mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 13:34:32 +01:00
Merge pull request #8100 from bhandras/updateinvoice-refactor
channeldb: refactor `UpdateInvoice` to make it simpler to create SQL specific implementation
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 4793 additions and 4245 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -324,6 +324,9 @@
* [Update](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8419) the embedded
Postgres version and raise max connections.
* [Refactor UpdateInvoice](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8100) to
make it simpler to adjust code to also support SQL InvoiceDB implementation.
## Code Health
* [Remove database pointers](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8117)
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github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.0/go.mod h1:yNjHg4UonilssWZ8iaSj1OCr/vHnekPRkoO+kdMU+MU=
@ -606,8 +583,6 @@ github.com/tmc/grpc-websocket-proxy v0.0.0-20201229170055-e5319fda7802 h1:uruHq4
github.com/tmc/grpc-websocket-proxy v0.0.0-20201229170055-e5319fda7802/go.mod h1:ncp9v5uamzpCO7NfCPTXjqaC+bZgJeR0sMTm6dMHP7U=
github.com/tv42/zbase32 v0.0.0-20160707012821-501572607d02 h1:tcJ6OjwOMvExLlzrAVZute09ocAGa7KqOON60++Gz4E=
github.com/tv42/zbase32 v0.0.0-20160707012821-501572607d02/go.mod h1:tHlrkM198S068ZqfrO6S8HsoJq2bF3ETfTL+kt4tInY=
github.com/ulikunitz/xz v0.5.11 h1:kpFauv27b6ynzBNT/Xy+1k+fK4WswhN/6PN5WhFAGw8=
github.com/ulikunitz/xz v0.5.11/go.mod h1:nbz6k7qbPmH4IRqmfOplQw/tblSgqTqBwxkY0oWt/14=
github.com/urfave/cli v1.22.1/go.mod h1:Gos4lmkARVdJ6EkW0WaNv/tZAAMe9V7XWyB60NtXRu0=
github.com/urfave/cli v1.22.9 h1:cv3/KhXGBGjEXLC4bH0sLuJ9BewaAbpk5oyMOveu4pw=
github.com/urfave/cli v1.22.9/go.mod h1:Gos4lmkARVdJ6EkW0WaNv/tZAAMe9V7XWyB60NtXRu0=
@ -674,6 +649,7 @@ go.uber.org/atomic v1.5.0/go.mod h1:sABNBOSYdrvTF6hTgEIbc7YasKWGhgEQZyfxyTvoXHQ=
go.uber.org/atomic v1.6.0/go.mod h1:sABNBOSYdrvTF6hTgEIbc7YasKWGhgEQZyfxyTvoXHQ=
go.uber.org/atomic v1.7.0 h1:ADUqmZGgLDDfbSL9ZmPxKTybcoEYHgpYfELNoN+7hsw=
go.uber.org/atomic v1.7.0/go.mod h1:fEN4uk6kAWBTFdckzkM89CLk9XfWZrxpCo0nPH17wJc=
go.uber.org/goleak v1.1.12 h1:gZAh5/EyT/HQwlpkCy6wTpqfH9H8Lz8zbm3dZh+OyzA=
go.uber.org/multierr v1.1.0/go.mod h1:wR5kodmAFQ0UK8QlbwjlSNy0Z68gJhDJUG5sjR94q/0=
go.uber.org/multierr v1.3.0/go.mod h1:VgVr7evmIr6uPjLBxg28wmKNXyqE9akIJ5XnfpiKl+4=
go.uber.org/multierr v1.5.0/go.mod h1:FeouvMocqHpRaaGuG9EjoKcStLC43Zu/fmqdUMPcKYU=
@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ package invoices
import (
@ -162,3 +164,37 @@ type InvoiceSlice struct {
// CircuitKey is a tuple of channel ID and HTLC ID, used to uniquely identify
// HTLCs in a circuit.
type CircuitKey = models.CircuitKey
// InvoiceUpdater is an interface to abstract away the details of updating an
// invoice in the database. The methods of this interface are called during the
// in-memory update of an invoice when the database needs to be updated or the
// updated state needs to be marked as needing to be written to the database.
type InvoiceUpdater interface {
// AddHtlc adds a new htlc to the invoice.
AddHtlc(circuitKey CircuitKey, newHtlc *InvoiceHTLC) error
// ResolveHtlc marks an htlc as resolved with the given state.
ResolveHtlc(circuitKey CircuitKey, state HtlcState,
resolveTime time.Time) error
// AddAmpHtlcPreimage adds a preimage of an AMP htlc to the AMP invoice
// identified by the setID.
AddAmpHtlcPreimage(setID [32]byte, circuitKey CircuitKey,
preimage lntypes.Preimage) error
// UpdateInvoiceState updates the invoice state to the new state.
UpdateInvoiceState(newState ContractState,
preimage *lntypes.Preimage) error
// UpdateInvoiceAmtPaid updates the invoice amount paid to the new
// amount.
UpdateInvoiceAmtPaid(amtPaid lnwire.MilliSatoshi) error
// UpdateAmpState updates the state of the AMP invoice identified by
// the setID.
UpdateAmpState(setID [32]byte, newState InvoiceStateAMP,
circuitKey models.CircuitKey) error
// Finalize finalizes the update before it is written to the database.
