mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:26:57 +01:00
mod: integrate latest btcwallet and bump protobuf and grpc
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 25109 additions and 14532 deletions
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google.golang.org/protobuf v0.0.0-20200221191635-4d8936d0db64/go.mod h1:kwYJMbMJ01Woi6D6+Kah6886xMZcty6N08ah7+eCXa0=
google.golang.org/protobuf v0.0.0-20200228230310-ab0ca4ff8a60/go.mod h1:cfTl7dwQJ+fmap5saPgwCLgHXTUD7jkjRqWcaiX5VyM=
google.golang.org/protobuf v1.20.1-0.20200309200217-e05f789c0967/go.mod h1:A+miEFZTKqfCUM6K7xSMQL9OKL/b6hQv+e19PK+JZNE=
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ syntax = "proto3";
package chainrpc;
option go_package = "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc/chainrpc";
// ChainNotifier is a service that can be used to get information about the
// chain backend by registering notifiers for chain events.
service ChainNotifier {
@ -1,102 +1,126 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.23.0
// protoc v3.6.1
// source: invoicesrpc/invoices.proto
package invoicesrpc
import (
context "context"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
lnrpc "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc"
grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
math "math"
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
reflect "reflect"
sync "sync"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
const (
// Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
// Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// This is a compile-time assertion that a sufficiently up-to-date version
// of the legacy proto package is being used.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion4
type CancelInvoiceMsg struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to cancel.
PaymentHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=payment_hash,json=paymentHash,proto3" json:"payment_hash,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
PaymentHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=payment_hash,json=paymentHash,proto3" json:"payment_hash,omitempty"`
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) Reset() { *m = CancelInvoiceMsg{} }
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*CancelInvoiceMsg) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *CancelInvoiceMsg) Reset() {
*x = CancelInvoiceMsg{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[0]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *CancelInvoiceMsg) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*CancelInvoiceMsg) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *CancelInvoiceMsg) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[0]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use CancelInvoiceMsg.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CancelInvoiceMsg) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{0}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceMsg.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceMsg.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceMsg.Merge(m, src)
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceMsg.Size(m)
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceMsg proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *CancelInvoiceMsg) GetPaymentHash() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.PaymentHash
func (x *CancelInvoiceMsg) GetPaymentHash() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.PaymentHash
return nil
type CancelInvoiceResp struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) Reset() { *m = CancelInvoiceResp{} }
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*CancelInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *CancelInvoiceResp) Reset() {
*x = CancelInvoiceResp{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[1]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *CancelInvoiceResp) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*CancelInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *CancelInvoiceResp) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[1]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use CancelInvoiceResp.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*CancelInvoiceResp) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{1}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{1}
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceResp.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceResp.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceResp.Merge(m, src)
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceResp.Size(m)
func (m *CancelInvoiceResp) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_CancelInvoiceResp proto.InternalMessageInfo
type AddHoldInvoiceRequest struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
//An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping
//purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description
@ -131,318 +155,528 @@ type AddHoldInvoiceRequest struct {
//invoice's destination.
RouteHints []*lnrpc.RouteHint `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=route_hints,json=routeHints,proto3" json:"route_hints,omitempty"`
// Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels.
Private bool `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=private,proto3" json:"private,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
Private bool `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=private,proto3" json:"private,omitempty"`
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) Reset() { *m = AddHoldInvoiceRequest{} }
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*AddHoldInvoiceRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) Reset() {
*x = AddHoldInvoiceRequest{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[2]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*AddHoldInvoiceRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[2]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use AddHoldInvoiceRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*AddHoldInvoiceRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{2}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{2}
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceRequest.Merge(m, src)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceRequest.Size(m)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetMemo() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Memo
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetMemo() string {
if x != nil {
return x.Memo
return ""
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetHash() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Hash
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetHash() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.Hash
return nil
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetValue() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.Value
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetValue() int64 {
if x != nil {
return x.Value
return 0
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetValueMsat() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.ValueMsat
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetValueMsat() int64 {
if x != nil {
return x.ValueMsat
return 0
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetDescriptionHash() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.DescriptionHash
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetDescriptionHash() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.DescriptionHash
return nil
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetExpiry() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.Expiry
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetExpiry() int64 {
if x != nil {
return x.Expiry
return 0
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetFallbackAddr() string {
if m != nil {
return m.FallbackAddr
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetFallbackAddr() string {
if x != nil {
return x.FallbackAddr
return ""
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetCltvExpiry() uint64 {
if m != nil {
return m.CltvExpiry
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetCltvExpiry() uint64 {
if x != nil {
return x.CltvExpiry
return 0
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetRouteHints() []*lnrpc.RouteHint {
if m != nil {
return m.RouteHints
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetRouteHints() []*lnrpc.RouteHint {
if x != nil {
return x.RouteHints
return nil
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetPrivate() bool {
if m != nil {
return m.Private
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) GetPrivate() bool {
if x != nil {
return x.Private
return false
type AddHoldInvoiceResp struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
//A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the
//details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a
//payment to the recipient.
PaymentRequest string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=payment_request,json=paymentRequest,proto3" json:"payment_request,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
PaymentRequest string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=payment_request,json=paymentRequest,proto3" json:"payment_request,omitempty"`
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) Reset() { *m = AddHoldInvoiceResp{} }
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*AddHoldInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceResp) Reset() {
*x = AddHoldInvoiceResp{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[3]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceResp) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*AddHoldInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceResp) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[3]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use AddHoldInvoiceResp.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*AddHoldInvoiceResp) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{3}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{3}
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceResp.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceResp.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceResp.Merge(m, src)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceResp.Size(m)
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_AddHoldInvoiceResp proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *AddHoldInvoiceResp) GetPaymentRequest() string {
if m != nil {
return m.PaymentRequest
func (x *AddHoldInvoiceResp) GetPaymentRequest() string {
if x != nil {
return x.PaymentRequest
return ""
type SettleInvoiceMsg struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// Externally discovered pre-image that should be used to settle the hold
// invoice.
Preimage []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=preimage,proto3" json:"preimage,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
Preimage []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=preimage,proto3" json:"preimage,omitempty"`
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) Reset() { *m = SettleInvoiceMsg{} }
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*SettleInvoiceMsg) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SettleInvoiceMsg) Reset() {
*x = SettleInvoiceMsg{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[4]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *SettleInvoiceMsg) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*SettleInvoiceMsg) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SettleInvoiceMsg) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[4]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use SettleInvoiceMsg.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SettleInvoiceMsg) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{4}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{4}
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceMsg.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceMsg.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceMsg.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceMsg.Size(m)
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceMsg proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SettleInvoiceMsg) GetPreimage() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Preimage
func (x *SettleInvoiceMsg) GetPreimage() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.Preimage
return nil
type SettleInvoiceResp struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) Reset() { *m = SettleInvoiceResp{} }
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*SettleInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SettleInvoiceResp) Reset() {
*x = SettleInvoiceResp{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[5]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *SettleInvoiceResp) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*SettleInvoiceResp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SettleInvoiceResp) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[5]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use SettleInvoiceResp.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SettleInvoiceResp) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{5}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{5}
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceResp.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceResp.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceResp.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceResp.Size(m)
func (m *SettleInvoiceResp) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SettleInvoiceResp proto.InternalMessageInfo
type SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// Hash corresponding to the (hold) invoice to subscribe to.
RHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=r_hash,json=rHash,proto3" json:"r_hash,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
RHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=r_hash,json=rHash,proto3" json:"r_hash,omitempty"`
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) Reset() { *m = SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest{} }
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) Reset() {
*x = SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[6]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[6]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d, []int{6}
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{6}
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest.Size(m)
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) GetRHash() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.RHash
func (x *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest) GetRHash() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.RHash
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*CancelInvoiceMsg)(nil), "invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceMsg")
proto.RegisterType((*CancelInvoiceResp)(nil), "invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceResp")
proto.RegisterType((*AddHoldInvoiceRequest)(nil), "invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*AddHoldInvoiceResp)(nil), "invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceResp")
proto.RegisterType((*SettleInvoiceMsg)(nil), "invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg")
proto.RegisterType((*SettleInvoiceResp)(nil), "invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceResp")
proto.RegisterType((*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest)(nil), "invoicesrpc.SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest")
var File_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x1a, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x6e,
0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x69, 0x6e,
0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x1a, 0x09, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x70,
0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x22, 0x35, 0x0a, 0x10, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x6e,
0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x67, 0x12, 0x21, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x70, 0x61, 0x79, 0x6d,
0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x0b,
0x70, 0x61, 0x79, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x22, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x43,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70,
0x22, 0xca, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x48, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f,
0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x6d, 0x65,
0x6d, 0x6f, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x04, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x12,
0x0a, 0x04, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x04, 0x68, 0x61,
0x73, 0x68, 0x12, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, 0x18, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28,
0x03, 0x52, 0x05, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75,
0x65, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x61, 0x74, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x03, 0x52, 0x09, 0x76, 0x61,
0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x61, 0x74, 0x12, 0x29, 0x0a, 0x10, 0x64, 0x65, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72,
0x69, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x18, 0x04, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28,
0x0c, 0x52, 0x0f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x48, 0x61,
0x73, 0x68, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x79, 0x18, 0x05, 0x20, 0x01,
0x28, 0x03, 0x52, 0x06, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x79, 0x12, 0x23, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x66, 0x61,
0x6c, 0x6c, 0x62, 0x61, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x5f, 0x61, 0x64, 0x64, 0x72, 0x18, 0x06, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28,
0x09, 0x52, 0x0c, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x62, 0x61, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x72, 0x12,
0x1f, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x74, 0x76, 0x5f, 0x65, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x79, 0x18, 0x07,
0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x04, 0x52, 0x0a, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x74, 0x76, 0x45, 0x78, 0x70, 0x69, 0x72, 0x79,
0x12, 0x31, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x74, 0x65, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x18,
0x08, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x10, 0x2e, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x52, 0x6f,
0x75, 0x74, 0x65, 0x48, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x52, 0x0a, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x74, 0x65, 0x48, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x12, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x70, 0x72, 0x69, 0x76, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x18, 0x09,
0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x08, 0x52, 0x07, 0x70, 0x72, 0x69, 0x76, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x22, 0x3d, 0x0a,
0x12, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x48, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52,
0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x12, 0x27, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x70, 0x61, 0x79, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x5f, 0x72,
0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x61,
0x79, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x22, 0x2e, 0x0a, 0x10,
0x53, 0x65, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x67,
0x12, 0x1a, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x70, 0x72, 0x65, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01,
0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x08, 0x70, 0x72, 0x65, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x22, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x11,
0x53, 0x65, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73,
0x70, 0x22, 0x3c, 0x0a, 0x1d, 0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65,
0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x15, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x72, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01,
0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x05, 0x72, 0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x4a, 0x04, 0x08, 0x01, 0x10, 0x02, 0x32,
0xd9, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x12, 0x56, 0x0a, 0x16,
0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49,
0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x12, 0x2a, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65,
0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65,
0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x0e, 0x2e, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69,
0x63, 0x65, 0x30, 0x01, 0x12, 0x4e, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x6e,
0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73,
0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63,
0x65, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x67, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72,
0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65,
0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x12, 0x55, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x48, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49,
0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x12, 0x22, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65,
0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x48, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f,
0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x1f, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76,
0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x41, 0x64, 0x64, 0x48, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x64,
0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x12, 0x4e, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x53,
0x65, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x65, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6c,
0x65, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x4d, 0x73, 0x67, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x6e,
