mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 06:21:40 +01:00
lncli: add support for positional arguments for all commands (#120)
This commit updates the command line help for several commands within cmd/lncli to be more uniform, and also use the proper attributes within the urfave/cli project. Additionally, in several areas cli.Int was using used instead of cli.Int64 when parsing satoshis. This oversight has been rectified by modifying all incorrect occurrences. Finally, this commit, as its central contribution, adds the ability to mix and match positional arguments with key-word arguments for several commands! The following commands can now be used with either only positional arguments, only key-word arguments, or a mix of both when applicable: * openchannel * closechannel * sendpayment * getnodeinfo * getchaninfo * newaddress * sendcoins * sendmany * connect * addinvoice * lookupinvoice * queryroute The set of changes outlined above should make command line tinkering with `lnd` a bit more streamlined, yet still very flexible.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 376 additions and 109 deletions
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -54,8 +53,13 @@ func printRespJson(resp proto.Message) {
var NewAddressCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "newaddress",
Usage: "generates a new address. Three address types are supported: p2wkh, np2wkh, p2pkh",
Name: "newaddress",
Usage: "generates a new address.",
ArgsUsage: "address-type",
Description: "Generate a wallet new address. Address-types has to be one of:\n" +
" - p2wkh: Push to witness key hash\n" +
" - np2wkh: Push to nested witness key hash\n" +
" - p2pkh: Push to public key hash",
Action: newAddress,
@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ func newAddress(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
stringAddrType := ctx.Args().Get(0)
stringAddrType := ctx.Args().First()
// Map the string encoded address type, to the concrete typed address
// type enum. An unrecognized address type will result in an error.
@ -93,16 +97,18 @@ func newAddress(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var SendCoinsCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "sendcoins",
Description: "send a specified amount of bitcoin to the passed address",
Usage: "sendcoins --addr=<bitcoin addresss> --amt=<num coins in satoshis>",
Name: "sendcoins",
Usage: "send bitcoin on-chain to an address",
ArgsUsage: "addr amt",
Description: "Send amt coins in satoshis to the BASE58 encoded bitcoin address addr.\n\n" +
" Positional arguments and flags can be used interchangeably but not at the same time!",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "addr",
Usage: "the bitcoin address to send coins to on-chain",
Usage: "the BASE58 encoded bitcoin address to send coins to on-chain",
// TODO(roasbeef): switch to BTC on command line? int may not be sufficient
Name: "amt",
Usage: "the number of bitcoin denominated in satoshis to send",
@ -111,13 +117,48 @@ var SendCoinsCommand = cli.Command{
func sendCoins(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var (
addr string
amt int64
err error
args := ctx.Args()
if ctx.NArg() == 0 && ctx.NumFlags() == 0 {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "sendcoins")
return nil
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("addr"):
addr = ctx.String("addr")
case args.Present():
addr = args.First()
args = args.Tail()
return fmt.Errorf("Address argument missing")
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("amt"):
amt = ctx.Int64("amt")
case args.Present():
amt, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
return fmt.Errorf("Amount argument missing")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode amount: %v", err)
ctxb := context.Background()
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
req := &lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest{
Addr: ctx.String("addr"),
Amount: int64(ctx.Int("amt")),
Addr: addr,
Amount: amt,
txid, err := client.SendCoins(ctxb, req)
if err != nil {
@ -129,17 +170,21 @@ func sendCoins(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var SendManyCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "sendmany",
Name: "sendmany",
Usage: "send bitcoin on-chain to multiple addresses.",
ArgsUsage: "send-json-string",
Description: "create and broadcast a transaction paying the specified " +
"amount(s) to the passed address(es)",
Usage: `sendmany '{"ExampleAddr": NumCoinsInSatoshis, "SecondAddr": NumCoins}'`,
"amount(s) to the passed address(es)\n" +
" 'send-json-string' decodes addresses and the amount to send " +
"respectively in the following format.\n" +
` '{"ExampleAddr": NumCoinsInSatoshis, "SecondAddr": NumCoins}'`,
Action: sendMany,