Finalize(updateType UpdateType) error
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
invpkg "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/invoices"
@ -20,11 +21,115 @@ import (
// TestSettleInvoice tests settling of an invoice and related notifications.
func TestSettleInvoice(t *testing.T) {
// TestInvoiceRegistry is a master test which encompasses all tests using an
// InvoiceDB instance. The purpose of this test is to be able to run all tests
// with a custom DB instance, so that we can test the same logic with different
// DB implementations.
func TestInvoiceRegistry(t *testing.T) {
testList := []struct {
name string
test func(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (
invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock))
name: "SettleInvoice",
test: testSettleInvoice,
name: "CancelInvoice",
test: testCancelInvoice,
name: "SettleHoldInvoice",
test: testSettleHoldInvoice,
name: "CancelHoldInvoice",
test: testCancelHoldInvoice,
name: "UnknownInvoice",
test: testUnknownInvoice,
name: "KeySend",
test: testKeySend,
name: "HoldKeysend",
test: testHoldKeysend,
name: "MppPayment",
test: testMppPayment,
name: "MppPaymentWithOverpayment",
test: testMppPaymentWithOverpayment,
name: "InvoiceExpiryWithRegistry",
test: testInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry,
name: "OldInvoiceRemovalOnStart",
test: testOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart,
name: "HeightExpiryWithRegistry",
test: testHeightExpiryWithRegistry,
name: "MultipleSetHeightExpiry",
test: testMultipleSetHeightExpiry,
name: "SettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired",
test: testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired,
name: "SettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace",
test: testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace,
name: "AMPWithoutMPPPayload",
test: testAMPWithoutMPPPayload,
name: "SpontaneousAmpPayment",
test: testSpontaneousAmpPayment,
makeKeyValueDB := func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB,
*clock.TestClock) {
testClock := clock.NewTestClock(testNow)
db, err := channeldb.MakeTestInvoiceDB(
t, channeldb.OptionClock(testClock),
require.NoError(t, err, "unable to make test db")
return db, testClock
for _, test := range testList {
test := test
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
test.test(t, makeKeyValueDB)
// testSettleInvoice tests settling of an invoice and related notifications.
func testSettleInvoice(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
@ -199,7 +304,9 @@ func TestSettleInvoice(t *testing.T) {
func testCancelInvoice(t *testing.T, gc bool) {
func testCancelInvoiceImpl(t *testing.T, gc bool,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
cfg := defaultRegistryConfig()
@ -207,7 +314,7 @@ func testCancelInvoice(t *testing.T, gc bool) {
// If set to true, then also delete the invoice from the DB after
// cancellation.
cfg.GcCanceledInvoicesOnTheFly = gc
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg)
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
@ -329,36 +436,37 @@ func testCancelInvoice(t *testing.T, gc bool) {
require.Equal(t, testCurrentHeight, failResolution.AcceptHeight)
// TestCancelInvoice tests cancellation of an invoice and related notifications.
func TestCancelInvoice(t *testing.T) {
// testCancelInvoice tests cancellation of an invoice and related notifications.
func testCancelInvoice(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
// Test cancellation both with garbage collection (meaning that canceled
// invoice will be deleted) and without (meaning it'll be kept).
t.Run("garbage collect", func(t *testing.T) {
testCancelInvoice(t, true)
testCancelInvoiceImpl(t, true, makeDB)
t.Run("no garbage collect", func(t *testing.T) {
testCancelInvoice(t, false)
testCancelInvoiceImpl(t, false, makeDB)
// TestSettleHoldInvoice tests settling of a hold invoice and related
// testSettleHoldInvoice tests settling of a hold invoice and related
// notifications.
func TestSettleHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
func testSettleHoldInvoice(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
idb, err := newTestChannelDB(t, clock.NewTestClock(time.Time{}))
if err != nil {
idb, clock := makeDB(t)
// Instantiate and start the invoice ctx.registry.
cfg := invpkg.RegistryConfig{
FinalCltvRejectDelta: testFinalCltvRejectDelta,
Clock: clock.NewTestClock(testTime),
Clock: clock,
expiryWatcher := invpkg.NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
@ -366,7 +474,7 @@ func TestSettleHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
registry := invpkg.NewRegistry(idb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
err = registry.Start()
err := registry.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer registry.Stop()
@ -511,15 +619,15 @@ func TestSettleHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
// TestCancelHoldInvoice tests canceling of a hold invoice and related
// testCancelHoldInvoice tests canceling of a hold invoice and related
// notifications.
func TestCancelHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
func testCancelHoldInvoice(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
testClock := clock.NewTestClock(testTime)
idb, err := newTestChannelDB(t, testClock)
require.NoError(t, err)
idb, testClock := makeDB(t)
// Instantiate and start the invoice ctx.registry.
cfg := invpkg.RegistryConfig{
@ -531,7 +639,7 @@ func TestCancelHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
registry := invpkg.NewRegistry(idb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
err = registry.Start()
err := registry.Start()
if err != nil {
@ -587,14 +695,16 @@ func TestCancelHoldInvoice(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, testCurrentHeight, failResolution.AcceptHeight)
// TestUnknownInvoice tests that invoice registry returns an error when the
// testUnknownInvoice tests that invoice registry returns an error when the
// invoice is unknown. This is to guard against returning a cancel htlc
// resolution for forwarded htlcs. In the link, NotifyExitHopHtlc is only called
// if we are the exit hop, but in htlcIncomingContestResolver it is called with
// forwarded htlc hashes as well.
func TestUnknownInvoice(t *testing.T) {
func testUnknownInvoice(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
// Notify arrival of a new htlc paying to this invoice. This should
// succeed.
