This commit adds a set of htlcs to the Invoice struct and
serializes/deserializes this set to/from disk. It is a preparation for
accurate invoice accounting across restarts of lnd.
A migration is added for the invoice htlcs.
In addition to these changes, separate final cltv delta and expiry
invoice fields are created and populated. Previously it was required
to decode this from the stored payment request. The reason to create
a combined commit is to prevent multiple migrations.
This commit adds an index bucket, disabledEdgePolicyBucket, for those
ChannelEdgePolicy with disabled bit on.
The main purpose is to be able to iterate over these fast when prune is
needed without the need for iterating the whole graph.
The entry points for accessing this index are:
1. When updating ChannelEdgePolicy - insert an entry.
2. When deleting ChannelEdge - delete the associated entries.
3. When querying for disabled channels - implemented DisabledChannelIDs
This commit modifies the nodeWithDist struct to use a route.Vertex
instead of a *channeldb.LightningNode. This change, coupled with
the new ForEachNodeChannel function, allows the findPath Djikstra's
algorithm to cut down on database lookups since we no longer need
to call the FetchOtherNode function.
This commit specifies two bbolt options when opening the underlying
channel and watchtower databases so that there is reduced heap
pressure in case the bbolt database has a lot of free pages in the
B+ tree.
Previously the migration would fail if the source node was not set in
the database. Since we know that the source node must have been set
before making any payments, we check whether there actually are any
payments to migrate, and return early if not.
This commit makes the router use the ControlTower to drive the payment
life cycle state machine, to keep track of active payments across
restarts. This lets the router resume payments on startup, such that
their final results can be handled and stored when ready.
This commit gives a new responsibility to the control tower, letting it
populate the payment bucket structure as the payment goes through
its different stages.
The payment will transition states Grounded->InFlight->Success/Failed,
where the CreationInfo/AttemptInfo/Preimage must be set accordingly.
This will be the main driver for the router state machine.
migrateOutgoingPayments moves the OutgoingPayments into a new bucket format
where they all reside in a top-level bucket indexed by the payment hash. In
this sub-bucket we store information relevant to this payment, such as the
payment status.
To avoid that the router resend payments that have the status InFlight (we
cannot resume these payments for pre-migration payments) we delete those
statuses, so only Completed payments remain in the new bucket structure.
This commit changes the format used to store payments within the
DB. Previously this was serialized as one continuous struct
OutgoingPayment, which also contained an Invoice struct we where only
using a few fields of. We now split it up into two simpler sub-structs
CreationInfo, AttemptInfo and PaymentPreimage.
We also want to associate the payments more closely with payment
statuses, so we move to this hierarchy:
There's one top-level bucket "sentPaymentsBucket" which contains a set
of sub-buckets indexed by a payment's payment hash. Each such sub-bucket
contains several fields:
paymentStatusKey -> the payment's status
paymentCreationInfoKey -> the payment's CreationInfo.
paymentAttemptInfoKey -> the payment's AttemptInfo.
paymentSettleInfoKey -> the payment's preimage (or zeroes for
non-settled payments)
The CreationInfo is information that is static during the whole payment
lifcycle. The attempt info is set each time a new payment attempt
(route+paymentID) is sent on the network. The preimage is information
only known when a payment succeeds. It therefore makes sense to split
We keep legacy serialization code for migration puproses.
This commit adds persisted status bit-field to ClientSessions, that can
be used to modify behavior of their handling in the client. Currently,
only a default CSessionActive status is defined. However, the intention
is that this could later be used to signal that a session is abandoned
without needing to perform a db migration to add the field. As we move
forward with testing, this will likely be useful if a session gets
borked and we need a simple method of the client to temporarily ignore
certain sessions.
The field may be useful in signaling other types of status changes,
though this was the primary motivation that warranted the addition.
This commit is the final step in making the link unaware of invoices. It
now purely offers the htlc to the invoice registry and follows
instructions from the invoice registry about how and when to respond to
the htlc.
The change also fixes a bug where upon restart, hodl htlcs were
subjected to the invoice minimum cltv delta requirement again. If the
block height has increased in the mean while, the htlc would be canceled
Furthermore the invoice registry interaction is aligned between link and
contract resolvers.