0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x65, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x65,
0x49, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x42, 0x33, 0x5a, 0x31, 0x67,
0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x67, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6e,
0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x6c,
0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63,
0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("invoicesrpc/invoices.proto", fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d) }
var (
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescData = file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDesc
var fileDescriptor_090ab9c4958b987d = []byte{
// 523 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0x7c, 0x53, 0x4d, 0x6f, 0xd3, 0x40,
0x10, 0x95, 0xf3, 0xd5, 0x64, 0x92, 0xa6, 0x61, 0xa1, 0x95, 0x65, 0x29, 0x34, 0x98, 0x03, 0x81,
0x83, 0x43, 0x5b, 0x71, 0x83, 0x43, 0x41, 0x48, 0x01, 0xa9, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x8b, 0xb5,
0xb1, 0x17, 0x7b, 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x7a, 0xd9, 0xdd, 0x04, 0xfa, 0x17, 0xf9, 0x07, 0xfc, 0x1b, 0xe4,
0xf5, 0xa6, 0xb2, 0x43, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xcc, 0x9b, 0xd9, 0xe7, 0xa7, 0xf7, 0xc6, 0xe0, 0x51, 0xbe,
0x2d, 0x68, 0x4c, 0x94, 0x14, 0xf1, 0x62, 0x57, 0x07, 0x42, 0x16, 0xba, 0x40, 0xc3, 0xda, 0xcc,
0x1b, 0x48, 0x11, 0x57, 0xb8, 0xff, 0x06, 0x26, 0x1f, 0x30, 0x8f, 0x09, 0xfb, 0x54, 0xcd, 0xaf,
0x54, 0x8a, 0x9e, 0xc1, 0x48, 0xe0, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x70, 0x1d, 0x65, 0x58, 0x65, 0xae, 0x33, 0x73,
0xe6, 0xa3, 0x70, 0x68, 0xb1, 0x25, 0x56, 0x99, 0xff, 0x18, 0x1e, 0x35, 0x9e, 0x85, 0x44, 0x09,
0xff, 0x4f, 0x0b, 0x8e, 0x2f, 0x93, 0x64, 0x59, 0xb0, 0xe4, 0x16, 0xfe, 0xb9, 0x21, 0x4a, 0x23,
0x04, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0xe4, 0x85, 0x61, 0x1a, 0x84, 0xa6, 0x2e, 0x31, 0xc3, 0xde, 0x32, 0xec, 0xa6,
0x46, 0x4f, 0xa0, 0xbb, 0xc5, 0x6c, 0x43, 0xdc, 0xf6, 0xcc, 0x99, 0xb7, 0xc3, 0xaa, 0x41, 0x53,
0x00, 0x53, 0x44, 0xb9, 0xc2, 0xda, 0x05, 0x33, 0x1a, 0x18, 0xe4, 0x4a, 0x61, 0x8d, 0x5e, 0xc2,
0x24, 0x21, 0x2a, 0x96, 0x54, 0x68, 0x5a, 0xf0, 0x4a, 0x72, 0xc7, 0x90, 0x1e, 0xd5, 0xf0, 0x52,
0x36, 0x3a, 0x81, 0x1e, 0xf9, 0x2d, 0xa8, 0xbc, 0x71, 0xbb, 0x86, 0xc5, 0x76, 0xe8, 0x39, 0x1c,
0xfe, 0xc0, 0x8c, 0xad, 0x71, 0x7c, 0x1d, 0xe1, 0x24, 0x91, 0x6e, 0xcf, 0x08, 0x1d, 0xed, 0xc0,
0xcb, 0x24, 0x91, 0xe8, 0x14, 0x86, 0x31, 0xd3, 0xdb, 0xc8, 0x32, 0x1c, 0xcc, 0x9c, 0x79, 0x27,
0x84, 0x12, 0xfa, 0x58, 0xb1, 0x9c, 0xc1, 0x50, 0x16, 0x1b, 0x4d, 0xa2, 0x8c, 0x72, 0xad, 0xdc,
0xfe, 0xac, 0x3d, 0x1f, 0x9e, 0x4f, 0x02, 0xc6, 0x4b, 0xbb, 0xc3, 0x72, 0xb2, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0x87,
0x20, 0x77, 0xa5, 0x42, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0x08, 0x49, 0xb7, 0x58, 0x13, 0x77, 0x30, 0x73, 0xe6, 0xfd,
0x70, 0xd7, 0xfa, 0xef, 0x00, 0xed, 0x7b, 0xa9, 0x04, 0x7a, 0x01, 0x47, 0xbb, 0x68, 0x64, 0xe5,
0xad, 0xf5, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x61, 0xeb, 0xb8, 0x1f, 0xc0, 0x64, 0x45, 0xb4, 0x66, 0xa4, 0x96, 0xab,
0x07, 0x7d, 0x21, 0x09, 0xcd, 0x71, 0x4a, 0x6c, 0xa6, 0xb7, 0x7d, 0x19, 0x68, 0x63, 0xdf, 0x04,
0xfa, 0x16, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xba, 0xb4, 0x70, 0x4d, 0x56, 0x94, 0xa7, 0xb5, 0x69, 0x95, 0xeb,
0x31, 0xf4, 0x64, 0x54, 0x4b, 0xb1, 0x2b, 0x4b, 0x9b, 0x3f, 0x77, 0xfa, 0xce, 0xa4, 0x75, 0xfe,
0xb7, 0x05, 0x7d, 0xbb, 0xaf, 0xd0, 0x37, 0x38, 0xb9, 0x9b, 0x0a, 0xbd, 0x0a, 0x6a, 0xa7, 0x19,
0x3c, 0xf8, 0x3d, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0xcd, 0xb4, 0xf0, 0x6b, 0x07, 0x7d, 0x81, 0xc3, 0xc6, 0x21, 0xa2,
0x69, 0x83, 0x6e, 0xff, 0xb6, 0xbd, 0xa7, 0xf7, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0xc1, 0x5f, 0x61, 0xdc, 0xb4, 0x1d,
0xf9, 0x8d, 0x17, 0x77, 0xde, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xfa, 0xe0, 0x8e, 0x12, 0xa5, 0xcc, 0x86, 0xbd, 0x7b,
0x32, 0xf7, 0xa3, 0xda, 0x93, 0xf9, 0x5f, 0x32, 0xef, 0x2f, 0xbe, 0x9f, 0xa5, 0x54, 0x67, 0x9b,
0x75, 0x10, 0x17, 0xf9, 0x82, 0xd1, 0x34, 0xd3, 0x9c, 0xf2, 0x94, 0x13, 0xfd, 0xab, 0x90, 0xd7,
0x0b, 0xc6, 0x93, 0x85, 0x71, 0x6a, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x59, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x2f, 0x7f, 0xf1, 0x2f, 0x00,
0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0xb1, 0x8c, 0x5e, 0x28, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
func file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescData)
return file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDescData
var file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 7)
var file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
(*CancelInvoiceMsg)(nil), // 0: invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceMsg
(*CancelInvoiceResp)(nil), // 1: invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceResp
(*AddHoldInvoiceRequest)(nil), // 2: invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest
(*AddHoldInvoiceResp)(nil), // 3: invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceResp
(*SettleInvoiceMsg)(nil), // 4: invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg
(*SettleInvoiceResp)(nil), // 5: invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceResp
(*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest)(nil), // 6: invoicesrpc.SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest
(*lnrpc.RouteHint)(nil), // 7: lnrpc.RouteHint
(*lnrpc.Invoice)(nil), // 8: lnrpc.Invoice
var file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
7, // 0: invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest.route_hints:type_name -> lnrpc.RouteHint
6, // 1: invoicesrpc.Invoices.SubscribeSingleInvoice:input_type -> invoicesrpc.SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest
0, // 2: invoicesrpc.Invoices.CancelInvoice:input_type -> invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceMsg
2, // 3: invoicesrpc.Invoices.AddHoldInvoice:input_type -> invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest
4, // 4: invoicesrpc.Invoices.SettleInvoice:input_type -> invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceMsg
8, // 5: invoicesrpc.Invoices.SubscribeSingleInvoice:output_type -> lnrpc.Invoice
1, // 6: invoicesrpc.Invoices.CancelInvoice:output_type -> invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceResp
3, // 7: invoicesrpc.Invoices.AddHoldInvoice:output_type -> invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceResp
5, // 8: invoicesrpc.Invoices.SettleInvoice:output_type -> invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceResp
5, // [5:9] is the sub-list for method output_type
1, // [1:5] is the sub-list for method input_type
1, // [1:1] is the sub-list for extension type_name
1, // [1:1] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:1] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_init() }
func file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_init() {
if File_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto != nil {
if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*CancelInvoiceMsg); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[1].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*CancelInvoiceResp); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[2].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*AddHoldInvoiceRequest); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[3].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*AddHoldInvoiceResp); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[4].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*SettleInvoiceMsg); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[5].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*SettleInvoiceResp); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes[6].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 7,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 1,
GoTypes: file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_depIdxs,
MessageInfos: file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_msgTypes,
File_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto = out.File
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_goTypes = nil
file_invoicesrpc_invoices_proto_depIdxs = nil
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ context.Context
var _ grpc.ClientConn
var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
// InvoicesClient is the client API for Invoices service.