@ -611,28 +721,32 @@ func TestUnknownInvoice(t *testing.T) {
checkFailResolution(t, resolution, invpkg.ResultInvoiceNotFound)
// TestKeySend tests receiving a spontaneous payment with and without keysend
// testKeySend tests receiving a spontaneous payment with and without keysend
// enabled.
func TestKeySend(t *testing.T) {
func testKeySend(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
t.Run("enabled", func(t *testing.T) {
testKeySend(t, true)
testKeySendImpl(t, true, makeDB)
t.Run("disabled", func(t *testing.T) {
testKeySend(t, false)
testKeySendImpl(t, false, makeDB)
// testKeySend is the inner test function that tests keysend for a particular
// enabled state on the receiver end.
func testKeySend(t *testing.T, keySendEnabled bool) {
// testKeySendImpl is the inner test function that tests keysend for a
// particular enabled state on the receiver end.
func testKeySendImpl(t *testing.T, keySendEnabled bool,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
cfg := defaultRegistryConfig()
cfg.AcceptKeySend = keySendEnabled
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg)
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg, makeDB)
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(
context.Background(), 0, 0,
@ -742,20 +856,24 @@ func testKeySend(t *testing.T, keySendEnabled bool) {
// TestHoldKeysend tests receiving a spontaneous payment that is held.
func TestHoldKeysend(t *testing.T) {
// testHoldKeysend tests receiving a spontaneous payment that is held.
func testHoldKeysend(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
t.Run("settle", func(t *testing.T) {
testHoldKeysend(t, false)
testHoldKeysendImpl(t, false, makeDB)
t.Run("timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
testHoldKeysend(t, true)
testHoldKeysendImpl(t, true, makeDB)
// testHoldKeysend is the inner test function that tests hold-keysend.
func testHoldKeysend(t *testing.T, timeoutKeysend bool) {
// testHoldKeysendImpl is the inner test function that tests hold-keysend.
func testHoldKeysendImpl(t *testing.T, timeoutKeysend bool,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
@ -764,7 +882,7 @@ func testHoldKeysend(t *testing.T, timeoutKeysend bool) {
cfg := defaultRegistryConfig()
cfg.AcceptKeySend = true
cfg.KeysendHoldTime = holdDuration
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg)
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
@ -844,14 +962,16 @@ func testHoldKeysend(t *testing.T, timeoutKeysend bool) {
require.Equal(t, settledInvoice.State, invpkg.ContractSettled)
// TestMppPayment tests settling of an invoice with multiple partial payments.
// testMppPayment tests settling of an invoice with multiple partial payments.
// It covers the case where there is a mpp timeout before the whole invoice is
// paid and the case where the invoice is settled in time.
func TestMppPayment(t *testing.T) {
func testMppPayment(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
// Add the invoice.
@ -940,15 +1060,17 @@ func TestMppPayment(t *testing.T) {
// TestMppPaymentWithOverpayment tests settling of an invoice with multiple
// testMppPaymentWithOverpayment tests settling of an invoice with multiple
// partial payments. It covers the case where the mpp overpays what is in the
// invoice.
func TestMppPaymentWithOverpayment(t *testing.T) {
func testMppPaymentWithOverpayment(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
ctxb := context.Background()
f := func(overpaymentRand uint64) bool {
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
// Add the invoice.
testInvoice := newInvoice(t, false)
@ -1017,13 +1139,13 @@ func TestMppPaymentWithOverpayment(t *testing.T) {
// Tests that invoices are canceled after expiration.
func TestInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
// testInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry tests that invoices are canceled after
// expiration.
func testInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
testClock := clock.NewTestClock(testTime)
idb, err := newTestChannelDB(t, testClock)
require.NoError(t, err)
idb, testClock := makeDB(t)
cfg := invpkg.RegistryConfig{
FinalCltvRejectDelta: testFinalCltvRejectDelta,
@ -1119,21 +1241,20 @@ func TestInvoiceExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
// Retrospectively check that all invoices that were expected to be
// canceled are indeed canceled.
err = wait.NoError(canceled, testTimeout)
err := wait.NoError(canceled, testTimeout)
require.NoError(t, err, "timeout checking invoice state")
// Finally stop the registry.
require.NoError(t, registry.Stop(), "failed to stop invoice registry")
// TestOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart tests that we'll attempt to remove old canceled
// testOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart tests that we'll attempt to remove old canceled
// invoices upon start while keeping all settled ones.
func TestOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart(t *testing.T) {
func testOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
testClock := clock.NewTestClock(testTime)
idb, err := newTestChannelDB(t, testClock)
require.NoError(t, err)
idb, testClock := makeDB(t)
cfg := invpkg.RegistryConfig{
FinalCltvRejectDelta: testFinalCltvRejectDelta,
@ -1203,35 +1324,39 @@ func TestOldInvoiceRemovalOnStart(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, expected, response.Invoices)
// TestHeightExpiryWithRegistry tests our height-based invoice expiry for
// testHeightExpiryWithRegistry tests our height-based invoice expiry for
// invoices paid with single and multiple htlcs, testing the case where the
// invoice is settled before expiry (and thus not canceled), and the case
// where the invoice is expired.
func TestHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
func testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
t.Run("single shot settled before expiry", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 1, true)
testHeightExpiryWithRegistryImpl(t, 1, true, makeDB)
t.Run("single shot expires", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 1, false)
testHeightExpiryWithRegistryImpl(t, 1, false, makeDB)
t.Run("mpp settled before expiry", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 2, true)
testHeightExpiryWithRegistryImpl(t, 2, true, makeDB)
t.Run("mpp expires", func(t *testing.T) {
testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t, 2, false)
testHeightExpiryWithRegistryImpl(t, 2, false, makeDB)
func testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T, numParts int, settle bool) {
func testHeightExpiryWithRegistryImpl(t *testing.T, numParts int, settle bool,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
require.Greater(t, numParts, 0, "test requires at least one part")
@ -1337,15 +1462,17 @@ func testHeightExpiryWithRegistry(t *testing.T, numParts int, settle bool) {
"hold invoice: %v, got: %v", expectedState, inv.State)
// TestMultipleSetHeightExpiry pays a hold invoice with two mpp sets, testing
// testMultipleSetHeightExpiry pays a hold invoice with two mpp sets, testing
// that the invoice expiry watcher only uses the expiry height of the second,
// successful set to cancel the invoice, and does not cancel early using the
// expiry height of the first set that was canceled back due to mpp timeout.