func sendMany(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var amountToAddr map[string]int64
jsonMap := ctx.Args().Get(0)
jsonMap := ctx.Args().First()
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonMap), &amountToAddr); err != nil {
return err
@ -158,14 +203,15 @@ func sendMany(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var ConnectCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "connect",
Usage: "connect to a remote lnd peer: <pubkey>@host (--perm=true|false])",
Name: "connect",
Usage: "connect to a remote lnd peer",
ArgsUsage: "<pubkey>@host",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "perm",
Usage: "If true, then the daemon will attempt to persistently " +
"connect to the target peer. If false then the call " +
"will be synchronous.",
Usage: "If set, the daemon will attempt to persistently " +
"connect to the target peer.\n" +
" If not, the call will be synchronous.",
Action: connectPeer,
@ -176,7 +222,7 @@ func connectPeer(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
targetAddress := ctx.Args().Get(0)
targetAddress := ctx.Args().First()
splitAddr := strings.Split(targetAddress, "@")
if len(splitAddr) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("target address expected in format: " +
@ -201,15 +247,18 @@ func connectPeer(ctx *cli.Context) error {
return nil
// TODO(roasbeef): default number of confirmations
// TODO(roasbeef): change default number of confirmations
var OpenChannelCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "openchannel",
Description: "Attempt to open a new channel to an existing peer, " +
"optionally blocking until the channel is 'open'. Once the " +
Name: "openchannel",
Usage: "Open a channel to an existing peer.",
Description: "Attempt to open a new channel to an existing peer with the key node-key, " +
"optionally blocking until the channel is 'open'. " +
"The channel will be initialized with local-amt satoshis local and push-amt " +
"satoshis for the remote node. Once the " +
"channel is open, a channelPoint (txid:vout) of the funding " +
"output is returned. NOTE: peer_id and node_key are " +
"mutually exclusive, only one should be used, not both.",
Usage: "openchannel --node_key=X --local_amt=N --push_amt=N --num_confs=N",
ArgsUsage: "node-key local-amt push-amt [num-confs]",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "peer_id",
@ -233,6 +282,7 @@ var OpenChannelCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "num_confs",
Usage: "the number of confirmations required before the " +
"channel is considered 'open'",
Value: 1,
Name: "block",
@ -247,26 +297,67 @@ func openChannel(ctx *cli.Context) error {
ctxb := context.Background()
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
args := ctx.Args()
var err error
if ctx.Int("peer_id") != 0 && ctx.String("node_key") != "" {
// Show command help if no arguments provided
if ctx.NArg() == 0 && ctx.NumFlags() == 0 {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "openchannel")
return nil
if ctx.IsSet("peer_id") && ctx.IsSet("node_key") {
return fmt.Errorf("both peer_id and lightning_id cannot be set " +
"at the same time, only one can be specified")
req := &lnrpc.OpenChannelRequest{
LocalFundingAmount: int64(ctx.Int("local_amt")),
PushSat: int64(ctx.Int("push_amt")),
NumConfs: uint32(ctx.Int("num_confs")),
NumConfs: uint32(ctx.Int("num_confs")),
if ctx.Int("peer_id") != 0 {
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("peer_id"):
req.TargetPeerId = int32(ctx.Int("peer_id"))
} else {
case ctx.IsSet("node_key"):
nodePubHex, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("node_key"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode lightning id: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode node public key: %v", err)
req.NodePubkey = nodePubHex
case args.Present():
nodePubHex, err := hex.DecodeString(args.First())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode node public key: %v", err)
args = args.Tail()
req.NodePubkey = nodePubHex
return fmt.Errorf("lightning id argument missing")
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("local_amt"):
req.LocalFundingAmount = int64(ctx.Int("local_amt"))
case args.Present():
req.LocalFundingAmount, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode local amt: %v", err)
args = args.Tail()
return fmt.Errorf("local amt argument missing")
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("push_amt"):
req.PushSat = int64(ctx.Int("push_amt"))
case args.Present():
req.PushSat, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode push amt: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("push amt argument missing")
stream, err := client.OpenChannel(ctxb, req)
@ -322,10 +413,11 @@ func openChannel(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// TODO(roasbeef): also allow short relative channel ID.
var CloseChannelCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "closechannel",
Name: "closechannel",
Usage: "Close an existing channel.",
Description: "Close an existing channel. The channel can be closed either " +
"cooperatively, or uncooperatively (forced).",
Usage: "closechannel funding_txid output_index time_limit allow_force",
ArgsUsage: "funding_txid [output_index [time_limit]]",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "funding_txid",
@ -359,18 +451,51 @@ func closeChannel(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
txid, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(ctx.String("funding_txid"))
if err != nil {
return err
args := ctx.Args()
var (
txid string
err error
// Show command help if no arguments provieded
if ctx.NArg() == 0 && ctx.NumFlags() == 0 {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "closeChannel")
return nil
// TODO(roasbeef): implement time deadline within server
req := &lnrpc.CloseChannelRequest{
ChannelPoint: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint{
FundingTxid: txid[:],
OutputIndex: uint32(ctx.Int("output_index")),
Force: ctx.Bool("force"),
ChannelPoint: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint{},
Force: ctx.Bool("force"),
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("funding_txid"):
txid = ctx.String("funding_txid")
case args.Present():
txid = args.First()
args = args.Tail()
return fmt.Errorf("funding txid argument missing")
txidhash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(txid)
if err != nil {
return err
req.ChannelPoint.FundingTxid = txidhash[:]
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("output_index"):
req.ChannelPoint.OutputIndex = uint32(ctx.Int("output_index"))
case args.Present():
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode output index: %v", err)
req.ChannelPoint.OutputIndex = uint32(index)
req.ChannelPoint.OutputIndex = 0
stream, err := client.CloseChannel(ctxb, req)
@ -423,9 +548,9 @@ func closeChannel(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var ListPeersCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "listpeers",
Description: "List all active, currently connected peers.",
Action: listPeers,
Name: "listpeers",
Usage: "List all active, currently connected peers.",
Action: listPeers,
func listPeers(ctx *cli.Context) error {
@ -444,9 +569,8 @@ func listPeers(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var WalletBalanceCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "walletbalance",
Description: "compute and display the wallet's current balance",
Usage: "walletbalance --witness_only=[true|false]",
Name: "walletbalance",
Usage: "compute and display the wallet's current balance",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "witness_only",
@ -475,9 +599,9 @@ func walletBalance(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var ChannelBalanceCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "channelbalance",
Description: "returns the sum of the total available channel balance across all open channels",
Action: channelBalance,
Name: "channelbalance",
Usage: "returns the sum of the total available channel balance across all open channels",
Action: channelBalance,
func channelBalance(ctx *cli.Context) error {
@ -496,9 +620,9 @@ func channelBalance(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var GetInfoCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "getinfo",
Description: "returns basic information related to the active daemon",
Action: getInfo,
Name: "getinfo",
Usage: "returns basic information related to the active daemon",
Action: getInfo,
func getInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
@ -517,9 +641,8 @@ func getInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var PendingChannelsCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "pendingchannels",
Description: "display information pertaining to pending channels",
Usage: "pendingchannels --status=[all|opening|closing]",
Name: "pendingchannels",
Usage: "display information pertaining to pending channels",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "open, o",
@ -567,9 +690,8 @@ func pendingChannels(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var ListChannelsCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "listchannels",
Description: "list all open channels",
Usage: "listchannels --active_only",
Name: "listchannels",
Usage: "list all open channels",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "active_only, a",
@ -598,16 +720,17 @@ func listChannels(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var SendPaymentCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "sendpayment",
Description: "send a payment over lightning",
Usage: "sendpayment --dest=[node_key] --amt=[in_satoshis] --payment_hash=[hash] --debug_send=[true|false]",
Name: "sendpayment",
Usage: "send a payment over lightning",
ArgsUsage: "(destination amount payment_hash " +
"| --pay_req=[payment request])",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "dest, d",
Usage: "the compressed identity pubkey of the " +
"payment recipient",
cli.IntFlag{ // TODO(roasbeef): float64?