@ -469,10 +703,10 @@ type InvoicesClient interface {
type invoicesClient struct {
cc *grpc.ClientConn
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewInvoicesClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) InvoicesClient {
func NewInvoicesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InvoicesClient {
return &invoicesClient{cc}
@ -561,16 +795,16 @@ type InvoicesServer interface {
type UnimplementedInvoicesServer struct {
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) SubscribeSingleInvoice(req *SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest, srv Invoices_SubscribeSingleInvoiceServer) error {
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) SubscribeSingleInvoice(*SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest, Invoices_SubscribeSingleInvoiceServer) error {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SubscribeSingleInvoice not implemented")
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) CancelInvoice(ctx context.Context, req *CancelInvoiceMsg) (*CancelInvoiceResp, error) {
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) CancelInvoice(context.Context, *CancelInvoiceMsg) (*CancelInvoiceResp, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method CancelInvoice not implemented")
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) AddHoldInvoice(ctx context.Context, req *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) (*AddHoldInvoiceResp, error) {
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) AddHoldInvoice(context.Context, *AddHoldInvoiceRequest) (*AddHoldInvoiceResp, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method AddHoldInvoice not implemented")
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) SettleInvoice(ctx context.Context, req *SettleInvoiceMsg) (*SettleInvoiceResp, error) {
func (*UnimplementedInvoicesServer) SettleInvoice(context.Context, *SettleInvoiceMsg) (*SettleInvoiceResp, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SettleInvoice not implemented")
@ -1,91 +1,168 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.23.0
// protoc v3.6.1
// source: lnclipb/lncli.proto
package lnclipb
import (
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
verrpc "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc/verrpc"
math "math"
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
reflect "reflect"
sync "sync"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
const (
// Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
// Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// This is a compile-time assertion that a sufficiently up-to-date version
// of the legacy proto package is being used.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion4
type VersionResponse struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// The version information for lncli.
Lncli *verrpc.Version `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=lncli,proto3" json:"lncli,omitempty"`
// The version information for lnd.
Lnd *verrpc.Version `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=lnd,proto3" json:"lnd,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
Lnd *verrpc.Version `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=lnd,proto3" json:"lnd,omitempty"`
func (m *VersionResponse) Reset() { *m = VersionResponse{} }
func (m *VersionResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*VersionResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *VersionResponse) Reset() {
*x = VersionResponse{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_msgTypes[0]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *VersionResponse) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*VersionResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *VersionResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_msgTypes[0]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use VersionResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*VersionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_88b54c9c61b986c4, []int{0}
return file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
func (m *VersionResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionResponse.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *VersionResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionResponse.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *VersionResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_VersionResponse.Merge(m, src)
func (m *VersionResponse) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionResponse.Size(m)
func (m *VersionResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_VersionResponse proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *VersionResponse) GetLncli() *verrpc.Version {
if m != nil {
return m.Lncli
func (x *VersionResponse) GetLncli() *verrpc.Version {
if x != nil {
return x.Lncli
return nil
func (m *VersionResponse) GetLnd() *verrpc.Version {
if m != nil {
return m.Lnd
func (x *VersionResponse) GetLnd() *verrpc.Version {
if x != nil {
return x.Lnd
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*VersionResponse)(nil), "lnclipb.VersionResponse")
var File_lnclipb_lncli_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x13, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x70, 0x62, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x2e,
0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x07, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x70, 0x62, 0x1a, 0x13,
0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72,
0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x22, 0x5b, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65,
0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x12, 0x25, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x18,
0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x56,
0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x05, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x12, 0x21, 0x0a,
0x03, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72,
0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x03, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64,
0x42, 0x2f, 0x5a, 0x2d, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x6c,
0x69, 0x67, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x2f,
0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x70,
0x62, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("lnclipb/lncli.proto", fileDescriptor_88b54c9c61b986c4) }
var (
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescData = file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDesc
var fileDescriptor_88b54c9c61b986c4 = []byte{
// 159 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x12, 0xce, 0xc9, 0x4b, 0xce,
0xc9, 0x2c, 0x48, 0xd2, 0x07, 0xd3, 0x7a, 0x05, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x25, 0xf9, 0x42, 0xec, 0x50, 0x41,
0x29, 0xe1, 0xb2, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0x82, 0x64, 0x7d, 0x08, 0x05, 0x91, 0x55, 0x8a, 0xe6, 0xe2,
0x0f, 0x4b, 0x2d, 0x2a, 0xce, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0x0b, 0x4a, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0xc8, 0xcf, 0x2b, 0x4e, 0x15,
0x52, 0xe5, 0x62, 0x05, 0x6b, 0x91, 0x60, 0x54, 0x60, 0xd4, 0xe0, 0x36, 0xe2, 0xd7, 0x83, 0x6a,
0x80, 0xa9, 0x83, 0xc8, 0x0a, 0x29, 0x72, 0x31, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xa5, 0x48, 0x30, 0x61, 0x57, 0x04,
0x92, 0x73, 0xd2, 0x8f, 0xd2, 0x4d, 0xcf, 0x2c, 0xc9, 0x28, 0x4d, 0xd2, 0x4b, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd5,
0xcf, 0xc9, 0x4c, 0xcf, 0x28, 0xc9, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0x4b, 0xcf, 0x4b, 0x2d, 0x29, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xca,
0xd6, 0xcf, 0xc9, 0x4b, 0xd1, 0xcf, 0xc9, 0x03, 0x39, 0x09, 0xea, 0xc4, 0x24, 0x36, 0xb0, 0xa3,
0x8c, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x4d, 0xfc, 0x5e, 0x89, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescData)
return file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDescData
var file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 1)
var file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
(*VersionResponse)(nil), // 0: lnclipb.VersionResponse
(*verrpc.Version)(nil), // 1: verrpc.Version
var file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
1, // 0: lnclipb.VersionResponse.lncli:type_name -> verrpc.Version
1, // 1: lnclipb.VersionResponse.lnd:type_name -> verrpc.Version
2, // [2:2] is the sub-list for method output_type
2, // [2:2] is the sub-list for method input_type
2, // [2:2] is the sub-list for extension type_name
2, // [2:2] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:2] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_init() }
func file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_init() {
if File_lnclipb_lncli_proto != nil {
if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*VersionResponse); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 1,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_depIdxs,
MessageInfos: file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_msgTypes,
File_lnclipb_lncli_proto = out.File
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_goTypes = nil
file_lnclipb_lncli_proto_depIdxs = nil
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,28 +1,33 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.23.0
// protoc v3.6.1
// source: stateservice.proto
package lnrpc
import (
context "context"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
math "math"
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
reflect "reflect"
sync "sync"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
const (
// Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
// Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// This is a compile-time assertion that a sufficiently up-to-date version
// of the legacy proto package is being used.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion4
type WalletState int32
@ -33,133 +38,249 @@ const (
WalletState_RPC_ACTIVE WalletState = 3
var WalletState_name = map[int32]string{
1: "LOCKED",
// Enum value maps for WalletState.
var (
WalletState_name = map[int32]string{
1: "LOCKED",
WalletState_value = map[string]int32{
"LOCKED": 1,
var WalletState_value = map[string]int32{
"LOCKED": 1,
func (x WalletState) Enum() *WalletState {
p := new(WalletState)
*p = x
return p
func (x WalletState) String() string {
return proto.EnumName(WalletState_name, int32(x))
return protoimpl.X.EnumStringOf(x.Descriptor(), protoreflect.EnumNumber(x))
func (WalletState) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor {
return file_stateservice_proto_enumTypes[0].Descriptor()
func (WalletState) Type() protoreflect.EnumType {
return &file_stateservice_proto_enumTypes[0]
func (x WalletState) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber {
return protoreflect.EnumNumber(x)
// Deprecated: Use WalletState.Descriptor instead.
