test the
migration in isolation, rather than in series which is how users will
encounter the migrations.