Name: "amt, a",
Usage: "number of satoshis to send",
@ -631,28 +754,73 @@ func sendPaymentCommand(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
// Show command help if no arguments provieded
if ctx.NArg() == 0 && ctx.NumFlags() == 0 {
cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "sendpayment")
return nil
var req *lnrpc.SendRequest
if ctx.String("pay_req") != "" {
if ctx.IsSet("pay_req") {
req = &lnrpc.SendRequest{
PaymentRequest: ctx.String("pay_req"),
} else {
destNode, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("dest"))
args := ctx.Args()
var (
destNode []byte
err error
amount int64
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("dest"):
destNode, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("dest"))
case args.Present():
destNode, err = hex.DecodeString(args.First())
args = args.Tail()
return fmt.Errorf("destination txid argument missing")
if err != nil {
return err
if len(destNode) != 33 {
return fmt.Errorf("dest node pubkey must be exactly 33 bytes, is "+
"instead: %v", len(destNode))
req = &lnrpc.SendRequest{
Dest: destNode,
Amt: int64(ctx.Int("amt")),
if ctx.IsSet("amt") {
amount = ctx.Int64("amt")
} else if args.Present() {
amount, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
args = args.Tail()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode payment amount: %v", err)
if !ctx.Bool("debug_send") {
rHash, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("payment_hash"))
req = &lnrpc.SendRequest{
Dest: destNode,
Amt: amount,
if ctx.Bool("debug_send") && (ctx.IsSet("payment_hash") || args.Present()) {
return fmt.Errorf("do not provide a payment hash with debug send")
} else if !ctx.Bool("debug_send") {
var rHash []byte
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("payment_hash"):
rHash, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("payment_hash"))
case args.Present():
rHash, err = hex.DecodeString(args.First())
return fmt.Errorf("payment hash argument missing")
if err != nil {
return err
@ -692,9 +860,11 @@ func sendPaymentCommand(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var AddInvoiceCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "addinvoice",
Description: "add a new invoice, expressing intent for a future payment",
Usage: "addinvoice --memo=[note] --receipt=[sig+contract hash] --value=[in_satoshis] --preimage=[32_byte_hash]",
Name: "addinvoice",
Usage: "add a new invoice.",
Description: "Add a new invoice, expressing intent for a future payment. " +
"The value of the invoice in satoshis and a 32 byte hash preimage are neccesary for the creation",
ArgsUsage: "value preimage",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "memo",
@ -706,9 +876,9 @@ var AddInvoiceCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "preimage",
Usage: "the hex-encoded preimage which will allow settling an incoming HTLC payable to this preimage",
Usage: "the hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming HTLC payable to this preimage",
Name: "value",
Usage: "the value of this invoice in satoshis",
@ -717,15 +887,43 @@ var AddInvoiceCommand = cli.Command{
func addInvoice(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var (
preimage []byte
receipt []byte
value int64
err error
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
preimage, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("preimage"))
args := ctx.Args()
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("value"):
value = ctx.Int64("value")
case args.Present():
value, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
args = args.Tail()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode value argument: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("value argument missing")
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("preimage"):
preimage, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("preimage"))
case args.Present():
preimage, err = hex.DecodeString(args.First())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse preimage: %v", err)
receipt, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("receipt"))
receipt, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("receipt"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse receipt: %v", err)
@ -734,7 +932,7 @@ func addInvoice(ctx *cli.Context) error {
Memo: ctx.String("memo"),
Receipt: receipt,
RPreimage: preimage,
Value: int64(ctx.Int("value")),
Value: value,
resp, err := client.AddInvoice(context.Background(), invoice)
@ -754,13 +952,13 @@ func addInvoice(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var LookupInvoiceCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "lookupinvoice",
Description: "lookup an existing invoice by its payment hash",
Usage: "lookupinvoice --rhash=[32_byte_hash]",
Name: "lookupinvoice",
Usage: "Lookup an existing invoice by its payment hash.",
ArgsUsage: "rhash",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "rhash",
Usage: "the payment hash of the invoice to query for, the hash " +
Usage: "the 32 byte payment hash of the invoice to query for, the hash " +
"should be a hex-encoded string",
@ -771,9 +969,22 @@ func lookupInvoice(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
rHash, err := hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("rhash"))
var (
rHash []byte
err error
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("rhash"):
rHash, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.String("rhash"))
case ctx.Args().Present():
rHash, err = hex.DecodeString(ctx.Args().First())
return fmt.Errorf("rhash argument missing")
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode rhash argument: %v", err)
req := &lnrpc.PaymentHash{
@ -791,9 +1002,8 @@ func lookupInvoice(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var ListInvoicesCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "listinvoices",
Usage: "listinvoice --pending_only=[true|false]",
Description: "list all invoices currently stored",