func (WalletState) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9cd64a11048f05dd, []int{0}
return file_stateservice_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
type SubscribeStateRequest struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) Reset() { *m = SubscribeStateRequest{} }
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*SubscribeStateRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeStateRequest) Reset() {
*x = SubscribeStateRequest{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[0]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *SubscribeStateRequest) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*SubscribeStateRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeStateRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[0]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use SubscribeStateRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SubscribeStateRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9cd64a11048f05dd, []int{0}
return file_stateservice_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateRequest.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateRequest.Size(m)
func (m *SubscribeStateRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
type SubscribeStateResponse struct {
State WalletState `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=state,proto3,enum=lnrpc.WalletState" json:"state,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
State WalletState `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=state,proto3,enum=lnrpc.WalletState" json:"state,omitempty"`
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) Reset() { *m = SubscribeStateResponse{} }
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*SubscribeStateResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeStateResponse) Reset() {
*x = SubscribeStateResponse{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[1]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *SubscribeStateResponse) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*SubscribeStateResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *SubscribeStateResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[1]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use SubscribeStateResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*SubscribeStateResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9cd64a11048f05dd, []int{1}
return file_stateservice_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{1}
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateResponse.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateResponse.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateResponse.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateResponse.Size(m)
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SubscribeStateResponse proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SubscribeStateResponse) GetState() WalletState {
if m != nil {
return m.State
func (x *SubscribeStateResponse) GetState() WalletState {
if x != nil {
return x.State
return WalletState_NON_EXISTING
func init() {
proto.RegisterEnum("lnrpc.WalletState", WalletState_name, WalletState_value)
proto.RegisterType((*SubscribeStateRequest)(nil), "lnrpc.SubscribeStateRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*SubscribeStateResponse)(nil), "lnrpc.SubscribeStateResponse")
var File_stateservice_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_stateservice_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x12, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x70,
0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x05, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x22, 0x17, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x53,
0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71,
0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x22, 0x42, 0x0a, 0x16, 0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62,
0x65, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x12, 0x28,
0x0a, 0x05, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0e, 0x32, 0x12, 0x2e,
0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x57, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x74, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74,
0x65, 0x52, 0x05, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x2a, 0x49, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x57, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c,
0x65, 0x74, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x12, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x4e, 0x5f, 0x45,
0x58, 0x49, 0x53, 0x54, 0x49, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x10, 0x00, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x43,
0x4b, 0x45, 0x44, 0x10, 0x01, 0x12, 0x0c, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x55, 0x4e, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x43, 0x4b, 0x45,
0x44, 0x10, 0x02, 0x12, 0x0e, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x52, 0x50, 0x43, 0x5f, 0x41, 0x43, 0x54, 0x49, 0x56,
0x45, 0x10, 0x03, 0x32, 0x58, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x12, 0x4f, 0x0a, 0x0e,
0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1c,
0x2e, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65,
0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x6c,
0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x53, 0x75, 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, 0x72, 0x69, 0x62, 0x65, 0x53, 0x74,
0x61, 0x74, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x30, 0x01, 0x42, 0x27, 0x5a,
0x25, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x67, 0x68,
0x74, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64,
0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("stateservice.proto", fileDescriptor_9cd64a11048f05dd) }
var (
file_stateservice_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
file_stateservice_proto_rawDescData = file_stateservice_proto_rawDesc
var fileDescriptor_9cd64a11048f05dd = []byte{
// 245 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x2a, 0x2e, 0x49, 0x2c,
0x49, 0x2d, 0x4e, 0x2d, 0x2a, 0xcb, 0x4c, 0x4e, 0xd5, 0x2b, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x17, 0x62,
0xcd, 0xc9, 0x2b, 0x2a, 0x48, 0x56, 0x12, 0xe7, 0x12, 0x0d, 0x2e, 0x4d, 0x2a, 0x4e, 0x2e, 0xca,
0x4c, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x06, 0xa9, 0x0a, 0x4a, 0x2d, 0x2c, 0x4d, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x51, 0x72, 0xe2, 0x12,
0x43, 0x97, 0x28, 0x2e, 0xc8, 0xcf, 0x2b, 0x4e, 0x15, 0xd2, 0xe0, 0x62, 0x05, 0x9b, 0x27, 0xc1,
0xa8, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0xc1, 0x67, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x07, 0x36, 0x49, 0x2f, 0x3c, 0x31, 0x27, 0x27, 0xb5,
0x04, 0xa2, 0x14, 0xa2, 0x40, 0xcb, 0x93, 0x8b, 0x1b, 0x49, 0x54, 0x48, 0x80, 0x8b, 0xc7, 0xcf,
0xdf, 0x2f, 0xde, 0x35, 0xc2, 0x33, 0x38, 0xc4, 0xd3, 0xcf, 0x5d, 0x80, 0x41, 0x88, 0x8b, 0x8b,
0xcd, 0xc7, 0xdf, 0xd9, 0xdb, 0xd5, 0x45, 0x80, 0x51, 0x88, 0x87, 0x8b, 0x23, 0xd4, 0x0f, 0xca,
0x63, 0x12, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe2, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x70, 0x8e, 0x77, 0x74, 0x0e, 0xf1, 0x0c, 0x73, 0x15,
0x60, 0x36, 0x8a, 0xe0, 0x62, 0x85, 0x18, 0xe2, 0xcf, 0xc5, 0x87, 0xea, 0x2e, 0x21, 0x19, 0xa8,
0x03, 0xb0, 0xfa, 0x43, 0x4a, 0x16, 0x87, 0x2c, 0xc4, 0x33, 0x06, 0x8c, 0x4e, 0xea, 0x51, 0xaa,
0xe9, 0x99, 0x25, 0x19, 0xa5, 0x49, 0x7a, 0xc9, 0xf9, 0xb9, 0xfa, 0x39, 0x99, 0xe9, 0x19, 0x25,
0x79, 0x99, 0x79, 0xe9, 0x79, 0xa9, 0x25, 0xe5, 0xf9, 0x45, 0xd9, 0xfa, 0x39, 0x79, 0x29, 0xfa,
0x60, 0x13, 0x92, 0xd8, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x67, 0x0c, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x75, 0x6a, 0x2f,
0xe2, 0x4e, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
func file_stateservice_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
file_stateservice_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
file_stateservice_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_stateservice_proto_rawDescData)
return file_stateservice_proto_rawDescData
var file_stateservice_proto_enumTypes = make([]protoimpl.EnumInfo, 1)
var file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 2)
var file_stateservice_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
(WalletState)(0), // 0: lnrpc.WalletState
(*SubscribeStateRequest)(nil), // 1: lnrpc.SubscribeStateRequest
(*SubscribeStateResponse)(nil), // 2: lnrpc.SubscribeStateResponse
var file_stateservice_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // 0: lnrpc.SubscribeStateResponse.state:type_name -> lnrpc.WalletState
1, // 1: lnrpc.State.SubscribeState:input_type -> lnrpc.SubscribeStateRequest
2, // 2: lnrpc.State.SubscribeState:output_type -> lnrpc.SubscribeStateResponse
2, // [2:3] is the sub-list for method output_type
1, // [1:2] is the sub-list for method input_type
1, // [1:1] is the sub-list for extension type_name
1, // [1:1] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:1] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_stateservice_proto_init() }
func file_stateservice_proto_init() {
if File_stateservice_proto != nil {
if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*SubscribeStateRequest); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes[1].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*SubscribeStateResponse); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_stateservice_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 1,
NumMessages: 2,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 1,
GoTypes: file_stateservice_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_stateservice_proto_depIdxs,
EnumInfos: file_stateservice_proto_enumTypes,
MessageInfos: file_stateservice_proto_msgTypes,
File_stateservice_proto = out.File
file_stateservice_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_stateservice_proto_goTypes = nil
file_stateservice_proto_depIdxs = nil
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ context.Context
var _ grpc.ClientConn
var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
// StateClient is the client API for State service.