func TestMultipleSetHeightExpiry(t *testing.T) {
func testMultipleSetHeightExpiry(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
// Add a hold invoice.
testInvoice := newInvoice(t, true)
@ -1431,13 +1558,15 @@ func TestMultipleSetHeightExpiry(t *testing.T) {
}, testTimeout, time.Millisecond*100, "invoice not canceled")
// TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired tests that if an incoming payment has
// testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired tests that if an incoming payment has
// an invoice that requires the payment addr bit to be set, and the incoming
// payment doesn't include an mpp payload, then the payment is rejected.
func TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired(t *testing.T) {
func testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
@ -1519,14 +1648,16 @@ func TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequired(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, failResolution.Outcome, invpkg.ResultAddressMismatch)
// TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace tests that if an invoice
// testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace tests that if an invoice
// in the database has an optional payment addr required bit set, then we'll
// still allow it to be paid by an incoming HTLC that doesn't include the MPP
// payload. This ensures we don't break payment for any invoices in the wild.
func TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace(t *testing.T) {
func testSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil)
ctx := newTestContext(t, nil, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
@ -1633,15 +1764,17 @@ func TestSettleInvoicePaymentAddrRequiredOptionalGrace(t *testing.T) {
// TestAMPWithoutMPPPayload asserts that we correctly reject an AMP HTLC that
// testAMPWithoutMPPPayload asserts that we correctly reject an AMP HTLC that
// does not include an MPP record.
func TestAMPWithoutMPPPayload(t *testing.T) {
func testAMPWithoutMPPPayload(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
cfg := defaultRegistryConfig()
cfg.AcceptAMP = true
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg)
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg, makeDB)
const (
shardAmt = lnwire.MilliSatoshi(10)
@ -1666,9 +1799,11 @@ func TestAMPWithoutMPPPayload(t *testing.T) {
checkFailResolution(t, resolution, invpkg.ResultAmpError)
// TestSpontaneousAmpPayment tests receiving a spontaneous AMP payment with both
// testSpontaneousAmpPayment tests receiving a spontaneous AMP payment with both
// valid and invalid reconstructions.
func TestSpontaneousAmpPayment(t *testing.T) {
func testSpontaneousAmpPayment(t *testing.T,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
tests := []struct {
@ -1712,24 +1847,25 @@ func TestSpontaneousAmpPayment(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
t, test.ampEnabled, test.failReconstruction,
test.numShards, makeDB,
// testSpontaneousAmpPayment runs a specific spontaneous AMP test case.
func testSpontaneousAmpPayment(
t *testing.T, ampEnabled, failReconstruction bool, numShards int) {
func testSpontaneousAmpPaymentImpl(
t *testing.T, ampEnabled, failReconstruction bool, numShards int,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB, *clock.TestClock)) {
defer timeout()()
cfg := defaultRegistryConfig()
cfg.AcceptAMP = ampEnabled
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg)
ctx := newTestContext(t, &cfg, makeDB)
ctxb := context.Background()
allSubscriptions, err := ctx.registry.SubscribeNotifications(ctxb, 0, 0)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package invoices
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
invpkg "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/invoices"
@ -131,26 +130,8 @@ var (
testInvoiceCreationDate = testTime
func newTestChannelDB(t *testing.T, clock clock.Clock) (*channeldb.DB, error) {
// Create channeldb for the first time.
cdb, err := channeldb.Open(
t.TempDir(), channeldb.OptionClock(clock),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.Cleanup(func() {
return cdb, nil
type testContext struct {
idb *channeldb.DB
idb invpkg.InvoiceDB
registry *invpkg.InvoiceRegistry
notifier *mockChainNotifier
clock *clock.TestClock
@ -166,17 +147,13 @@ func defaultRegistryConfig() invpkg.RegistryConfig {
func newTestContext(t *testing.T,
registryCfg *invpkg.RegistryConfig) *testContext {
registryCfg *invpkg.RegistryConfig,
makeDB func(t *testing.T) (invpkg.InvoiceDB,
*clock.TestClock)) *testContext {
clock := clock.NewTestClock(testTime)
idb, err := newTestChannelDB(t, clock)
if err != nil {
idb, clock := makeDB(t)
notifier := newMockNotifier()
expiryWatcher := invpkg.NewInvoiceExpiryWatcher(
@ -192,10 +169,7 @@ func newTestContext(t *testing.T,
// Instantiate and start the invoice ctx.registry.
registry := invpkg.NewRegistry(idb, expiryWatcher, &cfg)
err = registry.Start()
if err != nil {
require.NoError(t, registry.Start())
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.NoError(t, registry.Stop())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
package invoices
import (
// updateHtlcsAmp takes an invoice, and a new HTLC to be added (along with its
// set ID), and updates the internal AMP state of an invoice, and also tallies
// the set of HTLCs to be updated on disk.
func acceptHtlcsAmp(invoice *Invoice, setID SetID,
circuitKey models.CircuitKey, htlc *InvoiceHTLC,
updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
newAmpState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceAmpState(
invoice, setID, circuitKey, HtlcStateAccepted, htlc.Amt,
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.AMPState[setID] = newAmpState
// Mark the updates as needing to be written to disk.
return updater.UpdateAmpState(setID, newAmpState, circuitKey)
// cancelHtlcsAmp processes a cancellation of an HTLC that belongs to an AMP
// HTLC set. We'll need to update the meta data in the main invoice, and also
// apply the new update to the update MAP, since all the HTLCs for a given HTLC
// set need to be written in-line with each other.
func cancelHtlcsAmp(invoice *Invoice, circuitKey models.CircuitKey,
htlc *InvoiceHTLC, updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
setID := htlc.AMP.Record.SetID()
// First, we'll update the state of the entire HTLC set
// to cancelled.