Name: "listinvoices",
Usage: "List all invoices currently stored.",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "pending_only",
@ -831,11 +1041,11 @@ var DescribeGraphCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "describegraph",
Description: "prints a human readable version of the known channel " +
"graph from the PoV of the node",
Usage: "describegraph",
Usage: "describe the network graph",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "render",
Usage: "If true, then an image of graph will be generated and displayed. The generated image is stored within the current directory with a file name of 'graph.svg'",
Usage: "If set, then an image of graph will be generated and displayed. The generated image is stored within the current directory with a file name of 'graph.svg'",
Action: describeGraph,
@ -1011,10 +1221,9 @@ func drawChannelGraph(graph *lnrpc.ChannelGraph) error {
var ListPaymentsCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "listpayments",
Usage: "listpayments",
Description: "list all outgoing payments",
Action: listPayments,
Name: "listpayments",
Usage: "list all outgoing payments",
Action: listPayments,
func listPayments(ctx *cli.Context) error {
@ -1034,11 +1243,12 @@ func listPayments(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var GetChanInfoCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "getchaninfo",
Usage: "getchaninfo --chan_id=[8_byte_channel_id]",
Usage: "get the state of a channel",
Description: "prints out the latest authenticated state for a " +
"particular channel",
ArgsUsage: "chan_id",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "chan_id",
Usage: "the 8-byte compact channel ID to query for",
@ -1051,8 +1261,22 @@ func getChanInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
var (
chan_id int64
err error
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("chan_id"):
chan_id = ctx.Int64("chan_id")
case ctx.Args().Present():
chan_id, err = strconv.ParseInt(ctx.Args().First(), 10, 64)
return fmt.Errorf("chan_id argument missing")
req := &lnrpc.ChanInfoRequest{
ChanId: uint64(ctx.Int("chan_id")),
ChanId: uint64(chan_id),
chanInfo, err := client.GetChanInfo(ctxb, req)
@ -1066,7 +1290,7 @@ func getChanInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var GetNodeInfoCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "getnodeinfo",
Usage: "getnodeinfo --pub_key=[33_byte_serialized_pub_lky]",
Usage: "Get information on a specific node.",
Description: "prints out the latest authenticated node state for an " +
"advertised node",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
@ -1084,6 +1308,10 @@ func getNodeInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
if !ctx.IsSet("pub_key") {
return fmt.Errorf("pub_key argument missing")
req := &lnrpc.NodeInfoRequest{
PubKey: ctx.String("pub_key"),
@ -1099,15 +1327,16 @@ func getNodeInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var QueryRouteCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "queryroute",
Usage: "queryroute --dest=[dest_pub_key] --amt=[amt_to_send_in_satoshis]",
Description: "queries the channel router for a potential path to the destination that has sufficient flow for the amount including fees",
Usage: "Query a route to a destination.",
Description: "Queries the channel router for a potential path to the destination that has sufficient flow for the amount including fees",
ArgsUsage: "dest amt",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "dest",
Usage: "the 33-byte hex-encoded public key for the payment " +
Name: "amt",
Usage: "the amount to send expressed in satoshis",
@ -1120,9 +1349,39 @@ func queryRoute(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
var (
dest string
amt int64
err error
args := ctx.Args()
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("dest"):
dest = ctx.String("dest")
case args.Present():
dest = args.First()
args = args.Tail()
return fmt.Errorf("dest argument missing")
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("amt"):
amt = ctx.Int64("amt")
case args.Present():
amt, err = strconv.ParseInt(args.First(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode amt argument: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("amt argument missing")
req := &lnrpc.RouteRequest{
PubKey: ctx.String("dest"),
Amt: int64(ctx.Int("amt")),
PubKey: dest,
Amt: amt,
route, err := client.QueryRoute(ctxb, req)
@ -1160,7 +1419,7 @@ func getNetworkInfo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var DebugLevel = cli.Command{
Name: "debuglevel",
Usage: "debuglevel [--show|--level=<level_spec>]",
Usage: "Set the debug level.",
Description: "Logging level for all subsystems {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical} -- You may also specify <subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,... to set the log level for individual subsystems -- Use show to list available subsystems",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
@ -1196,8 +1455,9 @@ func debugLevel(ctx *cli.Context) error {
var DecodePayReq = cli.Command{
Name: "decodepayreq",
Usage: "decodepayreq --pay_req=[encoded_pay_req]",
Usage: "Decode a payment request.",
Description: "Decode the passed payment request revealing the destination, payment hash and value of the payment request",
ArgsUsage: "pay_req",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "pay_req",
@ -1212,12 +1472,19 @@ func decodePayReq(ctx *cli.Context) error {
client, cleanUp := getClient(ctx)
defer cleanUp()
if ctx.String("pay_req") == "" {
return errors.New("the --pay_req argument cannot be empty")
var payreq string
switch {
case ctx.IsSet("pay_req"):
payreq = ctx.String("pay_req")
case ctx.Args().Present():
payreq = ctx.Args().First()
return fmt.Errorf("pay_req argument missing")
resp, err := client.DecodePayReq(ctxb, &lnrpc.PayReqString{
PayReq: ctx.String("pay_req"),
PayReq: payreq,
if err != nil {
return err
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