@ -171,10 +292,10 @@ type StateClient interface {
type stateClient struct {
cc *grpc.ClientConn
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewStateClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) StateClient {
func NewStateClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) StateClient {
return &stateClient{cc}
@ -221,7 +342,7 @@ type StateServer interface {
type UnimplementedStateServer struct {
func (*UnimplementedStateServer) SubscribeState(req *SubscribeStateRequest, srv State_SubscribeStateServer) error {
func (*UnimplementedStateServer) SubscribeState(*SubscribeStateRequest, State_SubscribeStateServer) error {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SubscribeState not implemented")
@ -1,61 +1,77 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.23.0
// protoc v3.6.1
// source: verrpc/verrpc.proto
package verrpc
import (
context "context"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
math "math"
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
reflect "reflect"
sync "sync"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
const (
// Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
// Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// This is a compile-time assertion that a sufficiently up-to-date version
// of the legacy proto package is being used.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion4
type VersionRequest struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
func (m *VersionRequest) Reset() { *m = VersionRequest{} }
func (m *VersionRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*VersionRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *VersionRequest) Reset() {
*x = VersionRequest{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[0]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *VersionRequest) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*VersionRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *VersionRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[0]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use VersionRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*VersionRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_494312204cefa0e6, []int{0}
return file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
func (m *VersionRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *VersionRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *VersionRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_VersionRequest.Merge(m, src)
func (m *VersionRequest) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_VersionRequest.Size(m)
func (m *VersionRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_VersionRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
type Version struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// A verbose description of the daemon's commit.
Commit string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=commit,proto3" json:"commit,omitempty"`
// The SHA1 commit hash that the daemon is compiled with.
@ -73,137 +89,223 @@ type Version struct {
// The list of build tags that were supplied during compilation.
BuildTags []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=build_tags,json=buildTags,proto3" json:"build_tags,omitempty"`
// The version of go that compiled the executable.
GoVersion string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=go_version,json=goVersion,proto3" json:"go_version,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
GoVersion string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=go_version,json=goVersion,proto3" json:"go_version,omitempty"`
func (m *Version) Reset() { *m = Version{} }
func (m *Version) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*Version) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *Version) Reset() {
*x = Version{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[1]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *Version) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*Version) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *Version) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[1]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use Version.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*Version) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_494312204cefa0e6, []int{1}
return file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{1}
func (m *Version) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_Version.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *Version) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_Version.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *Version) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Version.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Version) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_Version.Size(m)
func (m *Version) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Version proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *Version) GetCommit() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Commit
func (x *Version) GetCommit() string {
if x != nil {
return x.Commit
return ""
func (m *Version) GetCommitHash() string {
if m != nil {
return m.CommitHash
func (x *Version) GetCommitHash() string {
if x != nil {
return x.CommitHash
return ""
func (m *Version) GetVersion() string {
if m != nil {
return m.Version
func (x *Version) GetVersion() string {
if x != nil {
return x.Version
return ""
func (m *Version) GetAppMajor() uint32 {
if m != nil {
return m.AppMajor
func (x *Version) GetAppMajor() uint32 {
if x != nil {
return x.AppMajor
return 0
func (m *Version) GetAppMinor() uint32 {
if m != nil {
return m.AppMinor
func (x *Version) GetAppMinor() uint32 {
if x != nil {
return x.AppMinor
return 0
func (m *Version) GetAppPatch() uint32 {
if m != nil {
return m.AppPatch
func (x *Version) GetAppPatch() uint32 {
if x != nil {
return x.AppPatch
return 0
func (m *Version) GetAppPreRelease() string {
if m != nil {
return m.AppPreRelease
func (x *Version) GetAppPreRelease() string {
if x != nil {
return x.AppPreRelease
return ""
func (m *Version) GetBuildTags() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.BuildTags
func (x *Version) GetBuildTags() []string {
if x != nil {
return x.BuildTags
return nil
func (m *Version) GetGoVersion() string {
if m != nil {
return m.GoVersion
func (x *Version) GetGoVersion() string {
if x != nil {
return x.GoVersion
return ""
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*VersionRequest)(nil), "verrpc.VersionRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*Version)(nil), "verrpc.Version")
var File_verrpc_verrpc_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x13, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e,
0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x06, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x22, 0x10, 0x0a,
0x0e, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x22,
0x99, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x63,
0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x74, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x06, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d,
0x6d, 0x69, 0x74, 0x12, 0x1f, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x74, 0x5f, 0x68, 0x61,
0x73, 0x68, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x0a, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x74,
0x48, 0x61, 0x73, 0x68, 0x12, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x07, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x18,
0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x07, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x12, 0x1b,
0x0a, 0x09, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6a, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x18, 0x04, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28,
0x0d, 0x52, 0x08, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x4d, 0x61, 0x6a, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x61,
0x70, 0x70, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x18, 0x05, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0d, 0x52, 0x08,
0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x4d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x5f,
0x70, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x18, 0x06, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0d, 0x52, 0x08, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70,
0x50, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x12, 0x26, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x5f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x65,
0x5f, 0x72, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x61, 0x73, 0x65, 0x18, 0x07, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x0d,
0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x50, 0x72, 0x65, 0x52, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x61, 0x73, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x0a,
0x0a, 0x62, 0x75, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x5f, 0x74, 0x61, 0x67, 0x73, 0x18, 0x08, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28,
0x09, 0x52, 0x09, 0x62, 0x75, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x54, 0x61, 0x67, 0x73, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x0a, 0x0a,