newAmpState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceAmpState(
invoice, setID, circuitKey, HtlcStateCanceled,
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.AMPState[setID] = newAmpState
// Mark the updates as needing to be written to disk.
err = updater.UpdateAmpState(setID, newAmpState, circuitKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// We'll only decrement the total amount paid if the invoice was
// already in the accepted state.
if invoice.AmtPaid != 0 {
return updateInvoiceAmtPaid(
invoice, invoice.AmtPaid-htlc.Amt, updater,
return nil
// settleHtlcsAmp processes a new settle operation on an HTLC set for an AMP
// invoice. We'll update some meta data in the main invoice, and also signal
// that this HTLC set needs to be re-written back to disk.
func settleHtlcsAmp(invoice *Invoice, circuitKey models.CircuitKey,
htlc *InvoiceHTLC, updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
setID := htlc.AMP.Record.SetID()
// Next update the main AMP meta-data to indicate that this HTLC set
// has been fully settled.
newAmpState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceAmpState(
invoice, setID, circuitKey, HtlcStateSettled, 0,
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.AMPState[setID] = newAmpState
// Mark the updates as needing to be written to disk.
return updater.UpdateAmpState(setID, newAmpState, circuitKey)
// UpdateInvoice fetches the invoice, obtains the update descriptor from the
// callback and applies the updates in a single db transaction.
func UpdateInvoice(hash *lntypes.Hash, invoice *Invoice,
updateTime time.Time, callback InvoiceUpdateCallback,
updater InvoiceUpdater) (*Invoice, error) {
// Create deep copy to prevent any accidental modification in the
// callback.
invoiceCopy, err := CopyInvoice(invoice)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Call the callback and obtain the update descriptor.
update, err := callback(invoiceCopy)
if err != nil {
return invoice, err
// If there is nothing to update, return early.
if update == nil {
return invoice, nil
switch update.UpdateType {
case CancelHTLCsUpdate:
err := cancelHTLCs(invoice, updateTime, update, updater)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case AddHTLCsUpdate:
err := addHTLCs(invoice, hash, updateTime, update, updater)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case SettleHodlInvoiceUpdate:
err := settleHodlInvoice(
invoice, hash, updateTime, update.State, updater,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case CancelInvoiceUpdate:
err := cancelInvoice(
invoice, hash, updateTime, update.State, updater,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown update type: %s",
if err := updater.Finalize(update.UpdateType); err != nil {
return nil, err
return invoice, nil
// cancelHTLCs tries to cancel the htlcs in the given InvoiceUpdateDesc.
// NOTE: cancelHTLCs updates will only use the `CancelHtlcs` field in the
// InvoiceUpdateDesc.
func cancelHTLCs(invoice *Invoice, updateTime time.Time,
update *InvoiceUpdateDesc, updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
for key := range update.CancelHtlcs {
htlc, exists := invoice.Htlcs[key]
// Verify that we don't get an action for htlcs that are not
// present on the invoice.
if !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("cancel of non-existent htlc")
err := canCancelSingleHtlc(htlc, invoice.State)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resolveHtlc(
key, htlc, HtlcStateCanceled, updateTime,
if err != nil {
return err
// Tally this into the set of HTLCs that need to be updated on
// disk, but once again, only if this is an AMP invoice.
if invoice.IsAMP() {
err := cancelHtlcsAmp(invoice, key, htlc, updater)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// addHTLCs tries to add the htlcs in the given InvoiceUpdateDesc.
func addHTLCs(invoice *Invoice, hash *lntypes.Hash, updateTime time.Time,
update *InvoiceUpdateDesc, updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
var setID *[32]byte
invoiceIsAMP := invoice.IsAMP()
if invoiceIsAMP && update.State != nil {
setID = update.State.SetID
for key, htlcUpdate := range update.AddHtlcs {
if _, exists := invoice.Htlcs[key]; exists {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate add of htlc %v", key)
// Force caller to supply htlc without custom records in a
// consistent way.
if htlcUpdate.CustomRecords == nil {
return errors.New("nil custom records map")
htlc := &InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: htlcUpdate.Amt,
MppTotalAmt: htlcUpdate.MppTotalAmt,
Expiry: htlcUpdate.Expiry,
AcceptHeight: uint32(htlcUpdate.AcceptHeight),
AcceptTime: updateTime,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: htlcUpdate.CustomRecords,
if invoiceIsAMP {
if htlcUpdate.AMP == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to add htlc "+
"without AMP data to AMP invoice(%v)",
htlc.AMP = htlcUpdate.AMP.Copy()
if err := updater.AddHtlc(key, htlc); err != nil {
return err
invoice.Htlcs[key] = htlc
// Collect the set of new HTLCs so we can write them properly
// below, but only if this is an AMP invoice.
if invoiceIsAMP {
err := acceptHtlcsAmp(
invoice, htlcUpdate.AMP.Record.SetID(), key,
htlc, updater,
if err != nil {
return err
// At this point, the set of accepted HTLCs should be fully
// populated with added HTLCs or removed of canceled ones. Update
// invoice state if the update descriptor indicates an invoice state
// change, which depends on having an accurate view of the accepted
// HTLCs.
if update.State != nil {
newState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceState(
invoice, hash, *update.State,
if err != nil {
return err
// If this isn't an AMP invoice, then we'll go ahead and update
// the invoice state directly here. For AMP invoices, we instead
// will keep the top-level invoice open, and update the state of
// each _htlc set_ instead. However, we'll allow the invoice to
// transition to the cancelled state regardless.
if !invoiceIsAMP || *newState == ContractCanceled {
err := updater.UpdateInvoiceState(*newState, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.State = *newState
// The set of HTLC pre-images will only be set if we were actually able
// to reconstruct all the AMP pre-images.
