I think this fixes all sync problems

add a bool to the HashAndHeight struct;
can indicate "final".  When the block market final comes in,
we don't enter wait state, but instead ask for headers.
when you don't get any headers, you wont need any blocks, and that
will assert the wait state.
This commit is contained in:
Tadge Dryja 2016-02-03 20:26:12 -08:00
parent 27def9b623
commit 9eccb0638a
3 changed files with 74 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func shell() {
// once we're connected, initiate headers sync
err = Hdr()
err = SCon.AskForHeaders()
if err != nil {
@ -149,18 +149,6 @@ func Shellparse(cmdslice []string) error {
return nil
// Hdr asks for headers.
func Hdr() error {
if SCon.RBytes == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("No SPV connection, can't get headers.")
err := SCon.AskForHeaders()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Bal prints out your score.
func Bal(args []string) error {
if SCon.TS == nil {

View file

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import (
const (
keyFileName = "testseed.hex"
headerFileName = "headers.bin"
// Except hash-160s, those aren't backwards. But anything that's 32 bytes is.
// because, cmon, 32? Gotta reverse that. But 20? 20 is OK.
// version hardcoded for now, probably ok...?
VERSION = 70011
@ -223,6 +221,7 @@ func (s *SPVCon) HeightFromHeader(query wire.BlockHeader) (uint32, error) {
// AskForTx requests a tx we heard about from an inv message.
// It's one at a time but should be fast enough.
// I don't like this function because SPV shouldn't even ask...
func (s *SPVCon) AskForTx(txid wire.ShaHash) {
gdata := wire.NewMsgGetData()
inv := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeTx, &txid)
@ -230,38 +229,12 @@ func (s *SPVCon) AskForTx(txid wire.ShaHash) {
s.outMsgQueue <- gdata
// AskForBlock requests a merkle block we heard about from an inv message.
// We don't have it in our header file so when we get it we do both operations:
// appending and checking the header, and checking spv proofs
func (s *SPVCon) AskForBlockx(hsh wire.ShaHash) {
defer s.headerMutex.Unlock()
gdata := wire.NewMsgGetData()
inv := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeFilteredBlock, &hsh)
info, err := s.headerFile.Stat() // get
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(err) // crash if header file disappears
nextHeight := int32(info.Size() / 80)
hah := NewRootAndHeight(hsh, nextHeight)
fmt.Printf("AskForBlock - %s height %d\n", hsh.String(), nextHeight)
s.mBlockQueue <- hah // push height and mroot of requested block on queue
s.outMsgQueue <- gdata // push request to outbox
func (s *SPVCon) AskForHeaders() error {
defer s.headerMutex.Unlock()
var hdr wire.BlockHeader
ghdr := wire.NewMsgGetHeaders()
ghdr.ProtocolVersion = s.localVersion
s.headerMutex.Lock() // start header file ops
info, err := s.headerFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -286,6 +259,7 @@ func (s *SPVCon) AskForHeaders() error {
log.Printf("can't Deserialize")
return err
s.headerMutex.Unlock() // done with header file
cHash := hdr.BlockSha()
err = ghdr.AddBlockLocatorHash(&cHash)
@ -307,12 +281,8 @@ func (s *SPVCon) IngestMerkleBlock(m *wire.MsgMerkleBlock) error {
return err
var hah HashAndHeight
select {
select { // select here so we don't block on an unrequested mblock
case hah = <-s.mBlockQueue: // pop height off mblock queue
// not super comfortable with this but it seems to work.
if len(s.mBlockQueue) == 0 { // done and fully sync'd
s.inWaitState <- true
return fmt.Errorf("Unrequested merkle block")
@ -336,6 +306,16 @@ func (s *SPVCon) IngestMerkleBlock(m *wire.MsgMerkleBlock) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if hah.final {
// don't set waitstate; instead, ask for headers again!
// this way the only thing that triggers waitstate is asking for headers,
// getting 0, calling AskForMerkBlocks(), and seeing you don't need any.
// that way you are pretty sure you're synced up.
err = s.AskForHeaders()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -345,6 +325,16 @@ func (s *SPVCon) IngestMerkleBlock(m *wire.MsgMerkleBlock) error {
// it assumes we're done and returns false. If it worked it assumes there's
// more to request and returns true.
func (s *SPVCon) IngestHeaders(m *wire.MsgHeaders) (bool, error) {
gotNum := int64(len(m.Headers))
if gotNum > 0 {
fmt.Printf("got %d headers. Range:\n%s - %s\n",
gotNum, m.Headers[0].BlockSha().String(),
} else {
log.Printf("got 0 headers, we're probably synced up")
return false, nil
defer s.headerMutex.Unlock()
@ -367,15 +357,6 @@ func (s *SPVCon) IngestHeaders(m *wire.MsgHeaders) (bool, error) {
tip := int32(endPos/80) - 1 // move back 1 header length to read
gotNum := int64(len(m.Headers))