0x67, 0x6f, 0x5f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x18, 0x09, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09,
0x52, 0x09, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x32, 0x42, 0x0a, 0x09, 0x56,
0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x12, 0x35, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x56,
0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x12, 0x16, 0x2e, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e,
0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x0f,
0x2e, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x56, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x42,
0x2e, 0x5a, 0x2c, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x69,
0x67, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x2f, 0x6c,
0x6e, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x62,
0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("verrpc/verrpc.proto", fileDescriptor_494312204cefa0e6) }
var (
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescData = file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDesc
var fileDescriptor_494312204cefa0e6 = []byte{
// 300 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0x5c, 0x91, 0x51, 0x4b, 0xf3, 0x30,
0x14, 0x86, 0xd9, 0xf6, 0x7d, 0xdd, 0x72, 0x64, 0x4e, 0x22, 0x48, 0x50, 0xc4, 0xb1, 0x0b, 0xd9,
0x85, 0xb4, 0xa0, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x76, 0xa3, 0x37, 0x82, 0x14, 0xf1, 0xc2, 0x9b, 0x92, 0x75, 0x87,
0x34, 0xda, 0x26, 0x31, 0xc9, 0xe6, 0x6f, 0xf1, 0xdf, 0x4a, 0x93, 0xae, 0x43, 0xaf, 0x7a, 0x9e,
0xf7, 0x29, 0xa7, 0xe5, 0x3d, 0x70, 0xba, 0x43, 0x6b, 0x4d, 0x99, 0xc5, 0x47, 0x6a, 0xac, 0xf6,
0x9a, 0x26, 0x91, 0x16, 0x27, 0x70, 0xfc, 0x8a, 0xd6, 0x49, 0xad, 0x72, 0xfc, 0xdc, 0xa2, 0xf3,
0x8b, 0xef, 0x21, 0x8c, 0xbb, 0x88, 0x9e, 0x41, 0x52, 0xea, 0xa6, 0x91, 0x9e, 0x0d, 0xe6, 0x83,
0x25, 0xc9, 0x3b, 0xa2, 0x57, 0x70, 0x14, 0xa7, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0xae, 0x62, 0xc3, 0x20, 0x21, 0x46,
0x8f, 0xdc, 0x55, 0x94, 0xc1, 0x78, 0x17, 0x77, 0xb0, 0x51, 0x90, 0x7b, 0xa4, 0x17, 0x40, 0xb8,
0x31, 0x45, 0xc3, 0xdf, 0xb5, 0x65, 0xff, 0xe6, 0x83, 0xe5, 0x34, 0x9f, 0x70, 0x63, 0x9e, 0x5a,
0xee, 0xa5, 0x54, 0xda, 0xb2, 0xff, 0x07, 0xd9, 0xf2, 0x5e, 0x1a, 0xee, 0xcb, 0x8a, 0x25, 0xbd,
0x7c, 0x6e, 0x99, 0x5e, 0xc3, 0x2c, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x85, 0xc5, 0x1a, 0xb9, 0x43, 0x36, 0x0e, 0x1f,
0x9e, 0xb6, 0xaf, 0x58, 0xcc, 0x63, 0x48, 0x2f, 0x01, 0xd6, 0x5b, 0x59, 0x6f, 0x0a, 0xcf, 0x85,
0x63, 0x93, 0xf9, 0x68, 0x49, 0x72, 0x12, 0x92, 0x17, 0x2e, 0x5c, 0xab, 0x85, 0x2e, 0xf6, 0xbf,
0x4e, 0xc2, 0x06, 0x22, 0x74, 0xd7, 0xc7, 0xed, 0x0a, 0x48, 0x37, 0xa2, 0xa5, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x0f,
0xe8, 0xfb, 0xaa, 0xd2, 0xae, 0xdf, 0xdf, 0x75, 0x9e, 0xcf, 0xfe, 0xe4, 0xab, 0xf4, 0xed, 0x46,
0x48, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0xd7, 0x69, 0xa9, 0x9b, 0xac, 0x96, 0xa2, 0xf2, 0x4a, 0x2a, 0xa1, 0xd0, 0x7f,
0x69, 0xfb, 0x91, 0xd5, 0x6a, 0x93, 0xd5, 0xea, 0x70, 0xaf, 0x75, 0x12, 0x0e, 0x76, 0xf7, 0x13,
0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x3d, 0xb5, 0x81, 0xc7, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
func file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescData)
return file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDescData
var file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 2)
var file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
(*VersionRequest)(nil), // 0: verrpc.VersionRequest
(*Version)(nil), // 1: verrpc.Version
var file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // 0: verrpc.Versioner.GetVersion:input_type -> verrpc.VersionRequest
1, // 1: verrpc.Versioner.GetVersion:output_type -> verrpc.Version
1, // [1:2] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:1] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_init() }
func file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_init() {
if File_verrpc_verrpc_proto != nil {
if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*VersionRequest); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes[1].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*Version); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 2,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 1,
GoTypes: file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_depIdxs,
MessageInfos: file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_msgTypes,
File_verrpc_verrpc_proto = out.File
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_goTypes = nil
file_verrpc_verrpc_proto_depIdxs = nil
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ context.Context
var _ grpc.ClientConn
var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
// VersionerClient is the client API for Versioner service.
@ -216,10 +318,10 @@ type VersionerClient interface {
type versionerClient struct {
cc *grpc.ClientConn
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewVersionerClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) VersionerClient {
func NewVersionerClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) VersionerClient {
return &versionerClient{cc}
@ -244,7 +346,7 @@ type VersionerServer interface {
type UnimplementedVersionerServer struct {
func (*UnimplementedVersionerServer) GetVersion(ctx context.Context, req *VersionRequest) (*Version, error) {
func (*UnimplementedVersionerServer) GetVersion(context.Context, *VersionRequest) (*Version, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetVersion not implemented")
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,150 +1,248 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.23.0
// protoc v3.6.1
// source: watchtowerrpc/watchtower.proto
package watchtowerrpc
import (
context "context"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
math "math"
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
reflect "reflect"
sync "sync"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
const (
// Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion)
// Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date.
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// This is a compile-time assertion that a sufficiently up-to-date version
// of the legacy proto package is being used.
const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion4
type GetInfoRequest struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
func (m *GetInfoRequest) Reset() { *m = GetInfoRequest{} }
func (m *GetInfoRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*GetInfoRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *GetInfoRequest) Reset() {
*x = GetInfoRequest{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[0]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *GetInfoRequest) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*GetInfoRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *GetInfoRequest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[0]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use GetInfoRequest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetInfoRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9f019c0e859ad3d6, []int{0}
return file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0}
func (m *GetInfoRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *GetInfoRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *GetInfoRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoRequest.Merge(m, src)
func (m *GetInfoRequest) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoRequest.Size(m)
func (m *GetInfoRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
type GetInfoResponse struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
// The public key of the watchtower.
Pubkey []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=pubkey,proto3" json:"pubkey,omitempty"`
// The listening addresses of the watchtower.
Listeners []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=listeners,proto3" json:"listeners,omitempty"`
// The URIs of the watchtower.
Uris []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=uris,proto3" json:"uris,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
Uris []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=uris,proto3" json:"uris,omitempty"`
func (m *GetInfoResponse) Reset() { *m = GetInfoResponse{} }
func (m *GetInfoResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*GetInfoResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *GetInfoResponse) Reset() {
*x = GetInfoResponse{}
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
mi := &file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[1]
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
func (x *GetInfoResponse) String() string {
return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x)
func (*GetInfoResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (x *GetInfoResponse) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
mi := &file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[1]
if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil {
ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x))
if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {
return ms
return mi.MessageOf(x)
// Deprecated: Use GetInfoResponse.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.