var settleEligibleAMP bool
if update.State != nil {
settleEligibleAMP = len(update.State.HTLCPreimages) != 0
// With any invoice level state transitions recorded, we'll now
// finalize the process by updating the state transitions for
// individual HTLCs
var amtPaid lnwire.MilliSatoshi
for key, htlc := range invoice.Htlcs {
// Set the HTLC preimage for any AMP HTLCs.
if setID != nil && update.State != nil {
preimage, ok := update.State.HTLCPreimages[key]
switch {
// If we don't already have a preimage for this HTLC, we
// can set it now.
case ok && htlc.AMP.Preimage == nil:
err := updater.AddAmpHtlcPreimage(
htlc.AMP.Record.SetID(), key, preimage,
if err != nil {
return err
htlc.AMP.Preimage = &preimage
// Otherwise, prevent over-writing an existing
// preimage. Ignore the case where the preimage is
// identical.
case ok && *htlc.AMP.Preimage != preimage:
return ErrHTLCPreimageAlreadyExists
// The invoice state may have changed and this could have
// implications for the states of the individual htlcs. Align
// the htlc state with the current invoice state.
// If we have all the pre-images for an AMP invoice, then we'll
// act as if we're able to settle the entire invoice. We need
// to do this since it's possible for us to settle AMP invoices
// while the contract state (on disk) is still in the accept
// state.
htlcContextState := invoice.State
if settleEligibleAMP {
htlcContextState = ContractSettled
htlcStateChanged, htlcState, err := getUpdatedHtlcState(
htlc, htlcContextState, setID,
if err != nil {
return err
if htlcStateChanged {
err = resolveHtlc(
key, htlc, htlcState, updateTime, updater,
if err != nil {
return err
htlcSettled := htlcStateChanged &&
htlcState == HtlcStateSettled
// If the HTLC has being settled for the first time, and this
// is an AMP invoice, then we'll need to update some additional
// meta data state.
if htlcSettled && invoiceIsAMP {
err = settleHtlcsAmp(invoice, key, htlc, updater)
if err != nil {
return err
accepted := htlc.State == HtlcStateAccepted
settled := htlc.State == HtlcStateSettled
invoiceStateReady := accepted || settled
if !invoiceIsAMP {
// Update the running amount paid to this invoice. We
// don't include accepted htlcs when the invoice is
// still open.
if invoice.State != ContractOpen &&
invoiceStateReady {
amtPaid += htlc.Amt
} else {
// For AMP invoices, since we won't always be reading
// out the total invoice set each time, we'll instead
// accumulate newly added invoices to the total amount
// paid.
if _, ok := update.AddHtlcs[key]; !ok {
// Update the running amount paid to this invoice. AMP
// invoices never go to the settled state, so if it's
// open, then we tally the HTLC.
if invoice.State == ContractOpen &&
invoiceStateReady {
amtPaid += htlc.Amt
// For non-AMP invoices we recalculate the amount paid from scratch
// each time, while for AMP invoices, we'll accumulate only based on
// newly added HTLCs.
if invoiceIsAMP {
amtPaid += invoice.AmtPaid
return updateInvoiceAmtPaid(invoice, amtPaid, updater)
func resolveHtlc(circuitKey models.CircuitKey, htlc *InvoiceHTLC,
state HtlcState, resolveTime time.Time,
updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
err := updater.ResolveHtlc(circuitKey, state, resolveTime)
if err != nil {
return err
htlc.State = state
htlc.ResolveTime = resolveTime
return nil
func updateInvoiceAmtPaid(invoice *Invoice, amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi,
updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
err := updater.UpdateInvoiceAmtPaid(amt)
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.AmtPaid = amt
return nil
// settleHodlInvoice marks a hodl invoice as settled.
// NOTE: Currently it is not possible to have HODL AMP invoices.
func settleHodlInvoice(invoice *Invoice, hash *lntypes.Hash,
updateTime time.Time, update *InvoiceStateUpdateDesc,
updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
if !invoice.HodlInvoice {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to settle hodl invoice: %v is "+
"not a hodl invoice", invoice.AddIndex)
// TODO(positiveblue): because NewState can only be ContractSettled we
// can remove it from the API and set it here directly.
switch {
case update == nil:
case update.NewState != ContractSettled:
return fmt.Errorf("unable to settle hodl invoice: "+
"not valid InvoiceUpdateDesc.State: %v", update)
case update.Preimage == nil:
return fmt.Errorf("unable to settle hodl invoice: " +
"preimage is nil")
newState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceState(
invoice, hash, *update,
if err != nil {
return err
if newState == nil || *newState != ContractSettled {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to settle hodl invoice: "+
"new computed state is not settled: %s", newState)
err = updater.UpdateInvoiceState(
ContractSettled, update.Preimage,
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.State = ContractSettled
invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage = update.Preimage
// TODO(positiveblue): this logic can be further simplified.
var amtPaid lnwire.MilliSatoshi
for key, htlc := range invoice.Htlcs {
settled, _, err := getUpdatedHtlcState(
htlc, ContractSettled, nil,
if err != nil {
return err
if settled {
err = resolveHtlc(
key, htlc, HtlcStateSettled, updateTime,
if err != nil {
return err
amtPaid += htlc.Amt
return updateInvoiceAmtPaid(invoice, amtPaid, updater)
// cancelInvoice attempts to cancel the given invoice. That includes changing
// the invoice state and the state of any relevant HTLC.