if gotNum > 0 {
fmt.Printf("got %d headers. Range:\n%s - %s\n",
gotNum, m.Headers[0].BlockSha().String(),
} else {
log.Printf("got 0 headers, we're probably synced up")
return false, nil
// check first header returned to make sure it fits on the end
// of our header file
if !m.Headers[0].PrevBlock.IsEqual(&prevHash) {
@ -434,6 +415,7 @@ func (s *SPVCon) IngestHeaders(m *wire.MsgHeaders) (bool, error) {
type HashAndHeight struct {
blockhash wire.ShaHash
height int32
final bool // indicates this is the last merkleblock requested
// NewRootAndHeight saves like 2 lines.
@ -483,20 +465,32 @@ func (s *SPVCon) RemoveHeaders(r int32) error {
// AskForMerkBlocks requests blocks from current to last
// right now this asks for 1 block per getData message.
// Maybe it's faster to ask for many in a each message?
func (s *SPVCon) AskForMerkBlocks(current, last int32) error {
func (s *SPVCon) AskForMerkBlocks() error {
var hdr wire.BlockHeader
nextHeight, err := s.GetNextHeaderHeight()
s.headerMutex.Lock() // lock just to check filesize
stat, err := os.Stat(headerFileName)
s.headerMutex.Unlock() // checked, unlock
endPos := stat.Size()
headerTip := int32(endPos/80) - 1 // move back 1 header length to read
dbTip, err := s.TS.GetDBSyncHeight()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("have headers up to height %d\n", nextHeight-1)
// if last is 0, that means go as far as we can
if last < current {
return fmt.Errorf("MBlock range %d < %d\n", last, current)
fmt.Printf("dbTip %d headerTip %d\n", dbTip, headerTip)
if dbTip > headerTip {
return fmt.Errorf("error- db longer than headers! shouldn't happen.")
fmt.Printf("will request merkleblocks %d to %d\n", current, last)
if dbTip == headerTip {
// nothing to ask for; set wait state and return
fmt.Printf("no merkle blocks to request, entering wait state\n")
s.inWaitState <- true
return nil
fmt.Printf("will request merkleblocks %d to %d\n", dbTip, headerTip)
// create initial filter
filt, err := s.TS.GimmeFilter()
@ -506,19 +500,20 @@ func (s *SPVCon) AskForMerkBlocks(current, last int32) error {
// send filter
fmt.Printf("sent filter %x\n", filt.MsgFilterLoad().Filter)
defer s.headerMutex.Unlock()
_, err = s.headerFile.Seek(int64((current-1)*80), os.SEEK_SET)
if err != nil {
return err
// loop through all heights where we want merkleblocks.
for current <= last {
for dbTip <= headerTip {
// load header from file
err = hdr.Deserialize(s.headerFile)
s.headerMutex.Lock() // seek to header we need
_, err = s.headerFile.Seek(int64((dbTip-1)*80), os.SEEK_SET)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Deserialize err\n")
return err
err = hdr.Deserialize(s.headerFile) // read header, done w/ file for now
s.headerMutex.Unlock() // unlock after reading 1 header
if err != nil {
log.Printf("header deserialize error!\n")
return err
@ -531,13 +526,15 @@ func (s *SPVCon) AskForMerkBlocks(current, last int32) error {
if err != nil {
return err
hah := NewRootAndHeight(hdr.BlockSha(), current)
hah := NewRootAndHeight(hdr.BlockSha(), dbTip)
if dbTip == headerTip { // if this is the last block, indicate finality
hah.final = true
s.outMsgQueue <- gdataMsg
// waits here most of the time for the queue to empty out
s.mBlockQueue <- hah // push height and mroot of requested block on queue
// done syncing blocks known in header file, ask for new headers we missed
// s.AskForHeaders()
// don't need this -- will sync to end regardless
return nil

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package uspv
import (
@ -107,34 +106,20 @@ func (s *SPVCon) HeaderHandler(m *wire.MsgHeaders) {
log.Printf("Header error: %s\n", err.Error())
// if we got post DB syncheight headers, get merkleblocks for them
// this is always true except for first pre-birthday sync
// checked header length, start req for more if needed
// more to get? if so, ask for them and return
if moar {
} else { // no moar, done w/ headers, get merkleblocks
endPos, err := s.headerFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
err = s.AskForHeaders()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Header error: %s", err.Error())
tip := int32(endPos/80) - 1 // move back 1 header length to read
syncTip, err := s.TS.GetDBSyncHeight()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("syncTip error: %s", err.Error())
if syncTip < tip {
fmt.Printf("syncTip %d headerTip %d\n", syncTip, tip)
err = s.AskForMerkBlocks(syncTip+1, tip)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AskForMerkBlocks error: %s", err.Error())
log.Printf("AskForHeaders error: %s", err.Error())
// no moar, done w/ headers, get merkleblocks
err = s.AskForMerkBlocks()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AskForMerkBlocks error: %s", err.Error())