func (*GetInfoResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_9f019c0e859ad3d6, []int{1}
return file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{1}
func (m *GetInfoResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoResponse.Unmarshal(m, b)
func (m *GetInfoResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoResponse.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
func (m *GetInfoResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoResponse.Merge(m, src)
func (m *GetInfoResponse) XXX_Size() int {
return xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoResponse.Size(m)
func (m *GetInfoResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_GetInfoResponse proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *GetInfoResponse) GetPubkey() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Pubkey
func (x *GetInfoResponse) GetPubkey() []byte {
if x != nil {
return x.Pubkey
return nil
func (m *GetInfoResponse) GetListeners() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.Listeners
func (x *GetInfoResponse) GetListeners() []string {
if x != nil {
return x.Listeners
return nil
func (m *GetInfoResponse) GetUris() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.Uris
func (x *GetInfoResponse) GetUris() []string {
if x != nil {
return x.Uris
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*GetInfoRequest)(nil), "watchtowerrpc.GetInfoRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*GetInfoResponse)(nil), "watchtowerrpc.GetInfoResponse")
var File_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x1e, 0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f,
0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f,
0x12, 0x0d, 0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x22,
0x10, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x52, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73,
0x74, 0x22, 0x5b, 0x0a, 0x0f, 0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x70,
0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x70, 0x75, 0x62, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x18, 0x01,
0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x06, 0x70, 0x75, 0x62, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x12, 0x1c, 0x0a, 0x09,
0x6c, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52,
0x09, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x75, 0x72,
0x69, 0x73, 0x18, 0x03, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x04, 0x75, 0x72, 0x69, 0x73, 0x32, 0x56,
0x0a, 0x0a, 0x57, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x12, 0x48, 0x0a, 0x07,
0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x12, 0x1d, 0x2e, 0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74,
0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x52,
0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x2e, 0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f,
0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x47, 0x65, 0x74, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x52, 0x65,
0x73, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x42, 0x35, 0x5a, 0x33, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62,
0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x67, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6e, 0x65,
0x74, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6b, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x2f,
0x77, 0x61, 0x74, 0x63, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x72, 0x70, 0x63, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70,
0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("watchtowerrpc/watchtower.proto", fileDescriptor_9f019c0e859ad3d6) }
var (
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescData = file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDesc
var fileDescriptor_9f019c0e859ad3d6 = []byte{
// 213 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x2b, 0x4f, 0x2c, 0x49,
0xce, 0x28, 0xc9, 0x2f, 0x4f, 0x2d, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0x48, 0xd6, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xf4, 0x0a, 0x8a, 0xf2,
0x4b, 0xf2, 0x85, 0x78, 0x51, 0xe4, 0x95, 0x04, 0xb8, 0xf8, 0xdc, 0x53, 0x4b, 0x3c, 0xf3, 0xd2,
0xf2, 0x83, 0x52, 0x0b, 0x4b, 0x53, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0x94, 0xa2, 0xb9, 0xf8, 0xe1, 0x22, 0xc5, 0x05,
0xf9, 0x79, 0xc5, 0xa9, 0x42, 0x62, 0x5c, 0x6c, 0x05, 0xa5, 0x49, 0xd9, 0xa9, 0x95, 0x12, 0x8c,
0x0a, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0x3c, 0x41, 0x50, 0x9e, 0x90, 0x0c, 0x17, 0x67, 0x4e, 0x66, 0x71, 0x49, 0x6a,
0x5e, 0x6a, 0x51, 0xb1, 0x04, 0x93, 0x02, 0xb3, 0x06, 0x67, 0x10, 0x42, 0x40, 0x48, 0x88, 0x8b,
0xa5, 0xb4, 0x28, 0xb3, 0x58, 0x82, 0x19, 0x2c, 0x01, 0x66, 0x1b, 0x85, 0x71, 0x71, 0x85, 0xc3,
0xed, 0x17, 0xf2, 0xe0, 0x62, 0x87, 0x5a, 0x25, 0x24, 0xab, 0x87, 0xe2, 0x2e, 0x3d, 0x54, 0x47,
0x49, 0xc9, 0xe1, 0x92, 0x86, 0xb8, 0xd0, 0xc9, 0x34, 0xca, 0x38, 0x3d, 0xb3, 0x24, 0xa3, 0x34,
0x49, 0x2f, 0x39, 0x3f, 0x57, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x33, 0x3d, 0xa3, 0x24, 0x2f, 0x33, 0x2f, 0x3d, 0x2f,
0xb5, 0xa4, 0x3c, 0xbf, 0x28, 0x5b, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x2f, 0x45, 0x3f, 0x27, 0x0f, 0x35, 0x3c, 0x8a,
0x0a, 0x92, 0x93, 0xd8, 0xc0, 0x61, 0x62, 0x0c, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xa1, 0x23, 0x0b,
0x68, 0x35, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
func file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte {
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() {
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescData)
return file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDescData
var file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 2)
var file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
(*GetInfoRequest)(nil), // 0: watchtowerrpc.GetInfoRequest
(*GetInfoResponse)(nil), // 1: watchtowerrpc.GetInfoResponse
var file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // 0: watchtowerrpc.Watchtower.GetInfo:input_type -> watchtowerrpc.GetInfoRequest
1, // 1: watchtowerrpc.Watchtower.GetInfo:output_type -> watchtowerrpc.GetInfoResponse
1, // [1:2] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:1] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_init() }
func file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_init() {
if File_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto != nil {
if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled {
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*GetInfoRequest); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes[1].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {
switch v := v.(*GetInfoResponse); i {
case 0:
return &v.state
case 1:
return &v.sizeCache
case 2:
return &v.unknownFields
return nil
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 2,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 1,
GoTypes: file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_depIdxs,
MessageInfos: file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_msgTypes,
File_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto = out.File
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_goTypes = nil
file_watchtowerrpc_watchtower_proto_depIdxs = nil
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ context.Context
var _ grpc.ClientConn
var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
// WatchtowerClient is the client API for Watchtower service.
@ -158,10 +256,10 @@ type WatchtowerClient interface {
type watchtowerClient struct {
cc *grpc.ClientConn
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewWatchtowerClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) WatchtowerClient {
func NewWatchtowerClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) WatchtowerClient {
return &watchtowerClient{cc}
@ -187,7 +285,7 @@ type WatchtowerServer interface {
type UnimplementedWatchtowerServer struct {
func (*UnimplementedWatchtowerServer) GetInfo(ctx context.Context, req *GetInfoRequest) (*GetInfoResponse, error) {
func (*UnimplementedWatchtowerServer) GetInfo(context.Context, *GetInfoRequest) (*GetInfoResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetInfo not implemented")
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import (
const (
@ -1219,12 +1220,11 @@ func channelCommitType(node *lntest.HarnessNode,
// assertChannelBalanceResp makes a ChannelBalance request and checks the
// returned response matches the expected.
func assertChannelBalanceResp(t *harnessTest,
node *lntest.HarnessNode, expected *lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse) {
node *lntest.HarnessNode,
expected *lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse) { // nolint:interfacer
resp := getChannelBalance(t, node)
t.t, expected, resp, "balance is incorrect",
require.True(t.t, proto.Equal(expected, resp), "balance is incorrect")
// getChannelBalance gets the channel balance.
@ -12787,13 +12787,7 @@ func testMissionControlCfg(t *testing.T, node *lntest.HarnessNode) {
ctxb, &routerrpc.GetMissionControlConfigRequest{},
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set the hidden fields on the cfg we set so that we can use require
// equal rather than comparing field by field.
cfg.XXX_sizecache = resp.XXX_sizecache
cfg.XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral = resp.XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral
cfg.XXX_unrecognized = resp.XXX_unrecognized
require.Equal(t, cfg, resp.Config)
require.True(t, proto.Equal(cfg, resp.Config))
_, err = node.RouterClient.SetMissionControlConfig(
ctxb, &routerrpc.SetMissionControlConfigRequest{
Add table
Reference in a new issue