func cancelInvoice(invoice *Invoice, hash *lntypes.Hash,
updateTime time.Time, update *InvoiceStateUpdateDesc,
updater InvoiceUpdater) error {
switch {
case update == nil:
case update.NewState != ContractCanceled:
return fmt.Errorf("unable to cancel invoice: "+
"InvoiceUpdateDesc.State not valid: %v", update)
var (
setID *[32]byte
invoiceIsAMP bool
invoiceIsAMP = invoice.IsAMP()
if invoiceIsAMP {
setID = update.SetID
newState, err := getUpdatedInvoiceState(invoice, hash, *update)
if err != nil {
return err
if newState == nil || *newState != ContractCanceled {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to cancel invoice(%v): new "+
"computed state is not canceled: %s", invoice.AddIndex,
err = updater.UpdateInvoiceState(ContractCanceled, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
invoice.State = ContractCanceled
for key, htlc := range invoice.Htlcs {
canceled, _, err := getUpdatedHtlcState(
htlc, ContractCanceled, setID,
if err != nil {
return err
if canceled {
err = resolveHtlc(
key, htlc, HtlcStateCanceled, updateTime,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getUpdatedInvoiceState validates and processes an invoice state update. The
// new state to transition to is returned, so the caller is able to select
// exactly how the invoice state is updated. Note that for AMP invoices this
// function is only used to validate the state transition if we're cancelling
// the invoice.
func getUpdatedInvoiceState(invoice *Invoice, hash *lntypes.Hash,
update InvoiceStateUpdateDesc) (*ContractState, error) {
// Returning to open is never allowed from any state.
if update.NewState == ContractOpen {
return nil, ErrInvoiceCannotOpen
switch invoice.State {
// Once a contract is accepted, we can only transition to settled or
// canceled. Forbid transitioning back into this state. Otherwise this
// state is identical to ContractOpen, so we fallthrough to apply the
// same checks that we apply to open invoices.
case ContractAccepted:
if update.NewState == ContractAccepted {
return nil, ErrInvoiceCannotAccept
// If a contract is open, permit a state transition to accepted, settled
// or canceled. The only restriction is on transitioning to settled
// where we ensure the preimage is valid.
case ContractOpen:
if update.NewState == ContractCanceled {
return &update.NewState, nil
// Sanity check that the user isn't trying to settle or accept a
// non-existent HTLC set.
set := invoice.HTLCSet(update.SetID, HtlcStateAccepted)
if len(set) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEmptyHTLCSet
// For AMP invoices, there are no invoice-level preimage checks.
// However, we still sanity check that we aren't trying to
// settle an AMP invoice with a preimage.
if update.SetID != nil {
if update.Preimage != nil {
return nil, errors.New("AMP set cannot have " +
return &update.NewState, nil
switch {
// If an invoice-level preimage was supplied, but the InvoiceRef
// doesn't specify a hash (e.g. AMP invoices) we fail.
case update.Preimage != nil && hash == nil:
return nil, ErrUnexpectedInvoicePreimage
// Validate the supplied preimage for non-AMP invoices.
case update.Preimage != nil:
if update.Preimage.Hash() != *hash {
return nil, ErrInvoicePreimageMismatch
// Permit non-AMP invoices to be accepted without knowing the
// preimage. When trying to settle we'll have to pass through
// the above check in order to not hit the one below.
case update.NewState == ContractAccepted:
// Fail if we still don't have a preimage when transitioning to
// settle the non-AMP invoice.
case update.NewState == ContractSettled &&
invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage == nil:
return nil, errors.New("unknown preimage")
return &update.NewState, nil
// Once settled, we are in a terminal state.
case ContractSettled:
return nil, ErrInvoiceAlreadySettled
// Once canceled, we are in a terminal state.
case ContractCanceled:
return nil, ErrInvoiceAlreadyCanceled
return nil, errors.New("unknown state transition")
// getUpdatedInvoiceAmpState returns the AMP state of an invoice (without
// applying it), given the new state, and the amount of the HTLC that is
// being updated.
func getUpdatedInvoiceAmpState(invoice *Invoice, setID SetID,
circuitKey models.CircuitKey, state HtlcState,
amt lnwire.MilliSatoshi) (InvoiceStateAMP, error) {
// Retrieve the AMP state for this set ID.
ampState, ok := invoice.AMPState[setID]
// If the state is accepted then we may need to create a new entry for
// this set ID, otherwise we expect that the entry already exists and
// we can update it.
if !ok && state != HtlcStateAccepted {
return InvoiceStateAMP{},
fmt.Errorf("unable to update AMP state for setID=%x ",
switch state {
case HtlcStateAccepted:
if !ok {
// If an entry for this set ID doesn't already exist,
// then we'll need to create it.
ampState = InvoiceStateAMP{
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
InvoiceKeys: make(
ampState.AmtPaid += amt
case HtlcStateCanceled:
ampState.State = HtlcStateCanceled
ampState.AmtPaid -= amt
case HtlcStateSettled:
ampState.State = HtlcStateSettled
ampState.InvoiceKeys[circuitKey] = struct{}{}
return ampState, nil
// canCancelSingleHtlc validates cancellation of a single HTLC. If nil is
// returned, then the HTLC can be cancelled.
func canCancelSingleHtlc(htlc *InvoiceHTLC,
invoiceState ContractState) error {
// It is only possible to cancel individual htlcs on an open invoice.
if invoiceState != ContractOpen {
return fmt.Errorf("htlc canceled on invoice in state %v",
// It is only possible if the htlc is still pending.
if htlc.State != HtlcStateAccepted {
return fmt.Errorf("htlc canceled in state %v", htlc.State)
return nil
// getUpdatedHtlcState aligns the state of an htlc with the given invoice state.
// A boolean indicating whether the HTLCs state need to be updated, along with
// the new state (or old state if no change is needed) is returned.
func getUpdatedHtlcState(htlc *InvoiceHTLC,
invoiceState ContractState, setID *[32]byte) (
bool, HtlcState, error) {
trySettle := func(persist bool) (bool, HtlcState, error) {
if htlc.State != HtlcStateAccepted {
return false, htlc.State, nil
// Settle the HTLC if it matches the settled set id. If
// there're other HTLCs with distinct setIDs, then we'll leave
// them, as they may eventually be settled as we permit
// multiple settles to a single pay_addr for AMP.
settled := false
if htlc.IsInHTLCSet(setID) {
// Non-AMP HTLCs can be settled immediately since we
// already know the preimage is valid due to checks at
// the invoice level. For AMP HTLCs, verify that the
// per-HTLC preimage-hash pair is valid.
switch {
// Non-AMP HTLCs can be settle immediately since we
// already know the preimage is valid due to checks at
// the invoice level.
case setID == nil:
// At this point, the setID is non-nil, meaning this is
// an AMP HTLC. We know that htlc.AMP cannot be nil,
// otherwise IsInHTLCSet would have returned false.
// Fail if an accepted AMP HTLC has no preimage.
case htlc.AMP.Preimage == nil:
return false, htlc.State,
// Fail if the accepted AMP HTLC has an invalid
// preimage.
case !htlc.AMP.Preimage.Matches(htlc.AMP.Hash):
return false, htlc.State,
settled = true
// Only persist the changes if the invoice is moving to the
// settled state, and we're actually updating the state to
// settled.
newState := htlc.State
if settled {
newState = HtlcStateSettled
return persist && settled, newState, nil
if invoiceState == ContractSettled {
// Check that we can settle the HTLCs. For legacy and MPP HTLCs
// this will be a NOP, but for AMP HTLCs this asserts that we
// have a valid hash/preimage pair. Passing true permits the
// method to update the HTLC to HtlcStateSettled.
return trySettle(true)
// We should never find a settled HTLC on an invoice that isn't in
// ContractSettled.
if htlc.State == HtlcStateSettled {
return false, htlc.State, ErrHTLCAlreadySettled
switch invoiceState {
case ContractCanceled:
htlcAlreadyCanceled := htlc.State == HtlcStateCanceled
return !htlcAlreadyCanceled, HtlcStateCanceled, nil
// TODO(roasbeef): never fully passed thru now?
case ContractAccepted:
// Check that we can settle the HTLCs. For legacy and MPP HTLCs
// this will be a NOP, but for AMP HTLCs this asserts that we
// have a valid hash/preimage pair. Passing false prevents the
// method from putting the HTLC in HtlcStateSettled, leaving it
// in HtlcStateAccepted.
return trySettle(false)
case ContractOpen:
return false, htlc.State, nil
return false, htlc.State, errors.New("unknown state transition")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
package invoices
import (
type updateHTLCTest struct {
name string
input InvoiceHTLC
invState ContractState
setID *[32]byte
output InvoiceHTLC
expErr error
// TestUpdateHTLC asserts the behavior of the updateHTLC method in various
// scenarios for MPP and AMP.
func TestUpdateHTLC(t *testing.T) {
testNow := time.Now()
setID := [32]byte{0x01}
ampRecord := record.NewAMP([32]byte{0x02}, setID, 3)
preimage := lntypes.Preimage{0x04}
hash := preimage.Hash()
diffSetID := [32]byte{0x05}
fakePreimage := lntypes.Preimage{0x06}
testAlreadyNow := time.Now()
tests := []updateHTLCTest{
name: "MPP accept",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: nil,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
expErr: nil,
name: "MPP settle",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: nil,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
expErr: nil,
name: "MPP cancel",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
invState: ContractCanceled,
setID: nil,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: nil,
expErr: nil,
name: "AMP accept missing preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: nil,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: nil,
expErr: ErrHTLCPreimageMissing,
name: "AMP accept invalid preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &fakePreimage,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &fakePreimage,
expErr: ErrHTLCPreimageMismatch,
name: "AMP accept valid preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "AMP accept valid preimage different htlc set",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &diffSetID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "AMP settle missing preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: nil,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: nil,
expErr: ErrHTLCPreimageMissing,
name: "AMP settle invalid preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &fakePreimage,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &fakePreimage,
expErr: ErrHTLCPreimageMismatch,
name: "AMP settle valid preimage",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
// With the newer AMP logic, this is now valid, as we
// want to be able to accept multiple settle attempts
// to a given pay_addr. In this case, the HTLC should
// remain in the accepted state.
name: "AMP settle valid preimage different htlc set",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &diffSetID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "accept invoice htlc already settled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: ErrHTLCAlreadySettled,
name: "cancel invoice htlc already settled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractCanceled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: ErrHTLCAlreadySettled,
name: "settle invoice htlc already settled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateSettled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "cancel invoice",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: time.Time{},
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateAccepted,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractCanceled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "accept invoice htlc already canceled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractAccepted,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "cancel invoice htlc already canceled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractCanceled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
name: "settle invoice htlc already canceled",
input: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
invState: ContractSettled,
setID: &setID,
output: InvoiceHTLC{
Amt: 5000,
MppTotalAmt: 5000,
AcceptHeight: 100,
AcceptTime: testNow,
ResolveTime: testAlreadyNow,
Expiry: 40,
State: HtlcStateCanceled,
CustomRecords: make(record.CustomSet),
AMP: &InvoiceHtlcAMPData{
Record: *ampRecord,
Hash: hash,
Preimage: &preimage,
expErr: nil,
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
testUpdateHTLC(t, test, testNow)
func testUpdateHTLC(t *testing.T, test updateHTLCTest, now time.Time) {
htlc := test.input.Copy()
stateChanged, state, err := getUpdatedHtlcState(
htlc, test.invState, test.setID,
if stateChanged {
htlc.State = state
htlc.ResolveTime = now
require.Equal(t, test.expErr, err)
require.Equal(t, test.output, *htlc)
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